When Disasters Strike

When Disasters Strike!
Risk Management and the Human Experience
WCATY On-Line Program
Winter 2007
Grades 7 & 8
Instructor: Jessica Riggles
Email: jesilea@charter.net
Course Summary:
Virtually everything in life involves risk. Sometimes we have control over
risk. Practicing prudent decision-making helps to decrease the chances
of bad consequences. But there are also perils that are out of our control.
In this course, we will explore how risk impacts the human experience. By
reading selected books, real-life case studies, and completing writing
assignments, students will learn how to use risk management techniques
to develop better decision-making skills.
Required Reading: Life of Pi by Yann Martel
The Mosquito Coast by Paul Theroux
Various case studies and articles
One of the following books of the student’s choosing:
Saving Fish from Drowning by Amy Tan
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Piccoult
Mayada: Daughter of Iraq by Jean Sasson
Optional Videos: Students may choose one optional video to replace
one of the case studies assigned. The student will complete the risk
management chart on the video subject and write a well-formed
paragraph summary.
Johnstown Flood, Directed by Charles Guggenheim (1989) (Available on
Google Video for $3.75)
Is Walmart Good for America?
Wall Street
Tsunami: The AftermathThe Corporation
An Inconvenient Truth
Hotel Rwanda
Thank You for Smoking
Required Assignments Summary:
All students will read each of the required books and non-fiction
articles assigned.
Students will write a weekly reading response in their journal.
Reading responses will consist of three paragraphs: 1) Reflection of
the plot and characters in the material. 2) Contemplation of the
literary techniques used in the material. 3) Discussion of the risk
management techniques used by the characters or what
techniques the character could have used better.
Participation is mandatory, both in the online discussions and at the
face-to-face meetings. All written responses need to be thoughtful
and grammatically correct. Each student will be expected to
contribute to the class discussion by offering a written response to
three of the student postings each week.
Students will write one formal five-paragraph essay.
Students will participate in two group research projects. The first is a
comparative project looking at Hurricane Katrina and the 2004
Asian Tsunami. The group will research their topic, keeping in mind
the risk management techniques. All students will write an
individual five-paragraph essay or a fictional short story. The group
members will work together to proof-read each other’s paper.
The second group research project will be a comparative project
from one of the following topics:
The Johnstown Flood, 1889
The Grand Forks Flood, 1997
The San Francisco Earthquake, 1906
The Northridge Earthquake, 1994
The Destruction of Pompeii, 79
The Mount St Helen’s Eruption, 1980
The London Fire, 1666
The Oakland Fire, 1991
The Donner Party, 1846
Uruguayan Rugby Team, 1972
The Hindenburg Disaster, 1937
The Crash of PanAm 103, 1988
The Titanic, 1912
Le Joola Shipwreck, Gambia, 2002
The Columbine School Shooting, 1999
Weston High School Shooting, 2006
London Blitz, WWII
London Bombing, 2005
California Mud Slides, 1998
Philippine Mud Slides, 2006
The group will prepare a 15-minute presentation using visual aids to
teach the class about their topic. They will then lead a class discussion
using the risk management chart exploring the techniques used and
what could have been used better.
Weekly Course Outline
Week 1: Focus on the role of the individual
Reading: Life of Pi, chapters 1 through 26 (including the author’s
introduction.) Write journal reading response.
Thought provoker 1: Do people deserve what they get?
Thought Provoker 2: What role does suffering play in the human
experience? In chapter one of Life of Pi, Pi says, “When you’ve suffered a
great deal in life, each additional pain is both unbearable and trifling.”
How is this both true and false?
Task: Read and familiarize yourself with the Risk Management handout
and risk management chart.
Face-to- Face 1: Through hands on learning, analyzing scenarios, and
team work, students will:
 Meet and greet.
 Review online community rules and procedures
 Review work expectations and rubrics
 Review the Hamburger format
 Review risk management chart
 Review literary techniques
Week 2: Focus on the role of the individual
Reading: Life of Pi, chapters 27 through 61. Write journal reading
response.Thought Provoker 1: What is the relationship like between Pi and
Richard Parker?
Thought Provoker 2: Would you stand up for something even if it meant
that your family would pay for it in the long run?
Task: Read case study: “The Aircraft Brake Scandal.” Fill out risk
management chart.
Week 3: Focus on the role of the individual
Reading: Life of Pi, chapters 62 through the end. Write journal reading
Thought Provoker 1: What is the difference between human and animal
decision making?
Thought Provoker 2: How does company marketing and commercials
affect our decisions?
Week 4: Focus on the role of society
Reading: Begin the Mosquito Coast, chapters 1 – 10. Write journal reading
Thought Provoker 1: Discuss your thoughts on Life of Pi. What did you
like? What did you not like? Which do you feel was the better story? How
do you feel about the ways Pi dealt with risk? Support your opinions with
examples or quotes from the text.
Thought Provoker 2: In The Mosquito Coast, is Allie Fox insane or a genius?
What are your thoughts on his philosophies and actions? Give examples
from the text to support your opinions.
Group Project: Find at least ten websites about Hurricane Katrina.
Place yourself in four of the following roles. Use the risk management
chart to determine what risk techniques were used and what techniques
could have been used better in each role. This means that you will have
four different charts at the end of the assignment. Finally, the group will
write a well-formed paragraph that summarizes what you found.
 FEMA official
 Local government official
 Charity Organizer
 Townsperson
 Insurance company
 World Aid Organizations
 Celebrities
**Test: Review of novel and case studies.
Week 5: Focus on the role of society
Reading: The Mosquito Coast, chapters 11 – 20. Write journal reading
Thought Provoker 1: What role did race or culture play in the Hurricane
Katrina and the 2004 Asian Tsunami disasters? Is that normal?
Thought Provoker 2: In The Mosquito Coast, what is the relationship like
between Allie and Charlie? Describe some a situation where Allie puts
Charlie at risk. Why does he do this and how does Charlie handle it?
Group Project: Find at least 10 websites about the 2004 Asian Tsunami.
Placing yourself in four of the following roles, use the risk management
chart to determine what risk techniques were used and what techniques
could have been used better. This means that you will have four different
charts at the end of the assignment. Finally, write a well-formed
paragraph that summarizes what you found.
 Government official
 Charity organizer
 Townsperson/villager
 Insurance company
 World Aid Organizations
 Celebrities
Project: Write a rough five-paragraph essay (format will be presented in
the online community) which compares and contrasts Hurricane Katrina
and the 2004 Asian Tsunami. Post this rough draft in your group. Finally,
proofread the other group members’ papers.
Face-to- Face 2: Through hands on learning, analyzing scenarios, and
team work, students will:
 Review paper format and how to properly cite your work
 Role playing using research from both Tsunami and Katrina
 Review risk management themes
 Review case studies
 Choose topic for project
 Go over PowerPoint etiquette
Week 6: Focus on the role of society
Reading: The Mosquito Coast, chapter 21 to the end. Write journal
reading response.
Thought Provoker 1: In what ways does our society help or support
individuals in need? Is this the obligation of society? Why or why not?
Thought Provoker 2: Using what you learned from your research on
Hurricane Katrina and the 2004 Asian Tsunami, how do you think people
deal with grief after a disaster? Are these coping mechanisms positive or
Thought Provoker 3: Reflecting on The Mosquito Coast, what risks did the
family take and how did they deal with them? Was it worth it?
Project: Polish paper and turn it in. Also, begin researching your topic
and work on outline for your group presentation.
WEEK 7: The role of the company
Reading: Begin book of choice from reading list. Write journal reading
Thought Provoker 1: What is the price of a human life?
Thought Provoker 2: Should companies be put out of business when they
are found to be negligent? Think of all of the consequences.
Task: Review case study: “The Ford Pinto” and fill out chart.
Group Project: Research your topic and work on outline for your group
Week 8: The role of the company
Reading: Continue book of choice. Write journal reading response.
Thought Provoker 1: What role do companies have when it comes to
social issues?
Task: “Uncommon Decency: Pacific Bell Responds to AIDS”
Project: Continue research and rough draft of the Group Presentation.
Students are to continue to work as a group, editing and writing for their
**Test: Review of novel and case studies.
Week 9: The role of the company
Reading: Finish book of choice. Write journal reading response.
Task: “H.B. Fuller in Honduras: Street Children and Substance Abuse
“Merck & Co. Inc.” and “Plasma International.” Work with the risk
management chart.
Thought Provoker 1: What responsibility do we have to care for those who
are less fortunate?
Thought Provoker 2: Should a company be responsible for its product,
even if it is being used in a way for which it was not intended?
Project: Finish project and prepare to present it.
Face-to- Face 3: Through hands-on learning, analyzing scenarios, and
team work, students will:
 Present group presentations.
 Review of risk management concepts
 Discussion: Applying risk management in your life