Annex 1 REIGATE AND BANSTEAD BOROUGH COUNCIL OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE IMPLEMENTING ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT (IEG) SCRUTINY REVIEW PANEL 24 MARCH 2005 Held at 6.30 p.m. in the Front Committee Room at the Town Hall, Reigate. Present: Councillors M.G. Ormerod (Chairman), R.M. Bennett, M.A. Brunt and N.D. Harrison. Officers in Support: Paul McCallum, Director of Resources, Graham Friday, Head of Finance and Procurement, Hew Penfold, Programme Manager, Business Solutions Chris Phelan, Scrutiny Support Officer 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillors S.A. Kulka and T.D. Stoddart. 2 REMIT OF THE PANEL It was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 2 March 2005 established the Panel to give consideration to the Council’s activities in relation to implementing Electronic Government and agreed that its remit would be to examine whether: 1. 2. 3. 3. the IEG programme is delivering value for money; the IEG priorities accord with the Council's priorities and are achievable in the time frame established; and the direction of travel is focussed in the appropriate areas to achieve maximum benefit for the public and the Council. INFORMATION TO SUPPORT THE PANEL’S WORK The Panel was provided with the following to assist its work in considering the IEG programme: • a copy of the IEG submission and the response received from the Government; • a presentation on the implementation of the IEG programme; • an indication of the overriding principles that guided decisions related to the availability of electronic information; • details of the BV Performance Indicator 157; • the publication “Modern Councils, Modern Services – Access for all” prepared by the ODPM. 4. IEG PROGRAMME REPORT TO THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE The presentation on the IEG Programme included details of the following: IEG4 submission to the ODPM and how it related to previous submissions including clarification on the Council’s priorities in the Corporate Plan and Change Programme; Achievements made to date, next steps to be taken, the management of the process and current/future funding; ODPM Priority Outcomes including reference to the different responsibilities for 1st and 2nd tier authorities; A comparison between the IEG4 submission and the BVPI 157 information; The Council’s ambition to be 100% compliant with the IEG4 by December 2005. The focus of the programme being towards the citizen becoming self-servicing; The likelihood that a further £150K Government funding would be provided in 2005/06; The projects likely to result in financial efficiency savings in 2005/6 and the 2006-09 Corporate Plan’s recognition of the IEG work; That further IEG submissions would be required in July and December 2005 which would form part of the future CPA analysis assessment; The total capital spent after three years of the programme was £4.3m. This had mostly been invested in infrastructure (£1.4m) and capability provision (£2.2m); and details of partnership work with suppliers (e.g. Novell & Orange), which had provided the opportunity to share risks and reduce costs, including work with Surrey e-Partnership. Value for Money The Panel noted the capital investment that had been made and how much of it had been focussed on infrastructure changes. This had allowed the back office systems such as council tax, planning etc to be updated. Links to the Help Shops had also been upgraded and the website was now hosted in-house (reducing the reliability on external providers). These developments had started to generate efficiencies. Cumulative savings of approximately £450k-£490k per year were anticipated to be achieved from 2005/06 onwards with an expected pay back on the total investment within 6 years. The Benefits Realisation Method, introduced during 2004, commissioned projects that would, on the whole, achieve actual financial benefit (with some exceptions of responding to legislative changes or “stepping stones” for future benefit). The Panel noted that the Change Programme built on the strategic direction in the Corporate Plan, which focussed on overall priorities and the cultural changes to be embedded to provide for customer needs. Council Priorities The Panel recognised that the main Organisational Development themes within the current Corporate Plan were “Driven by the Customer; Improving and Optimising our Performance and Learning and Developing”. The IEG programme of work was core to the Organisational Development element of these priorities, to be formed through the “Change Triangle”. This work would be further developed in the core objectives for Organisational Effectiveness as set out in the draft Corporate Plan for 2006-2009, which compliments and expands upon the existing Change Programme. Direction of Travel It was noted that the Government had set a “target” of 100% electronic enablement by December 2005. It was envisaged that the approach adopted would allow this to achieved, however it was noted that some priority outcomes would be completed later which allowed for the Council to prioritise the work that would help the development of the organisation with the priorities that have been set for it. Detailed points The following detailed points arose from the scrutiny exercise as summarised below: Where was the Council placed in comparative terms in the League Tables that measure and compare overall IEG performance; and Where appropriate efforts be made to purchase bespoke solutions/packages that provide the solution to IEG requirements e.g. web pages for Councillors. Conclusion The Panel concluded that: 1. The Director of Resources, Head of Business Solutions, Head of Finance and Procurement and Business Solutions Programme Manager be thanked for their efforts in supporting the work of the Panel, preparing the information presenting it to the Panel. 2. It was satisfied with the E-Gov work being undertaken and that it demonstrated, on the basis of the information available and the methodology and approach being used, that it was providing value for money. 3. The programme was following a carefully managed order of priorities that put the Council’s needs first and, at the same time, securing the Government’s IEG priorities. It was noted that there may be further value in additional promotion of the efforts of the E-Gov team to explain how this work was undertaken. 4. It was assured that the direction of travel being undertaken by the Council was clear, focussed and set with a purpose of ensuring that the Council became more efficient with the customer being the main beneficiary of the investment. There was a possible development on the tracking of feedback received as part of the continuous improvements to services. 5. To support the continuous improvement of the service it was suggested that 4 or 5 high level Performance indicators be added to the quarterly performance monitoring information brought to the Committee. This would compliment the approach envisaged for the 2006-09 Corporate Plan and a number of suggestions for the indicators were made including: customer uptake of online services offered; systems for recording the number and type of enquires and the performance of closing the loop on them; volumes of online services taken up; and indications of where problems had been notified and what management action was being taken to resolve them. Next Steps It was noted that the Panel’s report would be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 27 April 2005 when it would be helpful to have a summary presentation of the IEG work undertaken to demonstrate to the Committee the overall volume of work being undertaken. This would also allow the Panel’s conclusions to be put in context. 5. ANY OTHER BUSINESS None. 6. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING OF THE PANEL The Panel concluded its remit with this report and noted that no further meetings would be required. The meeting closed at 8.20pm. Chris Phelan Scrutiny Support Officer Democratic Services 01737 276114