Debbie Ellery - Farmcover Intermediate School


Farm Cove Intermediate School

International Students

Debbie Ellery

Building positive relationships with our providers

Thoughtful consideration and gradual widening of cultural groups and sister school relationships

Good communication between home and school

A mixture of weekly and annual reporting

Shared travel opportunities

Ambassador programme

Following a clear strategic and marketing plan

Support in-class programmes

Provide opportunities for school-wide responsibilities and involvement

Good communication with home – weekly reporting plus visit to have parent interviews once a year and meet possible enrolments for following year

Continue to build on Ambassador programme – find new ways that the

Ambassadors can support international students in the classroom and with student learning

Up-to-date pastoral care and regular checking on homestay situations

Homestay meetings and gatherings throughout the year

A clear learning pathway so students can feel they are making progress and are able to talk about the steps they have made.

Use of devices and programmes – school bank of IPad/ netbooks etc

Certificates/awards – recognise achievement

Provide students with opportunities for responsibility

Ensure students have opportunities to be involved in the wider school

Develop teacher expertise - PLG on ELLP’s

Keep policies up-to-date and ensure systems support the classroom teachers

Develop existing sister school relations – short-term visits by them and to Korea and Japan

Explore possibility of Confucius classroom to support in learning second language – use of Mandarin Language Assistant/TA

Visit Luoyang school and explore opportunities for growing relationship with China

Rotate opportunities for staff to experience Asian cultures through travel

Continue to explore what other schools do and how we can improve on our practice

Farm Cove Intermediate

Ambassador Programme

Asia New Zealand Conference

Buddy System

Peer Support Programmes

Ambassador Programme

The process

Multi - tiered

Selection process

Key characteristics

Final cut



Personal Organisation






Communication skills

Guidelines outline the first week in more detail for teachers and students.

Arrival/Day One

When an international student arrives in your area with the ESOL teacher

ESOL teacher you need to…

Stop class work immediately and go over to the teacher bringing in the new student to the area.

Meet and greet the international student with kindness and confidence.

Show the new student where to hang their bag and the toilets.

Escort the student into your class.

Show the student to their desk and introduce to a buddy at their table.

Take the student on a second tour of the school.

You must be on hand to support the student in the following ways…

• Following instructions

• Checking the student understands the class work

• Making sure the student is where he/she needs to be at the right times

• Helping the student to understand and speak basic English school and playground phrases

• Remain with the student during morning tea and lunch break and friends

• Escort child to an adult for going home (eg Shelton bus/ caregiver)

Remainder of week one

Each day, meet and greet the student to ensure the student feels

Continue to assist the student in the classroom as required.

At breaks, check the student has:

• Morning tea/lunch

• Friends to play with (if the student has no friends you must

• ensure you stay with the student)

Following weeks

Once the international student has gained some confidence and has some friends to play with…

Attend all Ambassador meetings.

Check the student is getting involved in events around the school, if not, assist them to get involved.

Continue to support them to learn English.

Encourage them to mix with students from a variety of cultures.

Check that the student has no problems inside and outside of school. Report to

Mrs Withers immediately if there are any issues that need resolving.

Support the international students in getting involved in the wider school.

Keep your buddy’s personal report up-to-date through regular interviewing

(especially after big school events).

Keep Ambassador record up-to-date.

Organising special events

Writing reports

Support in the classroom

Trips for short-term visitors

Support during special events

Tracking involvement

Tracking notes

- diary or log

Reporting any issues to teacher

Badge wearers – high degree of trust and responsibility

Leadership skills developed

Other students aspire to be ambassadors
