Snacks and Water Bottles - Summit Hill School District 161

Daily Snack/ Water Bottles
Snack: Students will have a morning snack time
each day. (Due to allergies in the classroom, all
snacks must be peanut free. Thank you for your
cooperation in this matter.) Students should keep
their snack separate from their lunch in their
backpacks. Students will only get 5 minutes for
snack time so they will not need a large snack.
Please do not send in those fruit cups that are
filled to the top with juice. They are too messy
and often spill. Snack suggestions: pretzels,
crackers, cheese stick, granola bars (without
peanuts), and graham crackers. Please DO NOT
send potato chips or candy as a snack.
Water bottles: Students are allowed to bring a
water bottle to school and keep it in a safe spot
in their backpack. They can drink it during
snack time or any time they feel thirsty during
the day. The water bottles must go home with
the students each day.