Appendix 1: Papers selected for students’ assignments Assignment Aim Primer paper: used to Paper 1 orient students to reading a primary research article in the area of immunology. Chosen to highlight Paper 2 the application of techniques: Agglutination, precipitation, immunoprecipitation Reference Limited role of antibody in clearance of Streptococcus pneumoniae in a murine model of colonization. McCool TL, Weiser JN. Infect Immun. 2004 Oct; 72(10):5807-13. Paper 3 Chosen to highlight the application of techniques: ELISA and SDSPAGE/Western blot. Flagellin of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli stimulates interleukin-8 production in T84 cells. Zhou X, Giron JA, Torres AG, Crawford JA, Negrete E, Vogel SN, Kaper JB. Infect Immun. 2003 Apr;71(4):2120-9. Paper 4 Chosen to highlight the application of techniques: SDSPAGE/Western blot. Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) is serologically highly variable and is expressed by all clinically important capsular serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Crain MJ, Waltman WD 2nd, Turner JS, Yother J, Talkington DF, McDaniel LS, Gray BM, Briles DE. Infect Immun. 1990 Oct;58(10):3293-9. Characterization of the cross-reaction between type 19F(19) and 19A(57) pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides: compositional analysis and immunological relation determined with rabbit typing antisera. Krishnamurthy T, Lee CJ, Henrichsen J, Carlo DJ, Stoudt TM, Robbins JB. Infect Immun. 1978 Dec; 22(3):727-35. Used to assess The immune response to pneumococcal proteins students’ level of during experimental human carriage. McCool TL, Cate TR, Moy G, Weiser JN. J Exp Med. 2002 Feb competency in 4;195(3):359-65. reading and understanding immunology research articles. Note: All papers were chosen for their relevance to the research area of Host Pathogen Interactions using Streptococcus pneumoniae as the target organism. Each paper illustrated good research design, standard research article format, and followed the level of vocabulary and immunology content as it was introduced to the students in the course. Paper 5 Appendix 2: Part 1 and 2 of the assignments for papers 2, 3, and 4. Part 1 10 points Below you will find background information on a research paper and under another link under “Research Papers” you will find the introduction of that paper. You should read both of these carefully and then answer the following 1. In your own words, what is the specific question the researchers are trying to answer? Write this in such a way that someone who has not seen the paper would be able to understand it. Do not paraphrase the paper! 2. Why is it important to find the answer? 3. What immunological technique(s) that you are familiar with would be necessary to do in order to find the answer? Explain your reasoning for choosing this (these) technique(s). Please do not spend your time trying to find this paper on the Internet. Instead, spend your time reading the information and then THINKING about which technique(s) would be useful. We are not looking for the “right” answer, but to see that you can understand the techniques and when they are needed and explain your reasoning. Part 2 10 points Last week you were given the introduction of a research paper. You will now find the entire paper under “Research Papers”. You should read the paper and then answer the following: 1. What immunological technique(s) did the researchers use to answer the research question? 2. Does this agree with the technique(s) that you had determined? 3. Why do you think the researchers chose this (these) technique(s) for the given situation? 4. Do you agree with their choice or do you think there are other techniques that would be more appropriate? If you disagree, name the technique(s) and state why it (they) would be better. 5. Find another paper that uses one of these techniques, and give the full reference. Appendix 3: Experimental Design Project example scenario Herbal remedies have become very popular around the world (current world consumption of herbal drugs and functional foods exceeds $70 billion annually) and in the United States (the sale of national health products generated $26 billion in 1998). In the United States, herbs are considered dietary supplements, so the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate them, and therefore the claims of their abilities do not need to be verified as with other drugs. Thus their potential medicinal properties must be determined by scientific and clinical studies. Astragalus is a popular herb used in traditional Chinese medical theory (TCM). In TCM, one of its uses is as a tonic to enhance the immune system. Available samples**: Prepared Astragalus solution White blood cells (cell lines) Blood from healthy volunteers prior to taking Astragalus tonic for one week Blood from healthy volunteers after taking Astragalus tonic for one week Determine: 1) The specific research question 2) The techniques necessary to answer this question 3) The major materials needed 4) The exact protocols **Please note: Students were told that the scenarios are authentic but the samples with which they will work are not. The samples are set up as mock samples – for this example: Prepared Astragalus solution: students were provided with 5% complete media White blood cells: students were provided with B cells Blood prior to taking Astragalus: students were provided with 1 mg/ml BSA in water Blood after taking Astragalus: students were provided with 5 mg/ml BSA in water Appendix 4: BSCI 423 Immunology Laboratory Post-Course Survey 1. Please think about the way that WebCT was used in this course and how you used WebCT. What did you like the most about the use of WebCT in this course? 2. What can be improved regarding the use of WebCT? 3. How often do you access the BCSI 423 WebCT site? a. every day 19 = 36.5% b. every other day 22 = 42.3% c. 1 time a week 11 = 21.2% d. 1 time every other week e. Never 4. Five research papers were used in this course. What did you like about the research papers and the way that they were used? 5. What would you do to improve the use of papers in this course? In these next five questions we are trying to gauge the level of difficulty of the paper. 6. When reading Paper 1 “Limited Role of Antibody in Clearance of Streptococcus pneumoniae in a Murine Model of Colonization”: a. I felt completely overwhelmed 2 = 3.8% b. It was challenging, and I did not get the point of the paper. 4 = 7.7% c. It was challenging, but I learned from it. 26 = 50% d. It was straightforward. 9 = 17.3% e. I have read many papers before, so I had no difficulty with this one. 9 = 17.3% f. I don’t remember. 2 = 3.8% 7. When reading Paper 2 “Characterization of the Cross-Reaction between Type 19F(19) and Type 19A(57) Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides: Compositional Analysis and Immunological Relation Determined with Rabbit Typing Antisera”: a. I felt completely overwhelmed. 2 = 3.8% b. It was challenging, and I did not get the point of the paper. 8 = 15.4% c. It was challenging, but I learned from it. 18 = 34.6% d. It was straightforward. 16 = 30.8% e. I have read many papers before, so I had no difficulty with this one. 8 = 15.4% f. I don’t remember. 8. When reading Paper 3 “Flagellin of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Stimulates Interleukin-8 Production in T84 Cells”: a. I felt completely overwhelmed. b. It was challenging, and I did not get the point of the paper. 4 = 7.7% c. It was challenging, but I learned from it. 24 = 46.2% d. It was straightforward. 16 = 30.8% e. I have read many papers before, so I had no difficulty with this one. 8 = 15.4% f. I don’t remember. 9. When reading Paper 4 “Pneumococcal Surface Protein A (PspA) is Serologically Highly Variable and is Expressed by All Clinically Important Capsular Serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae”: a. I felt completely overwhelmed. b. It was challenging, and I did not get the point of the paper. 6 = 11.5% c. It was challenging, but I learned from it. 17 = 32.7% d. It was straightforward. 21 = 40.4% e. I have read many papers before, so I had no difficulty with this one. 8 = 15.4% f. I don’t remember. 10. When reading Paper 5 “The Immune Response to Pneumococcal Proteins during Human Experimental Carriage”: a. I felt completely overwhelmed. 1 = 1.9% b. It was challenging, and I did not get the point of the paper. 5 = 9.6% c. It was challenging, but I learned from it. 5 = 9.6% d. It was straightforward. 21 = 40.4% e. I have read many papers before, so I had no difficulty with this one. 10 = 19.2% f. I don’t remember. 11. The aim of Paper 1 was to share how scientific work is presented to other scientists through a formal research paper. Choose one answer: a. I did not know how scientific work is formally presented, and I learned how from this assignment. b. I did not know how scientific work is formally presented, and I did not learn how from this assignment. 1 = 1.9% c. I had some understanding of how scientific work is formally presented, but I learned more from this assignment. 9 = 17.3% d. I had some understanding of how scientific work is formally presented, and I did not learn more from this assignment. 6 = 11.5% e. I thought I understood how scientific work is formally presented, but I learned more from this assignment. 4 = 7.7% f. I thought I understood how scientific work is formally presented, and I did not learn more from this assignment. 2 = 3.8% g. I understood how scientific work is formally presented, but I learned more from this assignment. 17 = 32.7% h. I understood how scientific work is formally presented, and I did not learn more from this assignment. 13 = 25% 12. One aim of Papers 2, 3 and 4 was to teach you how to formulate a research question. Choose one answer: a. I did not know how to do this, and I learned how from these assignments. 3 = 5.8% b. I did not know how to do this, and I did not learn how from these assignments. 1 = 1.9% c. I had some understanding of how to do this, but I learned more from these assignments. 17 = 32.7% d. I had some understanding of how to do this, and I did not learn more from these assignments. 5 = 9.6% e. I thought I understood how to do this, but I learned more from these assignments. 6 = 11.5% f. I thought I understood how to do this, and I did not learn more from these assignments. 1 = 1.9% g. I understood how to do this, but I learned more from these assignments. 16 = 30.8% h. I understood how to do this, and I did not learn more from these assignments. 3 = 5.8% 13. One aim of Papers 2, 3 and 4 was to teach you how to choose appropriate techniques to answer a research question. Choose one answer: a. I did not know how to do this, and I learned how from these assignments. 7 = 13.4% b. I did not know how to do this, and I did not learn how from these assignments. c. I had some understanding of how to do this, but I learned more from these assignments. 19 = 36.5% d. I had some understanding of how to do this, and I did not learn more from these assignments. 3 = 5.8% e. I thought I understood how to do this, but I learned more from these assignments. 5 = 9.6% f. I thought I understood how to do this, and I did not learn more from these assignments. 1 = 1.9% g. I understood how to do this, but I learned more from these assignments. 15 = 28.8% h. I understood how to do this, and I did not learn more from these assignments. 2 = 3.8% 14. After you handed in both assignments for Paper 3, the instructor held a discussion on the paper and the assignments. Choose the answer which best fits. a. I thought it was very helpful. 11 = 21.2% b. I thought it was somewhat helpful. 24 = 46.2% c. I thought it was not very helpful. 12 = 23.1% d. I thought it was not helpful at all. 5 = 9.6% 15. What did you like about the Experimental Design Project? 16. Please let us know if there are any improvements needed to ensure that the research papers, assignments and course design prepare you for the Experimental Design Project. 17. Describe the one thing that you found most rewarding about working in a group for the Experimental Design Project. 18. Describe the one thing that you would change with respect to group work for the Experimental Design Project. 19. Were the research papers and assignments useful in preparing you for the Experimental Design Project? a. Yes, I thought they were very helpful. 20 = 38.4% b. Yes, I thought they were somewhat helpful. 17 = 32.7% c. Yes, but I thought they were not very helpful. 6 = 11.5% d. No, I thought they were not helpful at all. 9 = 17.3% 20. Was any previous coursework you have had helpful in preparing you for the Experimental Design Project? Explain. 21. Was the Immunology Lecture course helpful in preparing you for the Experimental Design Project? Explain. 22. What did you learn about how science is conducted from the Experimental Design Project? Explain. 23. After taking this course, do you think that you know more about research than before? a. Yes, I know much more. 22 = 42.3% b. Yes, I know some more. 11 = 21.2% c. Yes, I know a little more. 16 = 30.8% d. No, I do not know more. 3 = 5.8% 24. Did this course meet your expectations? Yes = 42 = 80.8%; No = 2 = 3.8%; Exceeded = 6 = 11.5%; NA = 2 = 3.8% 25. Would you recommend this course to your friends? Why or why not? Yes = 50 = 96.2% No = 2 = 3.8%