Application Materials Checklist

blue moon fund, inc.
Application Attachments Checklist
This form is a required component of the blue moon fund grant application. Please fill it out completely and upload it with your
other attachments. The online application form contains a complete description of each document listed below. If you have any
questions, please contact blue moon’s Grants Compliance Administrator at (434) 295-5160 x. 217 or
Project Title:
Request Amount:
Date of Application Submission:
Project Materials
All project materials must be in English and USD.
Not Attached
Project Description*
Project Budget*
Project Work Plan*
Map of Study Area (optional)*
Biographies of Lead Project
* These sections do not apply to general operating grants.
Explanation for Missing Materials
Financial Materials
Foreign applicants should upload their country’s equivalent documents. All materials must be in English and U.S. dollars.
Not Attached
Explanation for Missing Materials
IRS Form 990 (Income Tax
Reporting Form)
Most Recent Financial Audit,
if available
Balance Sheet**
Profit and Loss Statement**
General Operating Budget
** If the recent financial audit you are submitting covers your most recent year end, you do not need to submit a balance
sheet or profit and loss statement. If not, the balance sheet and profit and loss statement should cover your most recent
year end.
Organizational Documents
Only organizations that do not have current 501(c)3 status from the IRS are required to submit the following documents. Foreign
applicants should upload their country’s equivalent documents. You must provide English translations of all documents.
Articles of Incorporation
Not Attached
Explanation for Missing Materials
Materials for Foreign Applicants
Foreign applicants that may be eligible for US 501(c)(3) equivalency status are advised to complete a foreign grant affidavit and
supplementary financial documentation. Before starting work on the affidavit, please contact your program officer or blue
moon’s Grants Compliance Administrator.
Not Attached
Foreign Grant Affidavit
Financial Spreadsheets
Current Registration
* Foreign entities must provide evidence of legal status.
Explanation for Missing Materials