Case 11: Class II, division 1, deep bite, unilateral crossbite, treated Phase I+II non-extraction. Female age 11 year 3 months Start records . Vertical Frankfort to mandibular plane Palatal to mandibular plane . Wits . Steiner Start Mean ± SD 24,5° 22° (18°- 28°) 27° 28° (24°- 33°) +0,5 mm -1 - +2 mm SNA 75,5° 82° ± 3,5 SNB 72,5° 80° ± 3,5 ANB 3° 2°-4° ± 2,5 34,5° 33° ± 2,5 2,5 mm 14° 4 mm 22° GoGnSN + 1/NA - 1/NB . Y-axis to SN 2 mm 4 mm 16° 25° 70° 67° Summary ceph measurements: - Class I vertical average, open growth pattern - Retruded maxilla and mandible - Upper and lower incisors are retroclined and retrusive Diagnosis Summary The molar asymmetry of near class I on the right side and 6mm class II on the left was suspected to be a functional shift of the mandible caused by the unilateral crossbite. Non-extraction would be confirmed at the start of phase II, with phase I treatment aimed at correcting the posterior crossbite and functional shift. Phase I treatment Summary A “hyrax” rapid maxillary expansion appliance was expanded 9mm, then retained with a transpalatal bar (TPA) in the short 6 month phase I. Phase II treatment summary 1 year of full banded and bonded (straight wire) appliances were used. 4 months of class II elastics were used in the mechanics phase, and then again for another 3 months during finishing. 15 Month Panoramic x-ray Final Records . Vertical Frankfort to mandibular plane Palatal to mandibular plane . Wits . Steiner Start Finish 24,5° 24° 22° (18°- 28°) 27° 28,5° 28° (24°- 33°) +0,5 mm -0,5 mm Mean ±SD -1 - +2 mm SNA 75,5° 73,5° 82° ± 3,5 SNB 72,5° 72° 80° ± 3,5 ANB 3° 1,5° 2°-4° ± 2,5 34,5° 35,5° 33° ± 2,5 2,5 mm 6 mm 4 mm 14° 23,5° 22° GoGnSN + 1/NA - 1/NB . Y-axis to SN 2 mm 5,5 mm 4 mm 16° 26° 25° 70° 71,5° 67° Summary ceph measurements: - Class I was maintained, slightly more open growth pattern - Upper and lower incisors proclined and protruded Final Remarks The case was a routine case. The lower lateral incisors needed more labial root torque. Additional comments not a part of the exam Doctor time: no assistant was employed at this practice Phase I = 4 hours consultations, take records, process records, diagnosis = 3 hours Impressions and fabricate Hyrax expander, retain with TPA (3 visits total) = 1 hour Phase II = 7.5 hours no consultations, records, nor diagnosis initial band and bond (direct) = 1.5 hours 3 visits @ 15 min = 0.75 hour 6 visits @ 20 min = 2 hours 2 visits @ 30 min (finishing) = 1 hour Deband, take final records, fabricate clear overlay retainers plus extra upper Hawley retainer to retain crossbite = 2.25 hours Total Doctor time = 11.5 hours Estimated with 1 assistant = doctor 6.5 hours, assistant 5 hours