Title: Diagnose flaring source regions by using microwave type III burst pairs Baolin Tan Key Laboratory of Solar Activity, National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China bltan@nao.cas.cn Abstract: Microwave type III burst pair (type III pair) is believed to be a sensitive signature of the primary energy release and electron accelerations in the source region of solar flares. A type III pair is composed of normal and RS burst branches with fast oppositely frequency drift rates. Based on a full MHD equation, we developed a set of diagnostic formulas to diagnose the physical conditions of the source region of solar flares. These conditions include plasma density and its scale length, velocity and energy of electron beams, magnetic field and length of source regions. These formulas are applied to type III pairs in a postflare phase, and found the magnetic field near source region is about 40-75 G, electron beam energies of both normal and RS branches are the same in each type III pair event which implies that the upward and downward electron beams are possibly accelerated by same mechanism in the same region, the length of source region is 23--600 km. This method can also be applied to the much popular microwave type III bursts to diagnose the physical conditions of source regions.