Application for Adult Ambassador Israel Pavilion – Shalom Square 2015 Sunday, August 9 – Saturday, August 15 Adult applicants must be at least 18 years old as of May 1, 2015. Name: Address: Postal Code: Phone Numbers: (day) (evening) Email: Birthdate (month/date/year) Please elaborate on your community and volunteer experiences: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ I agree to the following upon signing the application form: 1. I will be at least 18 years old as of May 1, 2015 2. I will be available for a small number of events scheduled by Folklorama throughout the summer of 2015 3. I will attend the Ambassador’s Inauguration in July, 2015 4. I will be available for the Folklorama Festival from August 2-15, 2015 5. Ambassadors may be required to participate in some activities pre and post Folklorama. Please attach a short letter (no more than one page) explaining why you would like to be an Adult Ambassador for the Israel Pavilion –Shalom Square. Please include information on visits and travel to Israel, knowledge of Israeli culture etc and other relevant information. Applicants may be asked to attend a short interview in March 2015 Applicant’s Signature Date Completed applications must be returned to the Rady Jewish Community Centre at B100-123 Doncaster St/ R2V 1Y3 Fax: 204-477-7530 or no later than March 13, 2015 For further details, please contact Rebecca Brask at 204-477-7533