Publications - Department of Computer Science

Dr Andrew Hippisley
Hippisley, Andrew; Davies, Ian; and Grevlle Corbett. (forthcoming). The basic colour terms of Lower
Sorbian and Upper Sorbian and their typological relevance. To appear in Studies in Language 32 (4).
Hippisley, Andrew (forthcoming). Declarative deponency. To appear in: Baerman et al. (eds) Deponency
and morphological mismatches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hippisley, Andrew. (forthcoming) Morphological Typology. To appear in: Hogan, Patrick (ed.) The
Cambridge Encylopedia for the Language Sciences. Cambridge University Press.
Hippisley, Andrew (forthcoming). Review article of Introducing Speech and Language Processing (by
John Coleman, published by CUP). To appear in Language.
Baerman, Matthew; Corbett, Greville G.; Brown, Dunstan; and Andrew Hippisley (eds). (forthcoming)
Deponency and morphological mismatches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hippisley, Andrew; and Ian Davies (2006). Evolving secondary colours: evidence from Sorbian. In:
Biggam, Carole P.; and Christian J. Kay (eds) Progress in Colour Studies. Vol 1: Language and Culture.
John Benjamins. 127-143.
Ahmad, K., Gillam, L., Cheng, D., Taskaya, T., Ahmad, S., Manomaisupat, P., Traboulsi, H. & Hippisley,
A. (2006). The mood of the (financial) markets: in a corpus of words and of pictures. In: Andrew
Wilson; Dawn Archer; and Paul Rayson (eds) Corpus Linguistics Around the World. Amsterdam: Rodopi
Publishers. 17-32.
Hippisley, A., Cheng, D. & Ahmad, K. (2005). The head-modifier principle and multilingual term
extraction. Natural Language Engineering 11(2), Cambridge University Press, pp129157.
Corbett, Greville, G.; Brown, Dunstan; Chumakina, Marina; and Andrew Hippisley (2005). A typological
database of suppletion. In: Geert Booij et al. (eds) Morphology and Linguistics Typology: Proceedings of
the Fourth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Catania. 35-44.
Lin, Ling; Liotta, Antonio; and Hippisley, Andrew. (2005). A Method for Automating the Extraction of
Specialized Information from the Web. In: Yue Hao et al. (eds) IEEE Computational Intelligence and
Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3801. pages 489-494.
Chumakina, Marina; Hippisley, Andrew and Corbett, Greville. 2004 Исторические изменения в
русской лексике: случай чередующегося супплетивизма [Historical changes in the Russian
lexicon]. Russian Linguistics 28 (3). 281-315.
Hippisley, A., Chumakina, M., Corbett, G. & Brown, D. (2004). Suppletion: frequency, categories
and distribution of stems. Studies in Language, vol. 28(2)John Benjamins Publishing
Companies, pp. 389-421. ISSN: 0378-4177.
Hippisley, A. & Karavasili, C. (2004). A natural language approach to information management:
tracking scientific advances through the structure of words. In Marai Teresa Lino et
al.(eds) (Ed), Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
vol. 6, pp. 1321-1324.
Hippisley, A., Cheng, D. & Ahmad, K. (2002). Chinese special languages and the notion of
headedness. In Merja Koskela, C.L.M.N.a.N.P. (Ed), Proceedings of the University of
Vaasa, Porta Scientiae, vol. 1, pp. 329-342. Vaasa: Vaasan yliopisto.
Corbett, G., Hippisley, A., Brown, D. & Mariott, P. (2001). Frequency, regularity and the
paradigm: a perspective from Russian on a complex relation. Frequency and the
Emergence of Linguistic Structure (TSL 45) Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 201-226.
Hippisley, A. (2001). Basic BLUE in East Slavonic. Linguistics, vol. 39(1) Mouton, pp. 10391124.
Hippisley, A. (2001). Word Formation Rules in a default inheritance framework: a Network
Morphology account of Russian personal nouns. In Jaap van Marle and Geert Booij
(Eds), Yearbook of Morphology 1999, Dordrecht, KluwerDordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 221-261.
Hippisley, A., Tariq, M. & Cheng, D. (2001). Hierarchical data and the derivational relationship
between words. In Bird, S., Buneman, P. & and Mark Lieberman (Eds), Proceedings of
the Institute for Research into Cognitive Sciences Workshop on Linguistic Databases, pp.
125-133. Penn University.
Hippisley, A. (2001). Suppletion, frequency and lexical storage. In Andronis, M., Christopher
Ball, Heidi Elston & and Sylvain Neuvels (Ed), CLS 37: the Main Session.Papers from the
37th Meeting of Chicago Linguistics Society, vol. 1, pp. 201-214. Chicago: CLS.
Hippisley, A. & Gazdar, G. (1999). Inheritance Hierarchies and Historical Reconstruction:
Towards a History of Slavonic Colour Terms. In Sabrina J.Billings, J.P.B.A.M.G. (Ed),
The Proceedings from the Main Session of the Chicago Linguistic Society's Thirty-fifth
Meeting, (CLS) - The Main Session, vol. 35, pp. 125-140. Chicago: The Chicago
Linguistic Society. 0577-7240/0-914203-56-8.
Hippisley, A. (1998). Indexed stems and Russian word formation: a network-morphology
account of Russian personal nouns. Linguistics - An Interdisciplinary Journal of the
Language Sciences, vol. 36(6)Berlin: Walter de gruyter, pp. 1093-1124. 00243949/98/0036-1093.
Hippisley, Andrew (1998). Review article of Russian-English Collocational Dictionary of the Human Body
(by Lidija Iordanskaja and Slava Paperno), Slavonic and East European Review 76 (1), 104-5.
Hippisley, A. (1996). Russian Expressive Derivation: a Network Morphology Account. The
Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 74(2), pp. 201-222.
Brown, Dunstan; Corbett, Greville; Fraser, Norman; Hippisley, Andrew and Timberlake, Alan (1996).
Russian noun stress and Network Morphology, Linguistics 34 (1).53-107.
Brown, D. & Hippisley, A. (1994). Conflict in Russian Genitive Plural Assigment: A Solution
Represented in DATR. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, JSL, vol. 2(1)Bloomington: Indiana
University Linguistics Club Publications, pp. 48-76. ISBN: 1068-2090.