Name: _________________________________ Period: ________ Science Welcome Packet This packet contains information on the following topics: Student Expectations Science Grading Policy Science Binder Requirements Science Curriculum Science in the News – Extra Credit Science Supplies Science Homework Website Please sign below to acknowledge that you and your child have reviewed the information in the attached packet: ________________________ Student Signature ______________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________ Parent/Guardian Signature *Please return this whole packet to school. Students will be putting this into the reference section of their science binder so we can refer to it during the year. Thank you! Name: _________________________________ Period: ________ September 2013 Welcome to 8th Grade Science Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome back to another school year! 8th grade is an important year to get our students prepared for high school. In addition to our daily science curriculum, we will be working on study and organizational skills. We also will work with students to keep an organized notebook. During our 8th grade year, we will be covering some difficult topics in the areas of Chemistry & Physics. Many of these topics and chapters build upon concepts learned in previous chapters as we move through the school year. If you notice that your student is having difficulties, please encourage them to ask for help. The attached papers provide some additional information about classroom procedures, grading policy, extra help, etc. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year, please do not hesitate to contact us by writing a note in your student’s agenda book, phone call, or e-mail. Our information is listed below: Ms. Brown (856) 988-0684 x8307 Ms. Sirisky (856) 988-0684 x8309 Name: _________________________________ Period: ________ STUDENT EXPECTATIONS 1. Be on time for class. When class begins, you should be in your seat working quietly on the warm-up. 2. Always be prepared for class with your 3-ring binder, text book, lab book, calculator, and a writing utensil. 3. Respect everyone and their property. 4. Gum chewing, candy, or food is not permitted in our classroom. 5. Turn in all assignments on time. The grade will be reduced for each day it is late. 6. Please try to avoid using the bathroom during class discussions and instruction unless it is an emergency. 7. Cheating of any kind (copying test answers, talking during a test, copying homework, etc.) will not be tolerated. Cheating will result in an automatic zero on that assignment. 8. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. The 3-ring binder in our room will have a copy of each day’s warm-up question, homework, and a summary of what you missed. In addition, check the back of the binder for any handouts you may have missed. You can also check our science homework website; some homework and important forms can be downloaded from home. Science Grading Policy The following is an explanation of the way your trimester grades are calculated for our science class. 85% 15% Achievement Graded Assignments Quizzes and Labs Tests, Assessments, and Projects Effort Homework Class Participation/Preparedness Science Binder Requirements Name: _________________________________ Period: ________ A science binder is a requirement for every student in all of our classes. The binder system we use helps you to be ORGANIZED, NEAT, ACCURATE, and to complete all the work. What do you need? -One 1 1/2” Binder -4 Dividers (with tabs if possible) -Loose leaf paper (No spiral notebooks please) The binder will be divided into 4 sections: Section 1 – Unit Notebook** Section 2 – Warm-ups (Completed daily) Section 3 – Homework/Classwork Section 4 – Reference Section (class rules, lab safety rules etc.) **The Unit Notebooks are graded frequently. Students will know at least 2 days in advance before notebooks are graded. The unit notebook will have a table of contents. Most of our class assignments or notes will be assigned a page number on the table of contents and added to the notebook. Unit notebooks will receive full credit if all papers are complete, listed on the table of contents, and placed in the proper order. Science Curriculum – Grade 8 This year in science you will be covering a variety of material on many new and interesting topics. We use the Holt Science & Technology. In eighth grade, the three books we use focus on physical science. The following is a summary of the units we will be covering during the school year. Introduction to Matter The Properties of Matter States of Matter Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Introduction to Atoms The Periodic Table Interactions of Matter Chemical Bonding Chemical Reactions Chemical Compounds Atomic Energy Forces, Motion, and Energy Matter in Motion Forces in Motion Energy and Energy Resources Additional Activities/Units Science Research Project Earth Week Activities Name: _________________________________ Period: ________ SCIENCE IN THE NEWS (Extra Credit Opportunity) You can complete this extra credit assignment up to 3 times each trimester. Each article summary/presentation is worth 1 point towards your final marking period grade. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Find a science related article in the newspaper, magazine, website, etc. 2. Read and understand the article. 3. Complete the article write-up. (See directions below) 4. Share your article summary with the class. You MAY NOT read directly from your paper. You should be familiar with the article so you can share the most important facts with the class. (Requirements continued on next page) ARTICLE WRITE-UP: 1. It must be typed. 2. Your name, class period, and date in the upper right hand corner. 3. Also include the title of the article, where you found it (ex: Newsweek), date of publication, and page number. 4. Make a list AND define any words you did not understand while reading the article. 5. Write a paragraph summary (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). The paragraph must be at least 8 sentences. 6. Write a short paragraph describing what you found most interesting about this article. Explain what impact this scientific discovery, environmental problem, health study, etc. could have on our society. Name: _________________________________ Period: ________ Science Supplies One 1 1/2” Binder One 1” Binder for labs Tabs/Dividers (4) Loose Leaf Paper Pens/Pencils/Highlighters Calculator (same one used for math class) Science Homework Website: How to access the website: 1. Go to the Evesham Twp. Home Web Page 2. In the upper left corner of the screen where it says “Select a School”, choose Marlton Middle School 3. Along the top channel bar, select “Teacher Webs” 4. Click on Brown, T. Usually by Monday mornings, the homework is posted for the entire week. The website also includes information regarding important upcoming dates, projects, extra help, and contact information.