Tina Rae is currently working as a Senior Educational Psychologist

Tina Rae
BA(hons) PGCE RSADipSpLD ALCM MA(Ed) Msc DipPsych.
Brief Biography
Tina was born in Oxford and educated at Milham Ford School prior to attending the
University of Warwick where she studied Philosophy and Literature. She trained as a
teacher at the Roehampton Institute and undertook further studies in Education and
Psychology at the Open University. She completed an Msc in Professional
Educational Psychology at The Institute of Education in 2001-2 and is currently
completing a Doctorate in Applied and Educational Psychology at the University of
East London. She is also currently an Honorary lecturer in the department of
Psychology at UEL and also writes the e-bulletin for Social and Emotional Update
(Optimus Education). She regularly contributes to national conferences including
annual events for SEBDA, NASE and Optimus Education and is a full member of the
British Psychological Society and an HPC registered Educational Psychologist.
Tina is currently working as a Senior Educational Psychologist (Behaviour) whilst
continuing to write extensively, developing programmes and resources to support the
development of children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills.
She has produced 58 publications to date on topics such as Emotional Literacy, Social
skills development, Behaviour management, Well-being, SEALs, Loss and grief,
Behaviour management, Stress and Anger management and PSHE and Citizenship.
Tina is particularly keen to provide teachers with totally user friendly resources that
really engage and motivate students. She therefore continues to work directly with
both teachers and students in schools in order to develop such programmes and
Tina has wide and varied experience in the area of special educational needs and is
totally committed to promoting the mental health of both students and teachers in
Prior to training as an Educational Psychologist, Tina worked as a team leader for
Emotional and Behavioural difficulties, managing a team of teachers working across
all key stages in supporting young people and their parents and teachers. She also
taught for 16 years in a range of contexts and roles including that of a classroom
teacher, a SENCO and a Music and Creative Arts specialist.
Tina enjoys singing, music and drawing and relaxes by walking, going to the gym and
drinking wine and malt whiskey.