Dry Stone Walling Association Otley and Yorkshire Dales Branch

Dry Stone Walling Association
Otley and Yorkshire Dales Branch Meeting - Otley Social Club 3rd April 2012.
Present: Wendy Oldham (Chairman), John Bradshaw, Richard Kitchen, John King, Martyn Smith, Tracey Blackwell,
Joanne Haines, John McLeod, David Barrass, John Downie, Colin Alexander, Adrian Tod, Nick Ferguson,
Terry Bollen, John Hulbert, Alan Smith, Colin Pack, John Heslegrave, Neil Firth, Don Bradley, Andy Keane,
John Butler, John Oldfield, Derek Henderson , Bill Davis, Mick Pearson, Peter Thompson, Keith Willis,
Allen Pearson, Peter Crosby, Sarah Clowes, Karl Hatfield-Waites, Roger Parker, Mike Wilson.
Apologies: Patrick Wallace, Stephanie Burton, David Griffiths, Neil Beasley, Crawford Smith, Simon Lumb,
Trevor Womald, David Hicks.
Guests/Visitors: Richard Merrell, Stephen Charlesworth, (visitors from Askham Bryan College).
Previous Minutes (6th March): Accepted as a true record on a proposal from John Bradshaw, seconded by Richard
Matters arising from previous minutes: None.
Chairman’s remarks (Wendy Oldham)
A new member, Karl Hatfield-Waite, was welcomed to his first meeting.
First Members’ Forum.
a. Tracey, Richard, Don & Wendy attended.
b. Following an address by Andy Loudon, Richard & Wendy agreed to be part of a group tasked with
developing the format & structure of future forums. The forum committee will accept topics & set the
agenda for future meetings. A report will be in the next Waller & Dyker.
c. Margaret Hicks, Education & Training Officer (apologies if title incorrect) outlined her mandate,
including: apprenticeships, funding, promotion & marketing, the role of colleges & examining bodies.
d. Other topics – Professional members, Funding.
e. Branch of the year – Large Branch award has gone, once again, to Cumbria We were third.
f. Tracey noted that, as our Branch representative, she would take up any issues not covered by our
committee. Please contact her.
g. There is an intention to assign “mentors” for prospective Advanced & Master Craftsmen levels.
The formal agreement covering working on the Chevin has now been signed with the Leeds Authority.
Certification day – May – Urgent – please let Wendy know if you intend to put yourself forward – you
only have about 2 weeks to enter. We need a few more or it will have to be cancelled –AGAIN!
Treasurer’s report (John Bradshaw):
The bank statement of 20th March showed a balance of £10,220.76 which, less anticipated expenses of
£4,380.00 leaves a notional balance of £5,840.76.
A proposal to purchase a new laptop for £600 for the Treasurer to replace the current one (laptop, NOT
Treasurer) which has given up the ghost after a number of years of faithful service was accepted
following a proposal by John Bradshaw, seconded by David Barrass.
Secretary’s report (Richard Kitchen):
Noted that he & Martyn had rebuilt a very short section of boundary retaining wall in Baildon. The
morning’s work has led to a donation to the Branch of £25.
Branch Activity Reports:
Brimham Rocks: John King reported 3 visits in the last month, with an average of 6 wallers on each day.
Old wall has been demolished, leaving some 12m to be built. 5 to 6 m are in progress, with 3 courses laid. Because of
National Trust security issues the squeeze stile is NOT to be built.
Leyburn Group – John H, with snow to contend with, noted the successful training course this last weekend
with a stint in a new field producing almost 8 metres of wall. At the same time other members were practicing for the
DFFD by building & taking down the “BIG 0”, part of the even BIGGER 60. There were three intrepid campers. The curved
wall in the back field is done! - a magnificent effort by countless members & trainees over the last 4+ years. The farmer,
Len Scott, is delighted.
Thursday Group – work on the retaining wall on the Chevin continues.
“Otley in Bloom” – Leeds Council have now approved the project, providing the walls are no more the 0.5m
high. Richard has asked OiB to re-do plans on this basis.
Shibden II – final stretch of retaining wall/ free wall should be completed following another 2 visits. DG
currently in France, learning how to build shepherds’ huts. This will be the challenge of Phase III. Will it be the last task?
Grasswoods – John O noted 4 wallers completed 4m during the last visit. No visits planned in the
immediate future – no urgent gaps & the requirements of nature.
Brooklands School – Joanne reported that over 4 Wednesdays 4 members built, with the help of all
students from Post 16, a curved seating area, 20” high, overlooking gardens. This proved to a project that was as rewarding
to our members as to the students of varying abilities. The school is very pleased with the outcome & are hoping to find
another walling feature for the future.
Short-term programme:
Sat 7, Fri 13, 27 April
Brimham Rocks – Fri - John King, Sat – Richard Kitchen
Sat 21/28 April
Shibden – Dave Griffiths
Wed/Thur 11/12 April
Buckden/Kettlewell National Trust – preliminary work - Martyn
Sat/Sun 21/22 April
Buckden/Kettlewell NT weekend – Steep slope & flatter ground. All levels of experience
welcomed. Please let Martyn know if & when you plan to be there. Overnight places
available in the NT Barn at Buckden, both mid-week & weekend, Meet Kettlewell car park,
9.15am each day.
Tue 17 April
Leyburn - evening meeting. Speakers are Neil Beasley, & John Hulbert, with John Downie.
Sat/Sun 28/29 April
Training course, Chevin. 9 trainees signed up so far. JMcL would like some help at start &
finish of course. Walling opportunities in between. Please get in touch with him.
5/6/7 May
Dales Festival of Food & Drink. All levels of expertise welcomed. Come & help with the
“BIG 60”.
Late April/May
“ITV in the Dales” – possible screening of work done by Adrian Edmondson, under the
supervision of David Tate, assisted by Giles Anderson & David Thompson.
Most Tuesdays
Practice Days – Hampsthwaite, Harrogate – Bill Frith
Most Thursdays
Practice Days – currently on Chevin - contact Bill Davis
Keith Willis - as part of the 4th June celebrations the Surprise View car park has been tarmaced, The
beacon is to be lit as part of the National chain (10.10) & Keith’s lower field (adjacent to the car park) is to be used as a car
park. Keith invites the Branch to consider the occasion as an opportunity to adverise ourselves &, perhaps, to have our own
Bill Davis – the rebuild of the retaining wall within the Danefield Park area of the Chevin is postponed for
the time being. Keep your eye on this space for an update.
Derek Henderson – informed us that he will be taking part in the “Snowdon 500” walk in May. This is a
charity event & he will be seeking sponsorship for Prostate Cancer. Forms at the next meeting.
John Hulbert – noted the re-introduction of a walling Grand Prix. This is being organised by Cumbria, 4
events, take part in 3 to be counted. First one early May. John has the details & will put them on our web page.
Otley Show – 19th May. Details still to come.
Surprise View car park - Bill Davis has had a request from Leeds to build a new wall along the car park
(opposite to Keith’s land). It will include stones carved by a teacher at Prince Henry’s. A 2 year project, a plaque carrying
the Branch logo will be displayed, together with an explanatory board.
Next meeting: Tuesday 1st May.
May - John Cox, the chairman of our Australian sub-branch, taking the opportunity of his visit over here
(NOT a video conference!).
Reminder: If you have not given your email address to Martyn Smith (or have recently changed it) please contact him at
E-mail helps the branch to reduce the cost of sending out minutes, etc.