General Introduction

Introduction Physics Bachelor Tracks
Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Vakcode ?
Vaknaam Inleiding NBT
Niveau(s) bachelor
Voertaal Nederlands
Periode semester II a
Rooster Weekly: 2 x 2h lectures + 2 x 2h discussion group meetings
Uitgebreide vaknaam
Inleiding Natuurkunde Bachelor Tracks
ProgRESS naam
Inleiding NBT
Learning goals
- The student understands the essential physics issues of the various
bachelor tracks in physics to facilitate choosing between them.
- The student improves on various academic skills, in particular
working constructively in small teams, giving short educational
presentations to peers, and deepening the understanding of an assigned
subject in active discussions with peers thereby critically assessing
presentations of others.
By treating a few topics in depth, each of which may be viewed as
exemplary for a particular track, the student is able to get a glimpse of
the actual research in the various physics disciplines.
The examples are taken from the disciplines - theoretical physics, particle physics, - nano physics, - energy and environmental science,
and - life and health science.
In discussion groups of about 10 students a weekly casus is elaborated
in short student presentations to the rest of the group followed by active
discussions. The chair (one of the students, on a rotation basis) makes
sure that all members participate. A secretary takes notes to have a
short summary of the main out-come of the discussions. The group
assigns the topics for the presentations in the next session. All of this is
organized on a rotation basis.
The topics to be discussed during the discussion sessions are directly
related to the topic presented in the class-room lectures.
The section “Kennismaking Onderzoek” is part of this course.
Uren per week
2 x 2 lecture hours, 2 mandatory discussion session of 2 hours each.
Classroom lectures and mandatory discussion sessions
The final grade is determined based on a personal portfolio which
contains the presentations and their evaluation, a report of the
participation and input in the discussions, and the professional behavior
of the students (acting as chair & secretary).
Olaf Scholten
Klaus Jungmann, Harro Meijer, Antoine van Oijen, Diederik Roest,
Petra Rudolf