Atomic Bomb Shelter

Atomic Bomb Shelter
Instructions: The following fifteen persons are in an atomic bomb shelter, an atomic attach
has occurred. These fifteen persons are the only humans left alone and alive on the earth. It
will take two weeks for the external conditions (radiation level) to be safe for human survival.
The food and supplies in the shelter can sustain at a very minimum level, seven persons for
two weeks. In brief, only seven persons can minimally survive. It is the task of your group to
decide the seven persons who will survive.
The group decision must not only be a consensus, but must also be unanimous.
1. Dr. Dave, 39, white, no denominational affiliation, college professor, Ph.D. in History,
married, one child (Bobby), active in the community, good health.
2. Mrs. Dane, 38, white, Jewish, BS, MA in Psychology, counselor in a mental health
clinic, good health, married one child (Bobby) active in the community.
3. Bobby Dane, 10, white, Jewish, special education classes for four years, mentally
challenged (IQ-70), good health, enjoys his pets.
4. Mrs. Garcia, 33 Spanish American, Roman Catholic, 9th grade education, cocktail
waitress, prostitute, good health, married at 16, divorced at 18. Abandoned as a child,
lived in foster home as a youth. Attacked by foster father at age 12, ran away from
home. Returned to reform school, left there at 16. One child (Jean)
5. Jean Garcia (3 weeks old), Spanish American, Roman Catholic, good health, nursing
for food.
6. Mrs. Evans, 32 African American, Muslim, BA, MA in Elementary Education. Teacher
divorced, one child (Mary), good health, cited as outstanding teacher, enjoys working
with children.
7. Mary Evans, 3rd grade, African American, Muslim, good health, excellent student.
8. John Jacobs, 13, white, Protestant, 8th grade honor student, very active, broad
interests, father a Baptist minister, good health.
9. Mr. Horton, 25 African American, claims to be an atheist, suspended while finishing
residency in medical school, gay, good health, bitter concerning racial problems, grew
up in the ghetto.
10. Mrs. Clark, 28, African American, Protestant, College graduate-engineering major,
electronics, married, no children, good health, enjoys outdoor sports, stereo
equipment, grew up in ghetto.
11. Sister May, 27, Nun, Roman Catholic, college graduate, English major, upper-middle
class background, good health, loves children.
12. Mr. Blake, 51, white, Mormon, high school graduate, mechanical “Mr. Fixit”, married,
four children (children not with him), good health, enjoys outdoors.
13. Miss Harris, 26 Spanish American, Protestant, college senior in Nursing, lesbian,
good health, enjoys outdoor sports, likes people.
14. Father Franco, 37, white, Roman Catholic, college degree, priest active in civil rights,
criticized for liberal views, good health, former college athlete.
15. Dr. Gonzales, 66 Spanish American, Catholic, general practitioner, two heart attacks
in last five years, but continues to practice medicine.