Unit 1- Day Three- The religious figures

Unit #1: The Newcomers
Lesson 3- The Religious Figures
Learning Goal: Understanding how Canada’s early history was influenced by
events that took place in Europe.
Background information:
 Roman Catholic was Europe’s only major religion until the 1500’s.
 Reformers such as Martin Luther in Germany, John Calvin in Switzerland,
and John Knox in Scotland challenged the Roman Catholic Church.
 They set up separate churches, and were called “Protestant” because they
protested the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Jesuit Priests
What are the differences between a Jesuit priest and a “regular” priest?
Jesuit priests have two goals in mind:
1. To spread the Roman Catholic religion to the first nations people
2. To establish schools for boys
Sainte- Marie among the Hurons:
 In 1639, construction began on a centre in Midland Ontario of strong walls
and gates made of wood that would be a missionary centre near major
canoe routes.
 The Iroquois attacked the Huron in 1648 and five Jesuits who worked in
Huron villages were killed.
 In 1649 the Jesuits decided to abandon Sainte-Marie, and built a new
centre on Christian Island.
 They were not any safer at the new location and struggled with lack of food
and protection; this was shown in the winter of 1649 when the Iroquois
destroyed the centre by walking across the ice to Christian Island.
The Ursuline Nuns:
KEY WORD: A Convent is a community of nuns, who are women dedicated to
serving God and the church.
In your textbook, read page H-12 and answer the following:
Who was Marie Martin?
What did she do that was important?
Where was she situated?
Why was her impact so important?
How did Marie change education for young women in the past/present?