The Effects of the Black Death

The Effects of the Black Death (1347-1667) on European
Because of the shock to available labour caused by the
Black Death the Feudal system that had previously
dominated Europe begins to collapse.
The economic impact of the plague was significant.
Agricultural prices dropped precipitously, endangering the
fortunes and power of the aristocracy, whose wealth and
dominance were based on land. At the same time , because
of the deaths of so many people , wages rose dramatically ,
giving labours some chance of improving there own
condition of employment. Increasing Numbers of people
Population impact. The virus and the plague have caused a
decline in society in terms of the number of deaths and the
economic loss in this world. For example, the Black Plague
destroyed one quarter of the European population and is called
one of the most significant diseases in history. Between 1348 and
1351, more than one million men, women, and children died in
England. This was over one third of England's population dead
due to this deadly virus
Working conditions. As large numbers of peasants die
from the Black Death rents are no longer paid, there is a
shortage of labour and serfs are no longer readily available
to be called up into regional military forces in times of need.
As a result of the labour shortages caused by the Black
Death the landed aristocracy begin to lose much of their
power and status.
Health and MedicineThe Black Death also had the effect
of modernizing medicine. Previously practitioners of
medicine relied upon biblical cures,
Towns and villages slowly began to implement local health
boards to develop and enforce sanitation procedures.
The Black Death had the effect of radically altering all
aspects of European Society. However, as local
populations finally began to develop immunity to the plague
and procedures for limiting the spread of disease the
survivors developed a new economy to replace the feudal
system. Europe became poised to enter the renaissance.