Post-doc annonce_ICochin_2014 - Laboratory of Excellence GR-Ex

Post-doctoral Fellow in Hematology
Cochin Institute, a leading research center of INSERM (U1016), CNRS (UMR 8104) and Paris Descartes University (UMR-S1016) in Paris closed to
Luxembourg Park. More than 680 researchers, teachers, MDs, students and technical staff are split in 36 teams within 3 scientific departments:
and 10 platforms: Genomics & Next generation sequencing, Cell imaging, Small animal imaging, Flow cytometry & cell sorting, Histology &
Laser microdissection, Proteomics, Homologous recombination
Full-time position founded by the Canceropole Ile-de-France for 2 years available in the Department Development/Reproduction/cancer in the
team headed by Dr Patrick Mayeux named “Signaling and apoptosis in normal and pathological hematopoiesis” in the group of Pr. Michaela
FONTENAY dedicated to functional genomic studies in preleukemic myelodysplastic syndromes from the Fall of 2014.
Main activities: The laboratory is looking for a highly motivated and focused post-doctoral candidate to decipher the consequences of SF3B1
spliceosome gene somatic mutations on erythroid cell biology with special reference to human acquired sideroblastic anemia.
Diploma, Scientific competence, Work experience: The applicant must have passed a doctoral degree in molecular and/or cell biology and
should have prior background in experimental biology including cell culture, cloning and cell imaging. Candidate without experience beyond
the PhD is accepted. Language: English or French.
Main professional relations: Clinicians and biologists of the central laboratory of Hematology, researchers of the Institute and platforms of
genomics and next generation sequencing, cell imaging. Collaboration: Pr S Ogawa, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Contact: Applicants will send their CV, application letter and names/letters of referent or mentor to
Institut Cochin & laboratoire d’Hématologie, Hôpital Cochin, 27 rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris, France ; Tel +33 1 58 41 2004