Overview on EUMETCast Products, as retrieved from the EUMETSAT Product Navigator (product status = “operational”; dissemination = “EUMETCast Europe”; access constraint = “Open Access”) 2009-09-12, ARE No Product Description, Usages AMSU-A GDS Level 1 – Metop AMSU-A GDS Level 1 – NOAA The Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) is a 15-channel microwave radiometer that is used for measuring global atmospheric temperature profiles and will provide information on atmospheric water in all of its phases (with the exception of small ice particles, which are transparent at microwave frequencies). AMSU-A will provide information even in cloudy conditions. AMSU-A measures Earth radiance at frequencies (in GHz) as listed under the instrument channel information. The Surface Soil Moisture L2 product is derived from the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) data and given in swath geometry. This product provides an estimate of the water saturation of the 5 cm topsoil layer, in relative units between 0 and 100 [%]. The algorithm used to derive this parameter is based on a linear relationship of soil moisture and scatterometer backscatter and uses change detection techniques to eliminate the contributions of vegetation, land cover and surface topography, considered invariant from year to year. Seasonal vegetation effects are modelled by exploiting the multiple viewing capabilities of ASCAT. The processor has been developed by the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Vienna University of Technology. The ASCAT Wind Product contains measurements of the wind direction and wind speed at 10 m above the sea surface. The measurements are obtained through the processing of scatterometer data originating from the ASCAT instrument on EUMETSAT's Metop satellite, as described in the ASCAT Wind Product User Manual. ASCAT surface soil moisture (12.5 km node grid) ASCAT surface soil moisture (25 km node grid) ASCAT winds (12.5 km node grid) ASCAT winds (25 km node grid) ATOVS GDS Level 2 Metop ATOVS Regional Data Service - NOAA and Metop AVHRR GDS Level 1 Metop AVHRR GDS Level 1 NOAA The Advanced TIROS Operational Sounder (ATOVS), in combination with the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), covers the visible, infrared and microwave spectral regions and thus has a wide range of applications: supplementing the retrieval of vertical temperature and humidity profiles, cloud and precipitation monitoring, sea ice and snow cover detection as well as surface temperature determination . ATOVS is composed of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit A, the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) and the High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS/4). Sounder data is produced by a set of the instruments making up the Advanced TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (ATOVS) and is used to obtain information about the vertical profile of temperature and humidity in the atmosphere. The radiation measurements from the ATOVS instruments can be assimilated directly into numerical models of the atmosphere. The EUMETSAT Advanced Retransmission Service (EARS) provides instrument data from the Metop and NOAA satellites collected via a network of HRPT stations. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) operates at 5 different channels simultaneously in the visible and infrared bands, with wavelengths specified in the instrument channels description. Channel 3 switches between 3a and 3b for daytime and nighttime. As a high-resolution imager (about 1.1 km near nadir) its main purpose is to provide cloud and surface information such as cloud coverage, cloud top temperature, surface temperature over land and sea, and vegetation or snow/ice. In addition, AVHRR products serve as input for the level 2 processing of IASI and ATOVS. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) operates at 5 different channels simultaneously in the visible and infrared bands, with wavelengths specified in the instrument channels description. Channel 3 switches between 3a and 3b for daytime and nighttime. As a high-resolution imager (about 1.1 km near nadir) its main purpose is to provide cloud and surface No Product AVHRR Regional Data Service - NOAA and Metop Active Fire Monitoring MSG (ASCII) Active Fire Monitoring MSG (GRIB) All Sky Radiances - MSG Atlantic Downward Longwave Irradiance at Low and Mid Latitudes Multimission Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature at Low and Mid Latitudes Multimission Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature, merged (MAP SST) Multimission Atlantic Surface Solar Irradiance at Low and Mid Latitudes Multimission Atmospheric Motion Vectors - MSG Description, Usages information such as cloud coverage, cloud top temperature, surface temperature over land and sea, and vegetation or snow/ice. In addition, AVHRR products serve as input for the level 2 processing of IASI and ATOVS. The global products from AVHRR on NOAA satellites are only available at Global Area Coverage (GAC) spatial sampling, namely 5.4 km across track x 3.2 km along track at nadir. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) is a multi-purpose imaging instrument used for the global monitoring of cloud cover, sea surface temperature, ice, snow and vegetation characteristics . The EUMETSAT Advanced Retransmission Service (EARS) provides AVHRR instrument data from NOAA satellites collected via a network of HRPT stations. Segments of one-minute duration are disseminated to users via EUMETCast. These segments can be concatenated together by users to construct a regional pass. Metop products are under development. The active fire monitoring product is a fire detection product indicating the presence of fire within a pixel. The underlying concept of the algorithm takes advantage of the fact that SEVIRI channel IR3.9 is very sensitive to hot spots which are caused by fires. The algorithm distinguishes between potential fire and active fire. Applications and Users: Fire detection and monitoring. The All Sky Radiances (ASR) product contains information on mean brightness temperatures and radiances from all thermal (e.g. infrared and water vapour) channels. It includes both clear and cloudy sky radiances and brightness temperatures. Applications and Users: Numerical weather prediction Estimation of the Downward Longwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface , derived from the geostationary satellites data (GOES and MSG). The 3-hourly Low Mid Latitude DLIvalues are mean values over the considered period of time, 3 or 24 hours. DLI values are expressed in tenths of W/m2. Estimation of Subskin SST (comparable to in situ measurements at night) derived from the geostationary satellites data (GOES and MSG). Estimation of Subskin SST (comparable to in situ measurements at night) derived from GOES, MSG and NOAA polar orbiter satellite data. Merged Atlantic products. Estimation of the solar irradiance reaching the Earth surface , derived from the geostationary satellites data (GOES and MSG). The daily Merged Atlantic Product SSI values are mean values over the considered period of time, 24 hours. SSI values are expressed in tenths of W/m2. Atmospheric Motion Vectors at all heights below the tropopause, derived from 5 channels (Visual 0.8, Water Vapour 6.2, Water Vapour 7.3, Infrared 10.8 and the High Resolution Visual channel), all combined into one product. Vectors are derived by tracking the motion of clouds and other atmospheric constituents as water vapour patterns. The initial resolution is a 24 pixels grid (HRV 12 high res. pixels), but as the algorithm tries to adjust the position to the point of the maximum contrast (typically cloud edges), the end resolution varies. Each AMV is assigned to a height using techniques varying with channel and tracked feature. An AMV product contains between 30 000 and 50 000 vectors depending of the time of the day, and uses SEVERI image data from Meteosat-8 and onwards. No Product Description, Usages Clear-Sky Reflectance Map - MSG Reflectances from the four MSG solar channels. Seven-day average of cloud-free pixels in the 12:00 UTC images. Applications and Users: Used to perform cloud masking with visible channels. Also information source for climate and land surface applications. Note: the product is available on request only. Identification of cloud layers with cloud type and coverage, height and temperature . Applications and users: Weather forecasting, numerical weather prediction, climate research and monitoring. Cloud Analysis - MFG Indian Ocean Cloud Analysis - MSG Cloud Analysis Image MSG Cloud Mask - MSG Cloud Top Height - MSG Divergence Product MSG Downwelling Surface LW Fluxes Downwelling Surface SW Fluxes EUMETCast Daily Log Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetic Active Radiation Identification of scenes type for each image segment. This is an image product derived along with CLA. Applications and Users: Weather forecasting, numerical weather prediction, climate research and monitoring. This product describes the scene type (either clear or cloudy) on a pixel level. Each pixel is classified as one of the following four types: clear sky over water, clear sky over land, cloud or not processed (off Earth disc). Applications and Users: The main use is in support of Nowcasting applications, where it frequently serves as a basis for other cloud products, and the remote sensing of continental and ocean surfaces. The product indicates the height of highest cloud. Based on a subset of the information derived during Scenes and Cloud Analysis, but also makes use of other external meteorological data. Applications and Users: Aviation meteorology. The Divergence is calculated directly from the field of the MSG channel 6.2 Atmospheric Motion Vectors. Only high level (above 400 hPa) vectors are considered, and the output variables are Horizontal Divergence and Relative Vorticity on a 32 x 32 pixel grid. Downwelling Surface Longwave Radiation Flux (DSLF) is the result of atmospheric absorption, emission and scattering within the entire atmospheric column and may be defined as the thermal irradiance reaching the surface in the thermal infrared spectrum (4-100mm). In clear sky situations DSLF depends on the vertical profiles of temperature and gaseous absorbers (primarily the water-vapour followed by CO2, and others of smaller importance like O3, CH4, N2O and CFCs). DSLF is directly related to the greenhouse effect and its monitoring has an important role in climate change studies. Other applications include meteorology (land applications) and oceanography (air-sea-ice interaction studies). The down-welling surface short-wave radiation flux (DSSF) refers to the radiative energy in the wavelength interval [0.3 microns, 4.0 microns] reaching the Earth's surface per time and surface unit. It essentially depends on the solar zenith angle, on cloud coverage, and to a lesser extent on atmospheric absorption and surface albedo. DSSF fields are crucial for a wide number of applications involving scientific domains like weather forecast, hydrology, climate, agriculture and environment-related studies. In numerical weather prediction and general circulation models of the atmosphere, satellitederived DSSF estimates can either be used as a control variable or as a substitute to surface radiation measurement networks. Daily Logs provide monitoring information on the various EUMETCast data streams . Each Daily Log contains a list of files disseminated on EUMETCast over the previous 24-hour period and provides the user with an indication of the successful/unsuccessful dissemination of products. For full details on how to utilise the Daily Logs, see the Daily Log User Guide. The Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (faPAR, The Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation) is an indicator of the state and productivity of vegetation and has been recognized as a fundamental surface parameter for environmental studies by international organizations. This quantity represents the fraction of the solar energy which is absorbed by vegetation and therefore plays the role of a battery during the plant photosynthetic process. No Product Fractional Vegetation Cover Global Instability Index MSG Global Metop SST HIRS GDS Level 1 Metop HIRS GDS Level 1 NOAA High Latitude Sea Ice Description, Usages Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC) defines an important structural property of a plant canopy, which corresponds to the complement to unity of the gap fraction at nadir direction, accounting for the amount of vegetation distributed in a horizontal perspective. FVC is related with the partition between soil and vegetation contribution for emissivity and temperature. This property is necessary for describing land surface processes and surface parameterisation schemes used for climate and weather forecasting. Besides, the FVC is relevant for a wide range of Land Biosphere Applications such us agriculture and forestry, environmental management and land use, hydrology, natural hazards monitoring and management, vegetation-soil dynamics monitoring, drought conditions and fire scar extent. Atmospheric air mass instability in cloud free areas. The original statistical algorithm was developed by the SAF in support of Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting but the GII is produced at EUMETSAT. The algorithm has later been replaced by a physical retrieval scheme. Applications and Users: Nowcasting (forecasting up to six hours) severe weather. Estimation of Subskin SST (comparable to in situ measurements at night) derived from the geostationary satellites data (GOES and MSG). Relation to bulk SST : equivalent to bulk SST by night. Relation to skin SST : by day and by night the subskin SST is convertible to skin temperature by subtracting 0.2K. The High Resolution Infrared Sounder (HIRS) operates at 20 channels (19 channels in the infrared and one in the visible). Its main purpose is to provide input for the vertical temperature and humidity profile retrievals. In addition, the HIRS pixel resolution serves as the standard grid resolution for all ATOVS level 2 products. The sea ice products have been developed to be derived from passive microwave, active microwave and optical sensors, using multi sensor methods with a Bayesian approach to combine different instruments and sensors. At present only SSM/I data from three channels is used operationally.They consist of Sea Ice Edge (closed ice/open ice/open water), Sea Ice Concentration (%) and Sea Ice Type (multi-year/first-year). IASI Atmospheric Temperature Water Vapour and Surface Skin Temperature - Metop IASI Cloud Parameters Metop Jason-2 Operational Geophysical Data Record The main objective of the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) is to provide high resolution atmospheric emission spectra to derive temperature and humidity profiles with high spectral and vertical resolution and accuracy. Additionally it is used for the determination of trace gases, as well as land and sea surface temperature, emissivity and cloud properties. The Atmospheric Water Vapour and Surface Skin Temperature ( TWT) product contains the vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity, with a vertical sampling at 90 pressure levels, and surface skin temperature. The vertical profiles are retrieved from the IASI sounder measurements (of IASI L1C product), which has a spatial sampling of about 25 km at nadir. The quality of the vertical profiles is strongly related to the cloud properties available in the IASI CLP product. The main objective of the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) is to provide high resolution atmospheric emission spectra to derive temperature and humidity profiles with high spectral and vertical resolution and accuracy. Additionally it is used for the determination of trace gases, as well as land and sea surface temperature, emissivity and cloud properties. The Cloud Parameters (CLP) product contains fractional cloud cover, cloud top pressure and temperature and cloud phase, retrieved from the IASI sounder measurements. The spatial sampling is ca. 25 km at nadir. The Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) - BUFR is a near real-time operational product delivered to users within 3 - 5 hours from instrument sensing. The main geophysical parameters in the OGDR product - derived from the Poseidon No Product Description, Usages - BUFR altimeter on board the Jason2 satellite - are significant wave height and ocean surface wind speed. Additionally, all necessary magnitudes contributing to the estimation of the sea surface height are provided, such as altimeter ranges, orbit data (altitude), water vapour correction, geophysical corrections and geophysical references. Other important parameters, intended to help with the interpretation and use of the data for different applications are also provided, including backscatter coefficients and a range of instrument and processing quality flags. Both 1Hz and 20Hz sampling data are included. The contents of this product directly map those of the OGDR product and mainly targets operational weather and ocean forecasting applications. The Operational Geophysical Data Record (OGDR) is a near real-time operational product delivered to users within 3 - 5 hours from instrument sensing. The main geophysical parameters in the OGDR product, derived from the Poseidon altimeter on-board the Jason2 satellite, are significant wave height and ocean surface wind speed. Additionally, all necessary magnitudes contributing to the estimation of the sea surface height are provided as well, such altimeter ranges, orbit data (altitude), water vapour correction, geophysical corrections and geophysical references. Finally, other important parameters, intended to help with the interpretation and use of the data for different applications, are provided as well, such as for example backscatter coefficients and a range of instrument and processing quality flags. Both 1Hz and 20Hz sampling data are included. This product is mainly targeting operational weather and ocean forecasting applications. The Operational Geophysical Data Record - Sea Surface Height Anomaly (OGDR-SSHA) is a near real-time operational product delivered to users within 3 - 5 hours from instrument sensing. It can be considered a subset, or derived data set from the complete OGDR product. The main geophysical parameter in the OGDR-SSHA product is sea surface height anomaly, derived from the Poseidon altimeter on-board the Jason2 satellite. This product is given at I Hz sampling, and includes all the parameters used in the calculation of sea surface height anomalies, such as altimeter ranges, orbit data (altitude), water vapour correction, geophysical corrections and geophysical references. Other important parameters, intended to help with the interpretation and use of the data for different applications, are also included in the product. These include backscatter coefficients and a range of processing quality flags. This product is mainly targeted at operational weather and ocean forecasting applications. Land Surface Temperature (LST) is the radiative skin temperature over land. LST plays an important role in the physics of land surface as it is involved in the processes of energy and water exchange with the atmosphere. LST is useful for the scientific community, namely for those dealing with meteorological and climate models. Accurate values of LST are also of special interest in a wide range of areas related to land surface processes, including meteorology, hydrology, agrometeorology, climatology and environmental studies. The Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) is a 5 channel instrument used to provide input to the retrieval of surface temperatures, emissivities, and atmospheric humidity. In combination with AMSU-A information it can also be used to process precipitation rates and related cloud properties, as well as to detect sea ice and snow coverage. Jason-2 Operational Geophysical Data Record - NetCDF Jason-2 Operational Geophysical Data Record - Sea Surface Height Anomaly Land Surface Temperature MHS GDS Level 1 Metop MHS GDS Level 1 NOAA Merged Atlantic Product Downward Longwave Irradiance - Multimission Merged Atlantic Product Surface Solar Irradiance Multimission Estimation of the Downward Longwave Irradiance reaching the Earth surface , derived from the geostationary satellites data (GOES and MSG). The daily Merged Atlantic Product DLI values are mean values over the considered period of time, 24 hours. DLI values are expressed in tenths of W/m2. Estimation of the solar irradiance reaching the Earth surface , derived from the geostationary satellites data (GOES and MSG). The daily Merged Atlantic Product SSI values are mean values over the considered period of time, 24 hours. SSI values are expressed in tenths of W/m2. No Product Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate - MSG (GRIB) Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate - MSG (JPG) Near Real Time Total Column - Metop North Atlantic and Regional Sea Surface Temperature (NAR SST) - Metop & NOAA-18 North Atlantic and Regional Sea Surface Temperature (NAR SST) - NOAA-17 Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Description, Usages The Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE) product consists of the near-real-time rain rates in mm/hr for each Meteosat image in original pixel resolution. The algorithm is based on the combination of polar orbiter microwave measurements and images in the Meteosat IR channel by a so-called blending technique. The MPE is most suitable for convective precipitation. Applications and Users: Operational weather forecasting in areas with poor or no radar coverage, especially in Africa and Asia. The Near Real Time Total Column (NTO) product provides information about total columns of two trace gases in the atmosphere: O3 (Ozone) and NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide), as well as tropospheric NO2. The product is disseminated as one file containing the total column ozone, the total column NO2, and the tropospheric NO2. This product is not archived. For an archived version, please refer to the Offline Total Column Product. Sea surface temperature for the NAR (Northern Atlantic and Regional Seas) based on Metop AVHRR data. Sea surface temperature for the NAR (Northern Atlantic and Regional Seas) The sea ice products have been developed to be derived from passive microwave, active microwave and optical sensors, using multi sensor methods with a Bayesian approach to combine different instruments and sensors. At present only SSM/I data from three channels is used operationally. They consist of Sea Ice Edge (closed ice/open ice/open water), Sea Ice Concentration (%) and Sea Ice Type (multi-year/first-year). Rapid Scan Active Fire Monitoring - MSG (ASCII) Rapid Scan Active Fire Monitoring - MSG (GRIB) Rapid Scan Atmospheric Motion Vectors - MSG Rapid Scan Global Instability Index - MSG Rapid Scan Meteosat SEVIRI Image Data - 0 degree The active fire monitoring product is a fire detection product indicating the presence of fire within a pixel. The underlying concept of the algorithm takes advantage of the fact that SEVIRI channel IR3.9 is very sensitive to hot spots which are caused by fires. The algorithm distinguishes between potential fire and active fire. Applications and Users: Fire detection and monitoring. Atmospheric Motion Vectors at all heights below the tropopause, derived from 2 channels (Visual 0.8 and Infrared 10.8), combined into one product. The same algorithm as for the Full Earth Scanning AMV product is used, but the area is limited to north of 35 degrees N. As the RSS image scanning frequency is only 5 minutes, the Final vector is a 15 minutes average of three 5 minutes vector components. A RSS AMV product contain between 1000 and 1500 vectors depending of the time of the day, and uses SEVERI image data from Meteosat-8 and onwards. It's the aim to extend both the area and the amount of channels when hardware resources has been made available. Atmospheric air mass instability in cloud free areas. The original statistical algorithm was developed by the SAF in support of Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting but produced at EUMETSAT. The algorithm has later been replaced by a physical retrieval scheme. Applications and Users: Nowcasting (forecasting up to six hours) severe weather. Rectified (level 1.5) Meteosat SEVIRI Rapid Scan image data. The baseline scan region is a reduced area of the top 1/3 of a nominal repeat cycle, covering a latitude range from approximately 15 degrees to 70 degrees. The service generates repeat cycles at 5-minute intervals (the same as currently used for weather radars). The dissemination of RSS data is similar to the normal dissemination, with image segments based on 464 lines and compatible with the full disk level 1.5 data scans. Epilogue and prologue (L1.5 Header and L1.5 Trailer) have the same structure. Calibration is as in Full Earth No Product Rapid Scan Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimate MSG (GRIB) Rapid Scan Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimate MSG (JPG) Regional Instability Index - MSG Snow Cover Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Surface Wind Vector (SeaWinds 100km) Surface Wind Vector (SeaWinds 25km) Total Ozone - MSG Tropospheric Humidity MSG Weekly Operations Schedule Description, Usages Scan. Image rectification is to 9.5 degreesE. The scans start at 00:00, 00:05, 00:10, 00:15 ... etc. (5 min scan). The differences from the nominal Full Earth scan are that for channels 1 - 11, only segments 6 - 8 are disseminated and for the High Resolution Visible Channel only segments 16 - 24 are disseminated. The Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE) product consists of the near-real-time rain rates in mm/hr for each Meteosat image in original pixel resolution. The algorithm is based on the combination of polar orbiter microwave measurements and images in the Meteosat IR channel by a so-called blending technique. The MPE is most suitable for convective precipitation. Applications and Users: Operational weather forecasting in areas with poor or no radar coverage. Atmospheric air mass instability. Developed by the SAF in support of Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting but produced at EUMETSAT. Applications and Users: Nowcasting (forecasting up to six hours) severe weather. This is the pixel-based version of the Global Instability Index (GII). It is produced for a subset of the MSG image disk over Europe. Snow Cover (SC) is the presence of snow over land. SC plays an important role in the physics of land surface as it is involved in the processes of energy and water exchange with the atmosphere. SC is useful for the scientific community, namely for those dealing with meteorological and climate models. Accurate detection of snow in a pixel is also important for a wide range of areas related to land surface processes, including meteorology, hydrology, climatology and environmental studies. The sea ice products have been developed to be derived from passive microwave, active microwave and optical sensors, using multi sensor methods with a Bayesian approach to combine different instruments and sensors. At present only SSM/I data from three channels is used operationally. They consist of Sea Ice Edge (closed ice/open ice/open water), Sea Ice Concentration (%) and Sea Ice Type (multi-year/first-year). Estimation of wind vectors from Scatterometer data (Seawinds) over the Atlantic Ocean at 10m height. The scatterometer wind products coming from the SeaWinds instrument on board the QuikSCAT satellite are processed towards a 100 km product at KNMI for the EUMETSAT OSI SAF. Details are described in the SeaWinds Product Manual. The OSI SAF 100 km product is developed for assimilation in numerical weather prediction models. Estimation of wind vectors from Scatterometer data (Seawinds) over the Atlantic Ocean at 10 m height. The scatterometer wind products coming from the SeaWinds instrument on board the QuikSCAT satellite are processed towards a 25 km product at KNMI for the EUMETSAT OSI SAF. Details are described in the SeaWinds Product Manual. Total density of ozone in atmospheric column for each image segment, based on the SEVIRI 9.7 micron Ozone channel and other IR and WV channels. Applications and Users: Numerical Weather Prediction Centres, Ozone Monitoring Services and Research Institutes. Relative humidity in both mid and upper layers of the troposphere, using a 16 x 16 pixel segment grid. The upper level is derived from the mean layer relative humidity between about 600 hPa and 300 hPa using the WV6.2 micron channel, while mid-tropospheric humidity represents the mean value between 850 hPa and 600 hPa using the WV7.3 micron channel The Weekly Operations Schedule announces the planned operational activities of EUMETSAT for the forthcoming week. It includes information on maintenance and operational activities which may interrupt the services provided by the Meteosat, Metop/NOAA, Jason-2 satellites and delivery mechanisms like EUMETCast and the Archive service. In addition, it announces the introduction of new products and modifications to existing products.