Classifying Vertebrates Mrs. Bonifay/OCS Biology OBJECTIVE: To understand and apply the scientific classification of vertebrates NCSCOS (OCS): OBio 3.5: Understand how classification systems are developed based upon speciation. TIME: One 90-minute period (May carry over to the next day) MATERIALS: Biology Vocabulary 7 PowerPoint 4x6 Index Cards (11 per student) Vertebrate PowerPoint Vertebrate PowerPoint Guided Notes Handout “Interviewing Vertebrates” Video (Teacher Tube) Vertebrate Classification Handout Internet Access BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: An overview of the classification of organisms as well as general classification vocabulary will have been presented the previous day. LESSON: 1. Distribute 4x6 index cards to students (11 per student). 2. Present Biology Vocabulary 7 PowerPoint and have students make flashcards, as they have done previously. (*They will have these for EOC review.) 3. Distribute Vertebrate PowerPoint Guided Notes Handout (hole punched for Biology notebooks). 4. Present Vertebrate PowerPoint and have students follow along while filling in guided notes. 5. Show “Interviewing Vertebrates” video. WHOLE CLASS ACTIVITY: Divide students into groups of two or three (make sure groups are a mix of stronger and weaker students). Distribute vertebrate classification handout. Instruct students to work with their group to find 10 organisms for each vertebrate classification using prior knowledge, books, and internet sources. Also, instruct that one organism on each list should be considered an “endangered species.” They should use a highlighter to indicate which one is endangered. ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed on cooperation within group, effort and contribution, and completion of the assignment as instructed.