
CRN 11542 (NON-CR)
ESOL 154
CRN 12399 (CR)
Teacher: Florence Deutsch-Timmons
Class Location: PCC Sylvania, CT 128
Time: Mondays & Wednesdays, 11:00AM - 12:50 PM
Office: CT 219
Office Hours: 1:00-1:30 PM on class days
Class webpage : Go to MyPCC, click on My Courses, click on Level 5 Communication, and then
click on the link on the right that says « Class Webpage »
Textbooks and Materials
1. Quest 1, by Laurie Blass and Pamela Hartmann ($51.95 new). Also, there is a chance to
buy used and much less expensive books from the Tutoring Center in CT Building first week
of term from the Book Exchange.
2. MyPCC account
3. Paper, notebook for organizing papers, pen/pencil for taking notes, colored pen for making
Important Dates
Jan. 9
Jan. 18
Feb. 23
Feb. 26
Feb. 27
March 1
March 2
March 9
March 14
March 28
Last day to drop class without paying tuition (in person)
Martin Luther King Day (No PCC classes)
Spring 2016 registration (through February 25th) begins for Winter termenrolled degree-seeking students (use MyPCC)
Spring 2016 registration begins for new and returning degree-seeking students
(use MyPCC)
Last day to withdraw from ESOL credit classes and get a 'W' (use MyPCC)
Credit Students-Last day to switch to P/NP option
Spring 2016 registration begins for non-degree-seeking students (use
Spring 2016 registration for non-credit students (use MyPCC)
Last Day of Class
Finals week begins (We meet on Monday, March 14 at 11am in our regular
Payment due date for Winter classes
First day of Spring term
In this class you will …
build accuracy and fluency in your speaking
present at least one academic speech
improve your listening skills
improve your pronunciation to make it easier for others to understand you
Listening and Speaking: You will…
 listen for main ideas and details and take notes on important information.
 do dictations.
 develop greater fluency and accuracy in your speech through various conversation activities.
 do one or more short interviews outside of class and share the information with your
 use the computer to practice listening and to do speaking and pronunciation homework.
Academic speaking: You will…
 prepare an outline for an academic speech.
 give one or more speeches to the class.
 take notes on and respond to your classmates’ speeches.
Pronunciation: You will…
 learn about and use American English pronunciation rules for stress, reductions, and
 practice American English consonant and vowel sounds
 recognize the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to improve your pronunciation.
Your grade in this class will be based on the following:
Presentations in class (self-assessments)
Participation and Attendance
Final exam
There may be some in-class speaking/listening assignments which you will not be able
to make up if you are absent. You are not allowed to make up more than one exam per
term. If you are absent on an exam day, it is your responsibility to contact the instructor
before the exam to ask for permission to take the exam on a different day. Remember
that the instructor might not allow you to take the exam at a different time, so you
should make every effort not to miss scheduled exams.
Cheating: During in-class tests, I will hold up a finger and make eye contact with you
every time I catch you looking at a classmate's paper. Each time I do this, you will lose
10% off your score. Keep your eyes on your own paper.
Participation is important in this class. Your participation includes:
coming to class on time and being prepared for class
participating in class and group activities
listening to, paying attention to, and showing respect for your teacher AND classmates
speaking English in the classroom
Credit students will receive a letter grade at the end of the class:
D (not
59% or less
F (not
Non-credit students will receive one of these grades:
CM – go to next level
PR – repeat the level
L – did not finish
Class Policies, Student Responsibilities, and Other Information
Attendance and Punctuality
 Cell phones should be silenced BEFORE class. Texting and surfing in class are disruptive
and disrespectful.
 Participation is critical to your success in Communication 5. If you sleep in class or fail to be
an active participant, you will be marked absent!
 Attendance and punctuality are important. If you must be absent, please email me.
 If you are absent more than 8 hours (4 classes), you will not be able to pass the class.
 If you come to class late, you are tardy. If you come to class more than 15 minutes late, it will
count as 1 hour of absence. Leaving class early will be counted in the same way as tardies.
 Classroom behavior is an important demonstration of your understanding of American
classroom culture. Not paying attention in class, walking around the room, talking, sharpening
your pencil and so forth when the teacher is talking is completely unacceptable. Such behavior
will indicate to me that you do not have a good understanding of what is considered polite in
American culture and will affect your participation grade.
 Homework is due on time. Your homework score will go down 10% every day it is late.
Assignments will not be accepted after 5 days.
 You are responsible for all assignments and homework--even if you are absent! If you are
absent, check the class page on MyPCC, call a classmate, or e-mail the teacher to find out
your homework assignments. It is your responsibility to find out what the homework is and turn
it in.
 You should plan to do at least 8 hours of homework and study every week.
 Some homework will be graded and some will not. We will check most homework together in
 You are responsible for ALL vocabulary in each chapter even if it is not assigned for
Special Needs
 If you have special needs, please tell me. I will do what I can to make it easier for you to learn.
 If you have special needs because of your hearing, sight, etc., you can also contact the Office
for Students with Disabilities (CC 260). Tel: 971-722-4341, Fax: 971-722-4882.
Tutoring Center
 Tutors are available to help you in the ESOL Tutoring Center in the CT building (CT 208) and in
the Learning Center in the Library.
The College Success Skills (CSS) and the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Departments have a dedicated Student Resource Specialist, Nerva Pfund (Room SS 201 ; Phone:
971 722-4626), to help advise and support students taking ESOL classes. Your instructors may share
information about your attendance, participation, grades or other concerns with the Student Resource
Specialist so that she can follow-up with you and help support you this term.
If you are an international student or are in the MAP Program, you should contact those advisors.
ASK, if you have any questions! You will learn more if you ask questions!
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You cannot learn English without making mistakes!
Please tell me if you are having any troubles in the class. I will do anything I can to help you
be successful in this class.