History Resource Center: World

History Resource Center: World
Primary Source Documents
A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force Under the Great Britain. General
Command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby, July 1917 to October 1918
Headquarters. Egyptian
Expeditionary Force
A woman's trek from the Cape to Cairo. With sixty-four illustrations and two Hall, Mary
maps. London, Methuen & co. [1907?]
Address by President Mandela on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Mandela, Nelson
General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade (GATT)
African Cultures and Globalisation: A Call to Resistance
Hountondji, Paulin J.
World War I
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Description and
History of Women (Harvard)
Agreement between Germany and France Relative to Morocco, February 9,
Allied Morale during Operation TORCH, 1942
Deutsche Stiftung fur
Internationale Entwicklung.
Outside PSM collections
Germany and France,
Governments of
Churchill, Winston, S.
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Northwest Africa
Anglo-Abyssinian Agreement, Correspondence, June-November 1944
United Kingdom and Ethiopia, Anglo-Abyssinian
Governments of; Anthony
Eden; Minister of State
Appeal by Leaders of the African National Congress, the South African Indian Albert Luthuli, G.M. Naicker, Racism and
Congress and the Liberal Party of South Africa for a boycott of South African Peter Brown
produce by the British people, December 1959
Atrocities of Justice Under British Rule in Egypt
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
Camp David Accords, September 17, 1978
Israel and Egypt, Governments Arab-Israeli
Caoutchouc: Rapport de la Compagnie Forestière de la Sangha-Oubangui
Colonial Economy
(Rubber: Report of the Forestry Company of the Sangha-Oubangui)
Churchill on Operation TORCH, 1942
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Committee Report regarding Policy toward Ethiopia, November 8, 1941;
Message from the Prime Minister to the Emperor of Ethiopia, May 10, 1941;
Telegram from Emperor for the Right Honourable Winston Churchill, Prime
Minister, May 7, 1941
Correspondence relating to the Menace operation (occupation of Dakar),
Declassified Documents, September 1940
Correspondence with the Emperor of Ethiopia, March 4, 1943; Letter to British
Prime Minister Winston Churchill from Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie,
January 10, 1943; Letter from Winston S. Churchill to Ethiopian Emperor
Haile Selassie, September 22, 19
Cotton Growing in Egypt: A Report by Arno Schmidt
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston S., Haile
Dakar. Operation
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston S.
Dakar Operation.
Churchill at War
Eden, Anthony; Haile Selassie; World War II.
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill at War
International Federation of
Cotton Spinners and
Manufacturers' Associations
Declaration Adopted by the World Conference on Sanctions against Racist
World Conference on
South Africa, Paris, 20 June 1986
Sanctions against Racist South
Africa (United Nations)
Declaration between the United Kingdom and France Respecting Egypt and
Great Britain and France,
Morocco, Together with the Secret Articles Signed at the Same Time, April 8, Governments of
Discussions on Role of French Navy and French North Africa, 1940-1941
Churchill, Winston S
Middle East
Economy and
Racism and
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Churchill at War
Dispute Between Ethiopia and Italy. Communication, dated March 15th, 1937, Selassie, Haile
from M. Haile Selassie.
Egypt As We Knew It
Butcher, E.L. (Edith Louisa)
Egyptian Restrictions on Israeli Shipping in the Suez Canal: United Nations
Security Council Resolution, September 1, 1951
United Nations
Excerpt from On the Edge of the Primeval Forest & More from the Primeval
Forest: Experiences and Observations of a Doctor in Equatorial Africa
Excerpt from The Abandoned Baobab: The Autobiography of a Senegalese
Schweitzer, Albert
The Gale Group
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Bugul, Ken
Outside PSM collections
League of Nations Documents
British Colonialism Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Politics, Economy Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 1 of 51
Excerpt from Travels in the Congo
Gide, André
Excerpts from Africa from Port to Port
Mott-Smith, May
Excerpts from Letters from the Gold Coast
Excerpts from Old Fallacies with a New Look; Ignoring the Africans
Windsor, Princess Marie
Sampson, Anthony
Foreign and Colonial Speeches
Chamberlain, Joseph
Colonialism and
Colonialism and
Colonialism and
Perceptions of
French Somaliland
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Future of Italian Colonies, Declassified Documents, September 1944 February 1945
General Ismay for C.O.S. regarding the Menace Operation (Occupation of
Dakar), August 8, 1940; Correspondence relating to the Menace Operation
(Occupation of Dakar), July 30, 1940; Churchill's Letter to General deGaulle,
July 30, 1940; Spears Report on d
Historical Analysis
Colville, J.R.; Kull, Cordell
World War II.
Churchill, Winston S
Dakar, Operation
Churchill at War
Touré, Sékou
Outside PSM collections
Impact of War on the French Colonies in Africa, 1940
Imperial Federation, 1902.
United Kingdom Intelligence
Chamberlain, Joseph
World War II.
Italian Libya
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Italian Somaliland
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Italy's Civilizing Mission in Africa
De Vecchi, Dr. Paolo
Excerpt from West African Passage: A Journey through Nigeria, Chad, and the Perham, Margery
Cameroons, 1931-1932
Excerpts from A Tropical Dependency
Shaw, Flora (Lady Lugard)
Joseph Chamberlain in South Africa, 1903.
La religion et la famille en Afrique (Religion and the Family in Africa)
Tastevin, R.P.
La Situation de l'Afrique Équatoriale Française (The Situation in French
Equatorial Africa)
Les événements de la haute Sangha (Events in the Upper Sangha)
Merlin, M. [gouverneur
Letter dated July 12, 1948 from the representative of India to the SecretaryGeneral concerning the Treatment of Indians in South Africa and Statement by
Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Chairperson of the delegation of India to the
United Nations, introduc
Letter to Leonid Brezhnev on Arms Race and Peace in the Middle East,
January 26, 1977.
Letter to W.E. Dowding, Cape Argus.
Delegation of India to the
United Nations
Map of Africa, for use with Christus Liberator, an Outline Study of Africa,
published by the Central Committee on the United Study of Missions.
Copyright, 1905, by the J.N. Matthews Co., Buffalo, NY
Mediterranean Theatre and Operation TORCH, 1942
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Boer War
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
North Africa:
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Italian Colonialism Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
French colonialism. Outside PSM collections
Racism and
Outside PSM collections
Carter, Jimmy (United States
Woods, Edith
Cold War
World War I
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Yale University
Churchill, Winston S.
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Churchill at War
Memorandum to Miss Edith M. Woods, Cape Argus, Cape Town.
World War I -
Modern Egypt
North Africa.
Social Life and
Military Strategy.
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Baring, Evelyn (Earl of
Morocco After Twenty-Five Years: A Description of the Country, Its Laws and Kerr, Robert
Customs, and the European Situation
Morocco's Role in the War, Declassified Documents, October 1940 - February Churchill, Winston S.
My Sudan Year
Stevens, E.S.
Churchill at War
Nigeria, Africa, and the World in the Next Millenium
Obasanjo, Olusegun
Colonialism. Social Western Books: The Middle East
Life and Customs From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Operation THREAT, Reports, 1940
British Chiefs of Staff
World War II.
The Gale Group
Churchill at War
Page 2 of 51
Operations in East Africa Command, Declassified Documents, July 1941January 1943
Policies of Apartheid of the Government of South Africa - International
Convention against Apartheid in Sports, December 1985
Policy toward Vichy Forces and Operation TORCH, 1942
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
United Nations General
Churchill, Winston, S.
Outside PSM collections
Preliminary Poem
Senghor, Léopold Sédar
Program Proposal: An Integrated Plan for Regional Forest Conservation and
Management in Southeastern Cameroon, Southwestern Central African
Republic and Northern Congo
Renseignements sur les Concessions (Information on Concessions)
World Wildlife Fund
Racism and
World War II.
Northwest Africa
United Nations Commission
on the Racial Situation in the
Union of South Africa
British War Cabinet; E.L.
Spears (Major-General)
Ethiopia and Italy
(Government of).
Ethiopia (Government of).
Racism and
Hoare, Samuel
Spanish Morocco
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Study in Response to National Security Study Memorandum 39: Southern
National Security Council
Interdepartmental Group for
Telegram from the United Kingdom High Commissioner in the Union of South Smuts (General); Winston S.
Africa, January 28, 1941; Telegram to the United Kingdom High
Commissioner in the Union of South Africa, January 26, 1941; Copy of
Telegram from the United Kingdom High Commissioner
The Freedom Charter Adopted by the Congress of the People, Kliptown, South Congress of the People,
Africa, 26 June 1955
Kliptown, South Africa
The Imperialist Infrastructure of Material and Personnel
Ly, Abdoulaye
The Women of Egypt
Three Years in the Libyan Desert: Travels, Discoveries and Excavations of the
Menas Expedition (Kaufmann Expedition)
The Gale Group
World War II.
Northwest Africa
North Africa:
Politics, Economy
and Society
Racism and
Italian East Africa
Racism and
Sankara, Thomas
Houénou, Marc Kojo Tovalou French
Baring, Evelyn (Earl of
Senghor, Léopold Sédar
Cooper, Elizabeth
Middle East Social
Life and Customs
Falls, J.C. Ewald
North Africa:
Travel and
French Colonialism
- Togo
Churchill, Winston S.
Togoland under British Mandate; Petition, dated July 3rd, 1928, from the chief
inhabitants of Wome (Togoland under the French Mandate).
Transfer of Madagascar to the Free French, Document, August and November
Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919
League of Nations
Outside PSM collections
Dakar, Operation Churchill at War
Italian Colonialism. League of Nations Documents
Italian Colonialism League of Nations Documents
Churchill, Winston, S.
Spain and Operation TORCH, 1942
The Situation in Egypt: Address Delivered to the Eighty Club, December 15th,
The Struggle for Négritude
Outside PSM collections
Colonial Economy Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Selections from Freedom in Our Lifetime: The Collected Writings of Anton
Lembede, Anton Muziwakhe Racism and
Muziwakhe Lembede
Seventy-One Days' Camping in Morocco
Grove, Agnes Gertrude (Lady) Africa: Social Life
and Customs
Situation report. Cameroons, September 3, 1940
Governor of Nigeria
Dakar, Operation
Soviet Objectives and Strategy in the Middle East; A Memorandum to the U.S. Hilsman, Roger
Soviet Policy Secretary of State, February 8, 1963.
Middle East
The Political Orientation Speech and We Must Fight against Imperialism
The Problem of Negroes in French Colonial Africa
Outside PSM collections
Colonial Economy Outside PSM collections
Renseignements sur les Concessions (Information on Concessions)
Report of the United Nations Commission on the Racial Situation in the Union
of South Africa, 1953 (followed by Second Report, 1954 and Third Report,
Report regarding The Dakar Operation, February 5, 1941; and Correspondence
to Major-General Sir H.L. Ismay, September 30, 1940
Request by the Ethiopian Government. Memorandum by the Italian
Government on the Situation in Ethiopia. September 11th, 1935.
Request by the Ethiopian Government. Report of the Council, under Article
15, paragraph 4 of the Covenant, submitted by the Committee of the Council
on October 5th, 1935, and adopted by the Council on October 7th, 1935.
Role of North Africa in Resistance to Germany, May 1940-November 1942
Churchill at War
Statehood in
Eastern Europe
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
League of Nations Documents
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Page 3 of 51
United States and British Views of Charles de Gaulle, Correspondence, July
Churchill, Winston S. and
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Use of French Manpower in North Africa, Declassified Documents, June 1944 de Gaulle, Charles and War
Cabinet (British)
What is Black Consciousness?
Pityana, Nyameko
World War II. De Churchill at War
Gaulle. Resistance
Churchill at War
Racism and
Outside PSM collections
White Racism and Black Consciousness
Biko, Steve
Outside PSM collections
With Chamberlain through South Africa: A Narrative of the Great Trek
Griffith, George
With Mulai Hafid at Fez: Behind the Scenes in Morocco.
Harris, Lawrence
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
1926 King-Byng Affair
King, William Lyon
Mackenzie, Governor General
Byng, and L.S. Amery
Foote, Katharine
World War I
88 bis and V.I.H. Letters from two hospitals, by an American V.A.D. Boston,
The Atlantic monthly press, 1919.
A diplomat's wife in Mexico. Letters from the American embassy at Mexico
City, covering the dramatic period between Oct. 8, 1913, and the breaking off
of diplomatic relations on April 23,1914 ... together with an account of the
occupation of Vera Cruz ...
A Four-Power Program in the Carribean
History of Women (Radcliffe)
O'Shaughnessy, Edith
Veracruz, Mexico-- History of Women (Radcliffe)
occupation, 1914.
Taussig, Charles W.
Carribean, Cold
Cold War
A Necessary Introduction from The Diary of Che Guevara
Castro, Fidel
A Synopsis of State and Intelligence Material Reported to the President
[Eisenhower], October 29, 1959.
Eisenhower, John S.D.,
(Officer in the United States
Cameron, Charlotte
A woman's winter in South America ... London, S. Paul & co. [1911]
Outside PSM collections
Description and
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
History of Women (Harvard)
A women's point of view; some roads to peace, by Harriot Stanton Blatch ...
New York, The Woman's press, 1920.
Blatch, Harriot (Stanton)
Address before the 43rd Session of the UN General Assembly, September 26,
Address before the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee Regarding Central America Democracy,
Peace and Development Initiative, February 21, 1984
Address on Peace and Democracy for Nicaragua, February 2, 1988
Reagan, Ronald
Outside PSM collections
Motley, Langhorne A.
Outside PSM collections
Reagan, Ronald
Outside PSM collections
Address on the Anniversary of the Revolution, 1983
Ortega, Daniel
Outside PSM collections
Address to Congress on Relations with the Military, December 21, 1988
Alfonsín, Raúl (president)
Argentina-Military Outside PSM collections
Address to Continental Debt Conference, August 4, 1985
Castro, Fidel
Fidel Castro-Economics
Address to the Organization of American States, Washington, D.C., February
25, 1982
Address to the United Nations General Assembly, September 23, 1985
Reagan, Ronald
Sarney, José (President)
Outside PSM collections
Addresses in Chile, April 1987
John Paul II (Pope)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Japan. Politics
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Addresses on Change of Presidents, September 28, 1985
Barletta, Nicoleas Ardito and
Eric del Valle (presidents)
Agreement Establishing the Carribean Free Trade Association, December 1965 CARIFTA (Caribbean Free
Trade Association)
American policy in the Far East, 1931-1940.
Bisson, T.A. (Thomas Arthur),
Anniversary Speech . . . Replying to President Reagan's UN Speech, October, Ortega, Daniel
8, 1988
Antarctic Treaty, 1959 (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan,
New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, U.S.S.R., Great Britain, and United
States, Governments of)
Apology for the Coup
Lon Nol
Armistice Terms: Allied Defeat of Italy, Declassified Documents, July-August Churchill, Winston S.
The Gale Group
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
World War II. Italy Churchill at War
Page 4 of 51
Autobiography of Sir Arthur Lewis
Lewis, Sir Arthur
Outside PSM collections
Award of Bronze Star to General Omar Bradley, January 9, 1945
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
World War II.
United States
Churchill at War
Bird's Eye View of Panama Canal, 1910
Yale University
Blason (Coat of Arms)
Chocano, José Santos
Brief of the Japanese American Citizens League, Amicus Curiae, 1944
Asian Americans
Outside PSM collections
Broadcast Address following the Presidential Elections, December 15, 1989
Japanese American Citizens
Pinochet, Augusto (General)
Outside PSM collections
Cable regarding the creation of a combined Food Board, May 23, 1942
Woolton (Lord)
California and the Japanese
Payson, J. Treat
World War II. Food Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Canada Act (UK), 1982
Great Britain, Parliament of
Caribbean Basin Economy Recovery Act
United States. Congress
Carranza's Protests Against the Veracruz Occupation, 1914
Carranza, Venustiano
Carta de Demisión del Presidente Getulio Vargas (Suicide Note)
Vargas, Getulio
Charter of Punta del Este, 1961
Che Guevara's Remarks on Trade with the Soviet Union.
Organization of American
Organization of American
Central Intelligence Agency
Che's [Ernesto Guevera] Revolutionary Thought and Action Discussed.
Central Intelligence Agency
Communism Revolution
Chile Begins Its March Towards Socialism
Allende, Salvador
Churchill's Conversation with Charles deGaulle, January 16, 1944
Cooper, Duff
World War II
Churchill at War
Asian Americans
Outside PSM collections
Central America,
Outside PSM collections
Consensus of Cartagena, June 22, 1984
United States. Department of
Cartagena Group
Constitution Act, 1982: Part 1, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canada, Parliament of
Constitution Act
Outside PSM collections
Constitution of 1917, articles 27 and 123
Mexico, Government of
Contadora Act on Peace and Cooperation in Central America, June 7, 1986
Contadora Group
Conversations between Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President
Franklin D. Roosevelt on Japan, July-August 1941
Copy of GOC's report to New Zealand Government on Operations at Casino,
April 4, 1944
Correspondence to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, June 16, 1942,
February 26, 1942, December 19, 1941; Correspondence to British Prime
Minister Winston S. Churchill and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, July 8,
Correspondence with Eisenhower and Winston S. Churchill regarding
DeGaulle's Proposed Victory Broadcast, June 1944; General DeGaulle's
Victory Broadcast, June 6, 1944, and Churchill's Response, June 5, 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
Charter of the Organization of American States, 1948
Churchill's Visit to Greece and the Appointment of a Regent, Correspondence, Roosevelt, Franklin D., King
December 1944 - January 1945
of Greece; Winston S.
Citizen 13660
Okubo, Miné
Communist Interference in El Salvador: The White Paper, 1981
Correspondence with Generals Macarthur and Chiang Kai-Shek
Freberg, B.C.
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Central America,
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Churchill at War
Military Operations Churchill at War
Lindemann, Frederick A., and World War II.
Churchill at War
Viscount Cherwell; Harcourt Economic Situation
Johnson; Viscount Halifax
in Great Britain
President Franklin Roosevelt;
General Charles DeGaulle;
General Dwight D.
Churchill, Winston S.
Covert Operations Designed to Reduce and Retract Soviet Influence and Power Psychological Strategy Board
Cuban Confidence in the Ultimate Victory of the 'Latin American Revolution'; Hughes, Thomas
a Memorandum, May 20, 1965.
Dawes Committee Report
Dawes, Charles G., et al.
Declaration of Caracas, 1954
Organization of American
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
World War II. DDay: Victory
Churchill at War
World War II.
United States
Support for
Cold War
Churchill at War
Cold War Communism.
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 5 of 51
Declaration of Montevideo, December 18, 1985
Cartagena Group
Declaration of the Alliance, 1961
Alliance for Progress
Outside PSM collections
Declaration of the Presidents of America: Meeting of American Chiefs of
State, Punta del Este, April 12-14, 1967
Declaration, August 10, 1967
Presidents of the American
OLAS (Organización Latino
Americana de Solidaridad)
Nicaraguan Democratic Force Central America,
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Eden, Anthony
World War II.
Outside PSM collections
Organization of American
Combined British Chiefs of
Churchill, Winston, S.
Outside PSM collections
Declaration, February 21, 1984
Declarations of War on Japan, December 1941
Declassified Documents Relating to Outbreak of War with Japan, October
1941-January 1942
Demining in Central America
Directive to Supreme Commander [Eisenhower], Allied Expectionary Force,
February 13, 1944
Directives for Relief and Rehabilitation after the War, 1944
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Draft of King's Proposed Victory Speech, Sent to Franklin D. Roosevelt, June
2, 1944
Draft U.S. Statement on Cuba in the Security Council, Addressed to Adlai
Stevenson, U.S. Ambassador to U.N. and John J. McCloy, Adviser to the
President on Disarmament Matters, December 6, 1962.
Drago Doctrine
World War II. DDay
World War II. PostWar Relief
Bolivia and Paraguay (Foreign Conflict Bolivia
Ministries of).
and Paraguay
League of Nations. Council.
Conflict Bolivia
and Peru
Duarte, José Napoleón
Central America,
Eden, Anthony
World War II. Iran
United Nations Security
Latin America,
Falklands Island
Churchill, Winston S.
D-Day. German
Bundy, McGeorge. (Under
Cold War - Cuba
Secretary of State. United
Missile Crisis
States. Department of State)
Drago, Luis María
Dumbarton Oaks Conversations, 1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
Churchill at War
Economic Integration: The OECS Experience
Organization of Eastern
Carribean States (OECS)
Dispute Between Bolivia and Paraguay. (Various documents)
Dispute Between Colombia and Peru.
Document of Principles and Norms Presented . . . to Guerrillas . . . , October
15, 1984
Document regarding Persia, January 26, 1945
Documents Pertaining to the Anglo-Argentine War, April 1982
World War II.
Churchill at War
League of Nations Documents
League of Nations Documents
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
Economic Role of NATO: Background Paper, December, 1957.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Cold War
Employment of a British West Indian Contingent in a Theatre of War, January British Secretary of State for World War II.
3, 1944
the Colonies
Enforcement of Anti-clericalism
Calles, Plutarco Elías
Outside PSM collections
Fujimori, Alberto (President)
Outside PSM collections
Essays on Germany's Colonial Claims
Von Epp, Ritter; L.S. Amery;
Pierre Orts
Excerpt from All Ye That Labor: An Essay on Christianity, Communism and
the Problem of Evil
Excerpt from court martial of Anibal Escalante and thirty-six others accused of
microfactionist activities, February 1968
Excerpt from Decree of President Menem, Pardoning Military Officers for
Human-Rights Violations, October 8, 1989
Excerpt from Father and Glorious Descendant
De Koster, Lester
Communism and
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Outside PSM collections
Castro, Fidel
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Menem, Carlos Saúl
Human Rights
Outside PSM collections
Lowe, Pardee
Asian Americans
Outside PSM collections
Excerpt from In His Own Words: Sandino's Autobiography
Sandino, Augusto César
Outside PSM collections
Excerpt from The Memoirs of Richard Nixon
Nixon, Richard
Excerpt from The Peyote Cult
La Barre, Weston
Excerpt from The Plan of Ayala, 1911
Zapata, Emiliano
Central America,
Opening with
China, 1972
Natives and
Central America
Excerpt from The Plan of Ayala, 1911
Zapata, Emiliano
Excerpt of La Razon de mi Vida (My Reason for Living)
Perón, Evita
Outside PSM collections
Excerpt of the Immigration Act, 1917
United States Congress
American Journey: The AsianAmerican Experience
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 6 of 51
Excerpts from Ariel
Rodó, José Enrique
Excerpts from Billy Sunday, the Man and his Message: With his Own Words
Which Have Won Thousands for Christ
Ellis, William T.
Excerpts from La Razon de mi Vida (My Reason for Living).
Perón, Evita
Excerpts from Nunca Más (Never again)
Comisión Nacional Sobre la
Desaparición de Personas
Cartagena Group
Excerpts from Objetivos del Acuerdo de Cartagena (Objectives of the
Cartagena Accord)
Excerpts from Radical Party Platform, 1983 (Plataforma Radical del Presidente Alfonsín, Raúl
Raúl Alfonsín, 1983)
Excerpts from Seven Essays of Interpretation of Peruvian Reality
Mariátegui, José Carlos
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Human Rights
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Excerpts from Tratato Para la Proscripcion de las Armas Nucleares en la
America Latina, Tlatelolco (The Tlatelolco Treaty for the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons in Latin America), 1967
Excerpts of the Address on the Twelfth Anniversary of the Coup, September
11, 1985
Export Policy of Trusts in Certain Foreign Countries.
Tlateloco, Treaty
Latin America,
Outside PSM collections
Nuclear Arms Race Outside PSM collections
Pinochet, Augusto (General)
Extermination of Jews in Europe, British Declassified Documents, December
Great Britain. Foreign Office
World War II.
Extracts from Soviet Interrogation Records of U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers.
Soviet Union
Cold War
Farewell Address, November 30, 1988
de la Madrid, Miguel
Military Junta
Chamberlain Papers. Series Two:
The Papers of Austen
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
Final Document of the Military Junta Regarding the War against Subversion
and Terrorism: The Fundamental Concepts, 1983
Final Draft of Presidential Statement on the Espionage Trial of Julius and Ethel Truman, Harry S.
Finances of Relief after World War II, 1943-1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
Human Rights
Outside PSM collections
Cold War
World War II.
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Churchill at War
FMLN General Command's Year-End Message, January 1, 1989
FMLN, El Salvador
Outside PSM collections
Food, Population and Economic Growth: A White House Background Paper,
Foreign and Colonial Speeches
White House
Cold War
Chamberlain, Joseph
Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Moscow, September-October 1943,
Four-Powers Declaration, 1943
Churchill, Winston S.; British Peace Settlement
Foreign Office
United Nations
World War II.
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Churchill at War
Framework Agreement for the Resumption of the Negotiating Process . . . ,
January 1994
Free World Views of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Balance of Power, August 29, 1960.
Guatemala, Government of,
and URNG
United States Information
Central America,
Cold War.
Joint Planning Staff
Military Operations Churchill at War
Future World Organization, 1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Germany and Austria in The Post-Surrender Period, September 1944; The
British and American Directives on Germany, December 8, 1944
Germany's Foreign Policy
British War Office
World War II.
Churchill at War
Hitler, Adolph
Grenada Documents: An Overview and Selection
United States. Department of
State and Department of
Organization of Eastern
Caribbean States (OECS)
Guevara, Che
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Outside PSM collections
Front de Libération du Quebec Manifesto, October 8, 1970
Future of Italian Colonies, Declassified Documents, September 1944 February 1945
Future Operations in South-East Asia, November 22, 1943
Grenada: A Preliminary Report, 1983
Guerrilla Warfare
The Gale Group
Board of Trade for the Cabinet International
(Great Britain)
Finance. Exports
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (United States
Information Agency)
Front de Libération du Quebec Canada, Separatism Outside PSM collections
(Quebec Liberation Front)
Colville, J.R.; Kull, Cordell
World War II.
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 7 of 51
Heinrich Himmler's Surrender Offer, Top Secret Report, December 15, 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
Held Up the Wrong Man
Rogers, William Allan
Himmler's Peace Surrender and Correspondence between Churchill, Truman,
and Stalin, April-May 1945
His Hat (Monroe Doctrine) Is in the Ring
Churchill, Winston S.
How, Finally, Juan Pablo Cried
Azuela, Mariano
Immigration Act of 1965
United States Congress
In Search of a New Expression
Henríquez Ureña, Pedro
Inaugural Address, February 2, 1989
Inaugural Address, July 28, 1985
Inaugural Address, July 8, 1989
Industrial Occupations of Women. Montreal: Canadian Reconstruction
Association, 1919. Microform Source: History of Women.
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty), 1947
Intercepted Diplomatic Messages Sent by the Japanese Government between
July 1 and December 8, 1941; Excerpts
Intimate letters from France during America's first year of war [by] Elizabeth
H. Ashe ... San Francisco, Cal., Philopolis press, 1918.
Investigation of Korean-American Relations. (United States House
Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on
International Relations)
Jamaica Independence Celebrations, August 6, 1962
World War II.
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Bartholomew, Charles L.
Outside PSM collections
American Journey: The
Immigrant Experience
Outside PSM collections
Pérez, Carlos Andrés
García, Alan (president)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Menem, Carlos Saúl
Price, Enid M.
Outside PSM collections
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
Organization of American
Latin America,
World War II.
Outside PSM collections
World War I
History of Women (Sterling)
United States Congress. Joint
Committee on the
Investigation of the Pearl
Harbor Attack
Ashe, Elizabeth H.
Jamaica, Government of
World Court
Just Watch Me, interview of October 13, 1970
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
(United States President)
United States Supreme Court
La Raza Cósmica (The Cosmic Race)
Vasconcelos, José
Lansdale Team's Report on Covert Saigon Mission in 1954 and 1955
United States. Military
Mission to Saigon
Perón, Juan Domingo
Las Veinte Verdades del Peronismo (Peronismo's Twenty Truths)
Outside PSM collections
Moon and the
Outside PSM collections
Unification Church
Judgment on Nicaragua v. United States, June 27, 1986
Korematsu v. United States: Certiorari to the Circuit Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit (1944)
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Japan. Politics and Western Books on Asia: Japan
Japanese emigration and immigration to American territory: correspondence
United States. Department of
from 1892 to January 29, 1908, comprising the views interchanged between the State
government of the United States and the government of Japan.
Joint Declaration . . . on the Drug Trade, Cartagena, Bolivia, February 16, 1990 Bolivia, Colombia, United
States, and Peru, Presidents of
Joint Declarations on War Crimes, 1943
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II.
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928 (United States, Australia, Belgium, Canada,
Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland (Irish Free
State), Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Governments of)
Kennedy and Eisenhower Review Situation in Laos and Cuba, 1962.
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Canada, Electoral
Outside PSM collections
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
American Journey: The
Constitution and Supreme Court
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Law on the Regulation of Coca and Controlled Substances, July 26, 1988
Letter . . . from the Permanent Representative of Panama to the United Nations
. . . , April 14, 1982
Letter from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua to the U.S. Secretary
of State George Shultz, October 23, 1984
Letter to Admiral James O. Richardson (JO), May 27, 1940.
Bolivia, Government of
Outside PSM collections
Panama. Ozores Typaldos,
D'Escoto Brockmann, Miguel
Outside PSM collections
Letter to George Kennan on Psychological Factor in Truman Doctrine and
Marshall Plan, November 19, 1951.
Letter to Leonid Brezhnev on Arms Race and Peace in the Middle East,
January 26, 1977.
Letter to Nikita Khrushchev on Various Topics, February 1958.
Lilly, Edward P.(White House) Cold War -
Letter to United Nations Secretary-General, October 25, 1983
The Gale Group
Latin America,
Stark, Admiral Harold (Betty) World War II.
Carter, Jimmy (United States
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
(United States President)
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Carribean, Grenada Outside PSM collections
Page 8 of 51
Manifest of the Eighteen, April 26, 1960
South Vietnam, Government
Peru, Government of
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Mass Line to Seize Power
South Viet Nam National
Front for Liberation
Shining Path, Peru
Outside PSM collections
McCarran-Walter Act, 1952
United States Congress
Central America,
Asian Americans
McNamara Presents Options to President Johnson, July 20, 1965
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
of Defense)
Canada, Government of
Canada, Separatism Outside PSM collections
Manifesto of the Revolutionary Government of Peru, 1968
Manifesto of the South Viet Nam National Front for Liberation
Meech Lake Accord, 1987
Meeting Between the U.S. Secretary of Defense and Vice Premier of the
People's Republic of China, Geng Biao, May 27, 1980
Brown, Dr. Harold,
Cold War
Meeting of the War Committee of the Canadian Cabinet with the U.K. Prime
Ministers and members of the U.K. War Cabinet, September 14, 1944
Membership of Brazil to the League; Letter, dated April 9th, 1928.
British War Cabinet
World War II.
Mangabeira (Mr.), Brazilian
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Castro Mr. (Secretary of State
for Foreign Affairs of Costa
Oppenheimer, J.R., General
Advisory Committee
League of Nations
John S. Foster, Jr. (Office of
the Secretary of Defense)
Cold War
World War II
Memorandum from Marshall Brement to Zbigniew Brzezinski and David
Aaron on Brezhnev's Speech,February 27, 1980.
Monnet, Jean (French
United States. National
Security Council
Memorandum on the Desirability of Attempting to Prevent Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons Capabilities, A Working Draft.
United States. Department of
Cold War
Memorandum on Use of Religion to Counter Soviet Communism.
Lilly, Edward P. (Operations
Coordinating Board)
Ball, H.R. (Major General);
British War Cabinet Chiefs of
Staff Committee
United States. Department of
State, Under Secretary of
Hemingway, Ernest, 18991961
Cold War
Membership of Costa Rica to the League; Letter, dated July 18th, 1928.
Memo from J.R. Oppenheimer on the Development, Production, and Tactical
Delivery of a Super Bomb.
Memo to Mr. Clifford, Mr. Nitze, General Wheeler, Dr. Brown, Mr. Warnke,
and Dr. Halperin on the MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry
Memorandum to The Supreme Commander regarding U.S. Build-up on the
Continent, June, 1944; Minutes of a Staff Conference held in the Prime
Minister's Map Room, December 12, 1944
Memorandum to Walt W. Rostow on ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missiles]
Deployment, December 10, 1966.
Men in the ranks the story of 12 Americans in Spain.
Monroe Doctrine
and Costa Rica
Cold War
World War II.
Cold War -
Spanish Civil War
Message to President Roosevelt, July 4, 1944, Draft Message Concerning
Conflict Between United States and United Kingdom Military Leaders; and
Minutes of a Staff Conference held in the Defence Map Room, July 6, 1944
Message to the American People, December 23, 1966
Churchill, Winston S.; British World War II.
War Cabinet, Chiefs of Staff
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam War
Messages to the Prime Minister regarding the Return of the Dutch Government
to Holland, October 27 and 31, 1944
Minutes of Meeting held in the Defence Map Room, May 3, 1944; W.M. (44)
61st Conclusions, Confidential Annex, Bombing Policy, May 2, 1944; W.M.
(44) 57th Conclusions, Minute 2, Confidential Annex Regarding the Policy of
Attacking Railway Targets, April 2
Mobilization of Spiritual, Religious, and Moral Factors in Psychological
Mobilizing woman-power. With a foreword by Theodore Roosevelt. New
York, The Woman's press, 1918.
Morocco's Role in the War, Declassified Documents, October 1940 - February
My Relations with the Carribean Commission, 1943-1955
Cadogan, A. and Morton, D.
Name Check Conducted in the Files of the House Un-American Activities
Committee on Persons Prominent in the Entertainment World, November 2,
National Accord on the Transition to Full Democracy, August 29, 1985
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
League of Nations Documents
League of Nations Documents
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (National
Security Council)
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
British War Cabinet Defence
Committee Operations
World War II.
Postwar Holland
World War II. DDay
Agar, Herbert
Cold War
Blatch, Harriot (Stanton)
World War I--
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Churchill, Winston S.
French Resistance
Churchill at War
Williams, Eric
Outside PSM collections
United States Secret Service,
Treasury Department
Cold War -
Chile, Opposition
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Federal
Bureau of Investigation)
Chile--Democracy Outside PSM collections
Page 9 of 51
National Accord Proposed for Brazil, July 22, 1985.
Sarney, José (President)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in the 1960's: U.S. Policy
United States. Department of
New Boundary of Peru and Ecuador according to the Protocol of Rio de
Janeiro, 1942
New Year's Speech, January 2, 1989
Cold War - NATO Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Rio de janeiro
Yale University
Barco, Virgilio (president)
North Atlantic Treaty, April 4, 1949 (Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Great Britain, United States, et al., Governments of)
Not as Bad as Painted
Political and
Outside PSM collections
Situation in
West Germany and Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Latin America,
Falklands War
Latin America,
Falklands War
Outside PSM collections
Of Man, Woman, and Time
Organization of American
Organization of American
Labarca Hubertson, Amanda
One World: One War (December 8, 1941-May 31, 1942
Grew, Joseph C.
Japan. World War
Outside PSM collections
One Year Later
Flakoll Alegria, Daniel
Operation Guatemala
Toriello, Guillermo
Operation Overlord, November 22, 1943
Britain. Navy
Military Operations Churchill at War
Operation Pan-America
Kubitschek, Juscelino
Operation Saturn, November 6, 1943
Ismay, Hastings L.
Operations Coordinating Board Outline Plan of Operations for the U.S.
Ideological Program, January 14, 1955.
Operations in the European and Mediterranean Theatre, 1943
Operations Coordinating
Churchill, Winston S.
Latin America,
World War II.
Cold War
Order in Council, 1957, and Constitution of the West Indies
West Indies (Federation)
Carribean, Treaties Outside PSM collections
Ozawa v. United States (1922)
United States Supreme Court
Pancho Villa on the Cross
Guzmán, Martín Luis
American Journey: The
Immigrant Experience
Outside PSM collections
Party Platform, 1968
Jagan, Cheddi
Outside PSM collections
Pastoral Message of the Bishops of Haiti.
Haiti, Bishops of
Outside PSM collections
Persons' Decision by the Privy Council, 1929
Canada, Privy Council of
Outside PSM collections
Pictures of Old Chinatown
Genthe, Arnold
Canada, Right to
Asian Americans
Plan of San Luis Potosí
Madero, Francisco, I
World War II.
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
OAS Resolution I, April 28, 1982
OAS Resolution II, May 29, 1982
Planning D-Day, Declassified Documents, February 1944
Platform of FMLN, February 27, 1980
Platt Amendment, 1903
United States. Department of
El Hijo del Ahuizote
Porfirio Díaz Descends into Unpopularity
Preamble to the North American Free Trade Agreement
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Proposed Statement to the German People
Following D-Day, May 1944
President Madero Is Too Small to Be President
Prime Minister to President Roosevelt regarding U.S. oil supplies, October 10,
1943; President to Former Naval Person regarding U.S. oil supplies, January 3,
1943; Telegram to Canada (Goft.); Memorandum on the Measures Necessary
to Improve (1) The Oil Si
Proclamation, October 31, 1983
Program of U.S. Covert Action against the Castro Regime in Cuba.
Prolongation of Nazi Resistance After Loss of Berlin and Northern Germany,
March 29, 1945
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Central America,
Central America,
Free Trade
German Defeat
Outside PSM collections
Central America,
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Schoon, Paul (GovernorGeneral, Grenada)
United States. Department of
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
Joint Intelligence SubCommittee
World War II.
Canada, Mexico, and United
States, Governments of
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill, Winston S.;
Franklin D. Roosevelt; D.O.;
Admiralty the 1st Lord
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
Page 10 of 51
Proposal to Make a Series of Films on the General Subject on Why We Fight
the Cold War, May 7, 1952.
Proposed Biodiversity Convention
Psychological Strategy Board
Cold War
Earth Summit
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Outside PSM collections
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Federal Republic North Atlantic Treaty
of Germany (Paris, October 23, 1954)
Protocols on Economic Integration, July 29, 1986
Argentina and Brazil (Chiefs
of States of)
Quebec Declaration of Sovereignty, 1995
Quebec, Parliament of
New Germany
Outside PSM collections
Radio Speech by President Alfonsín on Leftist Terrorism, January 25, 1989
Alfonsín, Raúl
Rare Encounters with Beautiful Personages (1913-15)
Phan Chu Trinh
Latin America,
Outside PSM collections
Human Rights
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Rationalizing the Winter 1981 Intervention (in El Salvador)
United States. Department of
State and Ronald Reagan
Chile, Military Junta
Central America,
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II. Pearl Outside PSM collections
World War II
Churchill at War
Brezhnev, Leonid
Cold War
Reasons of the Junta, 1973
Reflections on Certain Features of the Far Eastern Situation and Certain
Problems of U.S. Far Eastern Policy, July 4, 1940.
Relief Supplies for and Proposed Truce in Occupied Holland, Correspondence,
January-May, 1945
Reply to President Jimmy Carter Defending Soviet Military Presence in
Report of deputation [to China and Japan] ... and of the conference held at
Shanghai, China January 28, 1920 ... West Medford, Mass? [1920]
Report of the West Indian Conference, Second Session, St. Thomas, Virgin
Islands, February 21-March 13, 1946
Report of the Working Party of Officials on Supplies for Liberated Areas of
Europe, 1945
Report to the President and Prime Minister of the agreed summary of
conclusions reached by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at the Octagon
Conference, September 15, 1944
Resignation of Guatemala from the Council. Letter, dated July 7th, 1931, from
Mr. Klee, Government of Guatemala.
Rockefeller Report, Quality of Life in the Americas, 1969
Role of Brazil
Outside PSM collections
Canada, Separatism Outside PSM collections
Federation of Woman's Boards Foreign Missions
of Foreign Missions of North
West Indian Conference
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
History of Women (Smith)
Outside PSM collections
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Combined British Chiefs of
World War II.
Churchill at War
Guatemala (Government of).
League of Nations
League of Nations Documents
Outside PSM collections
Operation Torch.
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
Role of North Africa in Resistance to Germany, May 1940-November 1942
Vargas, Getulio, President of
Brazil; Winston S. Churchill
Churchill, Winston, S.
Room for All, If They're Careful
Rogers, William Allan
World War II.
Latin America
Rudolf Hess, Hitler's Deputy, British Secret Files: Excerpts from Interviews,
Medical Reports, and Statements of the Governments of the United Kingdom,
United States and the U.S.S.R., 1941-1942
Second Declaration of Havana, February 4, 1962
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Castro, Fidel
Outside PSM collections
Secret Talks about the German Situation, 1939.
Great Britain, Government of
Before World War Chamberlain Papers. Series One:
The Papers of Neville
Latin America,
Outside PSM collections
Falklands Island
Communism and
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Churchill at War
Secretary-General of the United Nations Reports to the Security Council on the United Nations SecretarySituation in the Falklands (Malvinas) Islands on Friday, May 21, 1982
Self-Destruction of the Free World
Vööbus, Arthur
Sextant Conference, Minutes of the First Plenary Meeting, November 23, 1943 British War Cabinet
Some Advice for President Reagan
Castro, Fidel
American Friends of Spanish
Spanish Civil War
Spain's war of independence.
Spain. Embajada (United
Spanish Civil War
Special Estimate of Soviet Capabilities for Attack on the U.S. through mid1955.
The Intelligence Advisory
Cold War
Speech before the Brazilian Cabinet, 1974
Geisel, Ernesto (president)
Speech before the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States,
Washington, D.C., August 31, 1989, Regarding the Case against Panama's
Speech by Felipe Herrera, April 8, 1959
United States. Department of
State. Eagleburger, Lawrence
(deputy secretary of state)
Inter-American Development
Economy and
United States
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 11 of 51
Speech from a Balcony of La Moneda Palace, March 11, 1990
Aylwin, Patricio (President)
Democracy in Chile Outside PSM collections
Speech on Guatemala, 1974
Arana Osorio, Carlos Manuel
Political and
Situation in
Speech on the Commitment to Democracy and Economic Progress in Latin
America, May 2, 1989
Speech Regarding U.S. Interests in Central America, May 9, 1984
Bush, George
Outside PSM collections
Reagan, Ronald
Outside PSM collections
Speech to the Inter American Press Association, Washington, D.C., October
31, 1969
Speech, 1969
Nixon, Richard M.
Outside PSM collections
Speech, 1976
Morales Bermudez, Francisco Politics
Outside PSM collections
Speech, 1982
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Speech, August 10, 1967
Rios Mont, Jose Efrain
Mejia Victores, Oscar
Humberto (general)
Castro, Fidel
Outside PSM collections
Speech, December 15, 1989
Noriega, Manuel
Speech, December 19, 1964
Burnham, Forbes
Speech, January 2, 1969
Castro, Fidel
Speech, 1986
Valasco Alvarado, Juan
Military Takeover
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Statement Accepting the Presidential Nomination, August 2, 1989
Outside PSM collections
Social, and
Stroessner, Alfredo (President) Politics-Presidential Outside PSM collections
Salinas de Gortari, Carlos
Outside PSM collections
Díaz Ordaz, Gustavo
Mexico-Outside PSM collections
Agrarian Reform;
Chamorro, Violeta Barrios de
Outside PSM collections
Statement by Secretary Dulles at a News Conference, July 23, 1954
Dulles, John Foster
Speech, Opening Rally of Presidential Campaign, January 16, 1988
State of the Nation Address, November 1, 1989
State of the Union Address, September 1, 1968
Outside PSM collections
Statement of the Secretary of War
United States War Department World War II
Statement of the Secretary of War, August 6, 1945
United States War Department World War II
Outside PSM collections
Statement on the Introduction of the Official Languages Bill, 1968
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott
Statement to the UN Security Council on December 20, 1989, Regarding the
Panama Invasion
Statement to the United Nations Security Council, 1983
Pickering, Thomas R.
(Ambassador to United States)
Kouri, Roa (Ambassador to
Haig, Alexander
Latin America,
Falklands War
United States Army
Korean War
Outside PSM collections
Suggested Agenda for Meetings of Military Representatives of the U.K., U.S.
and U.S.S.R.; Agenda for the Cairo 3 Conference, Correspondence, November
Synopsis of the Agreements Reached between the Government of El Salvador
and the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), 1992
Tehran Conference. Minutes. First Plenary Meeting, November 28, 1943
Ismay, Hastings L., Anthony
Moscow Peace
Churchill at War
United Nations Observer
Mission in El Salvador
British War Cabinet
Central America,
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Telegram from Premier J. Stalin to Prime Minister W. Churchill, September
29, 1944; Telegram from President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston
Churchill to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, September 18, 1944; Report to
the President and Prime Minister of
Telegram from the United Kingdom High Commissioner in the Union of South
Africa, January 28, 1941; Telegram to the United Kingdom High
Commissioner in the Union of South Africa, January 26, 1941; Copy of
Telegram from the United Kingdom High Commissioner
Telegram to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, January 30, 1944
Stalin, Joseph V.; Roosevelt,
Franklin D., and Winston S.
Churchill; Combined British
Chiefs of Staff
Smuts (General); Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Quebec Conference
Churchill, Winston S.
Telling the Stories of the Five Continents.
Pham Boi Chau
French Role on
Churchill at War
Advisory Council
for Europe
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Texts of the Panama Canal Treaties with United States Senate Modifications,
Panama and the United States, Panama Canal
Statement, April 30, 1982
Subject: Guerrilla Operations Outline, April 11, 1952.
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
Canada, Linguistics Outside PSM collections
Italian East Africa
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Page 12 of 51
Governments of
The Agony of the Eight
Lewis, Sir Arthur
Outside PSM collections
The American Response to the Geneva Declarations, 3 July 21, 1954
United States, Government of
The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory
Walcott, Derek
Carribean, Poetry
World War II.
Churchill at War
World War I - War
Asian Americans
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Outside PSM collections
The Balkans During the Second World War, Declassified Documents:
Churchill, Winston S.;
Document by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Oct. 12, 1944; Telegram from Franklin D. Roosevelt
Prime Minister Winston Churchill to the Foreign Office, October 13, 1944;
Telegram from Prime Minister Winston Chu
The Canadian Patriotic Fund.
Canadian Patriotic Fund
The Case against Castro
The Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
The Contadora Objectives Document, September 9, 1983
The Crisis and Our Opportunity
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis, A Summary of Responses from Foreign
Governments, October 24, 1962.
United States. Department of
United States Congress
Central America, Governments
Kissinger Commission
Latin America,
United States
United States. Department of Cuban Missile
United States. Department of Cold War
The Cuban Missile Crisis; Thirty-Four Documents Record the Deliberations of Bundy, McGeorge (United
the NSC Executive Committee during the Crisis.
States. National Security
The Democratic Party of Viet-Nam
Nguyen Thai Binh
Cold War
The Esquipúlas II Agreement, August 7, 1987
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Declassified Documents
Reference System (National
Security Council)
Outside PSM collections
Central America, Governments Communism
The FSLN Opened the Door for US: How Revolution has changed the Lives of Monterrey, Glenda
The Georgetown Accord, April 12, 1973
Commonwealth Caribbean
Carribean, Treaties
Countries, Governments of
The Global Peoples' Revolution (excerpts from an address to the Third
Castro, Fidel
Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, February 4, 1986)
The Good Neighbor Policy
Duggan, Laurence
Outside PSM collections
The Gospel of Wealth
Carnegie, Andrew
Outside PSM collections
The Great National Problems
Molina Enríquez, Andrés
The Imperial Japanese mission, 1917: a record of the reception throughout the
United States of the special mission headed by Viscount Ishii: together with the
exchange of notes embodying the Root-Takahira understanding of 1908 and
the Lansing-Ishii agreem
The Indian as a Machine
Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace. Division
of Intercourse and Education
The Mexican Artistic Renaissance
Orozco, José Clemente
The militant suffrage movement in England. New York, National American
woman suffrage association [1912]
The Missile Gap Controversy; A Memorandum to the President of the United
States, March 4, 1963.
Porritt, Annie Gertrude
McNamara, Robert S.
(Secretary of Defense)
Women's Suffrage History of Women (NYPL)
The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, or Africa for the Africans
Garvey, Marcus
Africa, Diaspora
The Plan of Guadalupe, March 26, 1913
Carranza, Venustiano
'The President Knows,' A Message Issued by the Office of Colonel W.
Donovan, British Information Coordinator, @ February 4, 1944
The Presidential Succession in 1910
Donovan, W. (Colonel)
World War II
Churchill at War
Madero, Francisco, I
Outside PSM collections
The Red Cross in war; woman's part in the relief of suffering ... London, New
York [etc.] Hodder & Stoughton, 1914.
The Report of the Jamaica Independence Conference, 1962
Billington, Mary Frances
Central America,
World War I
Capitalism. and
Latin America,
National Reforms
Japan. Politics
Government-Imperial Japanese
mission, 1917
Deusta, Alejandro
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
History of Women (Smith)
Colonial Office, Great Britain Carribean,
Outside PSM collections
The Scream
Mistral, Gabriela
Latin America,
Outside PSM collections
The Situation in Southeast Asia: Apology for the Invasion of Cambodia (April Nixon, Richard M.
Outside PSM collections
The Gale Group
Page 13 of 51
30, 1970)
The Solitude of Latin America, Nobel Lecture, 1982
García Marquez, Gabriel
The Tactics and Strategy of the Latin American Revolution, An Article.
Ernesto Guevera
Toward a New Democracy of Culture (excerpts from a statement before
UNESCO, Paris, April 23, 1982)
Treatment of Jews in Nazi-controlled Europe and World Response, British
Declassified Documents, December 1942 - January 1943.
Cardenal, Ernesto
Treatment of Major War Criminals, 1942-1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
Treaty Between the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary, signed at
Trianon, June 4, 1920
United States, Hungary, et al.
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community, Chaguamaras, Trinidad, July 4, CARICOM (Caribbean
Treaty of Montevideo, 1980
ALADI (Latin American
Integration Association.)
Treaty of Peace and Friendship (Argentina-Chile Treaty), October 18, 1984
Argentina and Chile,
Governments of
Treaty of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), June 18, 1981 Organization of Eastern
Caribbean States (OECS)
Trends in Soviet Internal and Foreign Policy through 1968.
Director of Central
Latin America-History
Communism Revolution
Outside PSM collections
World War II. AntiSemitism. The
World War II. War
Statehood in
Eastern Europe
Carribean, Treaty
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Cold War Vietnam
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act, 1962
Great Britain, Government of
Truman Doctrine, March 12, 1947
Truman, Harry S.
Tydings-McDuffie Act, 1934
United States Congress
Post-War Division Outside PSM collections
of Europe
Asian Americans
Outside PSM collections
U.S. - Soviet Cooperation in Space Research Programs, Views Expressed by
John F. Kennedy in his Speech to the U.N., September 20, 1963.
Space Exploration
U.S. Ideological Strategy; A Study, June 9, 1954.
Commander Rubinow
Cold War
U.S. Policy Regarding Japan, The British View, Declassified Documents,
November 1941
U.S. President Eisenhower's Press Conference on the U-2 Incident, May 11,
1960; Excerpts.
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Central Intelligence Agency
Cold War - U-2
U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey: The Effects of the Atmoic Bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Chairman's Office, 19 June 1946
U.S. Wants to Replace Madero
United State Strategic
Bombing Survey
La Sátira
World War II
Under the Red cross flag at home and abroad ... with a foreword by Woodrow Boardman, Mabel Thorp
Wilson, president; sixteen illus. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott co.,
United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA)
United Nations
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
World War I
Outside PSM collections
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Human Rights
Outside PSM collections
United Nations Plan for Organising Peace, 1943
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
United Nations Speech, Causes of the Cuban Revolution, 1960
Castro, Fidel
Cuban Revolution
Outside PSM collections
United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala, Report of the SecretaryGeneral, June 30, 1997
United States and British Views of Charles de Gaulle, Correspondence, July
United States Relations with Vichy France, Declassified Documents, 1942
United Nations SecretaryGeneral
Churchill, Winston S. and
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Churchill, Winston S.
Human Rights
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Churchill at War
World War II.
Churchill at War
United States Strategy: Packaging, Advertising, and Selling Its Brand of
Democracy against the Soviet Brand, A Memorandum, September 15, 1954.
United States. Department of
Cold War -
United States-British Staff Conversation, Report [so-called ABC-1 Plan];
United States Congress. Joint
Committee on the
Investigation of the Pearl
Harbor Attack
General Agreement on Trade
and Tariffs (GATT)
Churchill, Winston S., and
Harry S. Truman
Uruguay Declaration, September 20, 1986
Victory in Europe Announcement May 8, 1945
The Gale Group
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Pearl Harbor Attack Outside PSM collections
Multilateral Trade
World War II.
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Page 14 of 51
Which Side Are You On.
Rivera y Damas (Archbishop) Politics
and Radio Venceremos
United States. White House
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
White House Memo on Kruschev's Removal and Overflights in Cuba, October
20, 1988.
White House Statement Regarding U.S. Economic Sanctions against
Nicaragua, May 1, 1985
Woman and democracy ... Address delivered before the Equal franchise
society, February 24th,1910. New York, The Equal franchise society, 1910.
Woman suffrage; history, arguments, and results. A collection of seven popular
booklets covering together practically the entire field of suffrage claims and
evidence. Designed especially for the convenience of suffrage speakers and
writers and for the us
Women at the Hague. The International Congress of Women and its results. By
three delegates to the congress from the United States, Jane Addams ... Emily
G. Balch ... Alice Hamilton ... New York, The Macmillan co., 1915.
Women in industry in war-time ... New York, The Russell Sage foundation
library [1917]
Women in the Cuban Revolution
Chase, Gordon
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Outside PSM collections
Women's International League World War I
for Peace and Freedom. 1st
congress, The Hague, 1915
Russell Sage foundation, New World War I
York. Library
Espín, Vilma
Cuban Revolution
History of Women (Smith)
Women in the peace movement. Boston, American Peace Society, 1910.
American Peace Society
History of Women (Smith)
Women on the land. New York, The Advisory Council of the Woman's Land
Army of America,1918.
Women workers of the Orient, by Margaret E. Burton. West Medford, Mass.,
The Central Committee on the United Study of Foreign Missions [1918]
Women's Work and Welfare, March 1, 1916.
Woman's Land Army of
Burton, Margaret Ernestine
World War I
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Women's Work
History of Women (Radcliffe)
National Civic Federation
World War I
Writers take sides letters about the war in Spain from 418 American authors.
League of American Writers
Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe, Declassified Documents, July 1945
British Foreign Office and
Soviet Delegation
United States Supreme Court
Eastern Europe
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Churchill at War
White House Declaration, Honolulu, February 8, 1966
Yick Wo v. Hopkins
Cold War
Reagan, Ronald
Whitlock, Brand
Maule, Frances, 1879- ed
Young Canada's Effort.
Outside PSM collections
Women and
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Sterling)
History of Women (NYPL)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
World War I
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
A diplomatist's wife in many lands ... New York, Dodd, Mead & co., 1911.
Fraser, Mary (Crawford)
Italy / China-Description and
History of Women (Smith)
Cawnpore Riots
Publications Proscribed By the
Government of India (British
Library Reference Division)
Outside PSM collections
A History of the Hindu-Muslim Problem in India, from the earliest contacts up Indian National Congress.
to its present phase, with suggestions for its solution.
Cawnpore Riots Enquiry
A Letter to Some American Friends
Nguyen Khac Vien
A Million Beijing Residents Demonstrate in Support of the Students and
Demand that Deng Xiaoping Step Down
A Mirror for America, The Japanese Miracle, and Lessons: Can a Western
Nation Learn from the East?
A Poem on True Heroism.
A Priority for the Turn of the Century: Governing Globalization
Editorial Board of Xinwen
Vogel, Ezra F.
Vietnamese Reeducation, War
w/China, Boat
China, Democracy Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Schwab, Klaus, and Claude
A rural life of Japan translated and published by Bureau for Local Affairs
Japan. Naimushö. Chihökyoku Japan.
Home Department.
Anthropology and
A Son of China; Excerpt.
Sheng Cheng
A Synopsis of State and Intelligence Material Reported to the President
Eisenhower, John S.D.,
Cold War[Eisenhower], October 29, 1959.
(Officer in the United States
Address Presented to Lord Minto, Viceroy of India, on October 1, 1906, at
India, Religious
Simla, by a 35-man Muslim deputation headed by Sir Sultan Mohammed Shah
Aga Khan
Agreement on Reconciliation, Nonaggression and Exchanges and Cooperation Korea, Governments of North Korea,
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 15 of 51
between the South and the North, February 19, 1992
Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Viet-Nam, July 20, 1954
Agreement on the Independence of Vietnam, March, 1946
Allied Military Support to China
American policy in the Far East, 1931-1940.
An Outline of the Buddhism of Tibet
Ancestor-worship and Japanese law. 2rd and rev. ed.
Antarctic Treaty, 1959 (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan,
New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, U.S.S.R., Great Britain, and United
States, Governments of)
Anti-Comintern Pact: German-Japanese Agreement and Supplementary
Protocol, Berlin, November 25, 1936
Apology for the Coup
Appeal Made after the Successful Conclusion of the Geneva Agreements, July
22, 1954
Appeal of the Chinese Government. (a) Communication, dated January 26th,
1933 from M. Yen, Chinese Delegation; (b) Communication from M. Sawada,
Japanese Director of the League of Nations Bureau; (c)Letter, dated February
1st, from Mr. Yen, Chinese Deleg
Application of the D.R. Vietnam for Membership in the United Nations,
November 22, 1948
Asian Economies: Challenges and Opportunities
and South
Governments of
North and South
France and Vietnam,
Governments of
Ho Chi Minh
United Kingdom. Prime
World War II.
Minister's Office
Bisson, T.A. (Thomas Arthur), Japan. Politics
Lobsang, Ngawang
Buddhism in Tibet
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Hozumi, Nobushige, 18551926
Japan. Politics
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(British Library)
Outside PSM collections
Japan, and Germany,
Governments of
Lon Nol
Outside PSM collections
Conflict between
China and Japan
Outside PSM collections
Ho Chi Minh
China (Government of).
Vietnam. Democratic Republic French
Mahathir Bin Mohamad
Association of the Government of India in Middle East Questions War Cabinet Churchill, Winston S.
Report, and Top Secret Correspondence, September-October 1941
Australia from a woman's point of view, by Jessie Ackermann, F.r.s.g.s. With Ackermann, Jessie A
sixty-four plates. London, New York [etc.] Cassell & co., ltd., 1913.
Outside PSM collections
League of Nations Documents
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Military Strategy
Churchill at War
Social life and
Description and
History of Women (Yale)
Balfour Declaration, November 2, 1917
Balfour, Arthur James
Bao Dai's Rescript on his first abdication, August 24, 1945
Bao Dai
Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Delhi Science Forum
Bombard the Headquarters--My First Big-Character Poster, August 5, 1966
Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong)
Brief of the Japanese American Citizens League, Amicus Curiae, 1944
Asian Americans
Outside PSM collections
British Imperial Forces (Australian and New Zealand) in Greece, April 1941
Japanese American Citizens
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
British White Paper, 1939
Great Britain, Government of
Outside PSM collections
Bushido: the soul of Japan: an exposition of Japanese thought. 10th rev. and
enl. ed.
Cabinet Mission: Correspondence with the Congress Party and the Muslim
League, 20 May-29 June 1946
Nitobé, Inazó, 1862-1933
Japan. Philosophy
Great Britain, Government of;
representatives of the Congress
and the Muslim League (of
Ho Chi Minh
Western Books on Asia: Japan
British Parliamentary Papers
Call for the Revolutionary League for the Independence of Vietnam, June
Cambodia: The Legacy and Lessons of UNTAC, ed. by Trevor Findlay. SIPRI
Research Report No. 9
Chemical Warfare by U.S. troops in South Viet Nam
Union of Vietnamese
Intellectuals in France
China Cannot Implement the Quasi-Market Economy
Xiao Liang
China Needs Democracy
Fang Lizhi
China's Destiny
Chiang Kai-shek
Chinese and French Writings on the Three Struggles of 1921; Excerpts.
Marilyn Levine, Compiler.
Chinese Labor Battalions in France.
Chinese Students in Europe.
The Gale Group
Y.Y. Tsu
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Carbide Gas Leak.
China, Mao
Outside PSM collections
Vietnam War.
Chemical Warfare
China, Modern
China, Democracy
China, Nationalist
Chinese Politics in
Chinese Labor
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
In Sources of Chinese Tradition
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 16 of 51
Chinese Territorial Claims in Tibet and Southeast Asia, Declassified
Documents, March-May 1943
Chinese Writings about Europe; Excerpts.
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Citizen 13660
Okubo, Miné
Asian Americans
Civil Disobedience in India, Declassified Documents, June-August 1942
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Japan. Politics
Japan. Economy
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Commentaries on the constitution of the Empire of Japan. Translated by Baron Itö, Hirobumi, 1841-1909
Miyoji Ito. 2nd ed. Teikoku Kempö gikai. English
Commercial Relations between the United States and Japan
Shibusawa, Elichi (Baron), and
Wu Ting-Fang
Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 1992
Vietnam, Socialist Republic of
Constitutional Reforms: Communal Decision
Great Britain, Government of
Contribution of China to Allied Strategy, 1942-1943
British-United States
Churchill, Winston S.
Conversations between Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President
Franklin D. Roosevelt on Japan, July-August 1941
Copy of GOC's report to New Zealand Government on Operations at Casino,
April 4, 1944
Correspondence and Documents Connected with the Conference between the
Cabinet Mission and His Excellency the Viceroy and Representatives of the
Congress and the Muslim League, May 1946
Correspondence between Mohandas Gandhi and Mohammed Ali Jinnah,
Declassified Documents, 1943
Correspondence with Generals Macarthur and Chiang Kai-Shek
Freberg, B.C.
Vietnam. Statebuilding.
World War II.
World War II.
Military Operations
Outside PSM collections
British Parliamentary Papers
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Great Britain, Government of;
representatives of the Congress
and the Muslim League (of
Churchill, Winston S.
British Parliamentary Papers
World War II.
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Daylight in the harem, a new era for Moslem women; papers on present-day
reform movements,conditions and methods of work among Moslem women,
read at Lucknow conference, 1911, ed.by Annie Van Sommer and Samuel M.
Zwemer. Edinburgh and London, Oliphant, And
Declaration of Independence, Democratic Republic of Vietnam, September 2,
Declaration of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam to the
Governments of the Countries All over the World, January 14, 1950
Declarations of War on Japan, December 1941
Millionary conference on
behalf of the Mohammedan
Social conditions.
History of Women (Smith)
Vietnam, Democratic Republic Vietnam
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents Relating to Outbreak of War with Japan, October
1941-January 1942
Defense Department Press Release, August 2, 1964
Eden, Anthony
World War II.
Churchill at War
United States. Department of
British War Cabinet
Cold War .
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Churchill at War
Dilemma in Japan
Roth, Andrew
China, Modern
Uprising in India
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Detention of Gandhi, Secret Report, May 2, 1944
Zhongguo Tongxun She
(China news organization)
British War Cabinet
Directive by Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Minister of Defence to
Admiral Mountbatten, Commander-in-Chief, Southeast Asia Command,
October 1943
Doan Quan Viet-nam Di [March to the Front] National Anthem
British War Cabinet
World War II.
Churchill at War
Demands of the Indian Princes, September 1942
Deng Xiaoping on Neo-Authoritarianism
Ho Chi Minh
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Effect of Tropical Heat on the Japanese, June 1942
Vietnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Statebuilding. Anthem
United States. Department of French
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Cold War
of Defense)
China, Sino-Soviet
Matsuoka, Yösuke, 1880-1946 Manchurian
incident and
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Equal suffrage in New Zealand. Boston, The Woman's Journal, 1898.
Blackwell, Alice Stone
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Radcliffe)
Evolution of political parties in Japan: a survey of constitutional progress.
Satoh, H. (Henry)
Japan. Politics
Draft Memorandum for the President, U.S. Department of State, April 20,
1945. General Observations
Draft Memorandum from the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the
President (Kennedy), Washington, November 5, 1961
East German Documents on the Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, 1969
Economic co-operation of Japan and China in Manchuria and Mongolia: its
motives and basic significance.
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(Uni. Of London School of
Oriental & African Studies)
Churchill at War
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Page 17 of 51
Excerpt from A Threat to the Peace: North Viet-Nam's Effort to Conquer South United States. Department of
Excerpt from An Outline of Buddhism: Or, Religion of Burma
Maitreya, Ananda
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
Asian Buddhism
Outside PSM collections
Excerpt from The Memoirs of Richard Nixon
Nixon, Richard
Outside PSM collections
Excerpts from Autobiography, or the Story of My Experiments with Truth
Gandhi, M. K.
Excerpts from My Journey to Lhasa
David-Neel, Alexandra
Excerpts from Toward Freedom: The Autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Excerpts of Letters and/or statements from President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
President John F. Kennedy, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of
Defense Robert McNamara
Excerpts of People's War: People's Army
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Opening with
China, 1972
Colonialism and
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
Excerpts of President Ho Chi Minh's Testament to all Cadres and Party
Extract of the final report by the Defense Attache, Saigon, Maj. Gen. H.D.
Smith, May 1975
Factory law; Ordinance for the enforcement of the factory law; Regulations for
the enforcement of the factory law, etc.
First Appeal to the United States (June 1919)
Central Committee of the
Vietnam Workers' Party
Smith, H.D. (Major General)
Outside PSM collections
Food Situation, 1943: Speech by the Food Member of the Governor-General's
Council, and Other Papers
Founding of India and the Moslem League, Declassified Documents
Great Britain, Government of
Vietnam War. Fall
of Saigon
Japan. Politics
Bengal Famine.
Founding of Pakistan, Declassified Documents, January-March 1941
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill at War
French Union Losses of Personnel in Indo-China 1945 to July 1, 1954
United States Embassy, Paris
Fukuzawa Yukichi, author and schoolmaster.
Aston, W.G. (William
George), 1841-1911
Independence of
Japan. Education
Full Text' of Speech to Li Peng and Yao Yilin, May 31, 1989
Deng Xiaoping
Vo Nguyen Giap
Japan. Nöshömushö
Ho Chi Minh
Churchill, Winston S.
Funeral of Meiji Tenno
China, Tiananmen
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
British Parliamentary Papers
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(Uni. Of London School of
Oriental & African Studies)
Outside PSM collections
Japan. History
Future Operations in South-East Asia, November 22, 1943
Joint Planning Staff
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Military Operations Churchill at War
General Van Tien Dung on Some Great Experiences of the People's War
Van Tien Dung (General)
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
General Vo Nguyen Giap on The Big Victory, the Great Task
Vo Nguyen Giap (General)
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
General Vo Nguyen Giap on the Strategic Role of the Self-Defense Militia
Vo Nguyen Giap (General)
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
Independence and
Japan. Politics
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
Vietnam War. Tet
Outside PSM collections
Government of the D.R. Vietnam Warns that Agreement on Elections Must be Vietnam, Government of
Observed, June 6, 1955
Growth of internationalism in Japan: report to the trustees of the Endowment. Miyaoka, Tsunejirö, b. 1865
H.M. Bao Dai: Proclamation to the Vietnamese People, July 2, 1949
Bao Dai
Ha Long Bay Agreement, June 5, 1948
Vietnam, Government of
Hanoi's Negotiating Position, April 8, 1965
North Vietnam, Government
Chien Binh
Heavy Blows Having Lasting Effects.
Hind Swaraj, or Indian Home Rule.
Gandhi, Mohandas
Ho Chi Minh's Reply to Lyndon B. Johnson, February 15, 1967
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam War
Immigration Act of 1965
United States Congress
In darkest Tokyo: sketches of humble life in the capital of Japan. Translated at Matsubara, Iwagorö, 1866the Eastern World office; edited by F. Schroeder.
Anthropology and
In Japanese hospitals during war-time: fifteen months with the Red Cross
Richardson, Teresa Eden
Japan. War 1904society of Japan (April 1904 to July 1905).
Pearce-Serocold, d.1918
In Korea with Marquis Ito: part I. a narrative of personal experiences: part II., a Ladd, George Trumbull, 1842- Japan. Annexation
critical and historical inquiry.
of Korea
The Gale Group
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Publications Proscribed By the
Government of India (British
Library Reference Division)
Outside PSM collections
American Journey: The
Immigrant Experience
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(British Library)
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(Uni. Of Minnesota Wilson
Page 18 of 51
In the Eye of the Typhoon
In the name of human rights . . . (1890)
Lo, Ruth Earnshaw, and
Katharine S. Kinderman
Hoang Hoa Tham
China, Cultural
Outside PSM collections
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
India: Industrialization and Commercial Discrimination, May 1945
British War Cabinet
World War II.
Churchill at War
Indian Military Problems, Declassified Documents, 1941
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Indian Policy. Statement of June 3, 1947
Great Britain, Government of
British Parliamentary Papers
India's Role in World War I; Documents.
Imperial War Museum,
World War I -
Indochina Administrative Divisions, Provisional Edition, 1945
Indochina in U.S. Wartime Policy, 1941-1945
United States. Department of French
Instructions of the Central Committee of the Indochinese Communist party
Indochinese Communist Party French
March 12, 1945
Instrument of Accession of Jammu and Kashmir to the Indian Union and other Teng, Mohan K., Ram Krishen Independence
documents on India and Kashmir
Bhatt, and Santosh Kaul
Intellectuals' Open Letter to Leaders, February 26, 1989
Qin Linzhao, et al. (42 signers) Democracy
Intercepted Diplomatic Messages Sent by the Japanese Government between
United States Congress. Joint World War II. Pearl
July 1 and December 8, 1941; Excerpts
Committee on the
Investigation of the Pearl
Harbor Attack
Interview with Chou En-lai, August 10, 1971 conducted by James Reston
Reston, James
Opening with
China, 1972
Introduction and Eyewitness Accounts
People's Union for Democratic Massacre of Sikhs
Rights (PUDR) and People's
Union for Civil Liberties
Investigation of Korean-American Relations.
United States House
Moon and the
Subcommittee on International Unification Church
Organizations of the
Committee on International
Is Japan a menace to Asia? With an introduction to Tong Shao-Yi; and an
Das, Taraknath, 1884Japan. Politics
appendix by Iichiro Tokutomi.
Japan Administrative Divisions: Political and Military, Provisional Edition
(first revision)
Japan and the Japanese: essays.
Uchimura, Kanzö, 1861-1930 Japan. Geography
Japan: Enemy or Ally?
Allied Occupation
of Japan
Japanese Attempts at Bacteriological Warfare in China, July 9, 1942
Chinese Embassy to the United China. Japan
Japanese Buddhism.
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 1870- Japan. Philosophy
Japanese emigration and immigration to American territory: correspondence
United States. Department of Japan. Politics
from 1892 to January 29, 1908, comprising the views interchanged between the State
government of the United States and the government of Japan.
Japanese girls and women. Rev. and enl. ed.
Bacon, Alice Mabel, 1858Japan.
Anthropology and
Japanese government documents.
McLaren, W.W., ed.
Japan. Politics
Japanese rule in Formosa; with preface by Baron Shimpei Goto; translated by Takekoshi, Yosaburö, 1865Japan. History
George Braithwaite; with thirty-eight illustrations and a map.
Japan's case in the Sino-Japanese dispute: as presented before the Special
League of Nations. Delegation Manchurian
Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations.
from Japan
incident and
Japan's part.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858Japan. Politics
Joint Communiqué between the People's Republic of China and the United
China and United States,
Opening of China,
States of America, February 28, 1972
Governments of
Joint Declaration of the Summit Conference of the Indochinese Peoples
Summit Conference of the
Vietnam War.
Indochinese Peoples
Peace Negotiations
Journal Entry for January 12, 1931.
Gide, André
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928 (United States, Australia, Belgium, Canada,
Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland (Irish Free
State), Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Governments of)
The Gale Group
Ball, W. Macmahon
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Yale University
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Yale University
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(British Library)
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 19 of 51
Korea: Detailed Area of Neutral Zone, 1953
Labour laws for women in Australia and New Zealand. [London] Women's
industrial council,1906.
Lansdale Team's Report on Covert Saigon Mission in 1954 and 1955
Yale University
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh
United States. Military
Mission to Saigon
Last Tribute of the Central Committee of the Viet Nam Workers' party, read by Central Committee of the
Comrade Le Duan, First Secretary at the Solemn Ceremony in Memory of
Vietnam Workers' Party
President Ho Chi Minh
Le Duan's Victory Speech, May 15, 1975
Le Duan (Vietnamese Political
Figure, 1908?-1986)
Lectures on the new Japanese civil code as material for the study of
Hozumi, Nobushige, 1855comparative jurisprudence. 2nd & rev. ed.
Labor Laws
History of Women (Smith)
Independence and
Communism in
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Japan. Politics
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(Uni. Of London School of
Oriental & African Studies)
Outside PSM collections
Letter from President Eisenhower to President Diem, July 6, 1956
Eisenhower, Dwight D (United Independence and
States President)
Letter of October 5, 1992
Wei Jingsheng
China, Democracy
Letter to Admiral James O. Richardson (JO), May 27, 1940.
Stark, Admiral Harold (Betty) World War II. Pearl
Letter, dated September 22nd, 1931, concerning the situation in China with
China (government of).
Conflict between
regard to the Occupation of their Territory by Japanese Troops.
China and Japan
Letters from China, with particular reference to the empress dowager and the Conger, Sarah (Pike) Mrs. E. China – Women’s
women of China, by Sarah Pike Conger (Mrs. E. H. Conger) 1909
H. Conger.
Li Peng Holds Dialogue with Students
Beijing Television Service
China, Democracy
Main Points of Deng Xiaoping's Talks in Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and
Deng Xiaoping
China, Modern
Shanghai from January 18 to February 21, 1992
Manifest of the Eighteen, April 26, 1960
South Vietnam, Government State-building
Manifesto of the South Viet Nam National Front for Liberation
South Viet Nam National
Front for Liberation
Mao on Sino-Soviet Relations
Mao Zedong
China, Sino-Soviet
Mao Zedong and Pham Van Dong, Hoang Van Hoan2 Beijin, October 5, 1964 Mao Zedong
Vietnam War
May 27, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson taped telephone conversations with
Senator Richard Russell and in person conversation with National Security
Advisor McGeorge Bundy
McNamara Presents Options to President Johnson, July 20, 1965
Meeting Between the U.S. Secretary of Defense and Vice Premier of the
People's Republic of China, Geng Biao, May 27, 1980
United States. White House
Cold War
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Vietnam War
of Defense)
Brown, Dr. Harold,
Cold War -
Memo from the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the JCS Chairman
(Lemnitzer) Washington, 11-13-61; 2. Memo from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to
the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) Washington, 11-22-61
Memo from the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the JSC Chairman
(Lemnitzer) Washington, 11-13-61 regarding actions concerning RVN and 2.
Draft national security action memo, Part 1, Washington, 11-13-61
Memo from the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the President (Kennedy)
Washington, 12-22-61; Memo from the President's special assistant for
National Security Affairs (Bundy) to the Pres. Palm Beach, 12-27-61
Memo from the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the Secretary of State
(Rusk) Washington, 12-18-61; Telegraph from the Commander of the Military
Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (McGarr) to the Chairman of the JCS
(Lemnitzer) Saigon, 12-20-61
Memo on China's Cultural Revolution, [January 13, 1967].
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Cold War
of Defense)
Memorandum by the Secretary of State for India regarding Imperial
Preference, March 1, 1944
Message and Solemn Declaration Against the Conspirators, March 23, 1970
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
League of Nations Documents
History of Women (Smith)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Cold War
of Defense)
Outside PSM collections
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Cold War
of Defense)
Outside PSM collections
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Cold War
of Defense)
Outside PSM collections
Brown, George A. Brown
[Member of Parliament]
Politics in China
Secretary of State for India
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
Message of Minister of Interior Mr. Vo Nguyen Giap to the Vietnamese People Vo Nguyen Giap (Minister of
on Independence Day, September 2, 1945
the Interior)
Message to the American People, December 23, 1966
Ho Chi Minh
World War II.
British India
U.S. Relations with Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
Military Operations from India Declassified Documents, August 1943
British War Cabinet
World War II
Churchill at War
Military Supplies from British India to China
United Kingdom. Prime
Minister's Office
World War II.
British India and
Churchill at War
The Gale Group
Norodom Sihanouk
Page 20 of 51
My Mother, My Sister, The Story of Samol Him
Samol Him
Vietnam War Outside PSM collections
My War with the CIA: Cambodia's Fight for Survival
Norodom Sihanouk, as related U.S. Relations with Outside PSM collections
to Wilfred Burchett
National Security Action Memorandum No. 111, November 22, 1961
United States. National
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
Security Council
National Security Action Memorandum No. 115: Defoliant Operations in Viet Bundy, McGeorge
Vietnam War.
Outside PSM collections
Chemical Warfare
Never Forget Class Struggle
Chieh Fang Chun Pao
China, Communist Outside PSM collections
New Year Message to the People January, 1955
Ngo Dinh Diem
Independence and Outside PSM collections
Nguyen Tan Thanh Explains Why He Joined the National Liberation Front
Nguyen Tan Thanh
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
(1951), 1986
Nguyen Van Thieu's Address to the National Assembly, 1969
Nguyen Van Thieu
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
North Vietnamese Goals for the Tet Offensive, November 1, 1967
Province Party Standing
Japan. Gaimusho
One World: One War (December 8, 1941-May 31, 1942
Grew, Joseph C.
Vietnam War. Tet
Japan. 1932
incident and
World War II
Overcoming Grief with Korean Songs
Jung Hak-Soo
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Participation of Dutch Forces Against Japan, Correspondence Between the
United States and the United Kingdom, March-July 1945
Peace offers from Ho Chi Minh October 27, 1948
Churchill, Winston S. and
Ministry of Defence
Ho Chi Minh
The Pacific.
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Plan for the Defeat of Japan, Declassified Documents, 1943
British War Cabinet
World War II.
Platform of the Viet-Nam Lao Dong (Workers Party), March 1951
Viet-Nam Lao Dong (Workers French
Nguyen Khac Vien
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
Observations on the Report of the Commission of Enquiry, appointed by the
resolution of December 10, 1931, of the Council of the League of Nations.
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(Uni. Of London School of
Oriental & African Studies)
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Political Program of the South VietNam National Front for Liberation (1967)
in Vietnamese Studies, No. 23: South Vietnam: From the NFL to the
Provisional Revolutionary Government
Political Theses of the Indochinese Communist Party (October 1930); Excerpts Indochinese Communist Party French
Preface, Introduction, and Epilogue
Kakuei Tanaka
Outside PSM collections
Premier Diem States Policies Regarding Country-wide Elections, July 16, 1955 Ngo Dinh Diem
Independence and
Global Economics.
U.S. Foreign Policy
- Vietnam
India, HinduMuslim Relations
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
National United
Front of
Chinese Political
Parties in Europe
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Vietnam War
Churchill at War
Premier Ngo Dinh Diem: Broadcast Declaration on the Geneva Agreements
and Free Elections, July 16, 1955
Premier Ngo Dinh Diem: Statement Regarding the Geneva Agreements, July
22, 1954
Presentation of Economic Survey of Japan
Ngo Dinh Diem
President Bill Clinton lifts the trade embargo on the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam, February 3, 1994
Presidential Address to the All-India Muslim League, Lucknow, 1916 (A Plea
for Hindu-Muslim Unity)
President's Message to Congress, August 5, 1964
Clinton, William (United
States President)
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Proclamation of the Royal Government of National Union Under the
Leadership of the National United Front of Kampuchea
Ngo Dinh Diem
Aurand, H.S. (Lt. Col)
Johnson, Lyndon B.
National Union, Royal
Government of
Proclamation on the Founding of the Chinese Guomindang in Europe.
Document reprinted in Levine and Chen, The Guomindang in Europe: A
Sourcebook of Documents (2000).
Program of the Communist Party of Indochina, by Ho Chi Minh, February 18, Ho Chi Minh
Program of the South Viet Nam National Front for Liberation
South Vietnam National Front
for Liberation
Progress Report on Operations in China, April 1944-June 1945
United States Chiefs of Staff
Project Camelot in Behavioral Sciences and the National Security, Report No.
4 on Willing the Cold War: The U.S. Ideological Offensive
Prospects for Democracy in Japan
The Gale Group
United States. House of
Representatives. Committee on
Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee
on International Organizations
and Movements
Bisson, T.A.
Japan. Allied
Occupation of
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 21 of 51
Psychology of the Japanese People (Nihonjin no Shinri)
Minami, Hiroshi
Rand, McNally & Co.'s 1904 War Map of Russia and the Continent of Asia
Outside PSM collections
1904 War
Yale University
Rand, McNally & Co.'s 1904 War Map of Russia and the Continent of Asia
Yale University
Red Guards (Four Selections, 1966, 1967)
Ebrey, Patricia Buckley, ed.
Reflections on Certain Features of the Far Eastern Situation and Certain
Problems of U.S. Far Eastern Policy, July 4, 1940.
Relations of Japan with Manchuria and Mongolia. [Rev. ed.]
China, Communist Outside PSM collections
World War II.
Outside PSM collections
Japan. Gaimushö
incident and
Vietnam War Cambodia
Cold War
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Reply to Nixon: Condemnation of the American Invasion of Cambodia (May
2, 1970)
Reply to President Jimmy Carter Defending Soviet Military Presence in
Report of deputation [to China and Japan] ... and of the conference held at
Shanghai, China January 28, 1920 ... West Medford, Mass? [1920]
Norodom Sihanouk
Samey Pol Pot: The Pol Pot Era
Mam, Thida B.
Pol Pot
Outside PSM collections
Second Report of The Indian Soldiers' Fund'
Indian Soldiers' Fund
World War I
Secret Convention of July 30, 1907
Russia and Japan,
Governments of
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Cold War
of Defense)
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Outside PSM collections
Brezhnev, Leonid
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
History of Women (Smith)
Federation of Woman's Boards Foreign Missions
of Foreign Missions of North
Report of the First Plenary Session of the European Branch of the Chinese
Chinese Politics in Outside PSM collections
Guomindang Sent to Mr. Ye Chucang, Propaganda Chief, 25 November 1923,
at Lyons.
Report on an Investigation of the Hunan Peasant Movement
Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong) China, Communist In Sources of Chinese Tradition
Report on the Action Taken by the League on the Sino-Japanese Dispute,
League of Nations. Secretary Conflict between
League of Nations Documents
February 29th, 1932.
China and Japan
Report on the Mission to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the
United Nations Commission
Military Sexual
Outside PSM collections
Republic of Korea and Japan on the Issue of Military Sexual Slavery in
on Human Rights
Slavery in Wartime
Wartime, January 4, 1996
Resignation speech of Nguyen Van Thieu, April 21, 1975
Nguyen Van Thieu
Vietnam. The Fall Outside PSM collections
of Saigon
Saigon: The Final Agony
Nguyen Cao Ky
Vietnam War.
Outside PSM collections
Secretary McNamara's Memo for the pres on the subject of RVN memo from
Lieutenant Commander Worth S. Bagley to the Pres's military rep (Taylor)
Washington, 11-7-61
Several Key Issues Involving Housing Reform
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Sextant Conference, Minutes of the First Plenary Meeting, November 23, 1943 British War Cabinet
China, Modern
World War II.
Shinmin no Michi (The Way of Subjects), March 1941
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Southeast Asia Command - Future Operations, February 1944
British War Cabinet
World War II.
Churchill at War
Southeast Asia Command - Future Operations, February-March 1945
British War Cabinet
World War II.
Churchill at War
South-North Joint Communiqué, July 4, 1972
Outside PSM collections
Soviet Assistance in the War Against Japan, 1944
Korea, Governments of North Korea,
and South
Governments of
North and South
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Soviet Officials' Views on the Vietnam War and the USSR's Aims in Europe.
Central Intelligence Agency
Vietnam War
Special National Intelligence Estimate No. 53-2-63: The Situation in South
Vietnam in United States-Vietnam Relations: 1945-1967, by the Department of
Speech of High Commissioner Léon Pignon Recognizing Bao Dai as Head of a
New State of Vietnam, Saigon, June 14, 1949
Speech of the New Movement delivered in Madras in 1906.
United States. Department of
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
Stalin's Conversations with Chinese Leaders
State Rejects Students' List of Demands
Statement by Secretary Dulles at a News Conference, July 23, 1954
Statement of the Secretary of War
The Gale Group
Pignon, Léon
Bipan Chandra Pal
China, Sino-Soviet
China, Democracy
Dulles, John Foster
United States War Department World War II,
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 22 of 51
Statement of the Secretary of War, August 6, 1945
United States War Department World War II,
Stealing Other People's Shit
He Liyi
China, Modern Life Outside PSM collections
Studies in Japanese Buddhism.
Reischauer, August Karl,
1879United States Army
Japan. Philosophy
Korean War
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
Committee on the Status of
Women in India
Wells, Florence
India, Feminism
Outside PSM collections
Japan. Education
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Churchill at War
Subject: Guerrilla Operations Outline, April 11, 1952.
Subversive Attempts on the Loyalty of the Indian Army, Declassified
Documents, 1943
Summary of Recommendations
Tama: the diary of a Japanese school girl assembled by Florence Wells.
Outside PSM collections
Telegram from Premier J. Stalin to Prime Minister W. Churchill, September
29, 1944; Telegram from President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston
Churchill to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, September 18, 1944; Report to
the President and Prime Minister of
Telegram from the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) to the Commander in
Chief Pacific (Felt) and the Chief MAAG Vietnam (McGarr) Washington, 1118-61; Memo from the Spec. Asst. to the JCS Chairman (Mag. General TW
Parker) to the Chairman (Lemnitzer), Washi
Testimony of U.S. Rep. Tony P. Hall to the House International Relations
Committee, October 27, 1999
Stalin, Joseph V.; Roosevelt, World War II.
Franklin D., and Winston S.
Churchill; Combined British
Chiefs of Staff
McNamara, Robert (Secretary Cold War
of Defense)
Text of Cable from U.S. Consul General Rice Concerning Lin Piao's
Emergence as Mao Tse-tung's Heir Apparent, August 30, 1966.
United States. Department of
The American diary of a Japanese girl by Miss Morning Glory (Yone
Nogubhi); illustrated by Genjiro Yeto. 4th ed.
Noguchi, Yoné, 1875-1947
The American Response to the Geneva Declarations, 3 July 21, 1954
United States, Government of
The Battle of Saigon
Vietnam Monthly Courier
The book of tea: a Japanese harmony of art culture and the simple life.
Okakura, Kakuzö, 1862-1913
The case of Korea: a collection of evidence on the Japanese domination of
Korea, and on the development of the Korean independence movement; with
foreword by Seldon P. Spencer.
The China Tangle; A Memorandum, September 23, 1966.
Chung, Henry
The Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
United States Congress
Food aid to North Outside PSM collections
Korea--U.S. Policy
towards North
Politics in China - Declassified Documents
Lin Piao
Reference System (Department of
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Anthropology and (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Vietnam. The Fall Outside PSM collections
of Saigon
Japan. Arts
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
incident and
Communism Declassified Documents
Succession of
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Asian Americans
Outside PSM collections
The Chinese in France.
Ta Chen
Chinese Migration Outside PSM collections
The Chinese Nationalist Party [Guomindang], French General Branch Report
on European Party Affairs to the Third National Congress, March 1929.
The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party
Guomindang.French General
Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong)
The Collapse of the Neo-Colonialist Regime (1973-75) in Contemporary
Vietnam (1858-1980)
The constitution of Japan: with the laws appertaining thereto and the imperial
oath and speech . . . Kenpo (1889) English
The criminal code of Japan translated from the original Japanese text
Nguyen Khac Vien
Chinese Politics in Outside PSM collections
China, Communist In Sources of Chinese Tradition,
William Theodore de Bary,
Wing-tsit Chan, and Burton
Watson, eds. (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1960)
Vietnam War.
Outside PSM collections
Hall, Tony P.
Central Intelligence Agency,
Office of National Estimates.
Japan. Politics
De Becker, J.E. (Joseph
Japan. Politics
Ernest), 1863-1929, trans.
The Declaration of Korean Independence, March 1, 1919
The Declaration of the Young China Party in Europe and America, 10 October
Chinese Politics in
The Demobilization of the Chinese Labor Corps; A Report by the British War Moss, G.S. (British War Office Chinese Emigration
Office Emigration Agency, October 31, 1920.
Emigration Agency)
and Labor
The Democratic Party of Viet-Nam
Nguyen Thai Binh
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
The Elysée Agreement confirmed by President Vincent Auriol, March 8, 1949 Auriol, Vincent
Outside PSM collections
The Final Declarations of the Geneva Conference July 21, 1954
The Forced Confessions of Hu Nim
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
France and Vietnam,
Governments of
Hu Nim
Vietnam War Cambodia
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 23 of 51
The Future of Indo-China, Declassified Documents, November 1943-March
The Hindu wife; a few sketches from her life, by Dhirendra Nath Pal ...
Calcutta, P.n. Pal, 1911.
Churchill, Winston S.
Indo-China. French
Social Life and
Customs. British
Imperial Japanese
mission, 1917
Churchill at War
The History of the American Revolution
Ho Chi Minh
The Imperial Japanese mission, 1917: a record of the reception throughout the
United States of the special mission headed by Viscount Ishii: together with the
exchange of notes embodying the Root-Takahira understanding of 1908 and
the Lansing-Ishii agreem
The Imperial rescript on education: translated into Chinese, English, French, &
The Khmer Republic at War and the Final Collapse
Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace. Division
of Intercourse and Education
Meiji, Emperor of Japan,
Sak Sutsakhan (Lt. Gen)
Japan. Education
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
The labor movement in Japan.
Katayama, Sen, 1859-1933
Japan. Politics
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Government-Labor (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Pal, Dhirendra Nath
The Legal Underpinnings of Government Terror in South Vietnam: Law 10/59 South Vietnam, Government
The message of India to Japan: a lecture delivered at the Imperial University of Tagore, Rabindranath, 1861Tokyo.
The Mikado: institution and person: a study of the internal political forces of
The new Japanese Civil Code, as material for the study of comparative
jurisprudence: a paper read at the International Congress of Arts and Science,
at the University Exposition, St Louis 1904.
The Occupation of Japan, Second Phase: 1948-1950.
Griffis, William Elliot, 18431928
Hozumi, Nobushige, 18551926
The Oriental view of woman, by A. K. Coomaraswamy ... [Broad Campden,
Essex house press, 1910]
The Path Which Led me to Leninism.
Coomaraswamy, Amanda
Ho Chi Minh
The People's War, October 10, 1939
Chiang Kai-shek
Fearey, Robert A.
The position of women in Indian life, by Her Highness the Maharani of Baroda Chimnabai Ii, maharani of
and S. M. Mitra... London [etc.] Longmans, Green & co., 1911.
The Prison Diary of Ho Chi Minh; Excerpts
Ho Chi Minh
The Red Earth: A Vietnamese Memoir of Life on a Colonial Rubber
Plantation; Excerpts
The SEATO Ministerial Meeting, June 9, 1960.
Tran Tu Binh
United States. Department of
Khmer Rouge
Anthropology and
Japan. History
Japan: Politics
Japan. Allied
Occupation of
China, Nationalist
Women’s History
Cold War.
The Situation in Southeast Asia: Apology for the Invasion of Cambodia (April Nixon, Richard M.
30, 1970)
The social status of Japanese women.
Yamada, Waka, 1879-1957
The spirit of Japan: a lecture delivered . . . at the Keio Gijuku University.
The story of my life ... Bombay, Printed at the Times press, 1911.
The Tientsin Incident, 1938.
Anthropology and
Tagore, Rabindranath, 1861- Japan.
Anthropology and
Jessawalla, Dosebai Cowasjee Social Life and
Customs. British
Great Britain, Government of British
History of Women (NYPL)
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(British Library)
Outside PSM collections
History of Women (NYPL)
Outside PSM collections
Reprinted in The Collected
Wartime Messages of
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
History of Women (Smith)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Western Books on Asia: Japan
History of Women (Smith)
Cold War
The U.S. Senate Debates the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, August 6-7, 1964
United States. Department of
United States. Senate
Chamberlain Papers. Series One:
The Papers of Neville
Outside PSM collections
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
The Viet Cong 'Tet' Offensive (1968)
Pham Van Son
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution.
Vietnam War.
Outside PSM collections
The voice of Japanese democracy: being an essay on constitutional loyalty.
Ozaki, Yukio, 1858-1954
Translated by J.E. de Becker; with an introduction by Marquis Ökuma
The war in the Far East, 1904-1905 by the military correspondent of the Times; Repington, Charles à Court,
with numerous maps and plans by Percy Fisher.
Western Books on Asia: Japan
The Way of Confucius and Modern Life
China, Modern
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(Uni. Of London School of
Oriental & African Studies)
In Sources of Chinese Tradition
The Gale Group
Ch'en Tu-hsiu (Chen Duxiu)
Page 24 of 51
The women's vote in Australia. [London] National Women's Social and
Political Union [1907]
These Vietnamese are no Better than Pol Pot
Martel, Mrs. N A
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Smith)
Heng Houn
Vietnam War Cambodia
Anthropology and
Things Japanese: being notes on various subjects connected with Japan for the Chamberlain, Basil Hall
use of travellers and others..
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Thought and Behaviour Patterns of Japan's Wartime Leaders
Masao Maruyama,
Top Secret [South Vietnamese] Memorandum re Communist Proposals and
U.S. Memorandum of September 19, 1972
Totemism in North-Western Australia (The Kimberley Division)
South Vietnam, Government
Elkin, Adolphus Peter
Town Plan of Nagasaki. Based on a Japanese map of Nagasaki, 1:16, 000
(1933), with additions and corrections to 1942. Provisional Edition, No. 3807,
R & A, OSS, July 20, 1944. Lithographed in the Reproduction Branch, OSS
Tran Van Tra's Comments on 'Tet 68'
Vietnam War.
Outside PSM collections
Peace Negotiations
Natives and
Outside PSM collections
World War II
Yale University
Tran Van Tra
Vietnam War.
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Treaty of Annexation [of Korea by Japan], August 22, 1910
Japan, Government of
Statehood in
Eastern Europe
World War II
Trends in Soviet Internal and Foreign Policy through 1968.
Director of Central
Cold War
U.S. Policies: President Roosevelt's and Marshal Stalin's Views on Indo-China
Expressed at the Yalta Conference February 8, 1945
U.S. Policy Regarding Japan, The British View, Declassified Documents,
November 1941
U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey: The Effects of the Atmoic Bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Chairman's Office, 19 June 1946
UN Resolution of June 27, 1950
New York Times
World War II.
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
Treaty Between the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria, signed at St.
Germain-en-Laye, Sept. 10, 1919
Churchill, Winston S.
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Unbeaten tracks in Japan: an account of travels on horseback in the interior,
including visits to the aborigines of Yezo and the shrines of Nikkô and Isé.
United State Strategic
Bombing Survey
United Nations Security
Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella
Lucy), 1831-1904
Unconquerable Problems Lead to Marriage
He Liyi
North Korea attack-1950
Anthropology and
China, Modern Life
United Kingdom Coordinating Authority, Mr. Duff Cooper, Resident Cabinet
Minister at Singapore for Far Eastern Affairs, June 1941-March 1942
United States Recognition of Viet-Nam, Laos, and Cambodia: Statement by the
Department of State, February 7, 1950
United States-British Staff Conversation, Report [so-called ABC-1 Plan];
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II.
Churchill at War
United States. Department of
United States Congress. Joint
Committee on the
Investigation of the Pearl
Harbor Attack
Fallaci, Oriana
Outside PSM collections
Vietnam War
Outside PSM collections
North Vietnam, Government
United States. Office of
Strategic Services
Marr, David G.
Vietnam War.
Outside PSM collections
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Unknown NLF Soldier and Le Vanh Minh
Vietnam Agreement and Protocols, Signed January 27, 1973
Vietnamese Aide-memoire transmitted to the U.S. through an Agent of the
Office of Strategic Services, July 1945
Vietnamese Tradition on Trial, 1920-1945; Excerpts
Washington's Negotiating Position
World War II,
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Outside PSM collections
Pearl Harbor Attack Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
White Paper on the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute
United States. Department of
Pakistan, Government of
Nien Cheng
Withdrawal of Chinese Divisions from Burma, February-March, 1945
British War Cabinet
Dispute over
Kashmir with
China, Cultural
World War II.
Woman suffrage in Australia. [London] The Woman's Press [1910?]
Goldstein, Vida
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Smith)
Woman suffrage in New Zealand. [London] The Woman's Press [1912?]
Stout, Lady
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Radcliffe)
Women and wisdom of Japan with an introduction by Shingoro Takaishi. Onna Kaibara, Ekiken, 1630-1714
daigaku, English.
Women workers of the Orient, by Margaret E. Burton. West Medford, Mass.,
The Central Committee on the United Study of Foreign Missions [1918]
Women's War Work in India; Documents.
The Gale Group
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Western Books on Asia: Japan
Burton, Margaret Ernestine
Anthropology and
Women's Work
Chelmsford (Lady)
World War I.
Imperial War Museum. The
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Page 25 of 51
Women at Work Collection
Working women of Japan ... New York, Missionary education movement of
the United States and Canada, 1915.
Zhao Ziyang on Economic Retrenchment and Reform at Enterprise Forum,
April 11, 1989
Gulick, Sidney Lewis
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Zhao Ziyang
China, Modern
Outside PSM collections
1926 and Biographical Notes
Jones, Thomas
A copy of an Unsigned Letter from Leipzig to Vladimir Il'ich Mironov of
Viatka, November 2, 1905
A diplomatist's wife in many lands ... New York, Dodd, Mead & co., 1911.
Fraser, Mary (Crawford)
A Farewell Reception to Their Excellencies Yovan and Madame Yovanovitch, Serbian Red Cross Society in
December 19, 1919.
Great Britain
A Frenchwoman's notes on the war ... New York, E. P. Dutton & co. [1916]
Pratz, Claire de
Politics in Interwar Outside PSM collections
Russian Revolution Intercepted Letters, Russia, 1883of 1905
1917 (State Archive of the
Russian Federation, Moscow,
Italy China History, History of Women (Smith)
Travel, Description
World War I
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
A Hero of Our Time
Shawcross, William
Outside PSM collections
A history of the Scottish Women's Hospitals. London, New York [and]
Toronto, Hodder and Stoughton, 1919.
A Hoxton Childhood
Mclaren, Eva Shaw ed.
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
Jasper, A.S.
Political and
Outside PSM collections
Cultural Trends
Russia--Peasantry-- Military Papers of Leon Trotsky,
History, 1917-1921 1918-1924 (Russian State
Military Archive Moscow,
Russia--Peasantry-- Military Papers of Leon Trotsky,
History, 1917-1921 1918-1924 (Russian State
Military Archive Moscow,
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
A Letter from Comrade Trotsky to Peasant Ivan Andreevich Sigunov, February Trotsky, Leon
12, 1920
A Letter to the Middle Peasants from the People's Commisssar of Army and
Navy. February 6, 1919
Trotsky, Leon
A Memo from [Professor] Henry Kissinger to McGeorge Bundy [Special
Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs] Outlining His
Assessment of the Soviet Resumption of Nuclear Testing, September 6, 1961.
A Poem on True Heroism.
Kissinger, Henry (Harvard
University Professor of
A Son of China; Excerpt.
Sheng Cheng
A Synopsis of State and Intelligence Material Reported to the President
[Eisenhower], October 29, 1959.
Eisenhower, John S.D.,
(Officer in the United States
Warwick, Frances Evelyn
(Maynard) Greville, countess
Gordon, Winifred
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
World War I
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
History of Women (Harvard)
World War I
History of Women (Sterling)
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
A woman's experiences in the great war, by Louise Mack (Mrs. Creed) ... with Mack, Louise
11 full-page illustrations. London, T. F. Unwin, ltd. [1915]
Abdication of Nicholas II, March 15, 1917
Witte, Sergei
World War I
History of Women (Harvard)
Agreement between Germany and France Relative to Morocco, February 9,
A woman and the war, by the Countess of Warwick ... New York, George H.
Doran co. [c1916]
A woman in the Balkans ... London, New York [etc.] T. Nelson & sons, ltd.
A woman's diary of the war ... London [etc.] Thomas Nelson and sons [1915]
McNaughtan, Sarah Broom
Russian Revolution Outside PSM collections
and Civil War
Address of President Lluís Companys to the Parliament of Catalunya, March
Companys y Jover, Luis, 1882- Spanish Civil War The Spanish Civil War Collection
1st, 1938.
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Address Presented to Lord Minto, Viceroy of India, on October 1, 1906, at
India, Religious
Outside PSM collections
Simla, by a 35-man Muslim deputation headed by Sir Sultan Mohammed Shah
Aga Khan
Admission of Armenia to the League of Nations, 1920. (a) Letter, dated
League of Nations. Armenian League of Nations League of Nations Documents
September 25th, 1920, from the President of the Delegation of the Armenian
Republic, to the Peace Conference. (b) Note, dated December 10th, from M.
Huneeus, Chairman of the Fifth Co
Admission of Germany to the League of Nations. Letter, dated February 8th, Stresemann (Mr., Minister for League of Nations League of Nations Documents
1926, together with one annex.
Foreign Affairs of the German
Adresses by President Charles de Gaulle on the situation in Algeria, 1958-1962 de Gaulle, Charles
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
The Gale Group
Germany and France,
Governments of
Outside PSM collections
Page 26 of 51
Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Viet-Nam, July 20, 1954
Agreement on the Independence of Vietnam, March, 1946
Albanian minorities in the Serb-Croat-Slovene State; Letter, dated April 29th,
1921, to which is attached a Memorandum, dated April 26th, 1921, from M.
Midhal Frasheri, President of the Albanian Delegation of Paris.
Allied Air Offensive against Germany up to January 1st, 1941. Printed for
H.M. Stationery Office by Weiner Ltd., London WCT5 B502
Allied Military Support to China
Allied Relief Supplies to Holland, Correspondence, October-November 1944
Ambassador Llewellyn E. Thompson Briefs Congressmen on Removal of
Nikita Khrushchev from Power, October 20, 1964.
France and Vietnam,
Governments of
Ho Chi Minh
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Albania (Delegation of)
Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
World War II
Yale University
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
United Kingdom. Prime
World War II
Minister's Office
Churchill, Winston S.,
World War II
Eisenhower, Dwight D., Eden,
Anthony, Gerbrandy (Dr.)
United States. Department of Cold War
American, British and Soviet Plans for German Dismemberment and
Reparations, Memorandum, February 7, 1945
An Address by the President of the Government of Euzkadi, H.E. broadcast
from Radio Euzkadi Dec. 22nd, 1936
British Foreign Secretary
World War II
Aguirre y Lecube, José
Antonio de, 1904-1960
Spanish Civil War
An Appeal to the Kronshtadt Rebellious Sailors and Navy Officers and to the
Civilians, March 5, 1921
Trotsky, Leon
Rebellion of 1921
An Average Middle-Class Family and Destination Smolensk
Seel, Pierre
Andrei Vyshinsky's Speech for the Prosecution and Karl Radek's Last Plea,
January 28, 1937
Anglo-Abyssinian Agreement, Correspondence, June-November 1944
Holocaust. Gay
People's Commissariat of
Justice of the USSR
United Kingdom and Ethiopia, Anglo-Abyssinian
Governments of; Anthony
Eden; Minister of State
British War Cabinet
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Anglo-Polish Secret Protocol of 1939, March 18, 1945; Message Regarding
Poland from Winston S. Churchill, February 21, 1945
Anglo-Soviet Negotiations over Yugoslavia, 1944
Antarctic Treaty, 1959 (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan,
New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, U.S.S.R., Great Britain, and United
States, Governments of)
Anti-Comintern Pact: German-Japanese Agreement and Supplementary
Protocol, Berlin, November 25, 1936
Appeal Made after the Successful Conclusion of the Geneva Agreements, July
22, 1954
Application of the D.R. Vietnam for Membership in the United Nations,
November 22, 1948
Armistice Terms: Allied Defeat of Italy, Declassified Documents, July-August
At Suvla Bay: Notes and Sketches of Scenes, Characters, and Adventures of
the Dardanelles Campaign Made by John Hargrave (White Fox)
Atrocities of Justice Under British Rule in Egypt
Japan, and Germany,
Governments of
Ho Chi Minh
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Vietnam. Democratic Republic French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Hargrave, John
World War I
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
Balfour, Arthur James
Bao Dai's Rescript on his first abdication, August 24, 1945
Bao Dai
Belgian Popular Opinion and British Propaganda, Secret Documents,
February-March 1941.
Great Britain. Foreign Office World War II
and Political Intelligence
Department on Propaganda
Churchill, Winston, S.; British World War II
Foreign Office; Anthony Eden;
A. Brooke; Charles F.A.
Portal; E. Syfried;
British War Cabinet
Polish Home
Underground Army
Hughes, Thomas (Director of Cold War
Intelligence and Research,
United States. Department of
Osborne, D. (British Legation World War II
to the Holy See)
The Gale Group
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Military Papers of Leon Trotsky,
1918-1924 (Russian State
Military Archive Moscow,
Outside PSM collections
Lewis, Sir Arthur
British Annual Report on the Vatican for 1941.
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Balfour Declaration, November 2, 1917
Brezhnev Cautions on Foreign Issues; A Memorandum, November 6, 1964.
Churchill at War
Autobiography of Sir Arthur Lewis
Belgium During the Second World War, Declassified Documents: Message
from Anthony Eden to the Prime Minister, Nov. 7, 1944; Foreign Office
assistance by the U.K. in the Equipment and Training of Belgian Armed
Forces, Nov. 6, 1944; Foreign Policy-The Prim
Belligerent Status for Polish Underground Army, August 23, 1944
Churchill at War
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Page 27 of 51
British Annual Report on the Vatican for 1944.
Osborne, D. (British Legation World War II
to the Holy See)
British Imperial Forces (Australian and New Zealand) in Greece, April 1941
Churchill, Winston S.
British Mandate for Palestine, 1922. Report by Lord Balfour, regarding
approval, by the Council, of the British Mandate for Palestine, and discussing
negotiations for the Treaty of Peace between the Principal Allied Powers and
British Parliamentary Debates: House of Commons Official Report: War
Situation. Assistance to Greece, May 6, 1941 [Excerpt]
British Relations with Vichy, July 17, 1945
Balfour, Arthur James (British Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
Britain. House of Commons
Greek Campaign.
World War II
Churchill at War
British Support of the French Resistance, Declassified Documents, JanuaryJuly 1944
British White Paper, 1939
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
British-Soviet Meetings in Moscow, October 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
British-Soviet Military Action Meeting in Moscow, October 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
British-Soviet Political Conversations in Moscow, October 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Cabinet Mission: Correspondence with the Congress Party and the Muslim
League, 20 May-29 June 1946
Great Britain, Government of;
representatives of the Congress
and the Muslim League (of
Woolton (Lord)
British Parliamentary Papers
World War II
Churchill at War
Call for the Revolutionary League for the Independence of Vietnam, June
Canada Act (UK), 1982
Ho Chi Minh
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Great Britain, Parliament of
Charter 77, January 1, 1977
Charter 77 [Human Rights
Chinese and French Writings on the Three Struggles of 1921; Excerpts.
Marilyn Levine, Compiler.
New Form of AntiCommunist Protest
in Eastern Europe
Chinese Politics in
Chinese Labor
Cable regarding the creation of a combined Food Board, May 23, 1942
Great Britain, Government of
Chinese Labor Battalions in France.
Chinese Students in Europe.
World War II
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill's Letter to de Gaulle after his Visit to Paris, November 1944”
Cooper, Duff (British
Representative with the French Liberation
Committee of National
Liberation, Algiers)
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill's Meeting with Stalin Declassified Documents, August 1942
Churchill, Winston S.
The Second Front
Churchill at War
Churchill's Visit to Greece and the Appointment of a Regent, Correspondence, Roosevelt, Franklin D., King
December 1944 - January 1945
of Greece; Winston S.
Civil war in Spain.
Nin, Andrés, 1892-1937
World War II
Churchill at War
Spanish Civil War
Commission of Enquiry for European Union. (a) Memorandum from the
Director of the International Labour Office; (b) Speech by the President of the
Second Conference for Concerted Economic Action, dated January 14th, 1931.
Commission of Enquiry for European Union. (a) Proposals of the International
Labour Office (b) Extract from the draft Minutes of the Eighth Sitting, on
April 22nd, 1931, of the Fifty-second session of the Governing Body of the
International Labour Offi
Commission on the Holy Places, 1922. (a) Memorandum from the Vatican,
regarding certain provisions of the Balfour draft. (b) Series of correspondence,
September 22 through October 13, 1922, between the British Prime Minister
and Cardinal Gasparri, rega
Committee Report regarding Policy toward Ethiopia, November 8, 1941;
Message from the Prime Minister to the Emperor of Ethiopia, May 10, 1941;
Telegram from Emperor for the Right Honourable Winston Churchill, Prime
Minister, May 7, 1941
Communist Strategy toward Roman Catholicism: A Position Paper, May 26,
Conditions in Europe and Scale of Opposition to Overlord, Report, May 25,
League of Nations. ILO
(International Labor Office).
European Union
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
League of Nations Documents
League of Nations. ILO
(International Labor Office).
European Union
Religion. Holy
League of Nations Documents
Places of Worship. 1919-1946
Chinese Writings about Europe; Excerpts.
Churchill's Conversation with Charles deGaulle, January 16, 1944
The Gale Group
Y.Y. Tsu
Outside PSM collections
Committee on Policy in
Dakar, Operation
Regard to Ethiopia; Churchill, Menace
Winston S.; Haile Selassie,
Emperor of Ethiopia
DeLuca, John, (White House) Cold War
British War Cabinet
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
League of Nations Documents
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Churchill at War
Page 28 of 51
Conditions in Italy After the Battle of Casino, July 7, 1944
British War Cabinet
Conseil National des Femmes Françaises, Assemblée Générale (National
Council of French Women, Annual Meeting)
Constitutional Reforms: Communal Decision
Conseil National des Femmes World War I
Great Britain, Government of India,
Citrine, Walter (Sir); Edward World War II
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
British Parliamentary Papers
British-United States
Brezhnev, Leonid, and
Alexander Dubcek
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Destalinization in
Eastern Europe
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Freberg, B.C.
Military Operations Churchill at War
British War Cabinet; Franklin
D. Roosevelt
Great Britain, Government of;
representatives of the Congress
and the Muslim League (of
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
British Parliamentary Papers
Dakar, Operation
World War II
Churchill at War
Consultation between Government Departments and the Trade Union
Congress, November 27, 1944; Educational and Vocational Facilities for
Members of the Services during Demobilisation Period, June 22, 1944; Resettlement: Industrial Training of Non-disabled
Contribution of China to Allied Strategy, 1942-1943
Conversation between Brezhnev and Dubcek, August 13, 1968
Conversations between Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President
Franklin D. Roosevelt on Japan, July-August 1941
Copy of GOC's report to New Zealand Government on Operations at Casino,
April 4, 1944
Correspondence about Second Front, August 1942
Correspondence and Documents Connected with the Conference between the
Cabinet Mission and His Excellency the Viceroy and Representatives of the
Congress and the Muslim League, May 1946
Correspondence relating to the Menace operation (occupation of Dakar),
Declassified Documents, September 1940
Correspondence to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill regarding the
arming of Dutch merchant ships, Correspondence July 1940
Correspondence to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, June 16, 1942,
February 26, 1942, December 19, 1941; Correspondence to British Prime
Minister Winston S. Churchill and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, July 8,
Correspondence to General Sikorski, Commander-in Chief of the Polish Army
regarding the Polish-Soviet agreement and Polish forces in Russia, August 28,
1941; Correspondence to General Sikorski, Commander-in Chief of the Polish
Army regarding the Polish-S
Correspondence to Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill, November 8, 1940;
Memorandum regarding the Restoration of Liaison between the Polish
Government and Its People, September 24, 1940
Correspondence to: Prime Minister, February 21, 1944; H. Mikolajczyk, April
7, 1944
Correspondence with Eisenhower and Winston S. Churchill regarding
DeGaulle's Proposed Victory Broadcast, Declassified Documents, June 1944;
General DeGaulle's Victory Broadcast, June 6, 1944, and Churchill's Response,
June 5, 1944
Correspondence with Polish Prime Minister H. Mikolajczyk Regarding
Warsaw Uprising, September-October 1944
Jan de Geer, Dirk (Prime
Minister of the Netherlands)
Lindemann, Frederick A., and World War II
Viscount Cherwell; Harcourt
Johnson; Viscount Halifax
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston S.; Anders Poland. Polish
Churchill at War
(Lieutenant General)
Question. Relations
with Poland
Polish Forces Committee (War Polish Question
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston S., and
Mikolajczyk, H.
President Franklin Roosevelt;
General Charles DeGaulle;
General Dwight D.
Churchill, Winston S.
Polish Question
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Warsaw Uprising.
Polish Resistance.
Correspondence with the Emperor of Ethiopia, March 4, 1943; Letter to British Eden, Anthony; Haile Selassie; World War II
Prime Minister Winston Churchill from Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie,
Churchill, Winston S.
January 10, 1943; Letter from Winston S. Churchill to Ethiopian Emperor
Haile Selassie, September 22, 19
Covert Operations Designed to Reduce and Retract Soviet Influence and Power Psychological Strategy Board Cold War
Dawes Committee Report
Dawes, Charles G., et al.
De Gaulle's request for Allied help to regain Madagascar, February 1942
de Gaulle, Charles
French Colonies.
Declaration between the United Kingdom and France Respecting Egypt and
Great Britain and France,
Morocco, Together with the Secret Articles Signed at the Same Time, April 8, Governments of
Declaration des Droits de la Famille
Duthoit, Eugene (French
World War I
Professor of Law)
Declaration Inviting Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany to Accede to Belgium, France,
New Germany
the Brussels Treaty, October 23, 1954
Luxembourg, Netherlands, and
Great Britain, Governments of
Declaration of Independence, Democratic Republic of Vietnam, September 2, Ho Chi Minh
French Colonialism
Declaration of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam to the Vietnam, Democratic Republic Vietnam
Governments of the Countries All over the World, January 14, 1950
Declassified Declassified Documents on Polish-Soviet Relations, FebruaryChurchill, Winston S.
Polish Question
The Gale Group
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Page 29 of 51
May 1943
Declassified Documents on the Position of Italy, November 1942; Telegram to Churchill, Winston S., and
General Smuts, July 15, 1943
Anthony Eden
Delimitation of the Polish-Czechoslovak frontier in the District of Jaworzina. League of Nations. Secretary
Summary of the Documents concerning the question of Jaworzina, transmitted General.
to the Council by the Conference of Ambassadors September 16, 1923.
Demnark's women voters. [n.p., 1909?]
Churchill at War
Offers of
Condition of
Postwar Settlement League of Nations Documents
of Frontiers
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Radcliffe)
Denmark and the Anti-Comintern Pact, 1941.
Great Britain. Foreign Office
World War II
Detention of Gandhi, Secret Report, May 2, 1944
British War Cabinet
Dialectic of the Extremes
Aron, Raymond
Uprising - India
France, Politics
Directive no. 1 for the Conduct of the War, August 31, 1939
Hitler, Adolf
War in the East
Directive to Supreme Commander [Eisenhower], Allied Expectionary Force,
February 13, 1944
Directive to the Supreme Commander in the ABDA Area, January 2, 1942
Churchill at War
Directives for Relief and Rehabilitation after the War, 1944
Combined British Chiefs of
World War II
British Chiefs of Staff; United World War II
States Chiefs of Staff
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Discussion with the Dominions on Article VII, February 22, 1944
Cherwell (Viscount)
Churchill at War
World War II
Dispute Between Ethiopia and Italy. Communication, dated March 15th, 1937, Selassie, Haile (Mr.),
from M. Haile Selassie.
Ethiopian Emperor
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Italian Colonialism.
Conflict between
Italy and Ethiopia
Dispute Between Greece and Italy. Telegram, dated September 7th, 1923 from Poincare (Mr., President of the Postwar Settlement
Mr. Poincare, President of the Conference of Ambassadors.
Conference of Ambassadors). of Frontiers
Dispute Between Poland and Lithuania. Letter and note, dated December 20th, Monnet, Jean (French
Postwar Settlement
1920, from Jean Monnet.
of Frontiers
Document regarding Persia, January 26, 1945
Eden, Anthony
World War II
League of Nations Documents
Document regarding Winston S. Churchill's luncheon with the President of
Poland; Summary of Sir Owen O'Malley's Despatch No. 75, July 19, 1943
Documents on the Russian Civil War
Churchill, Winston S.; Sir
Owen O'Malley
Churchill at War
Documents on the Situation in Armenia. (a) November 1920. Letters and
Telegram from the Armenian Delegation to the Peace Conference. (b) Letter,
dated November 26th, 1920, from M. Aharonian, and appeal of the Supreme
Patriarch of all the Armenians to
Documents related to International Assistance to Refugees: 1939 and 1943. (a)
Correspondence, dated February 16th and 17th, 1939 between Lord Winterton,
Chairman of the Inter-Governmental Committee and Sir Herbert Emerson,
High Commissioner. (b) Report
Draft Memorandum for the President, U.S. Department of State, April 20,
1945. General Observations
Draft of King's Proposed Victory Speech, Sent to Franklin D. Roosevelt, June
2, 1944
Draft U.S. Statement on Cuba in the Security Council, Addressed to Adlai
Stevenson, U.S. Ambassador to U.N. and John J. McCloy, Adviser to the
President on Disarmament Matters, December 6, 1962.
Dumbarton Oaks Conversations, 1944
League of Nations. Armenian
League of Nations Documents
Winterton (Lord); Emerson,
Herbert (Sir).
Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
United States. Department of
Churchill, Winston S.
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Bundy, McGeorge. (Under
Secretary of State. United
States. Department of State)
Churchill, Winston, S.
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
East German Documents on the Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, 1969
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Cold War
Committee on the Enemy Oil World War II
Position; Joint Intelligence
Sub-Committee; Secretary of
State for Dominion Affairs
Religious Society of Friends
World War I
Economic Role of NATO: Background Paper, December, 1957.
Outside PSM collections
Eighth Report regarding the Prevention of Oil Reaching Enemy Powers,
December 1, 1941; The German Oil Position, April 10, 1943; Text of
Chairman of the Oil Control Board's Report on the Axis Oil Position in
Europe, December 24, 1942
Emergency Committee for the Assistance of Germans, Austrians and
Hungarians in Distress. (Convened by the Religious Society of Friends to aid
innocent Alien Enemies in Great Britain rendered destitute by the War):
Reports, 1914-1918.
Employment of a British West Indian Contingent in a Theatre of War, January British Secretary of State for
3, 1944
the Colonies
Essays on Germany's Colonial Claims
Von Epp, Ritter; L.S. Amery;
Pierre Orts
The Gale Group
Polish Question
League of Nations Documents
League of Nations Documents
Churchill at War
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Churchill at War
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
World War II
Churchill at War
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Page 30 of 51
Establishing a Western Bloc, 1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Establishment of a Jewish National Home. Letter, dated May 15th, 1922.
Gasparri (Cardinal, Secretary
of State to the Holy See)
Central Intelligence Agency
Palestine. Jewish
Excerpt from Political, Social, and Cultural Attitudes
Fromm, Erich
Excerpt from The Doctrine of Fascism
Mussolini, Benito
Society in Weimar Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Excerpt from The Taking of the Winter Palace, November 1917
Maslov, S.L.
League of Nations Documents
Estimate of Soviet Capabilities and Intentions, Economic, 1951 and 1954.
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Estimate of Soviet Post War Capabilities and Intentions; Transmittal Note,
Lay, James S., Jr. (Joint
Cold War
Declassified Documents
January 31, 1945.
Intelligence Committee)
Reference System (Department of
Europe 1945: Number 1: Germany under Occupation (as Mirrored in the
Jewish Central Information
World War II
Testament to the Holocaust
German Press), April 1945-Oct. 1945
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Europe 1945: Number 2: Germany under Allied Occupation (as mirrored in the Jewish Central Information
World War II
Testament to the Holocaust
German Press), October 1945 - December 1945
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Europe 1946: Number 3: Report on a Recent Journey to Germany, n.d.
Bondy, L.W.
Jews in Germany Testament to the Holocaust
and Europe
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Excerpt from A Letter of Corporal Dovbor-Musnitskii to Nik. VI. Kirilin of St. Dovbor-Musnitskii (Corporal) Russo-Japanese
Intercepted Letters, Russia, 1883Petersburg, May 29, 1904
War, 1904-1905
1917 (State Archive of the
Russian Federation, Moscow,
Excerpt from A Letter of Count A.A. Ukhtomskii of St. Petersburg to Count
Ukhtomskii, A.A. (Count)
Intercepted Letters, Russia, 1883A.N. Ukhtomskii of Rybinsk, March 15, 1901
1917 (State Archive of the
Russian Federation, Moscow,
Excerpt from A Letter Signed 'Ar. S.' from St. Petersburg, dated January 29,
Russia--Ideology-- Intercepted Letters, Russia, 18831904 to Vera V. Belova of Moscow
1917 (State Archive of the
Russian Federation, Moscow,
Excerpt from Discourse on Colonialism
Césaire, Aimé
Outside PSM collections
Excerpt from Mitteleuropa
Naumann, Friedrich
World War I
Outside PSM collections
Excerpt from The White Book on Aggressive Activities of the USSR, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania Towards
Excerpt of My War Memoirs
Excerpts from I Speak for the Silent
Excerpts from Lenin's Argument for Peace, January 20, 1918 and other
documents on the Peace Agreement with Germany
Excerpts from Nunca Más (Never again)
Excerpts from What Is to Be Done? Burning Questions of Our Movement,
1902 and Lenin's Views on the War, September-October 1914
Excerpts from When God Calls a Woman: The Struggle of a Woman Pastor in
France and Algeria
Excerpts of Letters and/or statements from President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
President John F. Kennedy, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of
Defense Robert McNamara
Excerpts of People's War: People's Army
Russian Revolution Outside PSM collections
and Civil War
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Outside PSM collections
the Federal People's Republic
of Yugoslavia
Benes, Edvard
Establishment of
Outside PSM collections
Statehood in
Eastern Europe
Tchernavin, Vladimir
Outside PSM collections
Lenin, Vladimir, I.
Outside PSM collections
Comisión Nacional Sobre la
Desaparición de Personas
Lenin, Vladimir, I.
Latin America,
Human Rights
Outside PSM collections
Schmidt, Elisabeth
Outside PSM collections
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Cold War
Outside PSM collections
Vo Nguyen Giap
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Export Policy of Trusts in Certain Foreign Countries.
Board of Trade for the Cabinet International
(Great Britain)
Finance. Exports
Extermination of Jews in Europe, British Declassified Documents, December
Great Britain. Foreign Office
World War II
Extracts from Soviet Interrogation Records of U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers.
Soviet Union
Cold War
Family Allowances in Britain, Declassified Documents, November 7, 1940
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Feminism in Germany and Scandinavia ... New York, H. Holt and co., 1915.
Anthony, Katharine Susan
Women-Feminism History of Women (Radcliffe)
The Gale Group
Chamberlain Papers. Series Two:
The Papers of Austen
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Churchill at War
Page 31 of 51
Field Marshal Montgomery Reports, March-May 1945
Montgomery, Bernard Law
Final Protocol of the Locarno Conference, 1925.
Germany, France, and Poland, Locarno
Governments of
Finances of Relief after World War II, 1943-1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
First Appeal to the United States (June 1919)
Ho Chi Minh
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Five years' struggle for freedom. A history of the suffrage movement from
1908 to 1912.[London] Women's freedom league [n.d.]
Food and Rations, Posters.
Nevinson, Margaret Wynne
Ministry of Food
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Smith)
Food Situation, 1943: Speech by the Food Member of the Governor-General's
Council, and Other Papers
Food Supplies for Rome, Correspondence, May 1944
Great Britain, Government of
Bengal Famine.
Foreign and Colonial Speeches
Ismay, Hastings L. and
Winston S. Churchill
Chamberlain, Joseph
World War II
World War I
Churchill at War
Chamberlain Papers. Series Two:
The Papers of Austen
Churchill at War
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
British Parliamentary Papers
Churchill at War
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Churchill at War
Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Moscow, September-October 1943,
Foundations of Leninism (lectures, 1924) and On the Death of Lenin. A
Speech Delivered at the Second All-Union Congress of Soviets, January 26,
Founding of India and the Moslem League, Declassified Documents
Churchill, Winston S.; British Peace Settlement
Foreign Office
Stalin, Joseph V.
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill at War
Founding of Pakistan, Declassified Documents, January-March 1941
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill at War
Four-Powers Declaration, 1943
United Nations
Independence of
World War II
Franco-German Response to Admiral Darlan and General Weygand,
Declassified Documents, March 1941.
Mack, W.H. (British Foreign
World War II
Free World Views of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Balance of Power, August 29, 1960.
United States Information
Cold War
French Participation in D-Day, Correspondence, May 1944
French Somaliland
Churchill, Winston S.; Dwight World War II
D. Eisenhower
Great Britain. Foreign Office Colonialism
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Declassified Documents
Reference System (United States
Information Agency)
Churchill at War
French Union Losses of Personnel in Indo-China 1945 to July 1, 1954
United States Embassy, Paris
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Future of Italian Colonies, Declassified Documents, September 1944 February 1945
Future Operations in South-East Asia, November 22, 1943
Colville, J.R.; Kull, Cordell
World War II
Joint Planning Staff
Military Operations Churchill at War
Future World Organization, 1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Churchill at War
General Charles deGaulle's Broadcast From London to Continue the War
Against Germany, June 23, 1940
General Ismay for C.O.S. regarding the Menace Operation (Occupation of
Dakar), August 8, 1940; Correspondence relating to the Menace Operation
(Occupation of Dakar), July 30, 1940; Churchill's Letter to General deGaulle,
July 30, 1940; Spears Report on d
General Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East
Forces, Despatch, February 16, 1943 to January 8, 1944
German Armistice Terms for France, Drafts, June 1940
de Gaulle, Charles
World War II
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston S.
Dakar, Operation
Churchill at War
Wilson, Henry Maitland (Sir)
World War II
Churchill at War
British War Cabinet
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
German Minorities in Poland. (a) Letter from M. Graebe, Bromberg, dated
June 28th, 1920; (b) Memorandum from the German Association in Poland,
Bydgoszcz, dated June 10, 1920; (c) Group of Complaints regarding issues and
incidents which have occurred to t
German Plans for the Balkans, August 1943
United Kingdom-United States
Joint Intelligence SubCommittee
Germany and Austria in The Post-Surrender Period, September 1944; The
British War Office
British and American Directives on Germany, December 8, 1944
Germany Concentration Camps, June 1944. Compiled and drawn in the Branch
of Research and Analysis, OSS; lithographed in the Reproduction Branch,
OSS. No. 3761, June 19, 1944
Germany's Foreign Policy
Hitler, Adolph
Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
World War II
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
World War II
Yale University
Germany's new Nazis: Impressions from a Recent Journey through Germany's Reichmann, Eva G.
Danger Zones, August 1951
World War II
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
The Gale Group
Page 32 of 51
Greek Political Conference: Text of Agreement, February 12, 1945; Note on
Greece Regarding the Political Conference and Agreement, February 9, 1945
H.M. Bao Dai: Proclamation to the Vietnamese People, July 2, 1949
Greece, Government of; and
World War II
Churchill at War
Anthony Eden, British Foreign
Bao Dai
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Ha Long Bay Agreement, June 5, 1948
Vietnam, Government of
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Heinrich Himmler's Surrender Offer, Top Secret Report, December 15, 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Himmler's Peace Surrender and Correspondence between Churchill, Truman,
and Stalin, April-May 1945
Hitler's Claim for Colonies
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Amery, L.S.
World War II
Home-front in Germany and Italy, 1941
Impact of War
How Can We Defeat Fascism?
United Kingdom Intelligence
Strachey, John
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
How I Killed Mussolini, Newspaper Clipping, May 1, 1945
Daily Express
World War II
Churchill at War
How to Save Money in War Time: The National Food Economy League
Handbook for Housewives. Eat Less Bread; A Series of Pamphlets.
Hungarian minorities in Transylvania. (a) Memorandum from the Permanent
Representative of Roumania, dated November 9th, 1921; (b) Letter from M.
Teleki, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Budapest, dated December 31, 1920.
IDS Special Report: Pope Pius XII on Religion in Russia.
Chance (Lady)
World War I
Lehovary (Mr.); Teleki (Mr.).
Minorities and
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
League of Nations Documents
World War I I
Impact of War on the French Colonies in Africa, 1940
World War II
Imperial Federation, 1902.
United Kingdom Intelligence
Chamberlain, Joseph
Imperial Reciprocity: A Study of Fiscal Policy, 1903.
Chamberlain, Joseph
In the name of human rights . . . (1890)
Hoang Hoa Tham
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Indian Military Problems, Declassified Documents, 1941
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Indian Policy. Statement of June 3, 1947
Great Britain, Government of
Indochina in U.S. Wartime Policy, 1941-1945
Industrial salvation. London, The Women's Party [1918?]
United States. Department of
Pankhurst, Christabel
British Parliamentary Papers
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Inside Greece. A Review, September 1943
Inside the Russian revolution ... New York, The Macmillan co., 1917.
Instructions of the Central Committee of the Indochinese Communist party
March 12, 1945
Intelligence Summary on Atomic Testing, Berlin and Austrian Treaty, 1955.
Indochinese Communist Party French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Boer War
Churchill at War
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
Myers, Edmond
Civil War
Churchill at War
Dorr, Rheta Louise (Childe)
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
Operations Coordinating
Pankhurst, Christabel
Cold War
International militancy. A speech delivered at Carnegie Hall, New York,
World War I
January 13th, 1915. London, The Women's social and political union [1915]
Interview with Senator Margaret Chase Smith, for the Columbia Broadcasting Franco, Francisco, 1892-1975 Spanish Civil War
System, U.S.A.
Intimate letters from France during America's first year of war [by] Elizabeth
H. Ashe ... San Francisco, Cal., Philopolis press, 1918.
Introduction and Britain in the 1960s
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Churchill at War
Ashe, Elizabeth H.
World War I
Williams, Raymond
Great Britain,
Cultural Change
Social and
Conditions in
Interwar Britain
Introduction and Excerpts from The Early Days, 1910-30, and The Thirties and Lanning, Greg, Christine
Peaker, Caro Webb, and
Richard White, eds.
Introduction and Institutions of Terror
Rürup, Reinhard, ed.
Introduction and Politics
Mann, Thomas
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
History of Women (Smith)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
History of Women (Sterling)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Introduction and The First Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Councils
Burdick, Charles B., and Ralph Rise of
Outside PSM collections
H. Lutz, eds.
Communism in
Germany (Weimer
Introduction and The 'Führer State': Impact and Consequences, The 'Führer' on Frei, Norbert
National-Socialist Outside PSM collections
the 'Führer State': The End of the 'Führer State': The Germans Give Up, The
The Gale Group
Page 33 of 51
Best Type of Democracy, Heinrich Himmler: Smoking Ban and 'Special
Treatment,' and Robert L
Introduction and The Renewed Evacuation of Most City Children
Hermand, Jost
Germany, Nazism
Outside PSM collections
Introduction and Two Cultures
Snow, C.P.
Cultural Divide
Outside PSM collections
Introduction to After the Second Sex: Conversations with Simone de Beauvoir Schwarzer, Alice
France, Feminism
Outside PSM collections
Introduction, Race and Race History, The Enemy, and The Ideal State
Rosenberg, Alfred
Outside PSM collections
Introduction, Six Life Histories, and Appendices
Abel, Theodore
Introduction, The Child of the Forest and Serials with Songs
Potter, Dennis
Introduction, The Media and Society, Minority Art, Folk Art and Popular Art,
Popular Art and Mass Culture, Mass Society: Critics and Defenders
Introduction, The Transition from Capitalism, by C.A.R. Crossman; and Trade
Unions in a Full Employment Economy by Ian Mikardo
Italian Communist Party Criticism of the Church, April 1945.
Rise of National
Socialism in
Life and Culture in
Cultural Life in
1960s Britain
Socialist Ideology
Hall, Stuart, and Paddy
Crosland, C.A.R., and Ian
Osborne, D. (British Legation World War II
to the Holy See)
Italian Libya
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Italian Somaliland
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Italy's Civilizing Mission in Africa
De Vecchi, Dr. Paolo
Jean Monnet Urges Churchill to Unite the British and French Air Forces,
Letter, June 6, 1940
Monnet, Jean, Chair of the
Anglo-French Co-ordinating
Jewish Central Information
Jewish News: Bulletin No. 1 through 46 (January 1942 - September 1946)
North Africa:
Politics, Economy
and Society
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Italian Colonialism Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
World War II
Churchill at War
Jews in Germany
and Europe
Jewish Problem in Europe: British Declassified Documents, 1942.
Great Britain. Foreign Office
World War II
Jewish Refugees in Europe, 1920-1921; A Group of Documents.
Alliance Israelite Universelle
[Jewish Voluntary
Association]; Balfour, Arthur
James [British Ambassador]
Lichtenstein, M.
Minorities and
Jewish Survivor's Report: Documents of Nazi Guilt: Number 1:18 Months in
the Oswiecim Extermination Camp, May 1945
Outside PSM collections
Jewish Survivor's Report: Documents of Nazi Guilt: Number 2: The
Taubes Israel
Persecution of Jews in Holland, 1940-1945, Westerbork and Bergen-Belsen,
May 1945
Jewish Survivor's Report: Documents of Nazi Guilt: Number 3: Theresienstadt Mannheimer, Max E.
and from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz, July 1945
World War II
Jewish Survivor's Report: Documents of Nazi Guilt: Number 5: My Experience Littauer, Paula
during the Persecution of the Jews in Berlin and Brussels, 1939-1944, October
Jewish Survivor's Report: Documents of Nazi Guilt: Number 6: Terezin, the
Jacobson, Jacob
daily life, 1943-1945, March 1945
World War II
Jewry and Germany: Reconciliation of Interests--The Approach to
Reparations: A Survey of Developments, 1949-1952, n.d.
Jewish Central Information
Jews in Germany
and Europe
Joint Declarations on War Crimes, 1943
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Churchill at War
Joint Statement by Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, September
18, 1944, on Liberation of Italy
Joseph Chamberlain in South Africa, 1903.
Churchill, Winston S.;
Franklin D. Roosevelt
World War II
Churchill at War
Journal Entry for January 12, 1931.
Gide, André
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Outside PSM collections
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928 (United States, Australia, Belgium, Canada,
Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland (Irish Free
State), Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Governments of)
Kossovo Day', June 28, 1916.
The Gale Group
Kossovo Day Committee
World War II
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
League of Nations Documents
World War II
World War II
World War I
Outside PSM collections
Imperial War Museum. The
Page 34 of 51
Women at Work Collection
La intervención de Rusia en la guerra civil española.
Araquistáin, Luis, 1886-1959
La Situation de l'Afrique Équatoriale Française (The Situation in French
Equatorial Africa)
La Vocation coloniale et le métier d'administrateur (The Colonial Vocation and
the Job of Administrator)
Labour laws for women in France. [London] Women's Industrial Council,
Labour laws for women in Germany. [London] Women's industrial council,
Labour laws for women in Italy. [London] Women's Industrial Council, 1908.
Merlin, M. [gouverneur
Deschamps [Administrateur
des Colonies]
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh
Lamentabili-A Condemnation of Modernism
Pope Pius X
Landscape for a Good Woman
Steedman, Carolyn
Leaves From An Officer's Notebook
Civil War
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Labor Laws
Salomon, Alice
Labor Laws
History of Women (Widener at
History of Women (Smith)
Okey, Mrs. Thomas
Labor Laws
History of Women (Smith)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Crawshay-Williams, Eliot
Great Britain,
World War I
Lessons of the Spanish War, 1936-1939
Díaz, José
Letter . . . from the Permanent Representative of Panama to the United Nations
. . . , April 14, 1982
Letter from the Minister of Hygiene, Jules-Louis Breton, 26 May 1920
(regarding the French Decree Establishing Medals for Mothers)
Letter to George Kennan on Psychological Factor in Truman Doctrine and
Marshall Plan, November 19, 1951.
Letter to Leonid Brezhnev on Arms Race and Peace in the Middle East,
January 26, 1977.
Letter to Maurice Thorez, October 24, 1956
Panama. Ozores Typaldos,
Breton, Jules-Louis Breton
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Outside PSM collections
World War I
Outside PSM collections
Lilly, Edward P.
Cold War
Carter, Jimmy
Cold War
Césaire, Aimé
Letter to Miss Conway, Women's Work Sub-Committee, Imperial War
Museum, Gt. George Street, S.W.1
Letter to Nikita Khrushchev on Various Topics, February 1958.
Mair, J.
World War I
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Outside PSM collections
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Cold War
Letters from M. Reynaud to Marshal Petain, May-November 1941
Reynaud, Paul
World War II
Letters from the Tsaritsa to the Tsar, 1915-1916 and Letters from the Tsar to
the Tsaritsa, 1916-1917
Liberalism and communism the background of the Spanish Civil War.
Romanov, Tsaritsa Alexandra Pre-Revolutionary
and Tsar Nicholas
Marañón, Gregorio, 1887-1960 Spanish Civil War
Loi de 31 juillet 1920 (French Anti-abortion law)
France, Government of
World War I
Spain. President (1936-1939:
Spanish Civil War
Mao on Sino-Soviet Relations
Mao Zedong
Les événements de la haute Sangha (Events in the Upper Sangha)
Map of Jugoslav Territory, by Dr. Niko Županić. (Issued for
the Jugoslav Committee in London), September 1917, London
Marshall Pétain's Message to Britain, February 1941.
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Outside PSM collections
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Outside PSM collections
Yale University
Great Britain. Foreign Office
World War II
Massacre of Poles in Katyn Woods, Declassified Declassified Documents,
February 1944
Measures Against Jews in Occupied France, September 27, 1940 and October
20, 1940
Churchill, Winston S.
Russian Massacre
of Poles
World War II
Meeting Minutes in Naples of Tito and Churchill, 1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Meeting of the War Committee of the Canadian Cabinet with the U.K. Prime
Ministers and members of the U.K. War Cabinet, September 14, 1944
Memel Territory. Letter, dated October 18th, 1923, from M. Massigli,
Conference of Ambassadors, forwarding a group of documents, March 28
through September 21.
Memo to Mr. Clifford, Mr. Nitze, General Wheeler, Dr. Brown, Mr. Warnke,
and Dr. Halperin on the MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry
British War Cabinet
World War II
Churchill at War
Massigli (Mr., Conference of
Postwar Settlement League of Nations Documents
of Frontiers
John S. Foster, Jr. (Office of
the Secretary of Defense)
Cold War
Monnet, Jean (French
World War II
The Gale Group
German Military Authority in
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
Page 35 of 51
Memorandum by the Secretary of State for India regarding Imperial
Secretary of State for India
Preference, March 1, 1944
Memorandum for President Johnson Regarding NATO Strategy, November 16, United States. Department of
World War II
Churchill at War
Cold War
Memorandum from Marshall Brement to Zbigniew Brzezinski and David
Aaron on Brezhnev's Speech,February 27, 1980.
United States. National
Security Council
Memorandum of Conversation between U.S. Ambassador George Ball and
Soviet Officials, November 1, 1963.
United States. Department of
Cold War
Memorandum Regarding the Future of British Organisation in Greece, March
5, 1945
Memorandum to Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, December 7, 1942
Secretary of State for Foreign World War II
Raczynski, E., Polish
Polish Question
Ledsky, Nelson United States. Cold War
Department of State
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Declassified Documents
Reference System (National
Security Council)
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
Memorandum to the Secretary of State on a U.S. Boycott of the Summer
Olympic Games in Moscow, March 8, 1980.
Memorandum to The Supreme Commander regarding U.S. Build-up on the
Continent, June, 1944; Minutes of a Staff Conference held in the Prime
Minister's Map Room, December 12, 1944
Memorandums to Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill regarding the
Restoration of Liaison between the Polish Government and Its People, 1940
Men in the ranks the story of 12 Americans in Spain.
Ball, H.R. (Major General);
World War II
British War Cabinet Chiefs of
Staff Committee
Dalton (Dr.); and Professor
Polish Question
Hemingway, Ernest, 1899Spanish Civil War
Message of Minister of Interior Mr. Vo Nguyen Giap to the Vietnamese People
on Independence Day, September 2, 1945
Message of the Holy Father to the Group 'Jubilee 2000 Debt Campaign,'
September 23, 1999
Message to President Roosevelt, July 4, 1944, Draft Message Concerning
Conflict Between United States and United Kingdom Military Leaders; and
Minutes of a Staff Conference held in the Defence Map Room, July 6, 1944
Message to Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill, October 27, 1944 regarding
Soviet Demand for Oil Concessions
Message to the Prime Minister regarding Axis Diplomats in Vatican City, July
19, 1942
Messages to the Prime Minister regarding the Return of the Dutch Government
to Holland, October 27 and 31, 1944
Migration and Labor, Declassified Documents, April and May 1944
Vo Nguyen Giap (Minister of
the Interior)
Military Role in Relief and Rehabilitation after World War II, 1944
Churchill at War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill, Winston S.; British World War II
War Cabinet, Chiefs of Staff
Cadogan, A.
World War II
Churchill at War
Eden, Anthony
Churchill at War
Cadogan, A. and Morton, D.
Axis Diplomats in
Vatican City
World War II
British War Cabinet
Labor Migration
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Churchill at War
United Kingdom. Prime
Minister's Office
Minorities of Hungarian Origin; Letter, dated April 15th, 1921, from the
Cambon, Paul (French
President of the Conference of Ambassadors, and other documents on the same Statesman)
Minutes of Meeting held in the Defence Map Room, May 3, 1944; W.M. (44) British War Cabinet Defence
61st Conclusions, Confidential Annex, Bombing Policy, May 2, 1944; W.M. Committee Operations
(44) 57th Conclusions, Minute 2, Confidential Annex Regarding the Policy of
Attacking Railway Targets, April 2
Minutes of Military Meetings in Moscow, October 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
World War II
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Mobilization of Spiritual, Religious, and Moral Factors in Psychological
Modern Egypt
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Churchill at War
Military Supplies from British India to China
Agar, Herbert
Baring, Evelyn (Earl of
Monnet's Credentials for Post-War Relief, January 8, 1944
United Kingdom Air Ministry United Kingdom
European Union;
Allied Military
Morocco's Role in the War, Declassified Documents, October 1940 - February Churchill, Winston S.
Military Strategy.
French Resistance
Moscow Conference Correspondence, September 1943
Churchill, Winston, S.; Joseph Moscow Peace
Stalin; Franklin D. Roosevelt Conference
Motion at House of Commons on Locarno Conference, 1925.
House of Commons, Great
Munich Pact, September 29, 1938
The Gale Group
Germany, Great Britain,
France, and Italy,
Governments of
Buildup to World
War II
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Chamberlain Papers. Series Two:
The Papers of Austen
Outside PSM collections
Page 36 of 51
My Lorraine journal. New York and London, Harper & brothers [c1918]
O'Shaughnessy, Edith
World War I
History of Women (Radcliffe)
My Parisian year; a woman's point of view. New York, J. Pott [1912]
Annesley, Maude
History of Women (Smith)
My personal experiences in Belgium and Germany. Indianapolis, Ind., The
French Orphans' Guard, 1918.
My Relations with the Carribean Commission, 1943-1955
Lauler, Marie Rose
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
Williams, Eric
Outside PSM collections
My Russian and Turkish journals ... New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1917.
Dufferin and Ava, Hariot
World War I
Georgina (Hamilton)
Eisenstein, Sergei
Ideology and
Culture in the
Soviet Union
National War Museum
World War I
My Worthless and Vicious Film, 1946
National Milk Hostels, 1916.
NATO and France, a Position Paper, May 6, 1964.
Nazi Massacres and Persecutions, British Declassified Documents, March
Negotiation of the Draft of the Irish Constitution, 1922.
Outside PSM collections
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
United States. Department of Cold War
Declassified Documents
State. Policy Planning Council.
Reference System (Department of
Great Britain. Foreign Office World War II
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Great Britain, Government of Irish Independence Chamberlain Papers. Series Two:
The Papers of Austen
Eden, Anthony
World War II
Churchill at War
Negotiations with the Soviet Union on Post-War Europe, a Letter from
Anthony Eden to A. Clark, Kerr, 1943
New careers for women; the best positions and how to obtain them. London, G.
Newnes, ltd.,1917.
Nikita Khrushchev's Statement and Replies to Questions Concerning the U-2 N.A.
Plane Incident, Gorky Park, Moscow, May 11, 1960
North Atlantic Treaty, April 4, 1949 (Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Great Britain, United States, et al., Governments of)
Norwegian women's first vote. Translated from the Paris Figaro. [New York,
Notes on an Emergency Meeting of the National Security Council to Analyze
the Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia.
History of Women (Smith)
Parsy, Paul
Women's Work
History of Women (NYPL)
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
West Germany and Outside PSM collections
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Radcliffe)
United States. National
Security Council
Cold War
On the Occupation of the Ruhr
Das Tagebuch
Operation Overlord, November 22, 1943
Britain. Navy
Troubled Early
Weimar Republic
Military Operations Churchill at War
Operation Saturn, November 6, 1943
Ismay, Hastings L.
World War II
Churchill at War
Operations in Greece and Yugoslavia: British War Cabinet's S.O.E. Activities
in the Balkans, Oct. 14, 1943; U.K.-U.S. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee
Report on Recent Activities and Present Strengths (July 1943) of Opposing
Forces in Yugoslavia, Albania
United Kingdom-United States World War II
Joint Intelligence SubCommittee; British Chiefs of
Staff Committee (British War
British War Cabinet
World War II
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill at War
Order in Council, 1957, and Constitution of the West Indies
West Indies (Federation)
Outside PSM collections
Orientaciones de la España futura.
Franco, Francisco, 1892-1975 Spanish Civil War
Operations in Northwest Europe - Liaison With the Russians, March 28, 1945
and April 5, 1945
Operations in the European and Mediterranean Theatre, 1943
The Gale Group
Churchill at War
World War II
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Yale University
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Flanner (Genêt), Janet
French Political
and Feminism
Flanner (Genêt), Janet
World War I
Outside PSM collections
Flanner (Genêt), Janet
World War II
Outside PSM collections
P.W. Installations in Germany and Austria. Prisoners from the Armies of the
United States, France, Great Britain, and the Dominions (February 1, 1945).
Lithographed in Reproduction Branch, OSS--Provisional Edition, No. 5990--R
& A, OSS, February 5, 1945
Paris Journal: Volume One; 1944-1955. (Selected Writings on France After the Flanner (Genêt), Janet
Liberation, 1944-45)
Paris Journal: Volume One; 1944-1955. (Selected Writings on Léon Blum and Flanner (Genêt), Janet
Paris Journal: Volume One; 1944-1955. (Selected Writings on the 'CocaFlanner (Genêt), Janet
Colonization' of France and 'Le Deuxième Sexe')
Paris Journal: Volume One; 1944-1955. (Selected Writings on the
Parliamentary Election of 1955 and the Poujadistes)
Paris Was Yesterday: 1925-1939. (Selected Writings on Janet Flanner on
Clemeneau, Foch and Joffre)
Paris Was Yesterday: 1925-1939. (Selected Writings on Janet Flanner on the
Declassified Documents
Reference System (National
Security Council)
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Page 37 of 51
War With Germany)
Paris Was Yesterday: 1925-1939. (Selected Writings on Third Republic
Scandals: Stavisky Affair; Mata Hari; Madame Hanou)
Participation of Dutch Forces Against Japan, Correspondence Between the
United States and the United Kingdom, March-July 1945
Peace offers from Ho Chi Minh October 27, 1948
Flanner (Genêt), Janet
Peace, Bread, and Land: Excerpts from Documents on Troop Conditions and
Food Riots, September-October 1917
Perestroika: Origins, Essence, Revolutionary Character
Russia, Official Reports in
Churchill, Winston S. and
Ministry of Defence
Ho Chi Minh
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Third Republic
The Pacific.
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Perestroika and the Outside PSM collections
Gorbachev Years
Yale University
Pictorial Map of the Caucasus, issued by USSR Travel Company. Printed in
Soviet Union, Vneshtorgisdat, Moscow, 1926
Pierre Laval's Dismissal, British Declassified Documents, including a Letter
de Chambrun, José (née Laval) World War II
from His daughter, José de Chambrun, to her Grandfather, René de Chambrun,
January 1941.
Plan for the Defeat of Japan, Declassified Documents, 1943
British War Cabinet
World War II
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Planning D-Day, Declassified Documents, February 1944
Churchill at War
Plans for Restoring the French Republic, Declassified Documents, June 1944
World War II
Churchill at War
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Poland and the Crimea Decision, Declassified Documents, April 1945
Churchill, Winston S.;
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Viet-Nam Lao Dong (Workers
Churchill, Winston S.
Polish Question
Churchill at War
Poland During the Second World War, Correspondence with Prime Minister
Winston S. Churchill, March-November 1941
Polish Complaint on the Expulsion of the Jews from Austria. Summary of
Report made by Mr. Balfour to the Council on March 1st, 1921.
Polish Position Before Yalta, Declassified Documents, January-February 1945
H. Mikolajczyk; General
Sikorsky; Winston S. Churchill
Balfour, Arthur James (British
Churchill, Winston S.
Conditions in
Policy. Auschwitz
Minorities and
Polish Question
Churchill at War
Polish Question, Top Secret Negotiations, March-May 1945
Churchill, Winston S.
Polish Question
Churchill at War
Civil War
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Platform of the Viet-Nam Lao Dong (Workers Party), March 1951
Political and Military Situation in Greece, Declassified Documents, December Churchill, Winston S.
Political and Military Situation in Serbia, 1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
Political and social changes in Catalonia during the revolution (July 19thDecember 31st 1936).
League of Nations Documents
Churchill at War
Catalonia (Spain)
Spain. Political and The Spanish Civil War Collection
Social Change
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Political Situation in Sweden, A Report to Anthony Eden, British Foreign
Mallet, Victor
World War II
Conditions and Politics in
Secretary, February 3, 1942.
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Political Theses of the Indochinese Communist Party (October 1930); Excerpts Indochinese Communist Party French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Political Union of Europe, 1963-1973
European Union
Outside PSM collections
World War II
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Political Warfare for France, Draft Proposals, October 28, 1941.
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Pope Pius XII's World Broadcast, May 9, 1945.
Osborne, D. (British Legation World War II
to the Holy See)
Post-War Reparations and Dismemberment of Germany, Declassified
Documents, March 7, 1945
Preface, The German People before and after the Founding of the Empire, and
Roads to Survival
Preface, The Making of an Anti-Semite, Appendix I: Three Stürmer Articles,
and Appendix II: Two Children's Stories from The Poisonous Mushroom
Preface, Years of Learning and Suffering in Vienna, People and Race, The
State, The Struggle with the Red Front, and Propaganda and Organization
Premier Ngo Dinh Diem: Broadcast Declaration on the Geneva Agreements
and Free Elections, July 16, 1955
Premier Ngo Dinh Diem: Statement Regarding the Geneva Agreements, July
22, 1954
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Letter to Prime Minister Winston S.
Churchill regarding Franco-Soviet Relations, December 6, 1944
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Proposed Statement to the German People
Following D-Day, May 1944
Prime Minister to President Roosevelt regarding U.S. oil supplies, October 10,
1943; President to Former Naval Person regarding U.S. oil supplies, January 3,
1943; Telegram to Canada (Goft.); Memorandum on the Measures Necessary
to Improve (1) The Oil Si
Prisoners of War in Siberia, 1920; Letter from Leon Bourgeois, undated,
forwarding to the Council copies of documents submitted by the British
Churchill, Winston S. and
Anthony Eden
Meinecke, Friedrich
The Gale Group
World War II
Ngo Dinh Diem
National Socialist
French Colonialism
Ngo Dinh Diem
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
German Defeat
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Bytwerk, Randall L.
Hitler, Adolf
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill, Winston S.;
Franklin D. Roosevelt; D.O.;
Admiralty the 1st Lord
Bourgeois, Leon (President of Prisoners of War
the League of Nations).
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
League of Nations Documents
Page 38 of 51
Private Talk between Winston Churchill and Harry S. Truman at Potsdam, July
18, 1945
Private Talk between Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin at Potsdam, July 18,
Proclamation of the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN), November 1,
Proclamation on the Founding of the Chinese Guomindang in Europe.
Document reprinted in Levine and Chen, The Guomindang in Europe: A
Sourcebook of Documents (2000).
Proclamations: An Appeal About and to the Cossacks, Voronezh, December
10, 1918; The Necessary Statement, December 30, 1918; About the Officers
Betrayed by Krasnov, December 31, 1918; An Appeal to the Peasants; and
Before the Great Change.
Proclamations: To Mamontov's Cavalrymen, August 24, 1919, and Appeal of
the Seventh Bolshevik Congress to the Cossacks December 6, 1919
Churchill, Winston, and Harry
S. Truman
Churchill, Winston S., and
Joseph Stalin
Algerian National Liberation
World War II
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Chinese Political
Parties in Europe
Outside PSM collections
Trotsky, Leon
Civil War, 19171921
Trotsky, Leon
Program of the Communist Party of Indochina, by Ho Chi Minh, February 18, Ho Chi Minh
Program of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, 1927
National Socialist German
Workers' Party
Progress Report on Operations in China, April 1944-June 1945
United States Chiefs of Staff
Prolongation of Nazi Resistance After Loss of Berlin and Northern Germany,
March 29, 1945
Proposed Anglo-French Treaty, Declassified Documents, April-May 1945
Joint Intelligence SubCommittee
Churchill, Winston S.
Military Papers of Leon Trotsky,
1918-1924 (Russian State
Military Archive Moscow,
Civil War, 1917Military Papers of Leon Trotsky,
1918-1924 (Russian State
Military Archive Moscow,
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
World War II
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Federal Republic North Atlantic Treaty
of Germany (Paris, October 23, 1954)
Rand, McNally & Co.'s 1904 War Map of Russia and the Continent of Asia
New Germany
Outside PSM collections
Reactions to Allied Bombing Offensive on Western Seaboard of Europe, April- Bracken
June 1944
Reasons for Pierre Laval's Dismissal, December 28, 1940.
Hoare, S.
World War II
Churchill at War
World War II
Refugees coming from Germany. Report submitted to the Nineteenth Ordinary Malcolm, Neill (Sir).
Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations by Sir Neill Malcolm, High
Commissioner for Refugees from Germany. August 22, 1938.
Relations between Churchill and the French Government Exiled in Bordeaux; Churchill, Winston S.
Declassified Documents, June 1940
Relief for France, Belgium, and Holland after World War II, 1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
Minorities and
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
League of Nations Documents
French Fleet
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Relief Supplies for and Proposed Truce in Occupied Holland, Correspondence,
January-May, 1945
Renunciation of War; Letter, Foreign Office, August 4th, 1928, from M.
Craigie, British Government, forwarding two notes, Foreign Office, July 18th
and May 19th, 1928, from M. Chamberlain to the United States Ambassador
and the United States Charge d'Aff
Reply to President Jimmy Carter Defending Soviet Military Presence in
Report by the Committee on International Assistance to Refugees submitted to
the Council of the League of Nations, January 3rd, 1936.
Report of the First Plenary Session of the European Branch of the Chinese
Guomindang Sent to Mr. Ye Chucang, Propaganda Chief, 25 November 1923,
at Lyons.
Report of the Working Party of Officials on Supplies for Liberated Areas of
Europe, 1945
Report on Stalin's Speech about Poland, December 7, 1941
Churchill, Winston S.
The Netherlands.
Resistance. Truce
Renunciation of
Churchill at War
Report on the physical welfare of mothers and children. England and Wales.
[Liverpool, Tinling] 1917.
Report regarding The Dakar Operation, February 5, 1941; and Correspondence
to Major-General Sir H.L. Ismay, September 30, 1940
Report to Anthony Eden on Murder of Polish Officers in Katyn Forest in April
and May 1940
Report to O'Malley, Foreign Office, on Polish-Russian Relations, February 19,
Report to the President and Prime Minister of the agreed summary of
conclusions reached by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at the Octagon
Conference, September 15, 1944
Reports from the Proceedings of the Berlin Conference, 1945
The Gale Group
Chamberlain, Austen (British
Brezhnev, Leonid
Yale University
League of Nations Documents
Cold War
Committee on International
Assistance to Refugees.
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
Chinese Politics in Outside PSM collections
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Churchill at War
British War Cabinet
Polish Question
Churchill at War
Carnegie United Kingdom
British War Cabinet; E.L.
Spears (Major-General)
O'Malley, British Ambassador
to Poland
Eden, Anthony
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
Dakar, Operation
Polish Question
Churchill at War
Polish Question
Churchill at War
Combined British Chiefs of
World War II
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Churchill at War
Page 39 of 51
Reports of the Combined Chiefs of Staff for the Berlin Conference, 1945
Combined British Chiefs of
Reprisal Raids for German Atrocities in Poland, Declassified Documents, 1943
World War II
Churchill at War
Polish Question
Churchill at War
Request by the Ethiopian Government. Memorandum by the Italian
Government on the Situation in Ethiopia. September 11th, 1935.
Request by the Ethiopian Government. Report of the Council, under Article
15, paragraph 4 of the Covenant, submitted by the Committee of the Council
on October 5th, 1935, and adopted by the Council on October 7th, 1935.
Requests of the French Government under Article 11, Paragraph 2, of the
Covenant in view of the decisions of the German government relating to
armaments. (a) Telegram, dated March 20th, 1935, from Mr. Laval; (b) Letter
and Memorandum, dated April 9th
Revolutionary socialism and the woman's movement. Edinburgh, Socialist
labour party [1910?]
Rodzianko's Memoirs on the Impact of the War and the Collapse of the Tsarist
Government, 1914-1917and Rodzianko's Telegrams to the Tsar, February 26
and 27, 1917
Role of North Africa in Resistance to Germany, May 1940-November 1942
Ethiopia and Italy
(Government of).
Ethiopia (Government of).
Italian Colonialism. League of Nations Documents
League of Nations Documents
Laval (Mr.); France, United
Kingdom and Italy
(Delegations of).
Violation of
Versailles Treaty
League of Nations Documents
Wilkinson, Lily Gair
History of Women (Smith)
Rodzianko (Duma president)
Outside PSM collections
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Rudolf Hess, Hitler's Deputy, British Secret Files: Excerpts from Interviews,
Medical Reports, and Statements of the Governments of the United Kingdom,
United States and the U.S.S.R., 1941-1942
Russian memories ... with an introduction by Stephen Graham and fifteen
illustrations. New York, E. P. Dutton & co. [1916]
Russian Refugees. Report by the High Commissioner of the League of Nations
for Russian Refugees. Approved by the Fifth Committee and presented to the
Assembly. September 15th, 1922.
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Novikova, Ol'ga Alekseevna
Minorities and
History of Women (Smith)
Saarland. AntiFascism
Before World War
League of Nations Documents
Outside PSM collections
Saar Basin Governing Commission. Petition, dated June 1st, 1934, from the
Delegation of the Freiheitsaktion an der Saar, together with one annex.
Secret Convention of July 30, 1907
Secret Talks about the German Situation, 1939.
Nansen (Dr., High
Commissioner for the
International Russian Relief
Saar Basin Governing
Russia and Japan,
Governments of
Great Britain, Government of
Selected Documents on European Integration
European Union
League of Nations Documents
Chamberlain Papers. Series One:
The Papers of Neville
Outside PSM collections
Selected Papers on Ireland's status after World War I, 1921-1922.
Great Britain, Government of
Selected Statements by Winston Churchill, Rene Pleven, Charles de Gaulle,
and a Declaration by the European Commission
Selected Treaties and Acts Forming the European Union.
Irish Independence Chamberlain Papers. Series Two:
The Papers of Austen
European Union
Outside PSM collections
European Union
European Union
Outside PSM collections
Selections from The Fifth Republic: France's New Political System
Wahl, Nicholas, ed.
Government. The
French Fifth
European Union
Outside PSM collections
World War I
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Churchill at War
Selections on the History of European Integration by Joachim von Ribbentrop,
Vincent Auriol, Helmuth von Moltke, Wiadomosci Polskie, Geneva
Conference of Resistance Fighters
Serbia Needs Your Help.
Serbian Red Cross Society in
Great Britain
Serbian (Jugoslav) War Aims, July 25, 1918.
Serbian Minister
Serbia's Martyrdom, Wednesday, November 13, 1918.
The Times
World War I
World War I
Sextant Conference, Minutes of the First Plenary Meeting, November 23, 1943 British War Cabinet
World War II
Sir Ian Hamilton's Despatches from the Dardanelles
Hamilton, General Sir Ian
World War I
Situation in Armenia. Letter, dated June 20th, 1921, from the International
Philarmenian League.
Situation in Bulgaria, October 27, 1943; Future of Poland and the Danubian
and Balkan Countries, Including the Question of Federations; Final Results of
the Moscow Conference
Situation of Jews in Danzig. (a) Letters from the High Commissioner of the
League of Nations in Danzig, dated May 11th and August 27th, 1935; (b)
Petitions adressed to the League of Nations from the Verein judischer
Akademiker and the Vereinigung selb
Situation of the Musulmans in Greece. Letter, dated December 6th, 1923, from
M. Blinishti, Permanent Albanian Secretariat, together with six annexes,
August 6th through October 20th, 1923.
International Philarmenian
United StatesS.R.,
Government of
Status of Armenia
Lester (Mr.), High
Commissioner; Senate of the
Free City.
International City:
Danzig. National
Socialism and Jews
Minorities and
The Gale Group
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
League of Nations Documents
Churchill at War
League of Nations Documents
League of Nations Documents
Page 40 of 51
Situation report. Cameroons, September 3, 1940
Governor of Nigeria
Six women and the invasion, by Gabrielle & Marguerite Yerta, with preface by Méléra, Marguerite (Yerta)
Mrs. Humphry Ward. London, Macmillan & co., ltd., 1917.
Sixteen Political, Economic, and Ideological Points, Budapest, October 22,
Building Industry
Technological University,
Plenary of
Social Welfare during the First World War; Documents.
Imperial War Museum,
Solidarity's Program, October 16, 1981
Solidarity Movement of
Soviet Assistance in the War Against Japan, 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
Dakar, Operation
World War I
Churchill at War
Destalinization in
Eastern Europe
Outside PSM collections
World War I
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Outside PSM collections
World War II
Churchill at War
Soviet Colonialism, A Memorandum, August 30, 1954.
United States. Department of
Soviet Criticism of the Vatican, February 8, 1945.
Osborne, D. (British Legation World War II
to the Holy See)
Soviet Officials' Views on the Vietnam War and the USSR's Aims in Europe.
Central Intelligence Agency
Vietnam War
Soviet Policy before and after Stalin, A Report, December 1, 1953.
United States. Department of
Soviet Public Statements on SALT
Foreign Broadcast Information Cold War
Service (FBIS)
American Friends of Spanish
Spanish Civil War
Spain and the People's Front.
Dimitrov, Georgi, 1882-1949
Spanish Civil War
Spain--front line of democracy.
Ríos, Fernando de los, 18791949
Spain's war of independence.
Spain. Embajada (United
Spanish Civil War
Spanish dossier.
League of Nations.
Spanish Civil War
Spanish liberals speak on the counter-revolution in Spain.
Alcalá-Zamora y Torres,
Niceto, 1877-1949
Spain. Liberalism
Spanish Morocco
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Special Estimate of Soviet Capabilities for Attack on the U.S. through mid1955.
The Intelligence Advisory
North Africa:
Politics, Economy
and Society
Cold War
Speech by His Excellency the President of the Spanish Republic
Spain. President (1936-1939:
Speech Delivered at New York University, February 19, 1944.
Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard European Union
Speech Delivered by His Excellency Don Manuelazaña, President of the
Spanish Republic in the Barcelona City Hall, July 18th, 1938
Spain. President (1936-1939:
Speech Given at Harvard University on June 5, 1947, Initiating the 'Marshall
Speech of High Commissioner Léon Pignon Recognizing Bao Dai as Head of a
New State of Vietnam, Saigon, June 14, 1949
Speech of Nikita Khrushchev Before a Closed Session of the XXth Congress
of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on February 25, 1956 [Speech
Denouncing the Crimes of Stalin]
Speech of the German Delegation, Versailles, May 7, 1919
Marshall, George C.
European Union
Pignon, Léon
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Khrushchev, Nikita S.
Outside PSM collections
Von BrockdorffRantzau,Ulrich
King of Greece
German Response
to Versailles
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Sovietization and
Outside PSM collections
Speech on Greek Resistance, Broadcast from Cairo on July 4, 1943
Stalin as Editor: The Soviet Dictator's Secret Changes to the Polish
Constitution of 1952
The Gale Group
History of Women (Smith)
Spanish Civil War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Outside PSM collections
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Page 41 of 51
Stalin's Conversations with Chinese Leaders
Outside PSM collections
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Statement by Secretary Dulles at a News Conference, July 23, 1954
Dulles, John Foster
Statement of the Special Commission to Establish and Investigate the
Circumstances of the Shooting by German Fascist Invaders of Captive Polish
Officers in the Katyn Woods, January 24, 1944 and January 25, 1944;
Telegraph to Mr. Balfour, British Foreign
Strange Defeat: A Statement of Evidence Written in 1940 (Selected Chapter: A
Frenchman Examines His Conscience )
Studies in Socialism
Soviet Special Commission on Polish Question
the Katyn Massacre
Churchill at War
Bloch, Marc
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Jaurès, Jean
France, Politics
Outside PSM collections
Subversive Attempts on the Loyalty of the Indian Army, Declassified
Documents, 1943
Suggested Agenda for Meetings of Military Representatives of the U.K., U.S.
and U.S.S.R.; Agenda for the Cairo 3 Conference, Correspondence, November
Tehran Conference. Minutes. First Plenary Meeting, November 28, 1943
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Ismay, Hastings L., Anthony
Moscow Peace
Churchill at War
British War Cabinet
World War II
Churchill at War
Telegram Addressed to the Prime Ministers of Various Countries, Regarding
Khrushchev's Actions at the Summit Meeting, May 19, 1960.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
(United States President)
Cold War
Telegram from Premier J. Stalin to Prime Minister W. Churchill, September
29, 1944; Telegram from President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston
Churchill to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, September 18, 1944; Report to
the President and Prime Minister of
Telegram from Prime Minister Winston Churchill, April 5, 1944;
Memorandum from Anthony Eden regarding Macedonia, Dec. 5, 1944;
Message from Anthony Eden to Prime Minister Winston Churchill, May 12,
1944; Message from Anthony Eden to Prime Minister Winsto
Telegram from the United Kingdom High Commissioner in the Union of South
Africa, January 28, 1941; Telegram to the United Kingdom High
Commissioner in the Union of South Africa, January 26, 1941; Copy of
Telegram from the United Kingdom High Commissioner
Telegram to Commander-in-Chief, India; Commander-in-Chief, East Indies.
A.O.C. in C. Middle East. Reptd. General Iraq; S.N.O. Persian Gulf;
Commander-in-Chief Middle East; A.O.C. Iraq, August 31, 1941
Telegram to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, January 30, 1944
Stalin, Joseph V.; Roosevelt,
Franklin D., and Winston S.
Churchill; Combined British
Chiefs of Staff
Churchill, Winston, S.;
Anthony Eden; United
Kingdom Ambassador to
Smuts (General); Winston S.
World War II
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Italian East Africa
Churchill at War
British Chiefs of Staff
Churchill at War
Churchill, Winston S.
French Role on
Advisory Council
for Europe
Warsaw Uprising
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Telegram to the Foreign Office Regarding Supplies for Warsaw, October 12,
1944; and Memoranda Regarding the Action Taken By His Majesty's
Government in Support of the Polish Government in Connexion with the
Warsaw Rising, September 30, 1944
Telegram to the Foreign Office regarding the movement of French and British
forces into Lebanon and Syria, May 8, 1945
The Albanian Question. Report by M. Balfour, Representative of Great Britain.
September 1st, 1921.
The American Response to the Geneva Declarations, 3 July 21, 1954
Grigg, E. (Sir)
The Attitude of Pope Pius XII to the War, British Declassified Documents,
September-November 1942.
Osborne, D. (British Legation World War II
to the Holy See)
The Austro-Hungarian Frontier; Report by M. Hymans. August 28th, 1922.
Hymans, Mr.
Churchill at War
Balfour, Arthur James (British Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
United States, Government of French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
The Balkans During the Second World War, Declassified Documents:
Churchill, Winston S.;
Document by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Oct. 12, 1944; Telegram from Franklin D. Roosevelt
Prime Minister Winston Churchill to the Foreign Office, October 13, 1944;
Telegram from Prime Minister Winston Chu
The Birth control movement. [n.p.] The Committee of One Hundred, 1917.
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Postwar Settlement League of Nations Documents
of Frontiers
World War II
Churchill at War
Birth Control
History of Women (Smith)
France, Politics
Outside PSM collections
The Bolshevik Party Is Obsolete and It Is for Yourself That You Make the
The British Colonial Empire and the German Claim
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel and
Empire Economic Union
Research Committee
The causes of the revolt of the women in England. New York, National
American woman suffrage association [1912]
The Chinese in France.
[Porritt, Annie Gertrude]
Ta Chen
The Chinese Nationalist Party [Guomindang], French General Branch Report
on European Party Affairs to the Third National Congress, March 1929.
The Communist plot in Spain.
Guomindang.French General Chinese Politics in Outside PSM collections
Azcárate, Pablo de, 1890-1971 Socialism--Spanish The Spanish Civil War Collection
Civil War
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Gale Group
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
Women's Suffrage History of Women (NYPL)
Chinese Migration Outside PSM collections
Page 42 of 51
The Constitution of the Fifth Republic
Government. The
Fifth Republic
The Declaration of the Young China Party in Europe and America, 10 October
Chinese Politics in
The Demobilization of the Chinese Labor Corps; A Report by the British War Moss, G.S. (British War Office Chinese Emigration
Office Emigration Agency, October 31, 1920.
Emigration Agency)
and Labor
The Elysée Agreement confirmed by President Vincent Auriol, March 8, 1949 Auriol, Vincent
French Colonialism
The Enemy in Our Midst, A Sermon Preached by the Bishop of Munster, July
20, 1941and Queen Wilhelmina's Speech to Her People in Holland.
France, Government of
World War II
The Fiscal Problem, 1903.
Count Von Galen; Queen
Wilhelmina of The
France and Vietnam,
Governments of
Chamberlain, Austen
The Formation of a Free Italian Movement, February 1941
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
The French Relief Fund, October 5, 1915.
World War I
The Final Declarations of the Geneva Conference July 21, 1954
The Frontier between Hungary and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State. Report by M. Hymans, Mr.
Hymans, adopted by the Council on September 30th, 1922.
The Future of Indo-China, Declassified Documents, November 1943-March
Churchill, Winston S.
The Future Status of Armenia, Letter, dated November 10, 1920.
Lloyd, George (British
The Gdansk Agreement, August 31, 1980
Solidarity Movement of
Poland, and Government of
The Hindu wife; a few sketches from her life, by Dhirendra Nath Pal ...
Pal, Dhirendra Nath
Calcutta, P.n. Pal, 1911.
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Finance. Colonies
Chamberlain Papers. Series Two:
The Papers of Austen
Churchill at War
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Postwar Settlement League of Nations Documents
of Frontiers
Indo-China. French Churchill at War
League of Nations Documents
Outside PSM collections
Social Life and
History of Women (NYPL)
Customs. British
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
The History of the American Revolution
Ho Chi Minh
The History of Voluntary Effort During the War, Correspondence between the
Charity Organisation Society and The Imperial War Museum, April 3, 1916
and April 22, 1920.
The Italo-German aggression against Spain three speeches of Sr. Juan Negrín,
president of the Council of Ministers of Spain.
Charity Organisation Society
and The Imperial War
Negrín, Juan
The labor charter for new Spain issued March 9, 1938.
The little grandmother of the Russian revolution; reminiscences and letters of
Catherine Breshkovsky, ed. by Alice Stone Blackwell. Boston, Little, Brown,
and company, 1918.
The militant suffrage movement in England. New York, National American
woman suffrage association [1912]
The Missile Gap Controversy; A Memorandum to the President of the United
States, March 4, 1963.
Ekaterina Konstantinovna
Porritt, Annie Gertrude
McNamara, Robert S.
(Secretary of Defense)
The Nazis at War: Materials on Germany Designed to Aid the Study of Men,
Affairs, and Trends, Numbers 31-71 (April 1942 - April 1945)
Jewish Central Information
World War II
The New Idea of May 1968
Sartre, Jean-Paul
France, Cultural
Pre-Revolutionary Outside PSM collections
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
The October Manifesto, October 30, 1905 and Memoranda to the Tsar, October Romanov, Tsar Nicholas
9 and 13, 1905
The Path Which Led me to Leninism.
Ho Chi Minh
World War I
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Spain. Relations
with Italy and
Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
World War I
History of Women (Jane Addams
Hull-House Col. At Uni. Of
Women's Suffrage History of Women (NYPL)
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Testament to the Holocaust
Weiner Library Series (Wiener
Library Publications)
Outside PSM collections
'The President Knows,' A Message Issued by the Office of Colonel W.
Donovan, British Information Coordinator, @ February 4, 1944
The Prison Diary of Ho Chi Minh; Excerpts
Donovan, W. (Colonel)
Polish Question
Ho Chi Minh
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
The Problem of Scientific Cadres as Seen by a Bourgeois Biologist: On the
Question of Ideology in Science
Prezent, Isaak Izrailevich
Soviet Union-Science and
The Proposed United Nations Bank for Reconstruction and Development, June Anderson, John
20, 1944
The Pseudobiological Basis of the 'Racial Theory,' a draft
Prezent, Isaak Izrailevich
The Gale Group
United Kingdom.
Soviet Union--
Churchill at War
The Study of Genetics in Russia,
The Prezent Collection from the
Russian Academy of Sciences
(Archive from the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
Churchill at War
The Study of Genetics in Russia,
Page 43 of 51
The Racial Conception of the World
Hitler, Adolph
The Red Cross in war; woman's part in the relief of suffering ... London, New
York [etc.] Hodder & Stoughton, 1914.
The Red Earth: A Vietnamese Memoir of Life on a Colonial Rubber
Plantation; Excerpts
The regulation of prostitution in Europe [by] Abraham Flexner ... New York,
American social hygiene association, 1915.
The Report of the Jamaica Independence Conference, 1962
Billington, Mary Frances
Science and Racism The Prezent Collection from the
Russian Academy of Sciences
(Archive from the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
Tran Tu Binh
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Flexner, Abraham
History of Women (NYPL)
Colonial Office, Great Britain
Outside PSM collections
The Right Danger in the German Communist Party
Stalin, Joseph V.
Outside PSM collections
The Second Sex
Beauvoir, Simone de
New Element in
France, Feminism
League of Nations. Special
Commission on Armenia.
The Situation in Egypt: Address Delivered to the Eighty Club, December 15th, Baring, Evelyn (Earl of
The Spanish people's struggle statement of Spanish People's Front
Frente Popular (Spain),
Domingo, Marcelino, 18841939
The Spanish revolution.
Togliatti, Palmiro, 1893-1964
The Stab in the Back
German Response
to Versailles
World War I
League of Nations Documents
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Outside PSM collections
The Situation in Armenia, 1920.
Von Hindenburg, Paul
Spain. Popular
The story of British V.A.D. work in the great war, by Thekla Bowser ... 2d ed. Bowser, Thekla
London, A. Melrose, ltd. [1917]
The story of my life ... Bombay, Printed at the Times press, 1911.
Jessawalla, Dosebai Cowasjee Social Life and
Customs. British
The Story of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion written in the trenches of Spain. Friends of the Abraham
Spanish Civil War
Lincoln Battalion
The Tientsin Incident, 1938.
Great Britain, Government of
The Total War
Ludendorff, Erich
The tragic day in May
Souchy, Augustin
Spanish Civil War
The truth about Spain.
Rocker, Rudolf, 1873-1958
Spanish Civil War
The truth about Spain; speech delivered at the National Socialist Party
Congress, Nürnberg, 1937.
Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945
Spanish Civil War
The Truth about the Barcelona Events
Spanish Civil War
The Undying Spirit of France (Les Traits Eternels de la France)
Barrès, Maurice
World War I
The war in the Far East, 1904-1905 by the military correspondent of the Times; Repington, Charles à Court,
with numerous maps and plans by Percy Fisher.
Japan. RussoJapanese War
The woman's part; a record of munitions work, by L. K. Yates. New York, G.
H. Doran co.[1918?]
The World's Reactions to Pope Pius XII's Christmas Sermon Regarding the
Peace Settlement, December 1944.
Yates, L. K.
World War I
To Recondition Human Material . . . ': An Account of a British Labour Camp
in the 1930s (an Interview with William Heard, introduced by Dave Colledge
and John Field)
Heard, William
The Gale Group
Osborne, D. (British Legation World War II
to the Holy See)
Social Life in
Interwar Britain
Outside PSM collections
History of Women (Radcliffe)
History of Women (Smith)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Chamberlain Papers. Series One:
The Papers of Neville
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Outside PSM collections
Western Books on Asia: Japan
(Uni. Of London School of
Oriental & African Studies)
History of Women (Harvard)
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Outside PSM collections
Page 44 of 51
Togoland under British Mandate; Petition, dated July 3rd, 1928, from the chief
inhabitants of Wome (Togoland under the French Mandate).
Transfer of Madagascar to the Free French, Document, August and November Churchill, Winston S.
Treatment of Jews in Nazi-controlled Europe and World Response, British
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Declassified Documents, December 1942 - January 1943.
French Colonialism League of Nations Documents
Churchill at War
Treatment of Major War Criminals, 1942-1944
Churchill, Winston, S.
World War II
Treaty Between the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary, signed at
Trianon, June 4, 1920
United States, Hungary, et al.
Treaty Establishing the European Community as Amended by Subsequent
Treaties. Rome, March 25, 1957
Establishment of
Statehood in
Eastern Europe
Establishment of
Statehood in
Eastern Europe
New Germany
Belgium, West Germany,
France, Italy, Luxembourg,
and Netherlands, Governments
Germany, Belgium, France,
Great Britain, and Italy,
Governments of
League of Nations
Establishment of
Statehood in
Eastern Europe
Director of Central
Cold War
Treaty Between the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria, signed at St.
Germain-en-Laye, Sept. 10, 1919
Treaty of Mutual Guarantee and Treaty of Alliance, 1925.
Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919
Trends in Soviet Internal and Foreign Policy through 1968.
World War II
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Chamberlain Papers. Series Two:
The Papers of Austen
Outside PSM collections
Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act, 1962
Great Britain, Government of
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Outside PSM collections
Troop Withdrawals from Persia, July 19, 1945
Eden, Anthony
World War II
Churchill at War
Trotskyism in the service of Franco facts and documents on the activities of the Soria, Georges
New York Times
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Post-War Division Outside PSM collections
of Europe
Space Exploration Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Central Intelligence Agency
Cold War
Churchill, Winston S.
Truman Doctrine, March 12, 1947
Truman, Harry S.
U.S. - Soviet Cooperation in Space Research Programs, Views Expressed by
John F. Kennedy in his Speech to the U.N., September 20, 1963.
U.S. Ambassador Cleveland: Evaluates Military Consequences of French
Military Withdrawal from NATO, Telegram from State Department to
Embassies, May 9, 1966.
U.S. Policies: President Roosevelt's and Marshal Stalin's Views on Indo-China
Expressed at the Yalta Conference February 8, 1945
U.S. Policy Regarding Japan, The British View, Declassified Documents,
November 1941
U.S. President Eisenhower's Press Conference on the U-2 Incident, May 11,
1960; Excerpts.
United States. Department of
Unconditional Surrender of Germany, Declassified Documents, 1943-1944
World War II
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Central
Intelligence Agency)
Churchill at War
Under the Red cross flag at home and abroad ... with a foreword by Woodrow Boardman, Mabel Thorp
Wilson, president; sixteen illus. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott co.,
Union of All Spaniards
Ibárruri, Dolores, 1895-
World War I
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Spanish Civil War
United Kingdom Coordinating Authority, Mr. Duff Cooper, Resident Cabinet
Minister at Singapore for Far Eastern Affairs, June 1941-March 1942
United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Churchill at War
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Churchill at War
United Nations Plan for Organising Peace, 1943
Churchill, Winston, S.
United Kingdom.
World War II
United States and British Views of Charles de Gaulle, Correspondence, July
United States Recognition of Viet-Nam, Laos, and Cambodia: Statement by the
Department of State, February 7, 1950
United States Relations with Vichy France, Declassified Documents, 1942
Churchill, Winston S. and
Franklin D. Roosevelt
United States. Department of
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Outside PSM collections
World War II
Churchill at War
United States Strategy: Packaging, Advertising, and Selling Its Brand of
Democracy against the Soviet Brand, A Memorandum, September 15, 1954.
United States. Department of
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
League of Nations Documents
Upper Silesia. Letter, dated August 24th, 1921, from M. Briand and Historical Briand, Aristide (French
summary of the work of the Peace Conference on the question of the frontier in Statesman).
The Gale Group
Minorities and
Churchill at War
Page 45 of 51
Upper Silesia.
Use of French Manpower in North Africa, Declassified Documents, June 1944 de Gaulle, Charles and War
Cabinet (British)
Victory in Europe Announcement May 8, 1945
Churchill, Winston S., and
Harry S. Truman
Vietnamese Aide-memoire transmitted to the U.S. through an Agent of the
United States. Office of
Office of Strategic Services, July 1945
Strategic Services
Vietnamese Tradition on Trial, 1920-1945; Excerpts
Marr, David G.
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
French Colonialism Outside PSM collections
Polish Question
Views on the Warsaw Uprising, Correspondence from Franklin D. Roosevelt, Churchill, Winston S.
Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin, June 1944 - September 1944
Visits to the Factory, Welfare, and Reports on War Work and Demobilization. Welfare Dept., United
World War I
Vive l'Espagne, vive la paix! discours prononcés à la session du Comité
Alvarez del Vayo, Julio, 1891 Spanish Civil War
Central du Parti communiste francais des 22 et 23 juillet 1937.
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Women's Suffrage History of Women (NYPL)
Votes for women and the public health. London, Women's freedom league
War and women, from experience in the Balkans and elsewhere, by Mrs. St.
Clair Stobart, founder of the women's envoy corps, with a preface by Viscount
Esher, G.c.b. London, G. Bell& sons., ltd., 1913.
War and women. [n.p., 1918?]
Guest, Leslie, Haden
Stobart, Mabel Annie
(Boulton) Mrs. St. Clair
Mac D. Denison, Flora
Balkan-Peninsula History of Women (Smith)
War of 1912-1913.
World War I
History of Women (Radcliffe)
War Criminals: The Soviet and British Response, British Declassified
Documents, 1942.
Great Britain. Foreign Office
World War II
War scenes I shall never forget. 2d ed. New York, Spencer, 1917.
Spencer, Carita
World War I
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
History of Women (Smith)
Warsaw Security Pact: May 14, 1955 (Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, German
Democratic Republic, Romania, U.S.S.R., and Czechoslovakia, Governments
War-time Diary: 28 May 1940-28 August 1941 and War-time Diary: 14 March Orwell, George
1942-15 November 1942
War-Time Recipes for Households where Servants are Employed, June 1917. National Food Economy
We are all undesirables
Atelier Populaire
Destalinization in
Eastern Europe
Outside PSM collections
World War II
Outside PSM collections
World War I
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
Outside PSM collections
West German Views on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, Telegram from
Bonn, January 30, 1967.
United States. Department of
Cold War
What a Communist Ought to Be Like, 1922
Krupskaya, N.
What It Was All About and Left Illusions
Martin, Kingsley
Politics and
Ideology in
interwar Europe
Cold War
White House Memo on Kruschev's Removal and Overflights in Cuba, October Chase, Gordon
20, 1988.
White Paper on Greece, January 1945
United Kingdom Secretary of
State for Foreign Affairs
Why Spain fights on.
Fischer, Louis, 1896-1970
French history
World War II
Spanish Civil War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Churchill at War
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Chamberlain Papers. Series One:
The Papers of Neville
Chamberlain Papers. Series
Three: The Papers of Joseph
History of Women (NYPL)
Widows, Orphans, and Old Age Contributory Pensions Bill, 1925.
British Parliament
World War I
With Chamberlain through South Africa: A Narrative of the Great Trek
Griffith, George
Woman in the new era; with an appreciation by C. St. John. [London] The
Suffrage Shop, 1910.
Woman suffrage in Finland. London, Women's freedom league [1907]
Despard, Charlotte
Women at the Hague. The International Congress of Women and its results. By
three delegates to the congress from the United States, Jane Addams ... Emily
G. Balch ... Alice Hamilton ... New York, The Macmillan co., 1915.
Women in industry in war-time ... New York, The Russell Sage foundation
library [1917]
Women in modern industry ... with a chapter contributed by J. J. Mallon.
London, G. Bell andsons, ltd., 1915.
Women Mathematicians.
Women's International League World War I
for Peace and Freedom. 1st
congress, The Hague, 1915
Russell Sage foundation, New World War I
York. Library
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh
World War I
History of Women (Smith)
Ogilvie, Alec
World War I
Women of the war ... with an introduction by Right Hon. H. H. Asquith, M.P.
London and New York, Hodder & Stoughton, 1917.
Maclaren, Barbara
World War I
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
History of Women (Harvard)
The Gale Group
Malmberg, Aino M
Women's Suffrage History of Women (NYPL)
History of Women (NYPL)
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Page 46 of 51
Women's suffrage in Norway. London, The National Union of Women's
Suffrage Societies,1913.
Women's War Work in India; Documents.
Anker, Ella
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Smith)
Chelmsford (Lady)
World War I
Women's war work. Issued by the War office, September, 1916. London, H. M.
Stationery off., printed by the Chiswick press [1916]
Women's work in war time; a handbook of employments, comp. and ed. by H.
M. Usborne, with a preface by Lord Northcliffe. London, T. W. Laurie, ltd.
Words to working women on women's suffrage. London, Conservative and
unionist women's franchise association, 1912.
Work among women. London, Communist party of Great Britain [192-?]
Great Britain. War office
World War I
Imperial War Museum. The
Women at Work Collection
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Usborne, Mrs. H. M. ed.
World War I
History of Women (Sterling)
Chance, Julia Charlotte
Communist party of Great
Robertson, Margaret
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Smith)
Working men and women's suffrage. London, National union of women's
suffrage societies,1913.
World Opinion and the Soviet Satellite, October 17, 1957.
Writers take sides letters about the war in Spain from 418 American authors.
United States Information
Agency, Office of Research
and Intelligence
League of American Writers
Women's Work-History of Women (NYPL)
Women's Suffrage- History of Women (Smith)
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Yalta and the Vatican, July 1945.
Osborne, D. (British Legation World War II
to the Holy See)
Yalta Declaration on Liberated Europe, Declassified Documents, July 1945
British Foreign Office and
Soviet Delegation
Botchkareva, Maria
Leontievna (Frolkova)
Eastern Europe
World War I
Yashka, my life as peasant, officer and exile ... as set down by Isaac Don
Levine ... New York, F.A. Stokes co. [1919]
The Spanish Civil War Collection
(Southworth Collection Uni. Cal.
San Diego)
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Churchill at War
History of Women (Smith)
A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force Under the Great Britain. General
Command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby, July 1917 to October 1918
Headquarters. Egyptian
Expeditionary Force
A Turkish woman's European impressions, by Zeyneb Hanoum (Heroine of
Zeyweb, Hanowm
Pierre Loti's novelLes désenchantées), ed. & with an introduction by Grace
Ellison, with 23 illustrations from photographs & a drawing by Auguste Rodin.
London, Seeley, Service & co.
Actual life in the Turkish harem. 2d ed. New York, Clover Press, inc. [1911]
Cardashian, Vahan
World War I
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Description and
History of Women (Sterling)
Women's History
Adana Conference, 1943
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
History of Women (Widener at
Churchill at War
Allied Plans Relating to Turkey
Combined British Chiefs of
Ellison, Grace Mary
World War II
Churchill at War
Women's History
History of Women (NYPL)
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Hargrave, John
Economy and
Economy and
World War I
Wills, Charles James
Women's History
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
History of Women (Harvard)
Jenkins, Hester Donaldson
Ottoman Empire
History of Women (Sterling)
Balfour, Arthur James
Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
Minorities and
Outside PSM collections
Holy Places of
League of Nations Documents
An Englishwoman in a Turkish harem. With an introduction by Edward G.
Browne ... London,methuen & co., ltd. [1915]
Armenia and Kurdistan
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Assistance to Palestine Refugees: Resolution of the [UN] General Assembly,
December 8, 1949
At Suvla Bay: Notes and Sketches of Scenes, Characters, and Adventures of
the Dardanelles Campaign Made by John Hargrave (White Fox)
Behind an Eastern veil; a plain tale of events occurring in the experience of a
lady who had a unique opportunity of observing the inner life of ladies of the
upper class in Persia. Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and sons, 1894.
Behind Turkish lattices, the story of a Turkish woman's life, by Hester
Donaldson Jenkins; with 24 illustrations. London, Chatto & Windus, 1911.
British Mandate for Palestine, 1922. Report by Lord Balfour, regarding
approval, by the Council, of the British Mandate for Palestine, and discussing
negotiations for the Treaty of Peace between the Principal Allied Powers and
Camp David Accords, September 17, 1978
United Nations
Israel and Egypt, Governments
Christian Minorities in Turkey. (a) Report of the Allied High Commissioners at League of Nations. Allied
Constantinople; (b) Articles 140 through 151 of the Treaty of Sevres. February High Commissioners.
22, 1921.
Commission on the Holy Places, 1922. (a) Memorandum from the Vatican,
regarding certain provisions of the Balfour draft. (b) Series of correspondence,
The Gale Group
League of Nations Documents
Page 47 of 51
September 22 through October 13, 1922, between the British Prime Minister
and Cardinal Gasparri
Communiqué no. 42 by the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) of Algeria,
November 14, 1993
Daylight in the harem, a new era for Moslem women; papers on present-day
reform movements,conditions and methods of work among Moslem women,
read at Lucknow conference, 1911
Declaration by the British Representative regarding the Wailing Wall, 12th
January, 1930.
Declaration of Israel's Independence, May 14, 1948
Document regarding Persia, January 26, 1945
Documents on Jewish immigration in Palestine, 1930 and 1938.
Eastward Extension of the War in the Middle East, Declassified Documents,
An Uncorrected Draft, July 28, 1941
Egyptian Restrictions on Israeli Shipping in the Suez Canal: United Nations
Security Council Resolution, September 1, 1951
Enlistment of Jews and Arabs in British [Colonial] Army
Establishment of a Jewish National Home. Letter, dated May 15th, 1922.
Rejjam, Abdelrezak
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Economy and
Women's History
Millionary conference on
behalf of the Mohammedan
Great Britain (Government of). Arab-Israeli
Israel, Government of
Eden, Anthony
World War II
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
History of Women (Smith)
League of Nations Documents
Outside PSM collections
Churchill at War
Jewish Agency for Palestine;
Great Britain, (Government
British War Cabinet
Minorities and
League of Nations Documents
Military Strategy
Churchill at War
United Nations
World War II
Outside PSM collections
League of Nations Documents
League of Nations Documents
History of Women (Smith)
Churchill, Winston S.
Gasparri (Cardinal, Secretary
of State to the Holy See)
Churchill at War
Four documents relating to the Commission for the Holy Places in Palestine,
August, 17th, 1922.
From Turkish Toils; the narrative of an Armenian family's escape. Translated
from the Armenian... New York, G. H. Doran co. [1918]
Future Intentions of Turkey, 1943
Mugerditchian, Esther
Holy Places of
World War I
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Gallipoli Diary
Hamilton, General Sir Ian
World War I
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Churchill at War
General Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East
Wilson, Henry Maitland (Sir)
Forces, Despatch, February 16, 1943 to January 8, 1944
Hamas Convenant: The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, August Hamas
18, 1988
Home Life in Turkey
Garnett, Lucy Mary Jane
Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization Agreement, 1993
Jewish Self-Defense in Palestine, Declassified Documents, May 1941
Khartoum Resolutions, September 1, 1967
Leaves From An Officer's Notebook
Letter to George Kennan on Psychological Factor in Truman Doctrine and
Marshall Plan, November 19, 1951.
Letter to Leonid Brezhnev on Arms Race and Peace in the Middle East,
January 26, 1977.
Letters From The Holy Land
Liquor Traffic in Palestine. Petition, dated February 25th, 1937, London.
Message to Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill, October 27, 1944 regarding
Soviet Demand for Oil Concessions
Middle East-Review of Situation; and Oil Supplies in the East in the Event of
the Destruction of the Persian Oilfields, July 21, 1942
Minutes of the Seventeenth (Extraordinary) Session of the Permanent
Mandates Commission, held at Geneva from June 3rd to 21st, 1930.
My Russian and Turkish journals ... New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1917.
Observations on the Middle East, A Report by W.A. Harriman, July 16, 1941,
and Correspondence
Operation Saturn, November 6, 1943
Palestine Land in Jewish Possession (as at 3L12.44). Modified and reproduced
by United Nations from the Report of the Anglo-American Committee of
The Gale Group
World War II
Women and the
Outside PSM collections
World War II
Churchill at War
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, et al.,
Governments of
Crawshay-Williams, Eliot
World War I
Outside PSM collections
British Chiefs of Staff
League of Nations. Permanent
Mandates Commission.
Dufferin and Ava, Hariot
Georgina (Hamilton)
Harriman, W. Averill, United
States Ambassador to Britain
Ismay, Hastings L.
Oil Supplies
Churchill at War
World War I
League of Nations Documents
History of Women (Smith)
World War II
Churchill at War
World War II
Churchill at War
Israel, Government of, and
Palestine Liberation
Churchill, Winston S.
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Lilly, Edward P.(White House) Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Carter, Jimmy
Cold War
Declassified Documents
Reference System (White House)
Butler, Elizabeth (Lady)
British Colonialism Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Liquor Traffic
League of Nations Documents
Great Britain. Foreign Office Economy and
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Cadogan, A.
World War II
Churchill at War
Yale University
Page 48 of 51
Enquiry regarding the problems of European Jewry and Palestine, London,
1946. Map No. 49, United Nations, May
Palestine Plan of Partition with Economic Union, Proposed by the Ad Hoc
Committee on the Palestinian Question. Map No. 103 (b) United Nations,
November 1947. Base Map: Survey of Palestine, April 1946, Modified
Palestine. Petition, July 28th 1930, with supporting documents.
Yale University
Whitney, Asa.
Percentage of Jews, Map No. 65, December 31, 1944
World War II
Persian Gulf
Great Britain. Foreign Office
Petitions Relating to Palestine, 1932: (a) petition, dated January 28th, 1932,
from the First Palestine Arab Women's Congress; (b) report, dated November
21st, 1932, by M. Rappard on this petition.
Petitions Relating to Palestine, 1936 and 1938: (a) dated July 25th, 1936, from
Mme. Zlikha Shihabi and others, on behalf of the Arab Women's Committee of
Jerusalem; (b) dated February 17th, 1938, from the Arab Women's Committee;
(c) dated February 5th,
Petitions relating to Palestine. (a) Report by Count de Penha Garcia on a
petition, dated April 17th, 1936, from the President of the Jewish Farmers'
Federation of Palestine, and the General Manager of the Jaffa Citrus Exchange.
(b) Petition, dated July
Prime Minister Churchill's Directive on the Middle East, Declassified
Documents, April-May 1941
Protection of the Armenian State and Protection of Minorities in Turkey, April
1st, 1920.
First Palestine Arab Women's
Religious Questions and Claims in Palestine. (a) Letter, dated January 3rd,
1922, from the British Government; (b) List of documents received by the
Secretariat relative to the religious question in Palestine, May 10th, 1922.
Report on Four-Year Mission to Iraq, March 30, 1945
Arab Women's Committee of
League of Nations Documents
Yale University
Economy and
Arab Women
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
League of Nations Documents
Arab Women
League of Nations Documents
Jewish Farmers' Federation of Industry and
Palestine and Jaffa Citrus
League of Nations Documents
Churchill, Winston S.
Military Strategy
Churchill at War
League of Nations. Armenian
Conflict between
Turkey and
Holy Places of
League of Nations Documents
World War II
Churchill at War
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
League of Nations Documents
Declassified Documents
Reference System (Department of
Churchill at War
Scenic Studies of the Bible Background
Cornwallis, K., British
Nicholls, Sophie M.
Security Council Resolution 688
United Nations
Travel and
Sir Ian Hamilton's Despatches from the Dardanelles
Hamilton, General Sir Ian
World War I
League of Nations Documents
Situation of the Christians in Asia Minor. Letter, dated November 13/26, 1921, Nicolas, M. (Archbishop of
from M. Nicolas, Archbishop of Cesarea.
Soviet Objectives and Strategy in the Middle East; A Memorandum to the U.S. Hilsman, Roger
Secretary of State, February 8, 1963.
Minorities and
Soviet Policy
State of Turkish Domestic and Foreign Affairs, 1943
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Suggested Agenda for Meetings of Military Representatives of the U.K., U.S.
and U.S.S.R.; Agenda for the Cairo 3 Conference, Correspondence, November
Telegram to Commander-in-Chief, India; Commander-in-Chief, East Indies.
A.O.C. in C. Middle East. Reptd. General Iraq; S.N.O. Persian Gulf;
Commander-in-Chief Middle East; A.O.C. Iraq, August 31, 1941
Telegram to the Foreign Office regarding the movement of French and British
forces into Lebanon and Syria, May 8, 1945
The A Plan of Partition of Palestine. Reproduced by United Nations from the
Palestine Partition Commission Report, October 1938, Cond. 5854, Map No.
54, May 1947
The B Plan of Partition of Palestine. Reproduced by United Nations from the
Palestine Partition Commission Report, October 1938, Cond. 5854, Map No.
55, May 1947
The C Plan of Partition of Palestine. Reproduced by United Nations from the
Palestine Partition Commission Report, October 1938, Cond. 5854, Map No.
56, May 1947
The New Jerusalem
Ismay, Hastings L., Anthony
Moscow Peace
Churchill at War
British Chiefs of Staff
Churchill at War
Grigg, E. (Sir)
World War II
Churchill at War
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
The Palestinian National Charter: Resolutions of the Palestine National
Council, July 1-17, 1968
The War in the Cradle of the World: Mesopotamia
Palestine National Council
World War I
The Work of the Permanent Mandates Commission at its Seventeenth
(Extraordinary) Session, Report dated August 23, 1930.
Troop Withdrawals from Persia, July 19, 1945
League of Nations. Permanent Palestine
Mandates Commission.
Eden, Anthony
World War II
Truman Doctrine, March 12, 1947
Truman, Harry S.
The Gale Group
Yale University
Yale University
Yale University
Egan, Eleanor Franklin
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
League of Nations Documents
Churchill at War
Post-War Division Outside PSM collections
of Europe
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Turkey Breaks Off Relations with Germany, 1944
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Turkey's Entry into the War, 1943
Churchill, Winston S.
World War II
Churchill at War
Turkish Life in Town and Country.
Garnett, Lucy Mary Jane
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, November 29, 1947
United Nations
Women and the
Western Books: The Middle East
From the Rise of Islam (Harvard)
Outside PSM collections
A Priority for the Turn of the Century: Governing Globalization
Schwab, Klaus, and Claude
Fisher, Harriet (White)
Outside PSM collections
History of Women (Sterling)
A woman's world tour in a motor, by Harriet White Fisher, with 70
illustrations. Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott co., 1911.
Women-Description and
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
World Trade Organization
Outside PSM collections
Anarchism and Other Essays
Goldman, Emma
Outside PSM collections
Annual Report on Child Welfare (summarising information received from
Governments in 1942.) June 30th, 1943.
Anthropogenetics and Eugenics in the Socialist Society
League of Nations. Child
Welfare Information Centre.
Serebrovskii, Aleksandr
Social Questions.
Soviet Union-Eugenics
Outside PSM collections
Behind the battle line, around the world in 1918. New York, Macmillan, 1918. Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie
World War I
League of Nations Documents
The Study of Genetics in Russia,
The Prezent Collection from the
Russian Academy of Sciences
(Archive from the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
History of Women (Radcliffe)
Boundarylessness . . .
General Electric
Outside PSM collections
Capitalism Depends on the Non-Capitalist World
Luxemburg, Rosa
Outside PSM collections
Commonsense on the population question. The substance of a lecture delivered Billington-Greig, Teresa
to the Glasgow Clarion Scouts on December 13th, 1914. [London, Women's
printing society, ltd., 1914?]
Culture, Democracy and Renewal
Soyinka, Wole
Demography--Birth History of Women (Smith)
World Bank/IMF
Current History War Map. Compiled and drawn by Liam Dunne, Designer;
exposed by Rear Admiral Yates Stirling, U.S.N. Retired, and Colonel Ralph C.
Tobin 1940
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
United Nations
World War II
Yale University
Outside PSM collections
Excerpts from Essential Matter
Giddens, Anthony
Excerpts from EvolutionarySocialism
Bernstein, Eduard
United Nations Research Institute
for Social Development
Outside PSM collections
Fifty Years Is Enough
Outside PSM collections
Global Doubts
United States Network for
Global Economic Justice
Sen, Amartya
Globalisation: Responding to New Political and Moral Challenges
Brittan, Leon
President and Fellows of Harvard
Outside PSM collections
Globalization--What's Really New?
Group of Eight Cologne Summit Communiqué, June 20, 1999
Group of Eight
Outside PSM collections
Home & state, being an address delivered at Stockholm at the 6th Convention Lagerlöf, Selma Ottiliana
of the international Woman Suffrage Alliance, June 1911. Translated by C.
Ursula Holmstedt, néagittins. London, International Woman Suffrage Alliance
Hobson, J.A.
Women's Suffrage History of Women (Radcliffe)
Introduction: The Challenge of Protection
Outside PSM collections
Keesing's Contemporary Archives: Records of World Events. Volumes I - 5
Keesing's Publications
World Events
Lessons from the Global Crises
Greenspan, Alan
Keesing's Records of World
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Map Showing Redistribution of Territory Effected in 1905 and 1912
Marriage and divorce laws of the world ... London, New York, Paris, The
Musson-Draper co., 1911.
Message of the Holy Father to the Group 'Jubilee 2000 Debt Campaign,'
September 23, 1999
The Gale Group
Yale University
Ringrose, Hyacinthe, 1872- ed Women. Marriage
History of Women (NYPL)
Outside PSM collections
Page 50 of 51
More World, Less Bank!
Outside PSM collections
Needed, Two Billion Jobs Meeting the Challenge of Youth Unemployment
Mikey'Zine (Flugennock,
Annan, Kofi
Outside PSM collections
New Technologies and the Global Race for Knowledge
Outside PSM collections
News and Propaganda Leaflets Dropped by RAF During WWII, August 1942- British Foreign Office (authors World War II.
December 1942.
include D.W. Brogan and
Liddell Hart)
Nike Code of Conduct
Nike Inc.
Conditions and Politics in
Occupied Western Europe, 19401945
Outside PSM collections
Organic Liberalism
Outside PSM collections
Hobhouse, Leonard T.
Our world-wide work: a survey of the field of the Woman's board of missions. Woman's Board of Missions,
Boston, Congregational House [1914?]
Planning and Democracy
Hayek, Friederich A.
Foreign Missions
History of Women (Divinity at
Outside PSM collections
Public Address by the President of the AFL-CIO, March 21, 2000
Sweeney, John J.
Outside PSM collections
Report of the World Summit for Social Development
United Nations
Outside PSM collections
Responses to Economic Globalization: Globalization from Below?
United Nations Research
Institute for Social
Annan, Kofi
Outside PSM collections
Outside PSM collections
Greenstar Foundation
Outside PSM collections
National peace federation
World War I-Pacifism
History of Women (Sterling)
Dertouzos, Michael
Outside PSM collections
Secretary-General Reflects on 'Intervention' in Thirty-Fifth Annual Ditchley
Foundation Lecture
Solar Ecommerce and Community Center
The manifesto issued by envoys of the international congress of women at the
Hague to the governments of Europe, and the President of the United States
[and other material] [Chicago, Ill.,1915]
The Rich People's Computer?
The Women's International Quarterly
Women Condition- History of Women / IWP (Day
Missions Library, Yale Divinity
The world movement for woman suffrage 1904 to 1911; being the presidential Catt, [Carrie] (Lane) Chapman Women's Suffrage History of Women (NYPL)
address delivered at Stockholm to the sixth convention of the International
Woman Suffrage Alliance, on Tuesday,June 13, 1911. [London] International
woman suffrage alliance, 1911.
Traffic in Women and Children. Summary of Annual Reports for 1937/38 and League of Nations.
Social Questions. League of Nations Documents
Women and
Up-to-Date Map of the World War, Supplement of all Dailies. Published by
World War II
Yale University
Manila Shinbun-Sha, 1942
War, peace and the future: a consideration of nationalism and internationalism, Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia
World War I-History of Women (Sterling)
and of the relation of women to war, by Ellen Key ... translated by Hildegard
Norberg. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1916.
Women and war; an appeal to the women of all nations, by Frances S.
Hallowes, Frances S.
World War I-History of Women (NYPL)
Hallowes. London, Headley Brothers [1914]
Women of all nations, a record of their characteristics, habits, manners,
Joyce, Thomad Athol
History of Women (Ida Rust
customs and influence; ed. by T. Athol Joyce ... and N. W. Thomas ... London,
McPherson and Scripps)
New York [etc.] Cassell and company, limited, 1908.
Women's suffrage in many lands. Foreword by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.
Zimmern, Alice
Women's Suffrage History of Women (NYPL)
[London, Francis & co., 1909]
The Gale Group
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