Dan & Lauris Mason Mar 11, 2013 Reply

Mar 11, 2013
Dan & Lauris Mason <dlmasonj@bellsouth.net>
to Frank, Tom, me, Country, Donald, Jerry, Jill, John
Dear Frank;
It is with pleasure that I tell you how pleased we are of the roof repair
carried out by Roof Technologies under the guidance of John Julian,
its President.
This was not a simple roof repair. It required a large crane to reach
beyond our 12 stories, a cooker, removal of a considerable amount of
debris and the placement of hot coal tar, gravel, flashing and plys unto
the roof besides the actual layered repair. All while making sure that
the unaffected portions of the roof and the building would not be
impacted by the work.
This work was carried out with surgical precision in all regards. The
scheduling and placement of the crane, the prior protection of the
buildings carpeting, roof and surrounding area, the precise removal of
the effected areas and the very careful restoration in a manner which
would satisfy the most critical of all roof engineers.
Please make sure that they are the ones to perform any future work
that may be needed. For they receive Country Club Tower's highest
regard and recommendation.
Sincerely Yours,
Daniel J Mason, MD
Vice President
Moore, Frank O.
Mar 12, 2013
to Joe, Carolyn, Dan, Tom, me, Country, Donald, Jerry, Jill, John
Thank you Mr. Mason. Roof Technologies has been doing exemplary
work for Honeywell since its formation under the capable direction of
John Julian.
We will most certainly utilize Roof Technologies expertise in future
repairs required under the warranty at your location.
Best regards,
Frank O. Moore Jr.
1807 Garner Station Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: 800-221-6490
Fax: 919-461-4720