INTRODUCTION TO BIOPSYCHOLOGY Study Guide Unit I: Anatomy, Physiology, and Development Lesson I-1: The Mind-Brain Relationship Objectives: a) Compare the four types of biological explanations of behavior. b) Discuss the four biological explanations of birdsong. c) Identify an objection to dualism. d) Describe three forms of monism. e) Distinguish between Chalmers’ “easy problem” and “hard problem.” Key terms: dualism monism solipsism Lesson I-2: The Genetics of Behavior (Part 1) Objectives: a) Identify two types of evidence that researchers use to study heritability. b) Give two examples of ways in which genes affect behavior. c) Explain why it is difficult to distinguish between heredity and prenatal influences. d) Discuss the relationship of heredity and environment in PKU. Key terms: gene chromosome deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ribonucleic acid (RNA) enzyme homozygous heterozygous dominant recessive crossing over sex-linked gene autosomal gene X chromosome Y chromosome sex-limited gene recombination mutation monozygotic dizygotic 1 heritability multiplier effect phenylketonuria (PKU) Lesson I-3: The Genetics of Behavior (Part 2) Objectives: a) Describe four misconceptions about evolution. b) Name at least two plausible ways for altruistic genes to spread in a population. Key terms: evolution artificial selection Lamarckian evolution fitness evolutionary psychology altruistic behavior reciprocal altruism kin selection Lesson I-4: The Cells of the Nervous System Objectives: a) Identify the parts of an animal cell and the role played by each. b) Identify the parts of a neuron and the role played by each. c) Discuss the different kinds of glial cells and the function of each. d) Identify the cells of the brain that can and cannot divide. e) Explain why the blood-brain barrier exists and how it works. f) Explain why the brain depends so heavily on glucose as a fuel. Key terms: neuron membrane nucleus mitochondrion ribosome endoplasmic reticulum motor neuron sensory neuron dendrites dendritic spines soma / cell body axon myelin sheath presynaptic terminal afferent axon efferent axon interneuron glia 2 astrocytes microglia oligodendrocyte Schwann cell radial glia blood-brain barrier active transport glucose thiamine Lesson I-5: The Nerve Impulse (Part 1) Objectives: a) Explain why an axon must regenerate an impulse instead of just conducting it. b) Describe the forces behind the resting potential. c) Explain why there needs to be a resting potential. d) Discuss the all-or-none law and its significance. e) Describe the molecular basis of the activation threshold. f) Explain how the neuron returns to its resting potential. g) Describe the mechanism by which local anesthetics work. Key terms: electrical gradient polarization resting potential selective permeability sodium-potassium pump concentration gradient hyperpolarization depolarization threshold of excitation action potential voltage-activated channel local anesthetic all-or-none law refractory period absolute refractory period relative refractory period Lesson I-6: The Nerve Impulse (Part 2) Objectives: a) Describe the process of propagation of the action potential. b) Explain how saltatory conduction works. c) Indicate when impulses are transmitted without action potentials. Key terms: axon hillock propagation of the action potential 3 myelin myelinated axon node of Ranvier saltatory conduction local neuron graded potential PRACTICE TEST I-A Lesson I-7: The Concept of the Synapse Objectives: a) Identify three properties of reflexes. b) Describe the function of EPSP and IPSP. Key terms: synapse reflex reflex arc temporal summation postsynaptic neuron presynaptic neuron excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) spatial summation inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) spontaneous firing rate Lesson I-8: Chemical Events at the Synapse (Part 1) Objectives: a) List the seven events that take place at a synapse. b) Give an example of each of the six classes of neurotransmitters. c) Describe the process by which neurotransmitters are released. Key terms: neurotransmitter amino acids peptides acetylcholine monoamines purines gases nitric oxide catecholamines vesicles exocytosis 4 Lesson I-9: Chemical Events at the Synapse (Part 2) Objectives: a) Identify two kinds of effects that a neurotransmitter can have. b) Distinguish between the effects of hormones and neurotransmitters. c) Compare the role of the anterior and posterior pituitary. d) Give examples of inactivation and reuptake. e) Describe the relationship of D2 and D4 receptors with personality. Key terms: ionotropic effect metabotropic effect G-protein second messenger neuromodulator hormone pituitary gland releasing hormone acetylcholinesterase reuptake transporter autoreceptor Lesson I-10: Drugs and Synapses Objectives: a) Compare the effects of amphetamines, cocaine and methylphenidate on neurotransmitters. b) Discuss the relationship between methylphenidate use in childhood and drug abuse in adulthood. c) Describe the effects of MDMA on the brain and on behavior. d) Describe the effects of nicotine on the brain. e) Identify three types of opiates and describe their effects on behavior. f) Summarize the findings of Pert & Snyder. g) Discuss the medical uses and psychological effects of marijuana. h) Name the brain regions where cannabinoid receptors are most abundant. i) Describe the effect of cannabinoids on neurotransmitters. j) Describe the effect of hallucinogenic drugs on neurotransmitters. Key terms: antagonist agonist affinity efficacy nucleus accumbens stimulant opiate cannabinoid anandamide 5 2-AG hallucinogenic drugs Lesson I-11: Structure of the Vertebrate Nervous System (Part 1) Objectives: a) Make sure you can identify all the anatomical directions in Figure 4.2. b) Draw a diagram showing all the divisions of the vertebrate nervous system. Key terms: central nervous system peripheral nervous system somatic nervous system autonomic nervous system dorsal ventral spinal cord Bell-Magendie law dorsal root ganglion gray matter white matter sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system Lesson I-12: Structure of the Vertebrate Nervous System (Part 2) Objectives: a) Briefly describe the components of the three major divisions of the brain. b) Identify the functions of the cerebrospinal fluid. Key terms: hindbrain brainstem medulla cranial nerves pons reticular formation raphe system cerebellum midbrain tectum superior colliculus inferior colliculus tegmentum substantia nigra forebrain limbic system thalamus hypothalamus 6 pituitary gland basal ganglia nucleus basalis hippocampus central canal ventricle cerebrospinal fluid meninges PRACTICE TEST I-B Lesson I-13: The Cerebral Cortex Objectives: a) Describe the location and function of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex. Key terms: cerebral cortex corpus callosum anterior commissure lamina column occipital lobe parietal lobe central sulcus postcentral gyrus temporal lobe Kluver-Bucy syndrome frontal lobe precentral gyrus prefrontal cortex prefrontal lobotomy delayed-response task binding problem gamma waves ` Lesson I-14: Research Methods (Part 1) Objectives: a) Explain how each of the following methods is used to study the brain: CT, MRI, EEG, MEG, PET, fMRI. Key terms: computerized axial tomography (CT or CAT scan) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) electroencephalograph (EEG) evoked potentials magnetoencephalograph (MEG) positron emission tomography (PET) 7 functional magnetic resonance imagine (fMRI) Lesson I-15: Research Methods (Part 2) Objectives: a) Describe three techniques used to inactivate specific brain structures. b) Identify a limitation of brain stimulation studies. c) Discuss the relationship between brain size and intelligence. d) Compare the brains of men and women. e) Explain how gray and white matter relate to intelligence. Key terms: lesion ablation stereotaxic instrument sham lesion gene-knockout approach transcranial magnetic stimulation Lesson I-16: Development of the Brain (Part 1) Objectives: a) Describe five stages in the development of neurons. b) Identity the two types of neurons that can regenerate. c) Explain how growing axons find their way to their correct target. d) Identify the basic principle of neural Darwinism. Key terms: proliferation migration differentiation myelination synaptogenesis stem cell neural Darwinism Lesson I-17: The Development of the Brain (Part 2) Objectives: a) Give an example of how cell loss can indicate development and maturation. b) Identify the role of neurotrophins in the adult brain. c) Describe the probable mechanism of fetal alcohol syndrome d) Discuss the effects of enriched environments on neural development. e) Identify the brain area that is activated uniquely in the brains of blind people when they read Braille. f) Compare the brains of musicians and non-musicians. Key terms: nerve growth factor (NGF) apoptosis neurotrophin 8 fetal alcohol syndrome focal hand dystonia Lesson I-18: Plasticity After Brain Damage Objectives: a) List some of the more common ways that the human brain can be damaged. b) Compare the two types of strokes. c) Explain how strokes kill neurons. d) Identify the most effective method of preventing brain damage after strokes. e) Discuss five changes that can take place in the brain after a stroke. Key terms: closed head injury stroke (cerebrovascular accident) ischemia hemorrhage edema tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) penumbra diaschisis collateral sprouts denervation supersensitivity disuse supersensitivity phantom limb deafferented PRACTICE TEST I-C Unit II: Regulation of Basic Functions Lesson II-1: Visual Coding and the Retinal Receptors (Part 1) Objectives: a) Summarize the law of specific nerve energies. b) Describe the route that visual information travels in the eye. c) Distinguish between foveal and peripheral vision. Key terms: receptor potential law of specific nerve energies pupil retina bipolar cell ganglion cell optic nerve blind spot fovea midget ganglion cells 9 Lesson II-2: Visual Coding and the Retinal Receptors (Part 2) Objectives: a) Distinguish between rods and cones. b) Describe the three major theories of color vision. c) Explain how color blindness occurs. Key terms: rods cones photopigment trichromatic (Young-Helmholtz) theory psychophysical observations visual field negative color afterimage opponent-process theory color constancy retinex theory color vision deficiency Lesson II-3: The Neural Basis of Visual Perception (Part 1) Objectives: a) Give a brief overview of the mammalian visual system. b) Describe the phenomenon of lateral inhibition. c) Compare the receptive fields and connections of parvocellular, magnocellular, and koniocellular neurons. Key terms: horizontal cell lateral geniculate nucleus lateral inhibition receptive field parvocellular neuron magnocellular neuron koniocellular neuron Lesson II-4: The Neural Basis of Visual Perception (Part 2) Objectives: a) Offer two possible explanations for the phenomenon of blindsight. b) Distinguish between the ventral and dorsal streams. c) Compare the function of simple cells, complex cells, and hypercomplex cells. d) Identify the role of the inferior temporal cortex in visual processing. Key terms: primary visual cortex (V1) blindsight secondary visual cortex (V2) ventral stream 10 dorsal stream simple cell complex cell end-stopped (hypercomplex) cell feature detector inferior temporal cortex shape constancy Lesson II-5: The Neural Basis of Visual Perception (Part 3) Objectives: a) Distinguish between visual agnosia and prosopagnosia. b) Describe the role of MT and MST in motion perception. Key terms: visual agnosia prosopagnosia stereoscopic depth perception MT (area V5) MST motion blindness Lesson II-6: Development of the Visual System Objectives: a) Describe the effects of early lack of stimulation of one eye or both eyes. b) Explain how to restore sensitivity to an eye that has become inactive. c) Identify the characteristics of astigmatism. d) Discuss the visual impairments of people born with cataracts in either one eye or both eyes. e) Summarize the case of patient MM. Key terms: binocular input sensitive (critical) period retinal disparity strabismus lazy eye astigmatism PRACTICE TEST II-A Lesson II-7: Audition Objectives: a) Describe the relationship of amplitude and frequency with loudness and pitch. b) Identify the basic structures of the ear. c) Distinguish between frequency theory and place theory. d) Explain the volley principle. e) Indicate which cortical structures process auditory information. 11 f) Compare the two types of deafness. g) Identify the cues that humans use to localize sound. Key terms: amplitude loudness frequency pitch pinna tympanic membrane oval window cochlea hair cell frequency theory place theory volley principle primary auditory cortex (area A1) conductive (middle-ear) deafness nerve (inner-ear) deafness tinnitus Lesson II-8: The Mechanical Senses Objectives: a) Identify three kinds of touch receptors. b) Discuss the significance of figure 7.14. c) Explain how opiate receptors regulate pain. d) State the basic premise of gate theory. e) Explain how capsaicin can be used for relieving pain. f) Discuss the mechanism underlying chronic pain. g) Identify a method of preventing chronic pain. Key terms: semicircular canals somatosensory system Pacinian corpuscle spinal nerve dermatome capsaicin substance P opioid mechanisms endorphins gate theory placebo Lesson II-9: The Chemical Senses Objectives: a) Distinguish between the labeled-line and across-fiber pattern principles. 12 b) Indicate the ways in which taste receptors resemble neurons and skin cells. c) Explain how you would prove the existence of the five kinds of taste receptors. d) Describe the mechanism by which the five kinds of taste receptors work. e) Describe the pathway taken by taste information in the brain. f) Explain why there seems to be so much specialization among olfactory receptors. g) Describe the pathway taken by olfactory information in the brain. h) Explain why olfactory receptors have a relatively short survival time. i) Discuss gender differences in olfaction. j) Compare the VNO of adult humans with that of other mammals. k) Cite evidence that pheromones play a role in human sexual behavior. Key terms: labeled-line principle across-fiber pattern principle papilla adaptation cross-adaptation nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS) supertasters olfaction olfactory receptor anosmia specific anosmia vomeronasal organ pheromones synesthesia Lesson II-10: The Control of Movement Objectives: a) Distinguish among the three types of vertebrate muscles. b) Explain why antagonistic muscles are needed. c) Indicate when fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles are needed. d) Describe the role of muscle spindles in the knee-jerk reflex. e) Discuss the extent to which a movement like walking is voluntary. f) Identify three reflexes that are present in infants but not in adults. Key terms: smooth muscle striated (skeletal) muscle cardiac muscle neuromuscular junction antagonistic muscle flexor extensor myasthenia gravis fast-twitch fibers 13 slow-twitch fibers aerobic anaerobic proprioceptor stretch reflex muscle spindle Golgi tendon organ reflex grasp reflex Babinski reflex rooting reflex Lesson II-11: Brain Mechanisms of Movement Objectives: a) Describe the role of the primary motor cortex in controlling movement. b) Distinguish between the dorsolateral and ventromedial tracts. c) Explain how each of the following contributes to movement: posterior parietal cortex, prefrontal cortex, premotor cortex, and supplemental motor cortex. d) Discuss the findings on readiness potentials and the conscious control of movement. e) Describe the effect of cerebellar damage. f) Identify two ways to test the functioning of the cerebellum. g) Explain how the basal ganglia are connected to other brain areas. h) Describe the role of the basal ganglia in controlling movement. Key terms: primary motor cortex dorsolateral tract red nucleus ventromedial tract vestibular nucleus posterior parietal cortex prefrontal cortex premotor cortex supplemental motor cortex readiness potential anosognosia basal ganglia caudate nucleus putamen globus pallidus Lesson II-12: Disorders of Movement Objectives: a) Identify the possible causes, symptoms and treatment of Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease 14 Key terms: Parkinson's disease MPTP L-dopa Huntington's disease presymptomatic test huntingtin PRACTICE TEST II-B Lesson II-13: Rhythms of Waking and Sleeping Objectives: a) Give examples of endogenous circannual and circadian rhythms. b) Describe the brain mechanisms that give rise to the biological clock. c) Explain how jet lag and shift work affect one's biological clock. Key terms: endogenous circannual rhythm endogenous circadian rhythm biological clock suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) pineal gland melatonin free-running rhythm zeitgeber jet lag Lesson II-14: Stages of Sleep and Brain Mechanisms Objectives: a) Describe the characteristics of the different stages of sleep. b) Explain why REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep. c) Distinguish between REM and NREM dreams. d) Describe the role of the reticular formation, locus coeruleus, and basal forebrain in arousal. e) Explain how caffeine increases arousal. f) Identify the parts of the brain that are activated in REM sleep. g) Describe the role of the pons in REM sleep. h) Discuss each of the sleep disorders described in your textbook. i) List the four symptoms of narcolepsy. Key terms: polysomnograph alpha wave sleep spindle K-complex slow-wave sleep paradoxical sleep 15 rapid eye movement (REM) sleep non-REM sleep reticular formation locus coeruleus basal forebrain adenosine caffeine PGO wave insomnia sleep apnea narcolepsy cataplexy periodic limb movement disorder REM behavior disorder night terrors Lesson II-15: Why Sleep? Why REM? Why Dreams? Objectives: a) List the functions of sleep. b) Discuss the specialization in the sleep pattern of dolphins and migratory birds. c) Describe the effects of sleep deprivation. d) Cite evidence that sleep enhances memory. e) Describe the effect of REM sleep deprivation in humans. f) Discuss Maurice’s theory about the role of REM sleep. g) Compare the activation-synthesis and clinico-anatomical hypotheses. h) Explain why the activation-synthesis hypothesis is considered controversial. Key terms: activation-synthesis hypothesis clinico-anatomical hypothesis Lesson II-16: Temperature Regulation Objectives: Key terms: a) Give an example of how a homeostatic process works. b) Identify the factors that help determine an animal's body temperature. c) Explain why mammals evolved a body temperature of 37ºC. d) Describe the role of the hypothalamus in regulating body temperature. e) Describe the benefits and risks of running a fever. homeostasis set point negative feedback allostasis basal metabolism poikilothermic homeothermic preoptic area/ anterior hypothalamus 16 cytokines Lesson II-17: Thirst Objectives: a) Describe the role of vasopressin and ADH in water regulation. b) Distinguish between the two types of thirst. c) Identify the body's two mechanisms for detecting loss of blood volume. d) Describe the mechanism that gives rise to sodium hunger. Key terms: vasopressin antidiuretic hormone osmotic pressure osmotic thirst OVLT supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus lateral preoptic area angiotensin II hypovolemic thirst sodium-specific hunger aldosterone Lesson II-18: Hunger Objectives: a) Describe at least three factors that influence food selection. b) Explain how each of the following affects hunger: oral factors, the stomach and intestines, and blood glucose. c) Describe the effects of lesions in the lateral hypothalamus, VMH, and PVN. d) Discuss the role of leptin in regulating eating behavior. e) Identify the different structures of the hypothalamus that are involved in regulating appetite and describe the specific role of each one. f) Give evidence to support the idea that genetics plays a role in body weight. g) Indicate how hormone levels contribute to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Key terms: lactose lactase carnivore herbivore omnivore conditioned taste aversion sham-feeding vagus nerve splanchnic nerve duodenum cholecystokinin (CKK) 17 insulin glucagons leptin arcuate nucleus paraventricular nucleus (PVN) lateral hypothalamus ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa PRACTICE TEST II-C Unit III: Emotions and Cognition Lesson III-1: The Effects of Sex Hormones (Part 1) Objectives: a) Distinguish between the organizing and activating effects of sex hormones. b) Explain how testosterone and estrogen affect sexual differentiation. c) Compare the male and female hypothalamus. d) Compare the cerebral cortex and intellectual performance of men and women. e) Explain why men and women use different spatial strategies. Key terms: steroid hormone androgen estrogen estradiol progesterone sex-limited gene organizing effect activating effect SRY gene testes testosterone Wolffian ducts Mullerian ducts ovaries sensitive period sexually dimorphic nucleus alpha-fetoprotein Lesson III-2: The Effects of Sex Hormones (Part 2) Objectives: a) Explain how sex hormones activate sexual behavior. b) Compare the sexual motivation of male and female rats. 18 c) List the most common causes of impotence. d) Describe the hormonal activity that takes place during the menstrual cycle. e) Identify the hormonal changes that prepare mammals for parenthood. f) Explain why there are two mechanisms for maternal behavior. Key terms: impotence menstrual cycle follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) estradiol luteinizing hormone (LH) periovulatory period Lesson III-3: Variations in Sexual Behaviors Objectives: a) Compare the mating preferences of men and women. b) Explain these preferences from an evolutionary standpoint. c) Discuss the hormonal mechanism underlying CAH. d) Identify the two classes of hermaphrodites. e) Describe the mechanism that gives rise to androgen insensitivity. f) Cite possible evidence for the role of genetics, hormones, prenatal events and brain anatomy in sexual orientation. Key terms: gender identity Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) hermaphrodite intersex (pseudohermaphrodite) androgen insensitivity (testicular feminization) Lesson III-4: What is Emotion? Objectives: a) Identify the three aspects of an emotion. b) Describe the James-Lange theory of emotion. c) Indicate whether or not physiological arousal is necessary or sufficient for emotions. d) Discuss the relationship of disgust and the sense of taste. e) Describe the role of the left and right hemispheres in emotion. f) Describe the function of common emotions. g) Explain how loss of emotions can affect decision making. Key terms: James-Lange theory pure autonomic failure limbic system Behavioral Activation System (BAS) Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) 19 Lesson III-5: Attack and Escape Behavior (Part 1) Objectives: a) Describe the effects of genetics and environment on criminal behavior. b) Discuss the relationship between testosterone and aggressive behavior. c) Cite evidence that serotonin plays a part in aggressive behavior. Key terms: intermittent explosive disorder turnover 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) Lesson III-6: Attack and Escape Behavior (Part 2) Objectives: a) Describe the role of the amygdala in fear and anxiety. b) Discuss the effects of Kluver-Bucy syndrome in monkeys. c) Identify the types of emotional expressions to which the amygdala responds most strongly. d) Describe the effects of amygdala damage in humans. e) Explain how benzodiazepines work on the nervous system. Key terms: startle reflex barbiturates benzodiazepines GABAA receptor complex diazepam-binding inhibitor (DBI) endozepines PRACTICE TEST III-A Lesson III-7: Stress and Health Objectives: a) Identify the three stages of Selye’s general adaption syndrome. b) Explain how the HPA system responds to stress. c) Distinguish among the three types of leukocytes. d) Indicate the effects of stress on the immune system. Key terms: behavioral medicine stress general adaptation syndrome cortisol HPA axis ACTH immune system leukocyte B cell antibody 20 antigen T cell natural killer cell cytokine psychoneuroimmunology posttraumatic stress disorder Lesson III-8: Learning, Memory, Amnesia & Brain Functioning (Part 1) Objectives: a) Distinguish between classical and operant conditioning. b) List Lashley's two principles about the nervous system and two faulty assumptions about the engram. c) Describe the role of the LIP in learning. d) Distinguish between short-term and long-term memory. e) List the three components of working memory. f) Indicate which brain areas are linked to working memory. Key terms: classical conditioning conditioned stimulus (CS) unconditioned stimulus (UCS) unconditioned response (UCR) conditioned response (CR) operant conditioning reinforcement punishment engram equipotentiality mass action lateral interpositus nucleus (LIP) short-term memory long-term-memory working memory phonological loop visuospatial sketchpad central executive delayed response task Lesson III-9: Learning, Memory, Amnesia & Brain Functioning (Part 2) Objectives: a) Distinguish between retrograde and anterograde amnesia. b) Indicate which aspects of H.M.'s memory are impaired and which are intact. c) Discuss the relationship between memory performance and: (1) hippocampus size, (2) neural activity in the hippocampus. d) Describe three hypotheses about the role of the hippocampus in memory. 21 e) Identify the effects of hippocampal damage on rats’ maze performance. f) Explain how emotional response affects memory consolidation. Key terms: amnesia retrograde amnesia anterograde amnesia episodic memory declarative memory procedural memory explicit memory implicit memory delayed matching-to-sample task delayed nonmatching-to-sample task radial maze Morris water maze task configural learning consolidation Lesson III-10: Learning, Memory, Amnesia & Brain Functioning (Part 3) Objectives: a) Identify the cause and symptoms of Korsakoff's syndrome. b) Give an example of memory confabulation in Korsakoff's patients. c) Describe the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. d) Cite evidence for and against the claim that Alzheimer’s is a genetic disease. e) Discuss the role of amyloid proteins in Alzheimer’s disease. f) List four possible ways to treat or prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Key terms: Korsakoff’s syndrome priming confabulation Alzheimer’s disease amyloid beta protein tau plaques tangles Lesson III-11: Lateralization of Function (Part 1) Objectives: a) Explain how the eyes in humans are connected to the two hemispheres of the brain. b) Indicate the conditions under which the corpus callosum would be cut. c) Describe the characteristics of split-brain patients. d) Distinguish between the areas of specialization of the left and right hemispheres. 22 Key terms: corpus callosum lateralization visual field optic chiasm epilepsy focus split-brain people Lesson III-12: Lateralization of Function (Part 2) Objectives: a) Describe an anatomical difference between the two hemispheres. b) Cite evidence showing that the corpus callosum is not fully developed in young children. c) Explain why people born without a corpus callosum can perform some tasks that split-brain patients fail. d) Indicate specific ways in which the brains of left-handers and right-handers differ. Key terms: planum temporale anterior commissure hippocampal commissure Rasmussen’s encephalopathy PRACTICE TEST III-B Lesson III-13: Evolution and Physiology of Language (Part 1) Objectives: a) Identify five ways in which the language use of Kanzi and Malika has exceeded that of other chimpanzees used in language studies. b) Give three possible reasons for the development of these impressive skills. c) Describe the language skills demonstrated by Alex, the gray parrot. d) Cite evidence for the existence of a language acquisition device. e) Cite evidence for and against the notion of a critical period in language acquisition. Key terms: Williams syndrome language acquisition device poverty of the stimulus argument Lesson III-14: The Biological Basis of Language (Part 2) Objectives: a) Describe the symptoms of Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia b) Find at least three ways that a dyslexic and non-dyslexic brain tend to differ. c) Discuss four hypotheses about the cause of dyslexia. 23 Key terms: aphasia Broca's area Broca's aphasia Wernicke's area Wernicke's aphasia anomia dyslexia Lesson III-15: Attention Objectives: a) Cite evidence that attention pertains more to enhancing relevant activity than inhibiting irrelevant activity. b) Describe the symptoms of spatial neglect. c) Cite evidence that spatial neglect is a problem of attention and not sensation. d) Identify ways of increasing attention to the neglected side. e) Name three tasks on which people with ADHD differ from other people f) List two ways that the brains of ADHD people differ from those of others. g) Discuss the common treatments of ADHD. Key terms: spatial neglect attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) choice delay task stop signal task attentional blink task Lesson III-16: Substance Abuse Objectives: a) Discuss the effects of addictive drugs on the nucleus accumbens. b) Describe the effects of alcohol on the brain. c) Compare Type I and Type II alcoholism. d) Cite evidence that Type II alcoholism is genetic. e) Explain how Antabuse affects alcohol metabolism. f) Discuss the advantages of methadone over heroin. g) Explain why naloxone is added to methadone. Key terms: substance abuse self-stimulation of the brain alcohol dependence acetaldehyde acetic acid Antabuse Lesson III-17: Mood Disorders Objectives: a) Identify two genes related to depression. 24 b) Describe the brain characteristics of depressed people. c) List the four major categories of antidepressants. d) Compare the effectiveness of antidepressants, placebo, and psychotherapy. e) Indicate the conditions in which ECT is most likely to be used. f) Discuss the side effects of ECT. g) Describe the altered sleep patterns of depressed people. h) Distinguish between bipolar I and bipolar II disorders. i) Compare the three drugs used in the treatment of bipolar disorder. j) Describe the symptoms and treatment of SAD. Key terms: major depression postpartum depression tricyclics selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) atypical antidepressants electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) unipolar disorder bipolar disorder bipolar I disorder bipolar II disorder seasonal affective disorder (SAD) Lesson III-18: Schizophrenia Objectives: a) Compare acute and chronic schizophrenia. b) Identify the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. c) Cite evidence for and against the notion that schizophrenia is genetic. d) Cite evidence supporting the neurodevelopmental hypothesis. e) Explain the season-of-birth effect. f) Discuss the brain abnormalities observed in schizophrenia. g) Identify the drugs commonly used to treat schizophrenia. h) Cite evidence supporting the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. i) Cite evidence supporting the glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia. Key terms: schizophrenia positive symptom negative symptom delusion hallucination thought disorder differential diagnosis chlorpromazine (Thorazine) antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs phenothiazines 25 butyrophenones PRACTICE TEST III-C 26 PRACTICE TESTS Practice Test I-A 1. Which of the following explanations for a genetic basis for altruism is most favored by the text? a. altruism benefits the species b. kin selection c. group selection d. altruism involves little individual cost 2. All of the following are biological explanations of behavior except ________. a. physiological explanation b. ontogenetic explanation c. evolutionary explanation d. psychological explanation 3. Which kind of neurons conduct impulses from the spinal cord to either muscles or glands? a. receptor neurons b. interneurons c. motor neurons d. intrinsic neurons 4. Which of the following characterizes the "concentration gradient" in neurons? a. Sodium ions are more concentrated inside the cell and potassium ions are more concentrated outside. b. Potassium ions are more concentrated inside the cell and sodium ions are more concentrated outside. c. Sodium ions are more concentrated in the dendrites and potassium ions are more concentrated in the axon. d. Potassium ions are more concentrated in the dendrites and sodium ions are more concentrated in the axon. 5. When a membrane is at rest, what attracts potassium ions to the inside of the cell? a. an electrical gradient b. a concentration gradient c. both an electrical gradient and a concentration gradient d. neither an electrical gradient nor a concentration gradient 6. Researchers rely mainly on two kinds of evidence to determine the contributions of heritability and environment. They are: a. recombinant DNA studies and twin studies. b. twin studies and adoption studies. c. adoption studies and gene-crossover studies. d. recombinant DNA studies and gene-crossover studies. 27 Practice Test I-B 1. What is NOT one of the major categories of neurotransmitters? a. steroids b. amino acids c. peptides d. gases 2. What is contained within a vesicle? a. sodium ions b. potassium ions c. neurotransmitter molecules d. calcium ions 3. What does it means to say that acetylcholine exerts ionotropic effects? a. It opens gates for a particular ion. b. It alters the permeability of the presynaptic neuron. c. It increases the concentration of ions within the vesicles. d. It causes neutral atoms to become ionized. 4. Opiates have their most direct effects on which neurotransmitter? a. acetylcholine b. serotonin c. dopamine d. GABA 5. Which plane shows brain structures as they would be seen from the side? a. coronal b. sagittal c. horizontal d. commuter 6. Which of the following is NOT part of the midbrain? a. tectum b. tegmentum c. pons d. superior colliculus 28 Practice Test I-C 1. Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is most important for visual information? a. occipital b. parietal c. temporal d. frontal 2. What device is used by an experimenter to implant an electrode deep into the brain? a. an electroencephalograph b. a stereotaxic instrument c. a bregma d. a PET scanner 3. What occurs in a CAT scan? a. Radioactively labeled slices of brain tissue are placed on X-ray film. b. 180 X-rays are passed through the body and combined in a computer. c. Electrodes are attached to the scalp to record electrical activity of the brain. d. Activity is assessed through computer analysis. 4. What is the process called when a primitive neuron begins to develop dendrites and an axon? a. differentiation b. migration c. myelination d. proliferation 5. Keeping animals in a varied environment with much stimulation leads to which change in neuronal structure? a. increased branching of dendrites b. increased speed of action potentials c. increased diameter of cell bodies d. division of mature neurons to form additional neurons 6. The term ________ refers to a blood clot in the brain. a. hemorrhage b. ischemia c. diaschesis d. edema 29 Practice Test II-A 1. The "law of specific nerve energies" attempts to account for what fact? a. Perception of a repeated stimulus fades. b. Every stimulation of the optic nerve is perceived as light. c. The speed of action potentials varies depending on the strength of the stimulus. d. Any stimulation above the threshold produces an action potential. 2. In comparison to the rods, what is true about the cones? a. They are more common toward the periphery of the retina. b. They are more sensitive to detail. c. They are more sensitive to dim light. d. They are more common in rodents and other nocturnal animals. 3. Where does the optic nerve send most of its information? a. directly to the cerebral cortex b. to the lateral geniculate c. to the superior colliculus d. directly to the occipital lobe 4. To what does "shape constancy" refer? a. Objects appear in the same shape regardless of their orientation. b. We can recognize objects even at different orientations. c. We can still assess proportions accurately even looking at objects in water. d. No matter how big we get, our mothers still see us as children. 5. What will a person fail to recognize after damage to cortical tissue in and around area V5? a. color b. faces c. motion d. objects in the upper half of the visual field 6. Astigmatism is a type of visual impairment that results in a. a discrepancy between what the left and right eye see. b. clouding of the lens. c. blurring of vision in one direction. d. the eyes being able to point in the same direction. 30 Practice Test II-B 1. Where are the auditory receptor cells located? a. in the semicircular canal b. in the malleus c. on the basilar membrane d. on the tympanic membrane 2. Capsaicin can relieve pain by releasing _______. a. serotonin b. GABA c. substance P d. endorphins 3. Taste nerves project from the tongue to the a. lateral geniculate nucleus. b. nucleus of the tractus solitarius. c. vestibular nucleus. d. suprachiasmatic nucleus. 4. What type of muscle is responsible for the movement of your body through the environment? a. smooth b. syncarpous c. cardiac d. striated 5. The finger-to-nose test is a common way of testing for possible damage to what structure? a. spinal cord b. basal ganglia c. medulla d. cerebellum 6. Which of the following diseases produces an abnormal protein that impairs the neuron’s mitochondria? a. myasthenia gravis b. Alzheimer’s disease c. Parkinson’s disease d. Huntington’s disease 31 Practice Test II-C 1. The surest way to disrupt the biological clock is to damage what area of the brain? a. the substantia nigra b. the suprachiasmatic nucleus c. the lateral hypothalamus d. the caudate nucleus 2. Sleep spindles and K-complexes are most characteristic of which sleep stage? a. stage 4 b. stage 3 c. stage 2 d. stage 1 3. Shivering, fur erection, blood vessel constriction, and sweating are controlled by the which area of the brain? a. pineal body b. preoptic area of the hypothalamus c. ventromedial hypothalamus d. brain stem 4. A loss of blood will lead to what kind of thirst? a. osmotic b. non-homeostatic c. hypovolemic d. postprandial 5. Which of the following is probably the most important mechanism for ending a meal? a. the number of calories consumed b. levels of the hormone angiotensin II circulating in the blood c. oral monitoring of how much food has been swallowed d. sensations from the stomach 6. An animal refuses food and loses weight after damage to which structure? a. the preoptic area b. the ventromedial hypothalamus c. the lateral hypothalamus d. the baroreceptors 32 Practice Test III-A 1. Hormones are to _____ as neurotransmitters are to _____. a. excitation; inhibition b. humans; non-humans c. widespread effects; very localized effects d. the body; the brain 2. In mammals, what determines whether the anatomy develops in the male or female pattern? a. mostly the presence of testosterone b. mostly the presence of estrogens c. the presence of estrogens and testosterone equally d. neither estrogens nor testosterone 3. When do the hormones LH, FSH, and estradiol reach a peak? a. in the first month of pregnancy b. at the start of the menstrual period c. at the end of the menstrual period d. around the time of ovulation 4. Benzodiazepines bind primarily to ________ receptors. a. dopamine b. serotonin c. acetylcholine d. GABA 5. Which of the following is true of someone with androgen insensitivity? The person is genetically a. female, but looks intermediate between male and female. b. female, but fails to show any changes at puberty. c. male, looks like a normal male, but behaves more like a female. d. male, but develops looking more like a female. 6. The hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala, olfactory bulb, septum and related structures constitute which system? a. the pyramidal system b. the sympathetic nervous system c. the parasympathetic nervous system d. the limbic system 33 Practice Test III-B 1. In which stage of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome does the adrenal cortex begin to secrete hormones that enable it to maintain alertness, fight infections, and heal wounds? a. exhaustion b. alarm c. resistance d. arousal 2. Recent researchers have felt that Lashley's conclusions about the results of his search for the engram reflected some INAPPROPRIATE assumptions. What was one of those assumptions? a. Memory involves a physical change in the nervous system. b. The best place to search for the engram is the cerebral cortex. c. More than one kind of memory exists. d. Different memories involve different sets of neurons. 3. An emotional response can enhance memory consolidation by secreting small to moderate amounts of ________, which activates the amygdala and hippocampus. a. dopamine b. acetylcholine c. endorphin d. cortisol 4. What type of deficiency causes Korsakoff's syndrome? a. thiamine b. protein c. sodium d. calcium 5. Which of the following is true about the planum temporale? a. It is larger in the left hemisphere for most people. b. It controls hand dominance for most people. c. It is symmetrical in humans, but is asymmetrical in nonhuman primates. d. It is abnormally large in the brains of many dyslexic individuals. 6. Given the way the left hemisphere of the human brain is connected to the retinas of the eyes, what does it see? a. the left visual field b. the right visual field c. the left visual field of the left eye and right visual field of the right eye d. the right visual field of the left eye and left visual field of the right eye 34 Practice Test III-C 1. a. b. c. d. The main evidence in support of a language acquisition device is the ease with which most children develop language. the fact that patients with Williams syndrome retain their language skills. the ability of animals such as Kanzi and Malika to use symbols. the fact that older adults have a harder time learning a second language compared to children. 2. Someone with Broca's aphasia has the greatest difficulty with which aspect of language? a. understanding spoken language b. understanding written language c. remembering the names of objects d. speaking 3. a. b. c. d. People with ADHD differ from other people on all of the following tasks EXCEPT: the delayed matching-to-sample task. the attentional blink task. the stop signal task. the choice delay task. 4. Antabuse affects alcohol metabolism by: a. speeding up the breakdown of alcohol into acetaldehyde. b. interfering with the breakdown of alcohol into acetaldehyde. c. speeding up the breakdown of acetaldehyde into acetic acid. d. interfering with the breakdown of acetaldehyde into acetic acid. 5. Which of the following statements is true? a. Placebo is as effective a treatment for depression as psychotherapy. b. Psychotherapy is as effective a treatment for depression as antidepressants. c. Psychotherapy is a more effective treatment for depression than antidepressants. d. Placebo is as effective a treatment for depression as antidepressants. 6. a. b. c. d. Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia? weak social interactions delusions hallucinations thought disorder 35 Answer Key I-A 1.b 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.b II-C 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.c I-B 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.c III-A 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.d 6.d I-C 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.a 6.b III-B 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.a 6.b II-A 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.c 6.c III-C 1.a 2.d 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.a II-B 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.b 6.d 36