CHRISTIAN MORALITY Tim Ervin --- Room 507, 773-772-4600, ext. 5071 --- Website: Goal: To expose students to reading material, classroom discussions, and other experiences that will hopefully enable them to be more open to development and/or growth in personal, moral values, specifically the development of a Christian Morality. Objectives: Students will reflect on the thematic question, what kind of person am I becoming and what kind of person do I want to become? Students will appreciate and understand the Christian vision of morality (Jesus as the model of full humanness) as a response to the above question. Students will know how to follow a process for moral decision making that incorporates the sources of help available to them. Students will develop an in-depth appreciation of the moral virtues of the Christian life and reflect on how these virtues apply to their own life. Requirements: Journal Bible Single subject spiral notebook 2 pocket folder Loose leaf paper, pens (blue/black and red) Evaluation: Standard Grading Scale: A+ 97 – 100 A 93 – 96 B+ 88 – 92 B 83 – 87 C+ 78 - 82 C 73 - 77 D+ 69 - 72 D 65 - 68 F Below 65 Overall Course Grade is based on the following: 25% - Projects 25% - Test/Quizzes (includes prayer journal) 25% - Assignments (homework, class work, and participation) 25% - Quarter Exam Course Specifics: Morality must be passed to graduate. All assignments must be satisfactorily completed. Due to the nature of the class, late assignments will be accepted, but lateness will drastically reduce grades. The highest grade a student can receive for late work is 50%. All work will be graded with a percent. It is expected that the work be neat and of a quality representative of a senior in high school who is preparing to enter college. All seniors must keep a journal. The first ten minutes of class on Friday will be journal time. Wednesday will be communal prayer day. See sheet on prayer for specifics concerning the journal and communal prayer. All seniors must complete 20 hours of community service. These hours may be completed in or out of school. Sheets from supervisor must be turned in to Ms. Kallok by the last day of exams. Classroom Rules Be on task --- be in your seat, with any due assignments already handed in, and be ready to begin work on the arrival assignment. Looking for paper or pen or book, etc. is NOT ready. Tardies may be issued for those not in their seat, quiet, and starting work on the arrival assignment at the bell. (Note: Stay in your seat throughout class unless instructed otherwise.) Additionally, STAY on task—Keep your focus on what is happening or being done in class at all times. Any work from other classes that is on out on your desk will be confiscated and given to that teacher to receive a zero. Finally, stay on task until the bell rings; don’t pack up until the bell rings. Be respectful --- of others, their views, and beliefs, and for the course material. No put downs of others, no harassment (see handbook), no laughter at others, no non-verbal disrespect (looks, gestures). This also means not distracting (by faces, gestures, noise, in any manner), but rather helping others stay on task. Don’t laugh at others receiving guidance, correction, and discipline. Be quiet --- Raise your hand for permission (to speak, move, etc.) Do not speak (or whisper) without permission. If someone else speaks to you, ignore them, don’t reply. And if the teacher raises his hand, instantly become quiet, please. Be your best --- We believe in hard work, effort, getting help, determination, and perseverance. Absence If ill when an assignment is made (excused absence), it is the student’s responsibility to inquire concerning the missed assignment and due date. The assignment is late if not turned in at this time. If ill on due date (excused absence), the student must turn in the assignment on the day he/she returns to class when presenting his/her admit slip. The assignment is late if not turned in at this time. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to make up missed tests/quizzes. There is a one week deadline to make up missed tests/quizzes after returning to school. If a student is absent for a class field trip or has a legitimate excuse for not attending, he/she must make up an equivalent assignment given by the teacher. If a student misses this class because of a field trip for another class, work must be turned in the day of the trip. Missed tests/quizzes must also be taken that same day before/after school, unless other arrangements are made with the teacher.