Thursday 3 February – Theatre Night

Important Note For certain events involving buying tickets or
food, please give the organiser plenty of notice. Please be
aware that the final booking date for hostel weekends is
usually now 2 months in advance, so you need to book your
place(s) right at the start of this programme.
Sunday 16 February – Walk
Thursday 20 March – Theatre Evening
Subject to water levels, Andy hopes to take a stroll in/around
the Ouse/Ivel valleys starting from Great Barford. Please
contact him on B400231 if interested.
Another theatre production! This time ‘On Golden Pond’ by
Ernest Thompson at Sharnbrook Mill Theatre. Please contact
Laurie on B297026 to book your seat.
Tuesday 25 February – Theatre Evening
Saturday 22 March – Theatre Evening
The first of a few trips to the Castle Theatre, Wellingborough,
this time to see a production of ‘Amateur Girl’ in the studio
theatre! Please contact Ann on B781648 re tickets/further
Yet another theatre event – a John Godber production, ‘April in
Paris’, on show at The Castle (studio). Please contact Ann on
B781648 for ticket information.
Saturday 25 January – Walk
Please contact Matt on B406722 if interested in a late January
Wednesday 29 January – Theatre Evening
Thursday 27 March – Theatre Evening
28 Feb – 2 March 2014 – Hostel Weekend
Please contact Laurie asap on B297026 for ticket information
about the ‘Christine Bovill performs Piaf’ production at The
Place in Bedford.
Places now booked for Losehill YH in the Peak District. Please
contact Andy on B400231 for any late bookings.
Back to Sharnbrook Mill for another John Godber production,
Bouncers & Shakers, this time performed by the Youth Theatre.
Please contact Laurie on B297026 re ticket information.
Friday 31 January – Theatre Evening
Tuesday 4 March – Theatre Evening
Saturday 29 March – YHA Local Groups Conference
Discover some ‘Home Truths’ at The Place by ringing Laurie
asap on B297026 for ticket information
For ticket information about the Hedda Gabler production at
The Castle, Wellingborough, please contact Ann on B781648
This event will be held at Ilam Hall in the Peak District. Please
contact Ann on B781648 if you would like to come along.
Sunday 9 February – Walk
Saturday 8 March – Walk
Sunday 6 April – Walk
Please contact Lop on 01480 860082 for details of his planned
Ray is taking a stroll in the Wilden area today. Please contact
him on B781648 for details
Please contact Matt on B406722 for details about a walk in the
Chilterns…early bluebells a possibility!
Thursday 13 February – Pub/Curry Evening
Thursday 13 March – Pub Evening
Saturday 12 April – Programme Evening (7pm)
A regular event for Matt at Bedford’s Pilgrims Progress
Weatherspoons pub! Please contact him on B406722 if you
would like to come along.
Please contact Andy on B400231 for further details about the
pub evening at the Bedford Arms in Bedford.
The programme evening will be held at Laurie’s house in
Bedford. This will be a ‘bring a bottle/slab of cheese’ event, but
please contact her on B297026 for further details if required.
Sunday 16 March – Walk
Saturday 15 February – Food ‘Safari’
Based at Ann & Ray’s house in Sharnbrook, the safari takes us
on a journey by food - Helen – starter; Ann – main; Laurie –
pudding. Please contact either Ann or Ray on B781648 to let
them know you are coming.
Tuesday 15 April – Theatre Evening
Helen has arranged one of her regular Northants countryside
walks. Please contact her on 01933 278213 if interested in
coming along.
Please contact Ann on B781648 for ticket information about the
Reduced Shakespeare Company presentation of the ‘Complete
Works of God (abridged)’ at the Castle Theatre,
Friday 25 to Sunday 27 April – Hostel Weekend
Please contact Matt on B406722 to book your place for this
hostel weekend based on the South Downs near Newhaven.
Future Events:
Thursday 22 May – ‘Camelot’ at Sharnbrook Mill Theatre
(Laurie B297026)
Friday 23 – Monday 26 May 2014 – Stour Valley YH with
NOG (Ann B781648)
Sunday 29 June 2014 – BBQ/AGM c4pm (Ann B781648)
July 4/5 nights – Alnwick/Berwick YH 5 Nights (Ann
Thursday 14 to Monday 18 August Portreath YH with NOG
(Ann B781648)
Bedford Outdoor Group Committee
Ann Mayhew Chair
Matthew Hagger - Treasurer
Andy Burns Programme Sec.
Laurie Burt Publicity Officer
01234 781648
01234 406722
01234 400231
01234 297026
Programme - January to April 2014
Bedford Outdoor Group is an activity and social club
affiliated to the YHA and open for all ages. If you
would like to know more about the club or how to
become a member then please contact a member of
the committee.
Membership Fees per annum:
Adults £5
Children £2.50