For Details CLICK HERE

In 1998 Mr. Wilson
performed in his play “The
Homecoming,” at A
Contemporary Theatre a
fundraiser for Nu Black
Arts West Theatre.
August Wilson in “The Homecoming”
Directed by Kibibi Monié
Kibibi and August were among
some of the world’s most
recognized African-American
celebrities at the 1998
National Black Theatre
Festival. The festival is held
every other year in Winston
Salem, North Carolina.
Kibibi Monié and August Wilson at the 1998
National Black Theatre Festival
Nu Black Arts West Theatre P.O Box 22652 Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 706-7018
“Nu Black Arts West Theater is a
community based organization promoting
creativity by providing an opportunity to
use the arts as a way of expression,
motivation, teaching and learning”
When we were Great Rulers
This seminar begins at a time when, the entire
world was one Great Nation. Together we’ll
discovery the history of Africa’s four golden
ages. The great kingdoms of Khemet, Ghana,
Mali, Benin. Let’s go back, back to where it
began, 5,500 years ago. Along the way we’ll
discuss Ancient African spirituality and codes
of ethics that guided the lives of millions.
Namely: The Principles Of Ma’at, Kanem Bornu
and Sonhay. In the ancient practice of the
Griot, enjoy highlights of Anceint African
Kingdoms told through interactive storytelling,
poetry and lecture.
Journeys Home
This is a lecture on the Journey Home for African
Americans that have made it back and the history
that goes with their pilgrimage. What is it like to
revisit ones past via the African Continent? “I
don’t remember you, do you remember me”? How
could we remember one another? Our identity has
been removed with the precision of a skilled
surgeon. “I will go back to the places where
African Kings and Queens Menes, Hapshepsut,
Mansa Musa, Sundiata, Nzinga, Ya-santewa ruled and I’ll clam back my heritage”.
International Trade and Commerce
Free at Last?
Follow the Journey of Africans from their home
land to the shores of America. This is the history
of African American ancestors, their survival,
accomplishments, inventions and contributions.
This seminar/lecture also touches on present day
events and situations that force us all to
ask…..Free at Last?
Nu Black Arts West Theatre
P.O Box 22652
Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 706-7018
This Lecture/Seminar is designed to stimulate
your business and entrepreneurship sprit. We’ll
discuss the importance of International Trade past
and present. We will focus primarily on African
Countries as well as Indonesia. We will also discuss
past and present management styles, responsible
corporate cultures and technologies that assist
businesses and business people in running their
operations more efficiently. Africa is the riches
Continent on this planet and its time for us to take
that journey home to rebuild, reclaim and
reestablish its greatness.
Dark Diva’s
Dark Diva’s is a highly energetic tribute
highlighting the past works of Pearl Bailey, Moms
Mabley, Josephine Baker, Ella Fitzgerald, Bessie
Smith, Billie Holiday, and Dinah Washington all of
whom began their careers, at the Apollo. Get
ready for an entertaining journey through the
magic, music and motions of Dark Divas.
From The Projects to Presidency
How does a black girl raised in the projects, rise
above it all and in spite of her self, become a
Black Women that becomes the President of
one of the strongest Unions in the World? Join
Kibibi Monié and hear the true story of her life.
“Growing up as a little black girl in the North was
no picnic, Jim Crow lived here too. “I remember
being told by my 6th grade math teacher, “Some of
you will be in jail or dead before you get out of
high school”. Looking me dead in my eyes, I might
add. Thank God he was wrong.
Demene Hall as Billie Holiday
Kibibi Monié as Sarah Vaughn
Photos by Walter Atkins
We have various membership levels however, we
are asking at the advocate level of 100.00 or
greater. If it will be more convenient to enter at
another level, we offer several other options.
Youth/ Seniors
$5000 and up
All donors will receive advance production notices,
recognition in production programs.
Angels and Patrons Newsletters, season tickets,
an invitation to all NBAWT’s private receptions,
openings and celebrity gala events.
Sponsor Newsletters, two tickets to two
production of their choice, an invitation to the
opening receptions.
Supporter Newsletters two tickets to the
production of their choice
Advocate Newsletters.
Nu Black Arts West Theatre
P.O Box 22652
Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 706-7018
The Art of Storytelling
This Lecture/Seminar is designed to stimulate the
artistic storyteller in all of us. From ancient times
till the present the enchantment of storytelling
has always been a part of human cultures. African
storytelling is believed to be the oldest in the
world and its legacy still lives on today. In an
effort to give children an opportunity to expand
their horizons we have created ways to couple arts
and education. People learn quicker and retain
longer when the information given to them is
entertaining and engaging. By using storytelling,
people are drawn in and before they know it they
have been exposed to and become part of history,
math, biology, psychology and the list goes on. The
Arts are a necessary tool used to educate,
motivate, and stimulate.