Syllabus – Indomitable Human Spirit

Syllabus – Indomitable Human Spirit
Online Course Description
This class, designed for 7th and 8th grade students, explores the characteristics and internal assets
of resilient people. The lives of several people who have overcome oppression or hardships will
be examined. Students will consider what a makes one person more resilient than another.
Changes in a person as they wrestle with adversity will be recorded.
Autobiographies and online readings on resiliency research form the backbone of the course.
Students will research a person they consider to have an indomitable spirit. The project will
culminate with skits, interviews, monologs, or other creative presentations of that person’s life
and spirit to the class.
Required Readings:
When Broken Glass Floats – Chanrithy Him
From the Land of Green Ghosts – Pascal Khoo Thwe
Related Books of Interest:
The Glass Castle – Jeanette Walls
We Are All the Same – Jim Wooten
Slave: My True Story – Mende Nazer
Bold Spirit – Linda Lawrence Hunt
A City of Joy - Dominique LaPierre
Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail
– Malika Oufkir
Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage
- Alfred Lansing
We Die Alone: A WWII Epic of Escape and Endurance
– D. Howarth & S. E. Ambrose
Curriculum Standards:
A.8.1 Use effective reading strategies to achieve their purposes in reading.
A.8.2 Read, interpret, and critically analyze literature.
A.8.3 Read and discuss literary and nonliterary texts in order to understand human experience.
A.8.4 Read to acquire information.
B.8.1 Create or produce writing to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
B.8.2 Plan, revise, edit, and publish clear and effective writing.
B.8.3 Understand the function of various forms, structures, and punctuation marks of standard American
English and use them appropriately in communications.
C.8.1 Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences / purposes
C.8.2 Listen to and comprehend oral communications.
C.8.3 Participate effectively in discussion.
D.8.1 Develop their vocabulary and ability to use words, phrases, idioms, and various grammatical
structures as a means of improving communication.
E.8.1 Use computers to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information.
F.8.1 Conduct research and inquiry on self-selected or assigned topics, issues, or problems and use an
appropriate form to communicate their findings.
Weekly Assignments
Reading Assignments – A portion of one of the required books will be assigned each week.
Online reading will be assigned most weeks. Research reading will also be required.
Thought Provoker – Students will begin the week by answering a thought provoking question.
Questions – Most reading assignments will have questions for students to answer after they have
completed the reading. Some questions will relate directly to the reading, others will come from
the general topic of resiliency. Student responses should answer the question posed and then
support the answer with evidence, examples, explanations, or illustrations. When responding to
questions, students should answer the question then expand the answer in response to the everpresent question WHY? Or HOW? Some reading assignments will include a writing assignment
beyond a simple response to a question. Students should use a word processing program for
their writing. Responses should then be cut and pasted online. All work should be in full
sentence and paragraph form.
Responses to Students –Students are required **on each assignment** to respond to at least
one other student’s posting (ideally students respond and re-respond to several students creating
online discussions for each assignment). Responses may involve asking a student clarifying
questions, offering further supportive evidence or examples, or challenging a student’s answer. If
the response is to challenge a student’s ideas, the challenger needs to provide sufficient evidence
or examples to support the challenge!!! All responses must be courteous and respectful.
(Students must also respond to all questions and editing comments by the teacher.)
Students should post their own assignments first before responding to others!
A high level of thinking and writing is expected in ALL coursework!
Quotes from the readings should be used to support responses to questions!
Students should complete at least two weekly assignments by Wednesday night at 10 pm. All
assignments should be completed by Friday night at 10 pm. Responses to other students may be
done over the weekend. Reading ahead is encouraged as weekend homework! Posting early
provides time for students to respond to one another and enjoy the online discussion.
Course Projects
Essay – Students will complete at least one major essay during the course. The essay will include
an introduction paragraph, three to four body paragraphs with supporting examples, and a
concluding paragraph. Essays will require peer editing (online) and final drafts.
Indomitable Person Research – Students will research a person whose journey through life has
displayed an indomitable spirit. The person may be famous or little known, historical or still
living, from a land far away or local. Research reports should include a timeline of the person’s
life, evidence of characteristics and assets of resiliency, and the story of how the person’s
indomitable spirit sustained the person through hardships or suffering. If still living and local,
students should include interview questions and responses in their research report.
Final Presentation – During the final f2f all students will present their person with an
indomitable spirit to the class. Students may use a variety of creative avenues to present their
person including, but not limited to, skits, interviews, monologs, or visual display boards.
Assignment Checklist
Weekly Outline
WBGF = When Broken Glass Floats by Chanrithy Him
FLGG = From the Land of Green Ghosts by Pascal Khoo Thwe
Week #1
o Introductions
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o WBGF – Chapters 1-5
First F2F - Introductions
Week #2
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o WBGF – Chapters 6-9
Week # 3
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o WBGF – Chapters 10-20
o Essay
Week #4
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o FLGG – Forward, Prologue &
Chapters 1-4
o Peer Editing & Revising Essay – Due
Second F2F – Peer Editing Essays
Week #5
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o FLGG – Chapters 5-9
o Choose Person with Indomitable
Spirit to Research or Interview
Week #6
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o FLGG – Chapters 10-16
o List of Research or Interview
Week #7
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o FLGG – Chapters 17-23
o Complete Research or Interview
Week #8
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o FLGG – Chapters 24-29 & Epilogue
o Prepare Final Project
Week #9
o Thought Provoker
o Online Reading
o Prepare Presentation for F2F
Final F2F - Presentations