VERTEBRATES! Get a backbone! Laptops will be available during


VERTEBRATES! Get a backbone!

 Laptops will be available during class Tuesday-Thursday…3 in-class days to complete this…must meet outside of class if you need extra time.

All teaching presentations are this Friday, February 25th. If someone is absent in your group you will still teach.

Please email me (

) your final project from your school email address by 8:00 am THIS FRIDAY. We will not have the laptops in class Friday. Please put your hour in the subject line. You can always work on it at home and email it to your school email to work on some more at school. Use ( and password is the same as computer lab password) (## = last 2 of student ID). Remember to save project to your login...not to the individual computer!

Create a PowerPoint presentation covering the given info.

All group members must participate in creating the presentation & all must present an equal amount.

 Each slide should have font big enough to read (at least 24 point font), pick a good color to see as well.

You must include at least 8 pictures on your PowerPoint pertaining to your topic. You can embed short video clips as well if they pertain to your topic.

 You must have a “works cited” slide at the end...just copy and paste the websites used...nothing fancy.

DO NOT copy and paste info on your PowerPoint...put info in your own words & shorten the point. I don’t want a slide with TONS of info on it.

 Create another source of instruction for the class in addition to the PowerPoint...examples: homemade music video, crossword puzzle, worksheet, puzzle, hands on activity, skit, the possibilities are endless...check with me to okay. You must provide copies of worksheet, etc for the class if you choose to go that route.

You have a 12 minute time limit from introduction of group to the end of your entire teaching process.

Students in other groups will need to fill out their notes about your topic as you teach the material.

DO NOT stand up there and read straight from slides...DO summarize info...give extra side notes...tell an interesting fact...make eye contact...speak up...tell students what to write in their notes (not long sentences please!)...face can make note cards to help you through your presentation if upbeat about your topic!

This is a 75 point grade! Graded on group participation, overall PowerPoint presentation, & 2 nd source of instruction!

Vertebrate = Fish





Examples of fish having a cartilaginous skeleton (Chondrichthyes):

Are sharks or bony fish more streamlined?

Examples of fish having a bony skeleton (Osteichthyes):

How do fish breathe?

As water passes over the gills, __ and __ are exchanged through the capillaries.

Fish have paired fins used for__.

Lateral line system used for __.

What are scales?

Explain fish eye sight and sense of smell.

Jaw adaptations/what do they eat:

Any other interesting info:






Describe their skin:

Environment (water/land?):

Do they lay eggs/in water or on land?

Ectotherm or endotherm? Explain.

What is metamorphosis?

What are the phases?

How many chambers in the heart?

What do they eat?

Any other interesting info:






Environment (water/land?):

Describe their skin:

Do they lay eggs/in water or on land?

How many chambers in the heart?

Ectotherm or endotherm? Explain.

What do they eat?

Describe sense organs (heat-sensitive pits/smell by flicking tongue/Jacobson’s organ):

What is the largest living reptile?

Any other interesting info:






Feathers used for:

Wing adaptations:

How many chambers in the heart?

Describe respiratory system:

Ectotherm or endotherm? Explain.

How do they keep warm?

How do they cool down?

Beak adaptations:





Ectotherm or endotherm? Explain.

Do they all have hair? What is it used for?

How do they cool off?

Do all females produce milk? What are mammary glands?

Do they all have a diaphragm? What is its use?

How many chambers in the heart?

Specialized teeth:

Highly developed brain:

3 subclasses: placentals, marsupials, monotremes – examples of each:

Birth technique of each (live birth, eggs, pouch, etc)
