Case 14: Class II division 1, Mandibular advancement surgery, periodontal disease, missing first bicuspids. Female age 33 Multidisciplinary case requirement was satisfied with this case Start records . Vertical Frankfort to mandibular plane Palatal to mandibular plane . Wits . Steiner Start Mean ± SD 26° 22° (18°- 28°) 28,5° 28° (24°- 33°) 9 mm -1 - +2 mm SNA 86° 82° ± 3,5 SNB 78° 80° ± 3,5 ANB 8° 2°-4° ± 2,5 GoGnSN 37° 33° ± 2,5 5,5 mm 26° 7,5 mm 4 mm 22° 4 mm 27° 25° 69° 67° + 1/NA - 1/NB . Y-axis to SN Summary ceph measurements - Large class II average - Proclined upper incisors Diagnosis Summary: The missing teeth were possibly due to previous ortho attempt with removable appliances. The periodontal limitation was one issue in favor of the surgical approach to reduce treatment time and the amount of tooth movement. Skeletal resistance, predicted by ANB +8 was significant and would be a problem with orthodontic tooth movement approaches. Facial esthetics were effected by the malocclusion and could be improved by surgery. Maxillary surgery was considered but was not needed. The patient was under treatment with a periodontist for 1 year after the initial records were taken, and had consultations with a maxillofacial surgeon before the start of orthodontics. This case fulfilled the requirement of 1 multidisciplinary case, which impacted cuspids did not qualify. Treatment Summary Minimum anchorage was used to close the upper spaces, with efforts to keep the upper midline centered. The upper molars were asymmetric at the start, with the upper left molar being in a more mesial position than the upper right. Pre-surgical orthodontics took 20 months, with visits to the periodontist every 3 months during this time. The surgery was completed in June 2002, and was followed by 4 months of post-surgery orthodontic finishing. Pre-surgery records Final Records Start . Vertical Frankfort to mandibular plane Palatal to mandibular plane . Steiner Mean ± SD 26,5° 31,5° 22° (18°- 28°) 28,5° 28° 32,5° 28° (24°- 33°) 9 mm 4,5 0,5 -1 - +2 mm SNA 86° 86° 86° 82° ± 3,5 SNB 78° 78,5° 80,5° 80° ± 3,5 ANB 8° 7,5° 5,5° 2° ± 2,5 GoGnSN 37° 36° 41° 33° ± 2,5 5,5 mm 1,5 4,5 4 mm 26° 10° 22° 22° 7,5 mm 4,5 9 27° 21° 30° 25° 69° 69° 69° 67° . Wits + 1/NA - 1/NB . Y-axis to SN 26° Progress Finish Summary ceph measurements - Skeletal Class II changed into a class I. - Vertical average measurement changed into a skeletal open - Upper incisors are positioned in an ideal inclination and A-P position - Lower incisors are proclined and protrusive. 4 mm Final Remarks: There was a problem with the periodontal involved teeth tipping more than would be expected while closing spaces. There was some space at the end between teeth 14-13. Otherwise, the case was not so difficult with surgery to correct the class II and deep bite. Additional comments not a part of the examination Doctor time: no assistant was employed at this practice Consultations, take records, process records, diagnosis = 3.3 hours. * one extra 20 minute consultation after the surgeon consult, otherwise same Initial band and bond (direct) = 1.5 hours Pre-surgery ortho: 3 visits @ 15 minutes = 0.75 hour 16 visits @ 20 minutes = 5.3 hours Post-surgery ortho: 1 visit @ 20 minutes = 0.3 hour 3 visits @ 30 minutes = 1.5 hours Deband, final records, fabricate and deliver retainers = 2 hours Total Doctor Time = 14.65 hours Estimated with 1 assistant = doctor 8.5 hours, assistant 6 hour