Minutes subject to review and change until approved
Present: Father Bill, Deacon Greg, Peggy York-Jesme, Frank Lekatz, Bob Whitten, Al Forsman, Tim Hogan,
Frank Lekatz, Ron Forsman
Absent: None
Meeting opened with prayer by Fr. Bill.
Motion to approve November 2014 minutes made by Ron, second by Al. Motion Approved
Finance Report by Deacon Greg: Little behind last year from envelopes; plate up a little. Based on budget amount, we are ahead just a little. UCA is not yet in play although all UCA monies collected are designated for this year. Deacon Greg reviewed the investment accounts totals with Al, reporting them from the investment firms’ reports. All matched.
Tim asked about funds titled “Gifted”. Dc Greg explained that the title on the page was just to keep those monies separated on paper from other investments. Ron asked where the money came from for the roof project. Deacon
Greg said it came from the Building Fund. Reviewed Ledger to Budget Detail Report. Al asked about the priest pension item. That item is paid two times per year and it is now paid for the fiscal year. Choir budget showed larger expenditure than budgeted for. Deacon Greg explained that a new digital control was purchased for the youth and contemporary choirs and that fifty percent of the cost was covered by a donation. Travel budget has been exceeded but all travel has been approved. There was more traveling with a higher reimbursement than planned for. Rectory budget looked good. Ron asked about the effect of the new LED lights on the electric bill.
Deacon Greg said it was too early to tell because of the Christmas lights still being part of the last bill. Father Bill asked about the feasibility of LED’s in the rectory. We will look into that. Tim asked about plowing for events.
Yes, we do that and can sand also. The lot gets slippery from hard packed snow. Motion was made by Father Bill to approve the finance report as presented, with second by Peg. Motion carried.
Al volunteered to do a finance talk at Masses in the future. Peg declined an invitation to help because we have money in investments. Al also questioned need for talk. Deacon Greg mentioned that all of us are asked by God to contribute to the needs of the church and those in need. Just because some have made huge donations to the church is not an escape clause so you don’t have to give. Peg suggested more targeted giving.
Looked at Rectory roof bid that had been sent out in the mail. This will include all roof areas on the rectory, along with the elevator roof and the stairwell roof. This was the only bid received and is from the same company as last year on the main roof of the church. Price per sq. ft. is approximately the same. Al has experience with this company and likes the work they do. Al moved to except the bid from Range Cornice of Hibbing, Frank seconded.
Motion Carried.
New Business: Deacon Greg talked about security of principle and what that means. He suggested that we move
15-20% of our fixed income investments which are making less than 1% into investments that have shown over time to average around 7% return. This would only be done in the Building and Endowment Funds. After discussion with Father Bill talking about wise stewardship, the Council will come back to this at the next meeting in May.
There will be elections in May. Ron and Bob will finish their 2 nd
term and are ineligible to run again this time, and
Frank will finish his first term and will be eligible to run again.
Father’s Time: Father Bill is happy with the budget being overall in line with what was projected last year. He is looking forward to the rectory roof being done.
Motion to adjourn by Bob; seconded by Tim. Motion carried. Father Bill closed with prayer at 8:07 p.m.
Respectively submitted by Bob Whitten