Case 5: class I non-extraction with mild crowding Start records: Male age 13 . Vertical Frankfort to mandibular plane Palatal to mandibular plane . Wits . Steiner Mean ± SD 25° 22° (18°- 28°) 31,5° 28° (24°- 33°) -1 mm -1 - +2 mm SNA 80° 82° ± 3,5 SNB 77° 80° ± 3,5 ANB 3° 2°-4° ± 2,5 GoGnSN 35° 33° ± 2,5 7 mm 28° 10 mm 4 mm 22° 4 mm 32° 25° 68° 67° + 1/NA - 1/NB . Y-axis to SN Start Summary ceph measurements - Skelettal class I average - Upper and lower incisors are proclined and protruded Diagnosis summary Class I dental and skeletal with mild crowding is treated non-extraction. Mild protrusion is managed with Labial root torque brackets on the lower incisors. Single tooth labial root torque is applied on tooth 12 to correct the palatal root position. Ovoid small archforms were used to maintain the original arch size and shape. Rotation brackets were applied to teeth 12DLa, 11D, 21D, 22M, 23D, 35D, 32MLa, 44D, 45D. Treatment: 14 months of treatment with 14 visits. 12 month Panoramic x-ray Final Records . Vertical Start Finish 25° 25° 22° (18°- 28°) 31,5° 29,5° 28° (24°- 33°) -1 mm 0 mm -1 - +2 mm SNA 80° 81° 82° ± 3,5 SNB 77° 77° 80° ± 3,5 ANB 3° 4° 2°-4° ± 2,5 GoGnSN 35° 35° 33° ± 2,5 7 mm 6 mm 4 mm 28° 22° 22° 10 mm 10 mm 4 mm 32° 28° 25° 68° 69° 67° Frankfort to mandibular plane Palatal to mandibular plane . Wits . Steiner + 1/NA - 1/NB . Y-axis to SN Summary ceph measurements - Upper and lower incisors retroclined - Protrusion was not changed Mean ± SD Final Remarks: The incisors retracted only slightly. Some archwire expansion may have resulted in more incisor retraction, as archwires to maintain the original size and shape were used. Additional comments not a part of the examination Doctor time: No assistants are employed in this practice consultations (2), taking records, processing records, diagnosis = 3 hour. The time is listed the same as with straight wire, even though there is more time in the diagnosis of the appliance. Initial band and bond (direct) = 1.5 hour 3 visits @ 15 min = 45 min 8 visits of 20 minutes = 2.7 hours 2 visits @ 30 minutes (finishing) = 1 hour Deband, final records, retainers = 1.5 hour Total doctor time = 11 hours Estimated with assistant: doctor 7.5 hours/ assistant 3.5 hours Rotation correction: rotation brackets were applied to teeth 12DLa, 11D, 21D, 22M, 23D, 35D, 32MLa, 44D, 45D. Several teeth are over-corrected (44, 45, 11, 21, 22, 23) with the others fully corrected (35, 32, 12).