Feudal Europe Study Guide Name__________________________ Feudalism 1. Know what Charlemagne accomplished during his reign. 2. Know the main reason the feudal system developed and when it started. 3. Know who the members of the feudal system are. 4. Know what an oath of fealty is and why they were given. 5. Know how serfs made their living and how they were mistreated. 6. Know what a guild is and name professions that had guilds. What is a charter? 7. Know why William the Conqueror and Clovis are important. 8. Name the similar classes between the church’s hierarchy and the hierarchy of feudalism: Monk: Pope: Bishop/Archbishops: 9. Know why castles were built and what life was like in them. 10. Describe the information in the Magna Carta. Tell why it was written. Tell which American document is modeled after it. 11. Define the following words: chivalry, excommunication, infidel, literacy, salvation, tithe, crusade, clergy, and universities. The Crusades 1. Know what was borrowed from Muslim culture after the Crusades 2. Know the positive and negative effects of the Crusades. The Plague 3. Know what caused the plague and how it was transmitted to people. 4. Know how the plague was brought to Europe and from where it originated. 5. Know how people tried to defend themselves against the plague. 6. Know what flagellants were and why they did what they did. 7. Know how many people died from the plague 8. Know how feudalism was affected by the plague. The Church 9. Know the series of events that happened between Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV and how those events led to the Concordat of Worms. 10. Tell what the Concordat of Worms stated. 11. Know how the church affected the daily life of people during the Middle Ages. 12. Describe how Jews were treated by Christians. 13. Know two unique architectural features of Gothic Cathedrals. 14. Know the focus of art during the Middle Ages and why that was the focus. 15. Know how the church influenced education during the Middle Ages. ESSAY question: What were the three main reasons for decline of feudalism?