Why do we have conversation journals?

GED (Academic Prep for ESL)
Conversation Journals
Winter 2009
This quarter, our journals will consist of two components.
Conversation Journals allow you to have a conversation (in writing) with me.
You may choose your topic—I will give you topics to choose time each time we write. Do
not worry about writing style (topic sentences, paragraph form). You will be given 15-20
minutes to write. I will respond to your writing with questions and comments—just like
a conversation! We will use our journals to reflect on our progress in English and
express opinions on the social studies/literature topics this quarter. This is also
another opportunity for you to ask questions about American culture, Clark College,
We will be using the journals for 4-minute “quick writes” on a given topic. This
exercise will require you to “think” and “write” quickly in English. You will focus on
ideas, not grammar or spelling.
Conversation Journals allow you to work on (see syllabus):
Using new vocabulary & complex grammar.
Editing for grammar, spelling, etc.
It also gives you practice with the following:
Indenting each new paragraph.
Beginning on the 1st line of a piece of paper & on the front side.
Using an English-English dictionary to check meaning, spelling & word usage.
Writing sufficiently in timed journal entries.
Why do we have conversation journals?
Conversation journals allow you to practice grammar and
Grammar exercises are important, but you must be able to apply that grammar
knowledge to writing!
Conversation journals allow you to practice writing with a time
It is important to be able to write quickly. Essay tests are very common in
college classes.
In ENL, DVED (& English classes), this type of writing exercise is
This exercise begins to prepare you for higher-level writing classes.
Most students don’t write in English in their free time.
Writing is a very difficult skill for students because you use your reading,
vocabulary and grammar skills. Writing helps your other English skills, too!