Sport England has been provided with lighting details in order to

TUESDAY, 8 FEBRUARY 2005, AT 10.00 A.M.
Agenda No.
Report of the Director of Environment
Trish Lyons
Tel: 01992 556271
Local Member:- Bernard Lloyd
Purpose of Report
To consider planning application ref. 5/0422-04 (CC0075) for a floodlit
artificial turf pitch at Roundwood Park School, Harpenden.
The application proposes the construction of a floodlit artificial turf pitch
at Roundwood Park School, Harpenden for the use by pupils during
school hours and the community out of school hours.
The proposed artificial turf pitch would be 101.4m x 63m located on the
school playing field at the rear of the school buildings.
The proposed hours of use for this facility are as follows: 9.00am to
10.00pm on weekdays, 9.00am to 8.00pm on Saturdays and 9.00am
to 7.00pm on Sundays.
There would be the need for eight galvanised steel raise and lower
lighting columns, each being 15m in height. The modern lighting
system is designed to provide a high level of light on the pitch and
minimal spillage immediately beyond the boundaries and very little
effect beyond 50/75m.
The running of the proposed facility would be the responsibility of the
The report concludes that, subject to the Secretary of State not wishing
to intervene under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning
(Playing Fields) (England) Direction 1998, the Director of Environment
should be authorised to grant permission subject to conditions to
include reduced hours of use of an evening to 9pm, hours of
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
construction, the control of car parking, indication of construction
completion date, approval of school travel plan before the pitch is put
into use, no use of the pitch on Sunday mornings when the church
congregation are using the school (subject to review) and when there
are open evenings and other large evening events at the school.
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
Description of the site and proposed development
The application proposes the construction of a floodlit artificial turf pitch
at Roundwood Park School, Harpenden. The School intends to use
the facility during school hours to deliver its full sports curriculum in all
weather conditions. It is a condition of the New Opportunities Fund
(NOF) grant that the facility is made available for the wider community
when not required for use by the school. It is intended to make the
artificial turf pitch available for matches and practice by local clubs and
for pre-booked use out of school hours.
The proposed hours of use for this facility are as follows: 9.00am to
10.00pm on weekdays, 9.00am to 8.00pm on Saturdays and 9.00am to
7.00pm on Sundays.
The artificial turf pitch is proposed to be 101.4m x 63m located on the
school playing field to the west of existing Roundwood Park School
buildings, adjacent to existing tennis courts and south of the public
footpath to Roundwood Park.
The pitch is to be constructed to Sport England specifications and is to
be marked out for a full size football and hockey pitch and three, five-aside pitches crossways. It has been designed to be accessible by
people with disabilities and there are suitable existing changing
facilities within the sixth form block and a suitable access route from
the car park to the changing rooms and pitch.
A tarmacadam path is proposed to link the recently constructed
changing rooms and sixth form centre to the proposed artificial turf
The pitch is to be illuminated by eight galvanised steel raise and lower
(for maintenance) lighting columns, each being 15m in height. The
floodlights would emit a ‘white light’ which is ideal for the sports
environment. On each corner of the pitch there would be three Ultra
Low Glare flat glass floodlights and two Ultra Low Glare flat glass
floodlights on each of the four centre columns.
The modern lighting system is designed to provide a high level of light
on the pitch and minimal spillage immediately beyond the boundaries
and very little effect beyond 50/75m. The lighting system would provide
an average level of illumination of 350 Lux on the playing field.
The artificial turf pitch is to be fenced and gated. The two long sides of
the pitch are to be bounded by 3m high galvanised weldmesh fencing.
The fencing at the two short ends of the pitch will be divided into three
sections of 21m. The two side sections are to be 3m high weldmesh
fencing and the centre portion, behind the main goal areas, to be 4.5m
high weldmesh fencing. The fencing is to be supported by rectangular
hollow section lineposts set in concrete at intervals of 3m.
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
The top surface of the pitch is to be 24mm pile synthetic turf with sand
infill and would require regular maintenance by a small specialist
vehicle, which is proposed to be stored in a metal, lockable, container.
This is to be located alongside the northern corner of the pitch.
The school has 51 marked parking spaces on site and overspill parking
areas, some of which can be used during, and other areas after school
hours. The staff parking areas will be made available for community
users out of school hours. The applicant does not expect normal
demand to exceed 30 car-parking spaces. There is therefore no
anticipated need for any off-site parking for community users.
The applicant is confident that the nature of the use of this proposed
facility by the school and local community is unlikely to generate any
significant spectator demand and as such no spectator facilities have
been incorporated into this development.
The running of the proposed facility would be the responsibility of the
St Albans City and District Council – considered the application at the
Planning (Development Control) Committee North on 4 May 2004. The
Council resolved to overturn the officer recommendation and raise
objections to the proposed development on the following grounds: 
the need is not established;
adverse highways impact;
lack of adequate car parking including spectator parking;
adverse impact of intensified use;
adverse impact of lighting;
adverse impact of noise;
adverse impact on ecology: Metropolitan Green Belt.
Harpenden Town Council – support the provision of full size synthetic
turf pitch facility for school use, however, do not consider that the
extensive community use at the proposed location, which is in the heart
of a residential area, is appropriate.
The Harpenden Society – object to this proposal in the belief that the
development is contrary to St Albans City and District Council
development control policies on the grounds of damage to the Green
Belt and detrimental effect on local residents from increased traffic,
noise and light pollution (quoting policy 1 Metropolitan Green Belt and
Policy 9 Non Residential Uses within Residential Areas). However,
there would be no objection if the proposal did not include floodlighting
and had restricted use to 8pm on weekdays.
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Local Member (Bernard Lloyd) is strongly opposed to this development.
Sport England – originally objected to the proposal on the grounds that
the proposal would result in the permanent loss of part of the school
playing field, without satisfying any of the exception criteria set out in
Sport England’s policy ‘A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of
England’ (1997) in that there is inadequate supporting information to
demonstrate the local or strategic need for the facility. It is considered
that existing facilities in the area are adequate to serve community
Sport England has confirmed that they withdraw their original objection
to the proposed development. Please see Appendix B for a copy of
Sport England’s letter of 4 January 2005.
Hertfordshire County Council as Highways Authority – consider that
three conditions would be necessary:
an updated school travel plan be submitted and approved prior to
the facility being brought into use;
no bookings for use to be permitted on evenings when there is
expected to be open evenings and other meetings at the school;
no bookings for use to be permitted on Sunday mornings when a
church congregation uses the school hall.
A total of 7 properties were consulted on the application, with 10 letters
objecting to the application and 0 letters of support being received
during the consultation period (ended 19 March 2004). 28 letters of
objection have been received after this date up to and including 26 May
2004 (although 7 letters were further to the original letter of
representation) and 2 letters of support. The main issues of concern
can be summarised as:
 support in principle of the facility for use by the school but not the
community use;
 increase in cars on site and additional overspill onto residential
 existing congestion on narrow roads;
 speed of traffic using roads leading to the School and need for safety
 noise generated from cars and the users of the facility;
 extension of the urban sprawl into the Green Belt & against policy;
 floodlighting would be intrusive and cause light pollution;
 Roundwood Park is a residential area and unsuitable for this facility;
 fencing would be an eyesore;
 increase in litter in the neighbourhood;
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 vandalism and crime would increase in the neighbourhood;
 there are more suitable sites for community use all-weather sports
facilities being considered by other bodies in Harpenden (rugby
 there are plenty of existing sports facilities in the town and others
 financial viability of the proposal should not be a consideration and
the New Opportunities Fund bid would not stand up to close scrutiny;
 concern over the lateness of usage – preference for use no later
than 9pm during the week;
 no justification for this facility as the existing playing fields are underutilised;
 School Travel Plan has made no difference to the traffic and parking
issues and needs updating with local consultation;
 glare from floodlights;
 increase in commercialisation of the school’s facilities;
 object to the footpath being used a means of access;
 increase in growth of the school;
 noise and disturbance to be increased to 7 days a week, every week
of the year.
A petition of 230 signatures (2 signatures of which were signed on
behalf of other persons) opposing the proposed development has been
received and was presented to the County Council meeting on 30
March 2004.
Planning Considerations
The relevant policies of the adopted Development Plan are:
County Structure Plan - policy 13 (education and training) and
policy 47 (sporting, recreation and other leisure uses);
St Albans District Local Plan Review, adopted 1994 - policy 1
(Metropolitan Green Belt), policy 34 (Highways consideration in
Development Control), policy 39 (Parking Standard, General
Requirements), policy 50 (Parking for disabled people), policy 65
(Education facilities), policy 69 (General Design and Layout), policy
80 (Floodlighting), policy 81 (Access for the Disabled), policy 91
(Location of leisure facilities), policy 96 (Medium intensity leisure
uses in the Green Belt) & policy intention 21 (Joint use of leisure
The principal issues to be taken into account in determining this
application are:
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
 Green Belt;
 capability of existing formal and informal car parking arrangements
at the school to accommodate an increase in users of the school
after school hours;
 the potential impact of noise and disturbance on the neighbourhood
as a result of this development;
 the need for the facility to be open until 10pm of a weekday evening.
Green Belt
The school site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt and
therefore the suitability of such a facility in this location needs to be
addressed. The siting of this facility would be adjacent to tennis courts
and to the rear of existing school buildings. It is considered that the
location of the proposed artificial turf pitch would not cause significant
harm to the appearance of the existing landscape. However, due
regard should be given to the impact of the development on the
ecology, natural beauty and amenity of the countryside and the amenity
of local residents, in particular with regard to the floodlighting
The artificial turf pitch would alter the nature of the land from a natural
grass playing field to an all weather artificial turf surfaced pitch. Due to
their intensive use and the fact that they are positioned in low lying
ground, with a high water table, the existing grass pitches are often
unplayable. This severely limits their use for both school curriculum
and community purposes. The proposed artificial turf pitch would
provide a playable surface all year round. The proposed pitch would
assist the school in delivering its full sports curriculum in all weather
conditions. In terms of district wide provision, the facility will help to
meet an identified shortfall provision of synthetic turf pitches in the
Harpenden area which has been identified by the Council’s Playing
Pitch Strategy and confirmed by the consultant’s report received in April
Policy 1 (Metropolitan Green Belt) of St Albans District Local Plan
provides scope for ‘small scale facilities for participatory sport and
recreation’. Also expressed by St Albans District Council, as a policy
intention in the adopted Local Plan is the promotion of joint provision
and dual use of educational and other leisure facilities. This policy
requirement is fulfilled in this proposal providing facilities for both the
school and the wider community. Planning Policy Guidance 2 – Green
Belts states in paragraph 1.6, that the use of land in Green Belts has a
positive role to play in fulfilling objectives, one of which is ‘to provide
opportunities for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation near urban
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
The proposed development is considered to be a ‘medium intensity
leisure use in the Green Belt’ as categorised by the District Local Plan
under policy 1 (Metropolitan Green Belt). This policy considers such a
development acceptable in such a location provided that access
arrangements are acceptable. Existing access arrangements onto the
school site operate well with access and egress from Roundwood Park
in accommodating for staff and visitor vehicle movement as well as
suitable access for coaches. The access arrangement would remain
unaltered as a result of the proposed artificial turf pitch facility on site.
Given the reasonable access arrangements, it is therefore considered
that the proposal does not conflict with this policy.
Policy 96 (Medium intensity leisure uses in the Green Belt) of the
District Plan normally restricts medium intensity leisure uses in the
Green Belt to ‘Type B’ uses and areas other than Landscape
Conservation Areas. The proposed artificial turf pitch appears to fall
within the category of a Type B medium intensity leisure activity given
that this use requires few buildings related to it and is sited on a large
area of open land, that being the school playing fields. This proposal
does not involve the construction of any new buildings. The use of this
facility conforms to the policy in that it is ‘in intermittent or continuous
use by relatively large numbers of people’. The number of people
using the facility would be limited as the provision is for one full-size
sports pitch that can be sub-divided to provide smaller playing areas.
‘Sports pitches’ are stated as an example of this type of activity in the
District Local Plan.
Capability of existing formal and informal car parking arrangements at
the school to accommodate an increase in users of the school after
school hours.
The applicant has identified 51 car-parking spaces in the school
grounds, which are formally used by staff and visitors during the day. It
is expected that the facility will not create a demand for more than 30
car-parking spaces. The proposal does not include any provision of
spectator facilities and given the likely users of the facility, the potential
for spectators to be present is minimal. However, it is evident from
making a site visit that there is ample additional informal car parking on
site out of school hours when all available tarmac areas such as
playgrounds and the coach turning area can be put into use.
The current users of the sports field already park on playground areas
at the far end of the school nearest the sports field. It is anticipated that
users of the artificial turf pitch would prefer to use parking provision
nearest to the facility and therefore would not elect to park in on-street
locations in the residential area in the first instance.
3.10 It is a common occurrence on a weekly basis that outside organisations
use the school facilities outside of school hours, such as of an evening
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and of a weekend. This use of the school property results in associated
traffic travelling to and from the school out of normal school hours and
the use of the school’s parking provision.
The proposed development does not involve a ‘new, relocating or large
expansion (0.5 form of entry and above)’ and as such is deemed to fall
under the classification of a ‘smaller development’ as referred to in the
‘School Travel Plans in the Planning Process’ report to development
control committee 15 April 2003. The School Travel Plan has not been
updated to incorporate a potential artificial turf pitch on site. Recently
submitted information as referred to in Appendix A indicates that there
is currently an increase in the numbers of pupils walking and travelling
by bus and a reduction in numbers travelling to school by family cars,
better car sharing by sixth form students than other pupils and an
increase of sixth formers using their own car. The School Travel Plan
would need to reflect the use of the school site out of school hours.
This is the opinion of Hertfordshire County Council as Highway
Authority and is suggested as a condition to require an approved
School Travel Plan to be in place prior to the artificial turf pitch being
put into use. In order to be confident of the date that the facility would
be complete and therefore near ready for use by the school and the
general public, it would be necessary to condition that the County
Planning Authority be informed of the date of completion of works on
Information has been provided on existing out-of-hours use made of the
school, generating significant amounts of traffic. The school has one
annual opening evening for prospective parents and seven annual
parent consultation evenings when the car parking available at the
school is used heavily. There is also significant demand for parking on
site during Sunday mornings when there is a regular church
congregation using the school hall at the same time as football teams
using the grass pitches in the winter months. It would therefore not be
unreasonable to regulate this situation by use of condition so that the
school accepts no bookings of the artificial turf pitch by outside groups
on these eight evenings of the year, occasional evenings when there
are large functions on at the school including concerts and governors’
meetings and Sunday mornings 9.00am to 12.30pm when the hall is
being used by the church. During all of these times there would be
requirement for significant parking to be available on site. The
management of the sports facility and associated parking arrangements
would be the responsibility of the school and as such it would work to
their advantage to make available as much on site parking as possible
for certain school events.
3.13 The issue to address is whether the demand would be such that the
users of the facility would require visitors to park in these informal
locations around the school site on a regular basis. This ultimately
cannot be assessed until the facility is operational, however, it can be
suggested that the formal car parking arrangements on site which are
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
located towards the centre of the school site away from adjoining
property boundaries, and nearest to the playing field, are used in the
first instance. Sport England have however requested that the situation
on Sunday mornings be reviewed to ascertain whether or not there is
sufficient available parking space to allow use of the artificial turf pitch
at this time.
The potential impact of noise and disturbance on the neighbourhood as
a result of this development.
3.14 The surrounding area to the school site is predominately residential in
nature. The area suffers from peaks and troughs in traffic flow
associated with the school programme. It is thought that traffic causes
the most noise and disturbance to nearby residents in the vicinity of the
school grounds. This is also a reason for concern regarding pollution
issues. Noise would also be generated from such an outdoor leisure
facility provided near to residential properties in the form of voices
travelling from the site, referee whistles, clapping and chatting. This is
general noise associated with such a development, which is not
expected to be detrimental to the amenity of the area.
3.15 As previously discussed, the school site is currently used out of school
hours and thus brings with this potential disturbance on local residents.
This is primarily related to the accessing of the site. The use of the
sports pitch would be intensified to a certain extent as it can be used in
all weather conditions, although it is not considered to be an excessive
intensification of use of the pitch that the school could not
3.16 This proposed facility would attract a number of users to the school’s
outdoor facilities in all weather conditions. However, the artificial turf
pitch is to be located at the rear of the school property, away from any
of the nearest residential properties. It must however be recognised
that one of the access points onto the school site is a footpath between
properties, although this is not proposed to be the principle access
3.17 Policy 80 of the District Local Plan covers the issue of floodlighting. Of
relevance to this application is the intensity of lighting or glare
detracting from the character or amenity of residential properties. This
links with policy 1 ‘New development in the Green Belt’ integrating with
the existing landscape.
It should be acknowledged that the
floodlighting may not be required to be used fully at all times dependant
on the activity taking place on the sports ground and would be switched
off as soon as play finishes and the pitch and school site is secured.
The lighting has been designed to ensure that there is minimal spillage
of light from the modern floodlights to be used. The lights would be at
such a height that would enable them to be directional and reduce the
amount of light spillage. The effect of the floodlighting on the nearby
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
properties would therefore be minimal, with a small number of residents
in Medlows being able to see the sports pitch and floodlighting of it.
3.18 The floodlighting is designed to concentrate light onto the pitch and to
minimise light spillage beyond the pitch boundaries. Data supplied by
lighting specialists indicates that there will be very little effect of the
lighting beyond 50/75m of the pitch. The nearest residential properties
in Claygate Avenue, Townsend Lane, and Medlows are at least 100m
from the nearest floodlighting columns and therefore the impact of the
lighting would be limited on the amenity of the occupiers of these
properties. The impact can also be controlled by the restriction in the
hours of use of the pitch and the installation of a timer to ensure that
the floodlights are not left illuminated unnecessarily.
3.19 It would not be practicable to provide further landscaping to screen the
floodlighting columns given their height and proximity of existing tennis
courts. Notwithstanding this, there is significant tree screening along
the ‘Nicky Line’ former railway to the southern boundary of the site and
the footpath boundary to the north between the recreation ground and
the school boundary.
The need for the facility to be open until 10pm of a weekday evening.
3.20 This proposal is for the facility to be open until 10.00pm of a weekday
evening, 8.00pm on a Saturday evening and 7.00pm of a Sunday
3.21 It must be acknowledged that the facility may not be in use on a weekly
basis every evening of the week until 10.00pm. This may be an
occasional non-use or on a more regular basis. Allowing this facility
open until this time of a weekday evening is in line with other similar
artificial turf pitches. However, in this particular instance it may be
more reasonable to reduce the hours of use to 9.00pm of a weekday
evening. Doing so would be appreciated by local residents, especially
those with young children, and means that the site would be vacated
soon after this time.
The development as proposed has demonstrated a need locally area
for such a facility. The interest from the NOF scheme and interest from
numerous sports groups in the local area shows this need. The school
is currently well used out of school hours and there should be limited
additional impact arising from the proposal. The securing of the school
premises has not caused a problem in the past and with the
employment of a new member of staff responsible for the artificial turf
pitch, this is not expected to cause any future problems.
The report concludes that, subject to the Secretary of State not wishing
to intervene under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
(Playing Fields) (England) Direction 1998, the Director of Environment
should be authorised to grant planning permission subject to conditions
to include reduced hours of use of an evening to 9 pm, hours of
construction, the control of car parking, indication of construction
completion date, approval of school travel plan before the pitch is put
into use, no use of the pitch on Sunday mornings (subject to review)
and when there are open evenings and other large evening events at
the school.
Financial implications
There are none for this committee.
Background information used by the author in compiling this report
Planning application reference 5/0422-04;
Consultation responses and representations received in response to planning
application ref. 5/0422-04;
Hertfordshire County Structure Plan Review 1991-2011
St Albans City and District Local Plan Review, adopted November 1994
‘School Travel Plans in the Planning Process’ report to Development Control
Committee 15 April 2003.
533553058-5/0422-04 (CC0075)
Appendix A
Information submitted in the course of the application.
Sport England has been provided with lighting details in order to assess the
suitability of proposed lighting facilities. It has been confirmed by email that
the proposed floodlighting is considered acceptable by Sport England for this
facility on this site.
The applicant has provided Sport England with specific information
addressing the need for the facility submitting plans which indicate the current
winter and summer pitch layouts and proposed layouts. The letter states that
the school has contacted three feeder primary schools about the use of the
pitch, one school shares the school site and would be invited to make full use
of the pitch and the other two schools are very positive about using the pitch
for football training and matches. Eight local sports clubs have been
approached to use the facility. The applicant states that the school will
establish a new partnership group to represent the needs of local clubs and
groups in the management of the new pitch. Also mentioned is that the
school would be able to provide a base for the hockey league, reduce costs to
other schools and provide better access for local schools should this facility be
located at Roundwood Park School. The applicant highlights that the St
Albans Playing Pitch Strategy identifies the need for one artificial turf pitch in
the Harpenden Area for use by hockey clubs currently playing outside the
Also attached to the letter is a plan showing details of the recently built
changing rooms at the School.
The applicant has submitted information to the County Development Unit
relating to hours of use and traffic issues. It is accepted that a condition
limiting use up to 9pm on weekdays may be appropriate. Regarding the
School Travel Plan the applicant confirms that the outcomes of the action plan
are currently being reviewed, however no updated action plan has been
provided to that dating back to 2002. The applicant has stated that the travel
plan would be widened to encompass out of hours site users. Details have
been supplied relating to parking spaces available to community users, and
times when the school would be prepared to accept no bookings of the
artificial turf pitch by outside groups. This relates to eight evenings of the year
and Sunday mornings when a church congregation use the school hall.
Recent survey data has been submitted along with a weekly lettings timetable.
It is also mentioned that the school would offer a meeting with representatives
of the local community to review the operation of the pitch six months after
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