Memo - TMII - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Zahi Fayad, PhD
Professor of Radiology and Medicine (Cardiology)
Director, Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute
Steven Harvey
Vice President, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Study Name: “XXX”
PI Name: XXX, MD
Grant Number Program Announcement: XXX
At the Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute (TMII) we work with the research
investigators to understand the research question that they are looking to answer in
their studies and we put together specific scanning sequences for their studies.
As a result we have a research dedicated infrastructure (TMII Imaging Core), which
includes technicians, research coordinators, schedulers, as well as a variety of
research-dedicated imaging systems including MR scanners amongst others, where we
conduct our research studies.
This study involves XX MRI [PET/MR and/or CT] each lasting X hours scans over the
course of X years, X in year 1, X in year 2 [etc]. $720.66 per hour [rates for other
modalities here] has been allocated for per scan in our budgets under "Other
Expenses. Please project a 3% increase of these rates after year 1.
The above-mentioned study has been reviewed by the TMII Imaging Core and will be
conducted in accordance to the process outlined above.
Please let me know if you need any further clarification.