International Year of Cooperatives

Proclamation HONORING
International Year of Cooperatives
WHEREAS, Cooperative organizations, including the 22 credit unions that
make up the Coastal Bend Chapter of Credit Unions, help build and sustain
healthy communities; promote jobs and enhance the quality of life for those in
our community; and
WHEREAS, the 22 credit unions that make up the Coastal Bend Chapter of
Credit Unions are an important economic force in our community, employing
some 587 people, serving (and governed by) more than 196,300 people, and
boasting combined assets of nearly $2 billion;
WHEREAS, The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 64/76 on
cooperatives in social development proclaims the year 2012 as the International
Year of Cooperatives (IYC), with a theme of “Cooperative Enterprises Build a
Better World;”
WHEREAS, credit unions embrace a “people-helping-people” philosophy
through the pooling of personal resources and leadership abilities for the good of
the cooperative, empowering members to improve their financial futures and
uniting to help those in need;
WHEREAS, credit unions demonstrate outstanding leadership, and have
championed the idea that people from all walks of life should have access to
affordable financial services;
WHEREAS, this Proclamation recognizes that the 22 credit unions that
make up the Coastal Bend Chapter of Credit Unions are among the most
important financial cooperatives, and promote the fullest participation in the
economic and social development of all people; and
WHEREAS, The accomplishments of cooperatives, including those 22 credit
unions in the Coastal Bend Chapter of Credit Unions, deserve acknowledgment,
affirmation, and celebration; now, therefore, I, _________________ {Mayor of
the City } of ______________, do herby proclaim the year 2012 to be “The
International Year of Cooperatives" and do encourage all citizens to recognize
and support the cooperative organizations in their communities.