LAB 2: CL programming [due Feb. 11] Write a program that when run reads employee records [from a physical file] and calculates the commission based on 5% of the sales made by each employee. You must display the total commission for all employees as a message at the bottom of the screen. Handle all errors appropriately including the event that the physical file does not exist. A list of CL commands that you might require, are attached. [Refer to the EMPPAYPF physical file in QGPL] CL commands and Syntax: Command CALL CHGVAR DCL DCLF DO DSPMSG ELSE ENDDO ENDPGM GOTO IF MONMSG PGM RCVF RTVUSRPRF SNDF SNDMSG SNDPGMMSG SNDRCVF SNDUSRMSG WRKOUTQ WRKSPLF Parameter keyword(s) PGM VAR VALUE VAR TYPE LEN VALUE FILE CMD CMDLBL COND THEN MSGID CMPDTA EXEC PARM RTNUSRPRF TEXT MSG TOUSR MSG MSG OUTQ