Syllabus – Spring 2014
Instructor: Dr. M. E. Weisskopf
Office: Technology Hall, Room N300A
Phone: (256) 824-6306
Final: April 28, 3:00 – 5:30
Office Hours: MW 1:00 – 2:00, TR 1:30 – 3:30
(or by appointment)
Class: MW 2:20-3:40
COURSE OBJECTIVE: To learn fundamental discrete mathematical concepts which provide background for later
courses in computer science. Discrete mathematics is important because digital computers operate on discrete
(separate and distinct) data items. Some of the applications of discrete mathematics include network routing
algorithms and logistics in general, cryptography, proofs, algorithm development and analysis, etc.
STUDENT OUTCOMES describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation.
They relate to the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that students acquire as the progress through the program. Outcomes that will be assessed in 214 are
(1) An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the computer science
(2) an ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the
modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs
involved in design choices.
COURSE PREREQUISITES: CS 121 or equivalent and MA 171.
TEXT: Mathematical Structures for Computer Science ( sixth edition). Judith L. Gersting, W. H. Freeman and
Company, New York.
Homework: ………………………………………………………21%
Class Participation: .................……………………………………4%
Midterms (2) ………………………………………………….….40%
Final Exam ………………………………………………………35%
The default grade scale is: A+: >=97, A >=92, A- >=90, B+> =87, B >=82, B- >=80, etc. Final grades are rounded:
89.4 = B+, 89.5 = A-. Once in a while I may lower my scale, but I will never raise it. Special grades are determined
by University policy.
Special Grades:
I (Incomplete) Assigned when a student, due to circumstances beyond his control, has not satisfied some
requirement of the course; e.g. is in the hospital and unable to complete the last
W (Withdrawal) Recorded by the Office of Student Records when a student withdraws from class.
Withdrawal must take place before the end of the tenth week (3/19/14).
Homework is an integral part of the course. If you don’t do the homework regularly you will probably not do well
on the tests. Homework will be assigned most Wednesdays to be submitted the following Wednesday. No late
homework accepted without prior approval. There will be approximately eight homework assignments. I will
drop the lowest grade.
This part of your grade includes regular attendance, participating in class discussions, asking questions – either in
class or via email. It may also include an occasional in-class exercise. This percentage of your grade is relatively
subjective, but attendance is an important component
Midterm examinations will cover the material indicated on the attached schedule. I may modify this somewhat based
on what we have actually covered in class. The final exam will be comprehensive, covering everthing from the
entire semester. It will be weighted a little more heavily towards the material that you haven’t been tested on
Powerpoints and other class information will be available from K drive in the CS Labs. If you’re logged into the CS
system you can access it directly: K:/LABS/CS214.
You can also reach this directory through the web by going to the computer science department homepage
( or ). Click on the CS Resources link (left
side of page, last entry), then choose Individual course web pages/LABS/CS214.
All assignments submitted for grading must be your own work. You may discuss homework assignments with other
students in the class, but unless you are told otherwise, any work that you submit must be original (not copied from a
friend, not copied from a textbook, not downloaded from the Web). At no time should you turn in a copy of another
student’s work, or a modified version of an assignment that has been developed jointly. These rules apply to ALL
If you have difficulties or complaints related to this course, your first action usually should be to discuss them with
me. If such a discussion would be uncomfortable for you or fails to resolve your difficulties, you should contact
Professor Heggere Ranganath, Chair of the Computer Science Department.
Professor Ranganath's office is TH
N300B. His telephone number is 256-824-6088 and his email address is . If you still are
unsatisfied, you should discuss the matter with Daniel Rochowiak, Associate Dean of the College of Science. The
Associate Dean's office and telephone number are MSB C206 and 256-824-6844.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have a disability that may require some modification of seating,
testing, or other aspects of the class, please visit the Disability Support Services (136 Madison Hall, 256-824-6203, to request a Letter of Accommodation. After you get the letter, please bring a copy to me after
class or during my office hours.
UALERT EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM: UAHuntsville has implemented the UAlert emergency
notification system. UAlert allows you to receive time-sensitive emergency messages in the form of e-mail, voice
mail, and text messages.
Everyone who has a UAHuntsville e-mail address will receive emergency alerts to their campus e-mail address. In
order to also receive text and voice message alerts, you are asked to provide up-to-date phone contact information.
You can’t be reached through UAlert unless you participate. The information you supply is considered
confidential and will not be shared or used for purposes other than emergency notification. To review your UAlert
account, add or update phone and alternate e-mail addresses, and set the priority for your contact methods, please
visit the UAlert web site:
 Assignments must be turned in on the date specified and tests must be taken on the designated date. Exceptions
are made for illness, business travel, or other acceptable excuses, but do not assume that you will be given a
makeup test automatically! Make arrangements for special treatment in advance, and be prepared to document
the reason for your request.
 If you fail to turn in an assignment, or do poorly on an assignment, you will not be given “makeup” work unless
I decide to give the entire class a chance to improve their grades (and this is highly unlikely!)
 All requests to have assignments re-graded must be made in writing, within a week of the date the assignment is
returned to the class.