Name Date
1. What influences tides in the oceans and seas on Earth?
Does something similar happen on the moon as well?
2. How are lobate scarps formed? What is different about the ones on the moon?
3. What do scientists attribute the difference to?
Critical Thinking Challenge
What would happen if there was no gravitational pull between the earth, moon and sun?
Now, practice your vocabulary words at
Log in with username “team6a” and password
“6a123.” Click on “Spelling and Vocab.” Change the word list to “GRAVITY.” Play a few games and try a few activities. Then complete the quiz below:
_____1. exacerbating A. moon
_____2. distinct
_____3. contraction
_____4. transmitted
B. haphazardly
C. duplication
D. sent
_____5. randomly
_____6. simulation
_____7. superimpose
E. aggravating
F. clear
G. squeezing
_____8. satellite H. overlap
Finished? Turn in and watch the video on the reading link or complete the word search under “Play Game.”