Otley Social Club 4th June 2013. - Otley & Yorkshire Dales Branch

Dry Stone Walling Association
Otley and Yorkshire Dales Branch Meeting - Otley Social Club 4th June 2013.
Present: Colin Alexander, Patrick Wallace, Stephanie Rowan, Richard Kitchen, Martyn Smith, Bill Davis,
John Hulbert, David Barrass, Alan Smith, John Downie, Roger Parker, Allen Pearson, Stephen Charlesworth, Keith Willis, Colin Pack,
Mick Pearson, Don Bradley, Keith Sturdy, Stephanie Burton, Terry Bollen, John Butler, John Oldfield, John Heslegrave, Nick
Ferguson, David Griffiths, Derek Henderson, John McLeod, Bill Horner, David Hicks, Steve Kenworthy, John King, Jonathan Lester,
Mark Kelmanson.
Apologies: Neil Beasley, Wendy Oldham (Chairman), Tracey Blackwell, Joanne Haines, Crawford Smith, Michael Wilson, Nic Alderson,
Tanya Gregson, Andrew Keene.
Guests/Visitors: Linda Clarkson, Mick Cammish, Onno Bokhove.
Previous Minutes (7th May): Accepted as a true record on a proposal from Colin Alexander, seconded by Alan Smith.
Matters arising from previous minutes: None.
Chairman’s remarks (Secretary, Richard Kitchen, standing in, due to Chairman living it up in France)
The only message to be passed on to the meeting was the reminder that the positions of Chairman & Deputy
Chairman will become vacant at the AGM & that we still seek successors for the current holders. Brief descriptions of the roles
appear at the end of these minutes.
Treasurer’s report (John Hulbert): John presented the Statement of Accounts for the month – Income: £360,
Expenditure: £1201.87. As of 20th May we had £7,106.08 in our funds & with anticipated expenses of £1327.48. The main item
here is the cost of scaffolding for Shibden (see 7.4 below for more details on this). This leaves us with a balance of £5778.60.
Secretary’s report (Richard Kitchen):
A replacement for Richard has been found! Nic Alderson will be taking over & apologises for not being here
with us tonight.
Richard has been contacted by Otley Town Council who are to hold an “Otley Yorkshire Month” in August
(starting 28th July!). It will include the first Otley Food & Drink Festival. We are asked if we are able to contribute in any way.
Suggested that we draw attention to our regular Thursdays on the Chevin & also to two possible Saturdays on Keith’s land.
Details will be forwarded to the Council.
Branch Activity Reports:
National Trust Weekend, Kettlewell – 11/12 May - Martyn outlined the progress made over the two days, the
level walls being completed, including some novel coping due to lack of proper cope stones, & considerable progress on the
second slope. This project is expected to be completed during the October visit & good progress should be made with the next
task – more slopes, & a stream to cross. Averaged around 10 in attendance each day, less than the norm, probably due to the
need to change dates (‘cos of the earlier weather). Thanks to all who have been involved in this stage of our relationship with
the National Trust. A more detailed report can be found on our web site.
Otley Show - 18 May - Bill Davis was able to report that, thanks to the efforts of Keith Willis, Mr Melvyn
Lister, owner of the land on which the show is held, had been persuaded to allow us to use some of the on-site stone. Six
members helped shift 3 tractor bucket loads of stone on the Friday & these were used to build a simple wall during the show.
Much interest was generated, in spite of the rather mixed weather. Thanks to the 10 members who helped out on the day.
Grass Wood, Grassington – 25 May – Patrick reported that the three regulars had enjoyed blue skies all the
way whilst rebuilding a fall in a 6’ high sloping wall. A number of fall sites are still to be tackled & the next opportunity for
working with limestone will be 29th June.
Shibden III – David gave a detailed update on progress & future plans. The second half of cover-banding will
see the completion of the walls of the hut, with some 30 tons of stone having been used. The scaffolding for the roofing is to
be erected on 14th June. We have it for a month, after which there will be a weekly hire fee charge of £30! From the 15 th,
David & John Billington will be on-site 6 days per week for two weeks, after that, as needed. He invites all members to come
along to shape a tile for the corbelled roof & to put it in place. The stone for this is very even & cuts easily. You only need your
hammer, though suitable chisels would be handy. A template is to be made. High-vis jackets & hard hats will be needed (& will
be aavilable, but good if you have your own). Calderdale will erect high fencing around the site. Could do with three more
(empty) beer barrels to act as bases for cutting stone – any offers? Finally, David drew attention to the many behind scenes
tasks carried out by Simon & Amanda Lumb, often completed out whilst no one else on site, following a request for some old
scaffolding pipe, for instance, or a pneumatic lift. These things just appeared. Without this help, life at Shibden would have
been much more difficult. Many thanks to you both.
At this point Roger Parker outlined the discussion that had taken place at the recent committee meeting regarding the
funding for the scaffolding. An anonymous donor had offered to fund the hire but the committee felt that it would be more
appropriate to use this generous offer to fund the prizes for our walling competition & that the Branch itself should pay for
the hire of the scaffolding. The meeting was assured that the sponsor is quite happy to go along with this. Roger then proposed
& John Downie seconded that the funding will be provided in the way described above. This was agreed unanimously.
Leyburn Group – John Heslegrave reported a fairly quiet month for them – a weekend building on a slope at
Braithwaite Hall for the National Trust. Horizontal coursing & a wall head every 3 meters. 4 members prepping on Friday, 9
building on the Saturday & 6 on Sunday. 10 meters completed, plenty to go at during the regular Wednesday sessions. Now
trying to find out more about waterwheel that used to be next to site, & its claimed use with a lead mine.
Thursday Group – Bill noted that around 20 yards have been completed on the Surprise View car park wall. The
next carved stone is about to be placed. Also reported the joining of two training walls on Keith’s land by a piece of curved wall.
If numbers are OK two further sessions on the Training ground are planned, for 15 th & 22nd June.
Short-term programme:
Fri/Sat 7/8 June
NT Brimham Rocks. Richard & Wendy
Sat/Sun 8/9 June
Weekend with North Wales Branch (Sean Adcock). Jo Haines organising.
Tue/Wed 11/12 June
Countryside Days – GY Showground – aimed at Primary schools. JMcL STILL seeks names.
Sat 15/22 June
Practice Day – Otley Chevin – Bill Davis (on Keith’s plot if numbers OK)
Tue 18 June 1400hrs
Talk at Middleham – “The heritage of Drystone walls in the Dales”. JH is going along.
Fri 21 June
Meanwood Valley Farm project Richard & Bill. (£100 per day donation to the Branch).
Sat/Sun 29/30 June
Training weekend, Otley Chevin – JMcL reports 13 signed up so far, more expected.
Sat 29 June
Grass Wood, Limestone, 9.30am, furthest car park. Patrick will contact those on his list.
Anyone wanting to join the “club”? – patrickw@uwclub.net Tel: 01535 601 636.
6 July
Practice day, Bellerby – cheek end, curve & T into existing wall.
Tue – Thur 9 – 11 July
Great Yorkshire Show, Harrogate. Sketch of this year’s project shown. The official handover of “Fred’s seat” will take place during the show. Just inscribed stone to be incorporated
Sun 28 July
Weeton Show – a great day out. Andrew Keene needs names so he can organise tickets, which
he will bring to next meeting. Contact him on 07957 862 423. NOTIFICATION RECEIVED
Most Wednesdays
Practice days – Braithwaite Hall, Coverdale - a new NT site. Contact Bill Frith on 01845
597679 or sbfrith@aol.com .
Most Thursdays
Practice days – Surprise View Car Park, Chevin, from 9.30am – Bill Davis.
Sat 24 August
Wensleydale Show walling competition, organised by David Tate. Judge, David Griffiths.
Keith Willis noted that there is an opportunity for prizes at our competition to be presented by the Mayor of
Otley. The meeting agreed that this should be followed up.
“Walkers are Welcome” are holding a “Mini Mountain Festival” at Otley Courthouse. Through Derek H they
invited us to bring the kids’ walls along on 13th June. Derek can ensure the walls are on site by 9am, ready for a 10am start. The
event ends at 4pm & Derek will pick-up at end of day. Enough interest shown for this to go ahead. More help welcome.
Martyn announced intention to host approx 25 Young Farmers from Tadcaster & Wetherby to a “taster day,
Sat, 6 July, 10.00 – 3.00 on Keith’s training ground. Experienced help welcome (do not need to be a Trainer).
John Downie has competition forms available. Also available via our web site. Entries coming in.
John McLeod has lists of helpers for Countryside Days & The Great Yorkshire Show. More help would be most
Philip Dolphin is doing a demo at a National Sheep Association event near Beckwithshaw tomorrow, 5 th June &
we have been asked, through Bill Davis, if we could provide display material.
A short break was followed by a presentation by Linda Clarkson, the Association’s Training & Education Co-ordinator, having
been introduced to us by David Griffiths, who had first met her on a Trainer weekend in Northumberland some 6 months ago.
She found the number & range of our activities quite astounding & was delighted to see much of what we already do is fully in
line with what she is seeking to achieve in the Association as a whole. The main target is to secure the skills of drystone walling
for future generations. This is against a background of an average age of Advanced Certificate holders of 52 & of Examiners,
59. She is looking to have training courses introduced into colleges, showing that there is a proper career available, not just rebuilding field walls but also through garden designs, municipal landscaping & Art & Design. Not an easy task, particularly as
funds get squeezed. She is wanting to work with schools (Countryside Days) & other organisations, such as National Trust &
Wildlife Trust. Currently, drystone walling comes under “Environmental Conservation” umbrella but there is much discussion as
to whether being looked upon as part of the Construction Industry would be advantageous. Naturally, there are pros & cons.
Following points raised by members, a vote of thanks for Linda’s presentation of what appears to be a very demanding task was
put forward by Don Bradley, on behalf of the Branch. Many thanks, Linda.
Next meeting: Tuesday 2nd July 2013
Nick Ferguson – Ilkley’s Standing Stones.
Reminder: If you have not given your email address to Martyn Smith (or have recently changed it) please contact him at
E-mail helps the Branch to reduce the cost of sending out minutes, etc.