TOWNHILL NURSERY WEEKLY NEWS. WEEK BEGINNING: 23rd April 2012 MONDAY: Welcome to our new children Jayden, Caleb and Tyler in the morning and Elissa and Sarah in the afternoon, the children will be visiting during this week and we hope they all have fun. This week we are looking at patterns and had fun matching socks in the number area. We enjoyed listening to a story about ‘Elmer’ the elephant who is all different colours. In art this week we are going to be colouring in elephants and then set up a display of all the different patterns. TUESDAY: In the morning we celebrated Adam’s fourth birthday and then enjoyed delicious birthday cake for snack. The children were keen to talk about the objects they had brought in for the pattern display and then to put them on the table. Today in art we started our elephants, we have to use lots of different colours and colour them in very carefully. WEDNESDAY: Today we had a very tasty snack; we had lots of different vegetables, dips and breadsticks. The children enjoy this type of snack when they get to make up their own plates and help themselves. Some children have finished their elephant patterns and Mrs Rowbotham is now busy cutting them out and framing them for our pattern display. THURSDAY: The older children were looking at the number 9; the children were putting the numbers in order and filling in the missing number. We are all trying very hard with our numbers! Mrs Thomson was busy in snack cutting up lots of different vegetables, she then put the chopped up fruit in bowls and the children had to choose four pieces to have for snack. Still lots of activity in the art area completing elephant patterns, Mrs Rowbotham is being kept busy cutting and framing them all! FRIDAY: A busy day trying to finish things off and giving the nursery a big move around and a big tidy. The children were continuing to work with numbers and had lots of different counting and colouring activities to complete. The listening centre was very popular today; the children enjoyed putting on the headphones and listening along. NEXT WEEK We will be continuing with our topic ‘Patterns’ next week. Please can we ask that you help your child to find something patterned for our display table. Please can we remind you that snack money is now due £16.50 if you prefer to pay for the whole term or £1.50 if you pay weekly The ladies would like to say ‘Thank You’ to all the mummies who are putting their snack money in an envelope and then in the secure box, the new system is now working well.