Algebra 1—Part 2 - Sanderson High School

Algebra 1—Part 1
Fall 2011
Mrs. Schlimme/Mr. Jackson
Course Information:
Algebra 1 Part 1 builds on the concepts learned in Middle School. The course expands these concepts to an in-depth
study of solving equations, graphing functions, exponents, growth & decay and polynomials. Students are expected to
demonstrate proficiency with the graphics calculator. There will be a teacher-made exam at the end of the course counting
for 20% of your overall grade. This course must be successfully completed in order to move to Algebra 1 Part 2. These two
classes are needed to fulfill the Algebra 1 requirement for graduation.
Glencoe Algebra 1
i. Classroom Preparation
You will need the following items in class everyday:
Pencils (no pens in this class)
TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator
Daily assignment sheet
3-ring notebook with loose-leaf paper
1 box of Kleenex (for the classroom)
Graph or Grid Paper
1 bottle of Hand Sanitizer (for the classroom)
Attend to necessary duties BEFORE class begins each day, i.e. sharpening pencils, bathroom, borrowing
materials, etc.
Eating, drinking, or snacking is not allowed in the classroom. Gum will be permitted as long as it is not seen or
ii. Classroom Rules and Procedures
The general class rules can be found at the front of the class. You need to know AND abide by these rules. It is
expected that all students abide by school rules as stated in the Student Handbook. Refer to your handbook for
iii. Grading System
Grades will be calculated by: total points earned
total points possible
Homework will be checked each time it is assigned unless otherwise stated. Expect regular homework each night. Fifty
percent credit will be given for late homework turned in one day late. Homework will not be accepted after this time.
Homework is assigned daily so that you can benefit from the practice of what is discussed in class. Homework should
take an average of 30 min. to 1 hour each night. Assignment sheets are passed out at the beginning of each unit.
These sheets include daily objectives, hw assignments, quizzes and test dates for the unit. If you lose your
assignment sheet, it can be found on my webpage.
iv. Absences
If you are absent from class, you are required to make up ALL work including homework, quizzes, tests, and projects.
You are allowed 2 days for each day absent to make up any missing assignments.
If you miss test review day (day before the test), know that you will take the test on test day.
Tests may not be made up during class time. You must schedule an appointment to make up the work.
v. Tutoring and Office Hours
Smart Lunch: Monday (Tutorial B) & Wednesday (Tutorial A)
Mornings and other days after school are possible by appointment. Please notify me at least one day in advance so you
can have my complete attention.
vi. Communications
My primary form of communication is through email. I will use email almost exclusively unless it is not possible.
Our email address:;
Mrs. Schlimme’s site:
I will be sending via e-mail information concerning the units taught and time line for tests and quizzes. The completion and return
of the parent information sheet will insure your ability to be well informed. Thank you in advance for your support and preparation
for this Algebra 1B Math class.
Thank you,
Mrs. Schlimme/Mr. Jackson
Please sign below stating that you have read these policies and procedures very carefully and understand the consequences
if not properly followed.
Print Student Name
Student Signature
Print Parent Name
Parent Signature
Parent contact phone numbers: Home: ___________________________ Work: _______________________
_____Student: sign me up for the weekly bulletin.
Email _________________________________
_____Parent: sign me up for the weekly bulletin.
Email _________________________________
Classroom Procedures and Expectations
Mrs. Schlimme/Mr. Jackson
1. Homework and Warm-Ups
 All homework assignments are posted daily in the bottom right-hand corner of the board.
 Write the problem, all work, and draw a box around the solution. Not doing these steps will result
in a loss of points. Remember, NO WORK = NO CREDIT!
 Enter the classroom and quickly begin working on the warm-up at the beginning of class. All warmups are worked on the weekly warm-up sheet. Warm-ups are collected on Friday. Warm-ups will be
graded cumulatively throughout the semester and count as a QUIZ grade.
 Homework must be on the corner of the desk while working on the warm-up so it may be checked
for completion. If your homework is not present, you will not receive a stamp, thus causing you to
receive a zero for the assignment.
2. Tardies
 Tardiness will not be tolerated. You should be in your seat and working on the warm-up when the
bell rings. If you are not in your seat, you are tardy.
 Do not enter the classroom tardy without a note.
 After your first warning, you will receive an ASD for every successive tardy.
3. Note-Taking
 While I am teaching, there should be no talking unless I say otherwise. Side conversations are not
appropriate for the classroom. In other words, NO TALKING WHEN I AM TALKING!
 If you would like to ask or answer a question, please raise your hand and wait to be called upon.
4. Trash, Sharpening Pencils, Etc.
 While I am teaching, there should be no disruptions, including sharpening pencils or getting up to
throw away any trash. Please wait until there is an appropriate time to get up to throw away your
trash, such as when you are working independently.
 Pencils should be sharpened at the beginning of class. If your pencil breaks during class and you do
not have an extra nor can you borrow one from a neighbor, please raise your hand and ask to
sharpen your pencil. The sharpener is quite noisy and should not be used while one is presenting or
5. Classroom Activities & Assignments
 During activities, please pay attention to all instructions. Stay in the area to which you are assigned
and be courteous to others around you.
 When turning in assignments, your name, the date, and the class period should be listed in the top
right-hand corner of your paper.
 Upon completion of an in-class assignment, place work in the designated tray. ANY WORK THAT
6. Tests/Quizzes
 Tests will be given at the end of each unit.
 Quizzes will be given on a weekly basis. Please be prepared for Pop Quizzes. Any topic/concept
that has been covered prior to the quiz is fair game for the quiz, even if it is from an earlier unit.
 All tests will be announced at least three days in advance, with a review day prior to the test.
7. Bathroom/Hall Passes
 If you need to use a hall pass, please wait until there is a good time to ask. Do not interrupt my
teaching to ask for a pass.
 When granted permission to use a pass, take your sheet out of your notebook, wait for me to initial
it, and be sure to take the hall pass with you.
 You are given three passes per quarter which may be used for trips to the bathroom, your locker,
the water fountain, or other (at my own discretion). Un-used passes may be redeemed for up to 9
points added to your lowest test grade. Should you need more than the three passes, you will have
to serve an after school detention or a lunch detention.
8. Materials
 You are REQUIRED to keep a notebook. This should be a three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper.
 All work should be completed in PENCIL.
 Calculators must be brought on a daily basis. Your calculator must be maintained in good order. I
will not accept excuses about lost or misplaced calculators. Get new batteries now. If you don’t,
your batteries will run out of power at the worst possible time. I do not supply batteries.
9. Extra Credit Work
 Happy face sticker points will be added to ONE homework grade at the end of each quarter.
Occasionally, there will be extra credit opportunities from Internet Research/ class work.
 Un-used bathroom passes may be redeemed for up to 9 pts added to your lowest Test Grade.
 Any Quiz > 55 may be replaced with a higher Unit Test grade within the same unit.
10. Make-Up Work & Late Work
 Assignments are due THE DAY BEFORE or THE MORNING of a pre-planned absence/field trip.
If you check into school after math class, you will need to turn in your assignment by the end of the
school day.
 You are responsible for asking for missed assignments and for getting notes from another student
for days you are absent.
 Any handout (including worksheets assigned for homework) will be placed in the make-up work tray
for the day you missed. It is your responsibility to check the tray for work you missed.
 ALL homework assignments will be recorded on the assignment sheet in the notebook located by the
make-up work tray. If you miss a day, you should first consult the assignment sheet to find what
homework you need to complete.
 If you miss a test or a quiz as a result of an excused absence, plan on staying either during lunch or
after school within three days at a time convenient for you and me.
 All late work should be placed in the late-work box. Ten points are deducted for each day an
assignment is late. If an assignment is placed in the box AFTER the beginning of class, the
assignment is late and points WILL BE DEDUCTED.