TEACCH Visual Structure Checklist

TEACCH Visual Structure Checklist
Designing Appropriate Physical Structure
 Place for students to store materials
 Special consideration for location of desk or table (in front, in back, alone)
 Organization of materials (binder with dividers, folders or boxes to place work in,
containers or folders in/on desk, hanging cubby or nearby shelf)
 Determine the need for an independent work area (consider portable dividers)
 Visual boundaries to encourage understanding of where areas begin and end.
 Assignment list (indicating the sequence and order of how to complete class work)
Creating the Individualized Daily Schedule
Determine the cue used for schedule (picture, word, combo of both)
Determine the length of the schedule (first-then, part day, whole day)
Accessibility-how will the student most easily access the schedule (should it be on their
desk, on the wall, on a portable binder)
Determine how the student will manipulate the schedule (check off, pull picture off)
Determine who will prepare the schedule each day
Are there regular breaks included in the schedule
Adaptations and Modifications
When developing visual instructions for completing assignments
o Simplify
o Clarify
o Highlight
o Add pictures/words
o Add sequence cues (numbers or letters)
Modification of assignments
o Reduce amount or break assignments into smaller parts
o Change format for visual clarity
o Reduce difficulty of task
o Provide manipulatives as part of the task
o Consider visual or technological supports (word bank, number line, calculator)
o Address Handwriting concerns (scribe, laptop, recorder, student/teacher notes)
o Incorporate strengths and interests
o Eliminate board referencing and transfer information to desk