CHAPTER 2 STUDY GUIDE THE NEURON pp.47-54 Identify three types of neurons and describe the function of each. What function does the myelin sheath serve? Using the following terms, explain how a neuron fires. Action potential, resting potential, ion channels, depolarization, synapse, neurotransmitters, dendrite, soma, axon, myelin. (specifically, how is the action potential passed down the axon) chart on p. 50 will help NEUROTRANSMITTERS Summarize the properties and functions each of the following neurotransmitters. Acetylcholine GABA Dopamine Nor epinephrine Serotonin Glutamate Endorphins How is an agonist different from an antagonist? THE NERVOUS SYSTEM pp.55-58 Identify the two main parts of the central nervous system. (CNS) Describe the communication of the CNS Explain why the CNS is considered “isolated” from the outside world. Contrast the functions of the somatic nervous system with that of the autonomic nervous system. Explain how the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems work in opposition. Specifically, which bodily functions “speed up” and which are restricted by the sympathetic system? The Endocrine System pp.58-59 What are hormones and what do they do? What function do the following glands serve in the Endocrine system? Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Adrenal gland What are the functions of testosterone and estrogen? Studying the Brain pp.60-62 For each of the following ways researchers look at the brain, provide an explanation of what information can be gathered using the technique. EEG PET MRI fMRI Older Brain Structures pp. 62-67 Identify the location of, general importance and function of the following brain structures: Brain stem Medulla Pons Cerebellum Thalamus Limbic system Hippocampus Amygdala Hypothalamus pp. 68-74 The Cerebral cortex What role do glial cells play in the functioning of the brain? Mapping the motor cortex: Use the picture on p. 69 to answer the following question. What parts of the body have the most space devoted to them on the motor cortex? EXPLAIN WHY Describe the new research on the motor cortex that is providing major breakthroughs in prosthetic technology. How does the sensory cortex work in conjunction with the motor cortex? What is the primary function of the association areas? Why is the Phineas Gage case study significant in the early study of the brain? Define brain plasticity. How does age impact the concept of plasticity? Give one example of how plasticity actually works. pp. 75-81 What is the function of the corpus callosum? Summarize the research on split brain patients conducted by Sperry and Gazzaniga. In a picture on pg. 77, a split brain patient is seen drawing two different figures at the same time. How is this possible for him? Be specific. If you are left handed, what does this mean in terms of left brain/ right brain organization? Identify the main functions of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Nature, Nurture and Human diversity pp. 134-143 Define the following terms as they relate to your text: Behavior genetics Environment/nurture DNA Chromosomes Genes Genetic predisposition What is the genetic difference between identical and fraternal twins? Summarize the research that led to the conclusion: “In explaining individual differences, genes matter.” Why is the finding that people who grow up together whether biologically related or not, do not much resemble one another in personality, so important? What is heritability, and how does it relate to individuals and groups? Explain the statement: Genes and environment interact. pp. 144-153 Summarize the idea of Natural Selection How does evolutionary success explain similarities? According to evolutionary perspective, what are the qualities and attributes that attract males and females to each other. What are the key criticisms of evolutionary psychology? To what extent is our brain and development impacted by experiences in utero and as newborns? How much credit or blame to parents deserve for behavior? Explain