Dr Andrew Hippisley

Dr Andrew Hippisley
Lin, Ling; Liotta, Antonio; and Hippisley, Andrew. A Method for Automating the Extraction of
Specialized Information from the Web. To appear in IEEE Computational Intelligence and
Hippisley, Andrew; and Davies, Ian. “Evolving secondary colours: evidence from Sorbian”
(forthcoming). To appear in: Carole Biggam (ed.) Progress in Colour Studies, John
Corbett, Greville, G.; Brown, Dunstan; Chumakina, Marina; and Andrew Hippisley (2005). A
typological database of suppletion. In: Geert Booij, Emiliano Guevara, Angela Ralli,
Salvatore Sgroi & Sergio Scalise (eds) Proceedings of the Fourth Mediterranean
Morphology Meeting. Catania. pp35-44. Published at: http://morbo.lingue.unibo.it/mmm/
Hippisley, A., Cheng, D. & Ahmad, K. (2005). The head-modifier principle and multilingual term
extraction. Natural Language Engineering 11(2), Cambridge University Press, pp129157.
Chumakina, Marina; Hippisley, Andrew and Corbett, Greville. Historical changes in the Russian
lexicon. 2004. Russian Linguistics 28 (3). 281-315.
Hippisley, A., Chumakina, M., Corbett, G. & Brown, D. (2004). Suppletion: frequency, categories
and distribution of stems. Studies in Language, vol. 28(2)John Benjamins Publishing
Companies, pp. 389-421. ISSN: 0378-4177.
Hippisley, A. & Karavasili, C. (2004). A natural language approach to information management:
tracking scientific advances through the structure of words. In Marai Teresa Lino et
al.(eds) (Ed), Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
vol. 6, pp. 1321-1324.
Ahmad, K., Gillam, L., Cheng, D., Taskaya, T., Ahmad, S., Manomaisupat, P., Traboulsi, H. &
Hippisley, A. (2003). The mood of the (financial) markets: in a corpus of words and of
pictures. In Dawn Archer, Paul Rayson, Andrew Wilson & Tony McEnery (Ed),
Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2003 conference UCREL technical paper 16,
Lancaster University: UCREL. ISBN: 1-86220-131-5.
Hippisley, A., Cheng, D. & Ahmad, K. (2002). Chinese special languages and the notion of
headedness. In Merja Koskela, C.L.M.N.a.N.P. (Ed), Proceedings of the University of
Vaasa, Porta Scientiae, vol. 1, pp. 329-342. Vaasa: Vaasan yliopisto.
Corbett, G., Hippisley, A., Brown, D. & Mariott, P. (2001). Frequency, regularity and the
paradigm: a perspective from Russian on a complex relation. Frequency and the
Emergence of Linguistic Structure (TSL 45) Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 201-226.
Hippisley, A. (2001). Basic BLUE in East Slavonic. Linguistics, vol. 39(1) Mouton, pp. 10391124.
Hippisley, A. (2001). Word Formation Rules in a default inheritance framework: a Network
Morphology account of Russian personal nouns. In Jaap van Marle and Geert Booij
(Eds), Yearbook of Morphology 1999, Dordrecht, KluwerDordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 221-261.
Hippisley, A., Tariq, M. & Cheng, D. (2001). Hierarchical data and the derivational relationship
between words. In Bird, S., Buneman, P. & and Mark Lieberman (Eds), Proceedings of
the Institute for Research into Cognitive Sciences Workshop on Linguistic Databases, pp.
125-133. Penn University.
Hippisley, A. (2001). Suppletion, frequency and lexical storage. In Andronis, M., Christopher
Ball, Heidi Elston & and Sylvain Neuvels (Ed), CLS 37: the Main Session.Papers from the
37th Meeting of Chicago Linguistics Society, vol. 1, pp. 201-214. Chicago: CLS.
Hippisley, A. & Gazdar, G. (2000). Inheritance hierarchies and historical reconstruction. Chicago
Linguistics Society 35: Main Session, pp. 125-140. Chicago: Chicago Linguistics Society.
Hippisley, A. & Gazdar, G. (1999). Inheritance Hierarchies and Historical Reconstruction:
Towards a History of Slavonic Colour Terms. In Sabrina J.Billings, J.P.B.A.M.G. (Ed),
The Proceedings from the Main Session of the Chicago Linguistic Society's Thirty-fifth
Meeting, (CLS) - The Main Session, vol. 35, pp. 125-140. Chicago: The Chicago
Linguistic Society. 0577-7240/0-914203-56-8.
Hippisley, A. (1998). Indexed stems and Russian word formation: a network-morphology
account of Russian personal nouns. Linguistics - An Interdisciplinary Journal of the
Language Sciences, vol. 36(6)Berlin: Walter de gruyter, pp. 1093-1124. 00243949/98/0036-1093.
Hippisley, A. (1996). Russian Expressive Derivation: a Network Morphology Account. The
Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 74(2), pp. 201-222.
Hippisley, A. (1996). Russian Expressive Derivation: a Network Morphology Account. Slavonic
and East European Review, vol. 74(2), pp. 201-222.
Brown, D. & Hippisley, A. (1994). Conflict in Russian Genitive Plural Assigment: A Solution
Represented in DATR. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, JSL, vol. 2(1)Bloomington: Indiana
University Linguistics Club Publications, pp. 48-76. ISBN: 1068-2090.