Florence Unified School District #1

Transportation Highlights
Thirty Years of Service
We would like to say farewell to Marilyn Dohrman. Marilyn has served our district for over thirty
years as a bus driver. She completed her time with our district in early January, and she will be
dearly missed. We would like to express our genuine thanks and admiration for the great job
Marilyn has done serving our kids and their families. She cared for them as if they were her own,
and she took pride in carrying them safely each and every day. Marilyn has served on the same
bus route for the entire length of her service. Thank you, Marilyn - we wish you the best.
Poston Butte Loading and Unloading
Plans for the movement of buses are underway, the recent rain has delayed our transition slightly
but we are still hoping to route buses from our PBHS location before the end of the month. The
implementation will shorten route times and allow us to utilize drivers for additional routes and
trips, with a savings to our district. In preparation for the transition, we have implemented a
change to our loading and unloading zone at PBHS from the north to the south side of the
campus. This was the first part of the process to our move. Students, staff, and drivers have
adjusted positively.
Skills Tests
Every one on our staff has completed their skills test successfully! The exercise was received
positively and drivers are looking forward to the next refresher opportunity.
Inclement Weather Stops
Recent rainy weather has challenged our staff and our department to effectively and clearly
communicate road conditions and bus stop alternates to our kids and parents of rural area routes.
We have been working diligently at creating a call group specifically for this type of situation.
Families of rural area routes whose bus stops will be affected by wet weather will receive a
Connect-ED message advising of the adjustment on the morning of the change. This
implementation will only occur after our mechanics have checked the roads to make sure they
cannot be traveled down safely. This will be a great way to contact families in a timely manner.
In addition, we have added the alternate bus stops to our web page for parent review. I would
like to congratulate and thank the entire transportation team for their perfect attendance, safety
first attitudes, and their valiant efforts during the rain to transport all of our district students
through detours and storm obstacles to and from school safely.
Activity Bus Training
Mr. Aaron Heinen participated in activity bus training this month. More and more district staff
members are becoming certified to drive the activity buses.
Tools and Resources
We are anxious to get started with our next new-hire trainee who will join us as a replacement for
Marilyn. We will be using a new training module for the first time in the classroom hours of his
training session, and we are looking forward to the feedback.
McKinney Vento Transportation
We have utilized special McKinney Vento funding to lease a vehicle to be used for students who
fall under the McKinney Vento Act. We partner with other districts to transport students to their
home school in the Florence Unified School District under specific circumstances. This funding
has allowed us to lease a vehicle to service those students that live far outside of our district
boundaries. This allows us to free-up district resources for closer additional routes.
Meet and Confer
We have reconvened for the new school year on the Meet & Confer committee in representation
of the classified staff. Milton Kelly is our Transportation representative. Milton reports back to our
staff weekly with updates and information. This, in turn, gives our drivers an opportunity to send
their questions, concerns, and suggestions to the table to be heard.
Facilities Highlights
Work Orders Completed
Support Services received and completed 1426 work orders last month. Nice hustle!
FHS Concessions
Concession stand renovations at FHS are complete. Everything is wrapped-up and the
improvements are done. We are anxious to see the use of the upgraded facility!
Meet and Confer
Classified Meet & Confer 2010 has begun, and our committee has been meeting each Tuesday
afternoon. It is a great opportunity for each department to have a voice that can bring
suggestions and concerns to be heard and responded to by our administration.
Storm Clean-Up
Our facilities, maintenance, grounds, and custodial teams all stepped-up in the stormy weather.
During the recent storms each campus was serviced to assist with all of the additional clean-up
and safety precautions for kids that come with wet weather. We all worked together through the
rainy days to make sure our buildings were safe, clean, and that any affects from our storms were
remedied quickly and positively. Thanks to everyone.
Maintenance and Ground care ongoing.