STRATEGY FOR DEREGULATED SECTORAL OPERATION OF DELHI ‘S STAGE CARRIAGE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM - BACKGROUND NOTE 1. BACKGROUND The public transport system of Delhi is primarily bus based. At present, the bus system is being operated by a public operator (DTC with about 2200 buses) and individual private operators operating approx. 2500 buses. The Supreme Court of India’s directive makes it binding for Transport Department, GNCTD to ensure that the entire city bus fleet including Stage Carriage bus fleet should be on CNG fuel only. The Court has also set a deadline for phasing out all existing diesel buses by November 2002. The existing bus system with many individual private operators has not been able to provide adequate, efficient, reliable and punctual bus service to the commuters of Delhi for many reasons. The sole objective of profit making of individual private operators led to hordes of problems like over speeding, overcharging, non operation of uneconomic routes / trips, adhoc changes in routes, employment of unqualified staff, non-adherence to statutory employment regulation, unsafe operation, etc. Now, GNCTD plans to enlarge the scope of private sector in existing public transport system to provide efficient and reliable public transport system to the commuters of Delhi. For this GNCTD envisages to introduce a scheme for augmenting the bus fleet with private sector participation through corporate houses and big operators. The scheme envisages a big leap forward towards augmentation of bus fleet by inducting modern CNG buses and efficient management, which would ultimately bring in the assured quality of service. 1 2. DEFINITIONS Following entities would be the main constituents of the proposed scheme. Regulatory Authority- An Authority is proposed to be set up with statutory powers for fixation of fares, planning and modification of routes and schedules for all modes of public transport including intermediate public transport in the NCT of Delhi. The Regulatory Authority would also decide the user charges for usage of infrastructure owned by Bus stop/terminal Authority and DTC etc. It would also decide the compensation to the operators to be paid by GNCTD as compensation for installing GIS & GPS, common ticketing equipment, concession travel etc. at a later date. All funds for urban transport infrastructure in the NCT of Delhi will be routed through this authority. Terminal Development / Management Authority: An Authority is proposed to be set up with statutory powers to develop, manage and maintain the bus transport infrastructure such as bus stops, bus bays, terminals, depots (parking and maintenance) etc. Operator: Private Companies registered under the Companies Act, Cooperative Societies formed under the relevant Cooperative Laws to perform/ run bus services in NCT of Delhi and DTC. This also includes management and financing companies who would provide services on specific contractual agreement for operating transport services. 3. OBJECTIVES OF DEREGULATION OF STAGE CARRIAGE BUS OPERATION 1. To improve the existing bus system operations for providing adequate, efficient, reliable and punctual bus service to commuters of Delhi. 2 2. To create a congenial atmosphere paving the way for participation by private sector by corporate houses/ large operators/ Cooperatives of existing/new individual operators. 3. To define the role of individual private operators in the sectoral plan. 4. STRATEGY TO MEET THE OBJECTIVES OF DEREGULATION OF STAGE CARRIAGE BUS OPERATION To meet the objectives of the deregulation of stage carriage bus operation GNCTD has chalked out a tentative scheme, brief details of which are given below: 4.1 BROAD OUTLINE OF THE SCHEME A broad conceptual scheme has been evolved which envisages bus operation on 650 bus routes identified by GNCTD to be allotted to operators as a bundle. Bundling of routes would be on the criteria of geographic location, minimum no. of buses and financial viability of routes. Regulatory Authority, proposed to be set up with statutory powers, would undertake fare fixation and route/ timetable change whenever required. Operators would be required to pay charges for using the infrastructure. Wherever possible, Parking facility would be provided by GNCTD on user charges. Terminal Authority is proposed to be set up to maintain, develop existing /new bus related infrastructure 4.2 OPERATORS OF THE SCHEME The operators in the proposed scheme could be private firms/companies, cooperative societies (existing and / or new operators) and DTC. The operator would be responsible for financing and managing the bus operation on terms and conditions agreed upon with Transport Department, GNCTD. Existing Operators 3 DTC and private operators are operating the existing bus system of Delhi. The role of existing operators of bus system would be redefined in the proposed deregulated sectoral operation of bus system. Role of DTC: DTC would be treated as one of the operator. DTC being the single largest bus operator under GNCTD, allotment of routes to DTC would be the prerogative of STA. Role of Individual Private Operators: The existing individual private bus operators have existed in the system for a decade. Therefore they will continue to play an important role in this proposed scheme. As the new scheme envisages operation of bus system by operators with minimum of 50 buses, it will be better for individual operators to form a cooperative in their own business interests. These legal groupings formed by existing individual operators would be given preference in allotment of routes, which will be allotted as bundles to them. New Operators: GNCTD plans to invite private companies/cooperative societies / other entities to operate buses on routes allotted to them as bundles and provide quality service to commuters of Delhi. 4.3 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 1. The bus operator could be a private firm / company / cooperative society (existing / or new operators), DTC etc. engaged in city bus operation 2. The operator must have a minimum of 50 CNG buses registered in Delhi (either in operation or applied for). 3. The operator must have adequate organisational set up and physical & financial resources. Documentary evidence of the same should be provided. 4 4. The operator must have in-depth knowledge, experience and proven track record in city bus operation in Delhi or elsewhere, supported by documentary evidence. 5. PROPOSED ROUTES GNCTD have identified about 650 routes that are being operated by Stage Carriage bus operators to meet the travel demand in Delhi. GNCTD decides to bundle these 650 bus routes for allotment to operators. Some of these routes may need to be modified / curtailed with the operationalisation of Phase I network of Delhi MRTS and commuter Rail ( IRBT) system in next 3-5 years. The Regulatory Authority would carry out the modifications in the routes. Some additional routes would need to be operated as feeder routes to the proposed rail based mass transit systems. 6. BUNDLING OF ROUTES FOR ALLOTMENT TO OPERATORS: For allotment of bundle of routes to private operators following strategy would be adopted. For bundling of routes Delhi is proposed to be divided into 14 sectors based on geographical features of the city. This division would form the initial basis of bundling of the routes. (Details are given in Para 13) The routes falling in the proposed sectors/sub-sectors would be bundled on the basis of the point of origin of a route. The route end, which falls, in residential area would be treated as the point of origin. There will be no two points of origin for the same route. In cases where both the route ends fall in residential area, the point of origin would be identified on the basis of route characteristics. As far as possible the routes with nearby origins would be put in one operative bundle. With the advent of MRTS and IRBT systems some routes of some bundles would need restructuring. The restructuring would be under 5 taken by the Regulatory Authority in a limited manner so as not to affect the overall characteristics of the bundle. Each bundle would contain multiple classifications of routes. The criteria for bundling would be based on different parameters such as no. of buses. revenue potential, geographic location etc. which would serve as a guide to make bundles of routes. 7. REVENUE POTENTIAL OF A BUNDLE OF ROUTES The indicative revenue potential of each route will be tentatively calculated by M/s. RITES Ltd. The Criteria: The criteria which would serve, as guide for bundling of routes with respect to revenue potential of the bundle would be: No. of buses: 50 Point of origin for bundling of routes: within five kilometers of a terminal Financial potential of bundle 8. ALLOTMENT OF BUNDLES TO OPERATORS A bundle would be the lowest unit of allotment to operators. Operators would be encouraged to apply for more than one bundle. Lesser the number of operators, it is easy to manage the bus operation. In normal circumstances, bundle would not be broken. Under exceptional circumstances where the number of buses in a bundle is too large and no one operator is available to operate the same, then the bundle would be divided into two or more equal bundles. The operators of such bundles would allow the other bundle operators to operate on their route. Allotment of bundles to operators would be by competitive bidding. Initially the bundle would be assigned for a period of 5-8 years. 6 9. FARE STRUCTURE As decided by STA, Delhi, the existing fare structure would be considered as fixed and would be applicable for near future. When the proposed scheme becomes operative, the Regulatory Authority would suitably regulate the tariff . The operation and maintenance cost is proposed to be indexed with fuel price and suitable proposals for their revision will be suggested accordingly. 10. INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructural backup in public bus system is a pre-requisite and serious issue, which needs to be tackled with proper planning. The required infrastructure support would be in the form of bus stops, terminals and depots for night halt/parking. The existing infrastructure owned by GNCTD could be used (with necessary augmentation). STA would levy User Charges from private operators for using the existing infrastructure. The Regulatory Authority would decide and regulate these charges when set up. The following aspects shall be considered: Considering DTC as one of the operators, the surplus parking space in depots after the parking DTC buses could be offered to private operators for overnight parking on user charges. It would be compulsory for the operators to park their buses at night at pre determined spots. The private operators may approach DTC for use of their space on mutually negotiated terms. To develop, manage and maintain the infrastructure (bus stops, terminals and depots etc.) it is proposed to set up Bus stop/stand development / management/operating authority. The issues of new terminals/ bus stops/night halt parking areas etc. would also be looked 7 after by this authority. The proposed authority will be permitted to undertake commercial exploitation. 11. FUTURE COURSE OF ACTION The scheme outlined above is a broad conceptual scheme. Positive and implementable suggestions received from the prospective operators will be considered before finalizing the scheme. Responses received from potential operators against EOI would be evaluated based on the above-mentioned criteria. The pre-qualified operators would be issued Request For Proposal (RFP) document containing finalized scheme and bundle of routes and the operators would be asked to submit their detailed financial and technical bids for operation of buses on various bundles of routes. Based on the evaluation of detailed bids, operators would be selected for stage carriage bus operation in Delhi. A Pre EOI meeting will take place in RITES office at 12th floor, Amba Deep Building , K.G. Marg, New Delhi, on 28.10.02 at 4 PM. 12. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. A operator can apply for one or more bundle lying in one or more sectors. 2. The buses would be CNG only. 3. The operator will manage the bus operation in each allotted bundle and the operator has to comply with the statutory provisions of relevant rules/legislation/instructions issued from time to time. 4. The operator will follow the fare structure as decided. Charging of higher fares from the passengers will attract penalty 5. No concessional travel would be allowed. At a later date, if GNCTD decides to allow concessional passes in privately managed operational sectors, they will be compensated for the same. 8 6. The routes would undergo change when Phase - I of high capacity rail based systems MRTS and Commuter Rail Corridors (IRBT) become operational. The Regulatory Authority would decide the modifications. 7. Each operator shall adhere to the timetable provided by STA. STA/ Regulatory Authority, if required, would make changes to the same. 8. The operator would install smart card system, common ticketing, GIS and GPS equipments etc. in future as when decided by GNCTD. The operators would be compensated for the same by GNCTD as decided by the Regulatory Authority. 13. SECTORAL DIVISION OF DELHI FOR BUNDLING OF STAGE CARRIAGE BUS ROUTES OF GNCTD The proposal contemplates to divide Delhi into 14 operational sectors(Fig1). The above sectoral plan is only an indicative plan. Actual operational sectors would emerge after completion of exercise of bundling of the routes. The bundles of routes would be combined into specific sectors/sub sectors. Central Sector: Area within Ring Road and will include the following: Moti Nagar, Kirti Nagar, Pusa Road, Ashok Vihar, Patel Nagar, Chanakya Puri, Central Secretariat, Connaught Place, Karol Bagh, Gulabi Bagh Sarojini nagar. Magazine road starting from Khybar Pass, Vandematram Marg, Upper Ridge Road up to Dhaula Kuan could be the dividing line of central sector. West Sector: Area between NH 10 (Rohtak Road) & NH 8 (Gurgaon Road) and covers the colonies of Paschim Vihar, Najafgarh Road, Dwarka, Vikaspuri, Hari Nagar, Tilak Nagar, Airport, Delhi Cantt., Janakpuri, Rajouri Garden, Diplomatic Enclave, Najafgarh Road 9 running through it. Shivaji Marg and Northern Railway rail line would be the dividing lines for making sub-sectors in the proposed West Sector. South Sector: Area between NH 8(Gurgaon Road) Yamuna Pushta covering the colonies of R. K. Puram, Vasant Kunj, Mehrauli, Maharani Bagh, Sarita Vihar, Badarpur JNU, Govindpuri, Lajpat Nagar, Sainik Farms, Greater Kailash, Defence Colony, Okhla, Tughklabad, South Extension, Bhikaji Cama Place, This sector has Aurobind Marg running through it. Josip Broz Tito Marg, Aurobindo Marg would be the dividing lines of proposed South Sector North Sector: Area between NH 10 (Rohtak Road) and Yamuna Pushta Nagar, and covers the colonies of Rohini, Rajiv Azadpur, Mangolpuri, Narela, Nangloi, Pitampura, ISBT, Mori Gate, Jehangir Puri, Shalimar Bagh, Saraswati Vihar, Nirankar Colony, Delhi University, Sonia Vihar,. This sector has the G.T. Road going through it. GT Road, Rohini road (Shaheed Mahavir Marg joining Auchandi Marg) would be dividing lines of proposed North Sector. East Sector: Area beyond Yamuna Pushta covering the colonies of Nand Nagri, Shahdra Krishna Nagar, Vaishali, Vivek Vihar, Anand Vihar, Patparganj, Mayur Vihar, KalyanPuri etc. NH-24(Hapur Byepass), NH 24 (GT Road, Shahdra) would be dividing lines of proposed East Sector. 10