Classical Myth Chapter 8,9,10 Presentations

Classical Myth Chapter 8,9,10 Presentations
You will be divided into groups of 3-5 and assigned pages. Your group is
responsible for creating a presentation on those pages, including all answers to
the questions presented here and any further information the group finds on
their god/goddess or myth. You may do a skit of your myth.
1. Teach lesson on topic answering all the questions on this sheet (A play could
serve to represent your myth as well.)
2. Use notecards- do not read source or from Classical Myth
3. Hand out of information
4. Measure understanding; quiz, crossword, w/s, question or test. Your group
is responsible for grading.
5. Visual aid- poster, model, overhead, powerpoint.
6. Bibliography card with three sources.
Points-You will be graded individually, but foremost, I am looking for quality!
1. 10 points
2. 10 points
3. 25 points
4. 20 points
5. 25 points
6. 10 points
100 points total
Group 1- Demeter 229-242, 204
Group 2- Aphrodite 204-215
Group 3-Artemis 216-221
Group 4- Athena 222-226
Group 5-Dionysus 263-272, 285-288
Group 6-Dionysus cult and theatre 272-284, 289-294
Group1 Questions-Demeter
1. Demeter’s name means ________________? Describe Demeter and Persephone.
2. Who could have Demeter been the predecessor to in a modern context?
3. Summarize/act out the myth of Hades, Demeter, and Persephone. (Be DETAIL
4. Who promised Persephone to Hades?
5. How was Persephone lured away?
6. Who abducted her and how?
7. Who told Demeter of Persephone’s fate?
8. Where did Demeter go and what became her job?
9. What happen with Metaneira and her child? Why was Demeter angry?
10. What was Demeter trying to give the child?
11. How does Demeter finally get Zeus to have Hades return Persephone?
12. What did Persephone eat and what di that bind her to?
13. Persephone’s fate can be compared to whom in Greek society and why?
14. What could Demeter represent in Greek society?
15. What is the symbolism connected to the pomegranate?
16. What does the myth itself represent?
Group 2 Questions-Aphrodite
1. Who is Aphrodite’s constant companion? Describe him.
2. Explain temple prostitution.
3. Aphrodite and Hermes had a child. Who was this child? Briefly explain the myth
surrounding him.
4. Who was Pygmalion and why was he upset?
5. This myth was the basis for what play and what musical?
6. Summarize/act out the myth of Pygmalion.
7. What did he create and how did it come to life?
8. Who was Myrrha and why was she punished?
9. Summarize the myth of Myrrha.
10. Male gods could pursue mortal women. Could female goddesses pursue mortal
11. Summarize the myth of Anchises and Aphrodite.
12. Why does Zeus have Aphrodite fall for a mortal?
13. What lie does she tell?
14. What are Anchises instructions after they lie together?
15. A myth about the same lovers has a different ending. Summarize the different
16. Describe Aphrodite. (Pictures?)
17. Review any myths you already know about Aphrodite.
Group 3 Questions-Artemis
1. Explain Artemis. (Pictures?)
2. Review any myths you already know about Artemis.
3. If a woman died suddenly, what was the explanation?
4. Act out/summarize the myth of Niobe.
5. Define exemplum. Use the Achilles myth as an example.
6. Summarize/act out the myth of Orion.
7. What was Orion’s crime?
8. How was Orion punished?
9. Act out/summarize the myth of Actaeon.
10. What was Actaeon’s crime?
11. How was he punished?
12. What do the Artemis myths reflect? Give some examples.
Group 4 Questions-Athena
1. Describe Athena. (Pictures?)
2. Review any myths you already know about Athena.
3. How does Athena participate in the Iliad?
4. Who did she watch over?
5. What does Athena represent?
6. Compare Athena and Prometheus?
7. Act out/summarize the myth of Arachne.
8. What was Arachne’s crime?
9. What opportunities for repentance did Athena give her?
10. What was Arachne’s punishment?
11. Why was Athena so angry?
12. What modern day word do we have from this myth and why?
Group 5 Questions-Dionysus
1. Describe Dionysus. (Pictures?)
2. Summarize act out the beginnings of Dionysus.
3. Who was his mother and how did she get killed?
4. Who was driven mad by Hera and why?
5. Define and describe the followers of Dionysus.
6. Who was Dionysus wife?
7. Explain/act out the myth of Lycurgus.
8. What was Lycurgus crime and how was he punished?
9. Explain the myth of the Minyads.
10. Explain the myth of the Proetids.
11. Explain act out the myth involving Dionysus and the pirates.
12. What elements of folktale are evident in the Dionysus myths?
13. Explain madness.
14. Explain how the Greeks managed this irrationality in the face of their reason.
Group 6 Questions-Dionysus: Thebes, Cult, Theatre
1. Explain the myth of Pentheus. You may act out a small section if you wish, but
not the whole play.
2. Who makes up the chorus is this play?
3. Define and explain agon.
4. When and why does the chorus sing a rapid lyric?
5. How is Dionysus and his religion different from the other Olympian religions and
6. Describe and explain the cult and Dionysus’ followers. Include their names and
modern words derived from this.
7. Why did the cult appeal especially to women? (There are two explanations.)
8. There are two festivals in honor of Dionysus. Describe them.
9. Define and describe the dithyramb.
10. List and explain the three theories about the origin of theatre.
11. Who is Thespis and what did he do?
12. Aeschylus and Sophocles added what?
13. Describe the differences between comedy and tragedy.