EH 206 British Literature II
Spring 2009
3.0 Credit Hours
206-01 MWF 9:10-10:05a
206-02 MWF 10:20-11:15a
Morton Hall 312
Instructor: Dr. Sandra Shattuck
Office: Morton Hall 229
Phone: 824-2372
Hours: MW 11:15a-1:15p
Catalog description: British Literature II (3 credits hours) focuses on literary works from
the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century. We will study representative works
from a variety of genres while also using the “Perspectives” sections of our textbook to
place those works within their historical and cultural contexts. Prerequisites: 6 credits of
Freshman Composition.
Required Texts:
Damrosch, David and Kevin J. H. Dettmar. The Longman Anthology of British
Literature, 3rd ed., Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C (with Frankenstein). NY: Pearson/Longman,
Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Authoritative Text: Contexts and Criticism. Francis
Abiola Irele, ed. NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 2009.
Course objectives:
 increase your appreciation of literature
 improve your skills reading literary works and interpreting them through
discussion, research, and writing
 increase your understanding of historical and cultural contexts
 encourage participation in and reflection on a learning community
How do we get there? This class functions through the words of everyone in the room.
That means you need to be prepared. Read well. The double-entry reading journal will
help you do that. Bring in questions and comments. We will write during each class
period, often from a prompt and through freewriting.
reading journal, homework, quizzes 50%
2 article analysis papers
Quizzes cannot be made up. Homework and double-entry reading journals have a oneclass grace period, after which I will not accept them. Please don’t abuse the one-class
grace period; try not to hand in homework and double-entry journals late more than three
times over the semester.
Evaluation: Grading scale: A-F. The plus/minus scale used in the University is as
B+ 87-89
C+ 77-79
D+ 67-69
F below 60
B 83-86
D 63-66
B- 80-82
C- 70-72
D- 60-62
Writing Center: The Writing Center’s website ( offers excellent
resources, as does the Center itself. Get more feedback on your writing!
Attendance: To receive credit for this course, you must attend at least 80% of the classes.
If you miss more than six classes, for any reason, you will receive a grade of “F.”
Technology: We will use ANGEL, which UAH adopted last summer as its learning
management suite. ANGEL replaces Blackboard and WebCT and can be accessed via the
UAH website front page (scroll down to “Resources” and click on “ANGEL,” the first
link to the right) or through UAH’s portal, Chargernet (also linked to the right of
“Resources”). You can also go directly to ANGEL with this URL:
Copies of this syllabus and all assignments will be available on ANGEL. We will also
use Turnitin for paper submissions. Turnitin offers more programs than simply plagiarism
detection. You will be able to review your peers’ papers and get more extensive
comments from your instructor.
***Remember that all technology fails, so don’t wait until the last minute if you’ve got a
digital deadline. ***
Classroom Etiquette: Please arrive on time. If you are more than five minutes late to class
for three times, you will be counted absent. Put cell phones on vibrate or off. No texting.
(I really can see you when you hold your phone under the desk…) Laptops open only
during workshops.
Academic honesty: We will discuss plagiarism, but you should also familiarize yourself
with University policy as stated in the Student Handbook (7.III.A). Plagiarism can result
in failure in the course and temporary or permanent removal from the University.
Americans with disabilities: The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 state that qualified students with disabilities who
meet the essential functions and academic requirements are entitled to reasonable
accommodations. Please speak with me at the beginning of the course if you have
disabilities that fall within the guidelines.
Statement on discrimination/harassment: The University and the Alabama State Board of
Education are committed to providing both employment and educational environments
free of harassment or discrimination related to an individual’s race, color, gender,
religion, national origin, age, or disability. Such harassment is a violation of State Board
of Education policy. Any practice or behavior that constitutes harassment or
discrimination will not be tolerated.